Stay with me

By iliqblack

257K 7.1K 2.2K

This story is about hope and devotion. About loyalty to yourself and your feelings. About true friendship and... More

Chapter 1 When dreams come true
Chapter 2 - When dreams come true. Omer
Chapter 3 - Bring back life
Chapter 4 Reach the Heart
Chapter 5 - How to bring back happiness
Chapter 6 Give me a chance
Chapter 7 - Let the Past Go to Hell
Chapter 8 - Farewell
Chapter 9 Loneliness
Chapter 10 Confrontation
Chapter 11 - I choose you
Chapter 12 I love
Chapter 13 Theorems and Axioms
Chapter 14 - Why?
Chapter 15 - While I'm breathing!
Chapter 16 - The Road to Happiness
Chapter 17 - Day of Open Hearts
Chapter 18 - Dreams
Chapter 19 - Jackals and Falcons
Chapter 20 - Life goes on
Chapter 21 - Healing
Chapter 22 - You are the Best!
Chapter 23 - Fulfillment of desires
Chapter 24 - A roller coaster
Chapter 25 - Endless love
Chapter 26 - Angels and Demons
Chapter 27 - Prelude to the miracle
Chapter 28 - A Miracle
Chapter 29 Light and Darkness
Chapter 30 - Think About Me
Chapter 31 - Windows
Chapter 32 - Above the clouds
Chapter 33 - Old Secrets, New Hopes
Chapter 34 - Redemption
Chapter 35 Fate
Chapter 36 - Loved ones are always forgiven
Chapter 37 - We will call her Emine
Chapter 38 - Because of you
Chapter 39 - Sapphire's birthday
Chapter 40 - Necklace of fiery opals
Chapter 41 - Paradise Island
Chapter 42 - Happiness in the hands
Chapter 43 - At the edge of the abyss
Chapter 44 - Storm in Paradise
Chapter 45 - Kinship not by blood or cuckoo and Madonna
Chapter 46 - Serpent in paradise
Chapter 47 - You are my breath
Chapter 48 Time for Change
Chapter 49 - You are my medicine
Chapter 50 - Angels on guard
Chapter 51 - Doubt
Chapter 52 - Love and pride
Chapter 53 - Watchful eye
Chapter 54 - We are crazy
Chapter 55 - Big tragedies and small mischief
Chapter 56 - Exposure
Chapter 57 - Trust
Chapter 58 - Treachery
Chapter 59 - I love you, Mom
Chapter 60 Surprises - pleasant and not so
Chapter 61 - Turn upside down
Chapter 62 - Dreams Come True
Chapter 63 - Best Day of Life
Chapter 64 - I will be with you
Chapter 65 - What the coming day tells us
Chapter 66 - Almost a detective story
Chapter 67 - A Miracle is born
Chapter 68 - Emine Diana Iplikci
Chapter 69 - The Gift
Chapter 70 - How happiness begins
Chapter 71 - Prophetic dream
Chapter 72 - A stranger
Chapter 73 - Such different fathers
Chapter 74 - One for all and all for one!
Chapter 75 - And in sorrow and joy
Chapter 76 - Wolf Laws
Chapter 77 - Playing without rules
Chapter 78 - Through hardship to the stars
Chapter 79 - Blood relationship
Chapter 80 - God works in mysterious ways
Chapter 81 - Epilogue
Note from the writer Marina Victoria
84 Taming the stubborn ( Тhe story of Jansu and Niko)
85 Taming the stubborn
86 Taming the stubborn
87 Taming the stubborn
88 Taming the stubborn
89 Taming the stubborn
90 Taming the stubborn
91 Taming the stubborn
92 Taming the stubborn
93 Taming the stubborn
94 Taming the stubborn
96 Taming the stubborn
97 Taming the stubborn
98 Taming the stubborn

95 Taming the stubborn

381 26 17
By iliqblack

Back on the yacht, Jansu walked to the stern and sat on the deck, leaning back against the rail. Niko went to the wheelhouse. The yacht moved further and further from the island. Jansu watched with dry eyes as the wind blew the white silk of the tent. It was the end. She understood this and, no matter how brave she was outward, inside her heart shed tears.

To Buyukada, and then, to Istanbul, Jansu and Niko did not say a word to each other. Having collected a few things in Iplikci's house, Jansu called the Baisal's driver and when the yacht docked in the port of Istanbul, the car was already waiting for her at the pier.

Jansu stepped ashore and looked around. Niko stood behind. His face darkened, his features sharpened. His eyes seemed to be impenetrable, but deep in the bottom, there was something so sadly nagging that made her chest ache.

"Farewell," she said.

"Goodbye," he replied.

They parted in different directions. Everyone got into their car. Both wanted to die.

Niko stopped the Maserati near the house, - but was in no hurry to get out. He felt devastated to the limit. Life collapsed. He lost. He wanted to get drunk, drop everything and run to the end of the world. But his sisters were waiting for him in the house. He pulled them out of their usual life, brought them to a foreign country. They depended on him completely and Niko Bianco was responsible for each one. And, therefore, he needs to pull himself together, - and build a new life on the ruins of the old. Once again.

For a moment Niko thought about returning to Rome, but immediately dismissed the thought. With or without Jansu, his place and that of his sisters is now in Istanbul.

All three were waiting for him in the lobby. Lucia and Maria watched with curiosity, Ornella intently.

"Well!" exclaimed Lucia, "Did it work? Did you make it up?"

Niko shook his head and tried to smile. The smile turned out to be forced.

"No," he said. "There is an abyss between me and Jansu. It is impossible to overcome it. But don't worry. We came here to start a new life. And let's start, whatever it costs us."

Jansu entered the house and found herself in the caring hands of Zeyneb.

"My soul, is it possible to disappear like this?" She grumbled. "Didn't say anything, didn't take things. Mister Niko also showed up. Like a ghost. I almost lost my mind! Thanks to Mrs. Defne. She called and said that you decided to relax in their house on the island for a couple of days. The decision is, of course, correct. If he showed up in Istanbul, then it is better to stay away from him. But did you even eat there?"

"I did," answered Jansu automatically. Her brain pulled out the name Niko from Zeyneb's tirade and everything else faded into the background. "Niko was here? When?" she asked.

"The day before yesterday morning," Zeyneb replied. "He asked about you. Oh, whatever! You certainly didn't have breakfast, you're hungry. Faster to the table!"

Niko was here. He was looking for her after that humiliating scene in his room. What for?

"Zeyneb, you make me coffee," she asked the kind woman. "I don't need anything else. I am not hungry. In the meantime, I'll take a shower and change."

With a tortured smile, Jansu went to her room. Zeyneb looked after her and shook her head. Oh, it was not good that Mr. Niko came to their doorstep. Oh, not good!

Jansu stepped into the hot shower and allowed herself to cry. She was sick and disgusted. This morning, on a tiny islet in the Sea of Marmara, under the canopy of a silk tent, was it her? Could Jansu Baisal be so daring and shameless?

"I could!" An inner voice shouted at her. "Take it as a fact and stop scourging yourself!

She washed away her tears, took a deep breath, and cut off the water with a determined gesture. Half an hour later, the former Jansu Baisal went down to the dining room. An elegant blue suit, stylish hair, dizzying high heels, and a confident look. But the sadness in her eyes had no boundaries.

Defne was happy to see her dear sister in Sapphire again. When Jansu looked into her office, she beamed with a smile and went up to meet her.

"Girl, how glad I am your return!" she exclaimed.

"Suppliers and bankers took out your whole brain?" entering the office, Jansu joked sadly.

"We will cope with suppliers and customers," Defne winked at her and added in a serious tone, "I was worried about you. Your voice sounded bad on the phone."

"It's all in the past," answered Jansu. "I'm fine."

Defne looked carefully into her eyes and said, "I'm proud of you!"

Jansu sighed. There was nothing to be proud of, but Defne should not know about it.

"How are we doing?" She changed the subject.

"Everything is all right," Defne went to the sofa against the wall and sat down on it. "The only change is that we terminated the contract with Bianco Salvatore's firm."

Jansu frowned and asked, "Because of me? Do not! This is business. The contract is beneficial for both Sapphire and Passionis."

"You are more important than any contracts," Defne replied seriously.

"So not professional," objected Jansu. "Please renew the contract."

"Can you work with Niko Bianco? Defne asked.

Jansu sighed heavily and confessed, "Not. But there is also the financial director of Passionis. She will be able to take on this job."

Looking inquisitively at her, Defne asked, "Do you insist?"

"Yes," answered Jansu firmly.

"Good. I'll talk to Omer," Defne said and, raising her index finger, demanded from her sister, "But you promise me not to be sad!"

Jansu promised. She was determined not to show her sadness to anyone. And what is going on in her soul, no one except herself will know.

Jansu was heading towards her office when a small red whirlwind crashed into her.

"A-ah! You are back!" Hugging her legs loudly screamed Emine Diana.

She was followed by Kumru, the daughter of Mr. Kartal, the technical director of Sapphire. She studied to be a shoe designer and was now doing an internship at Passionis, and at the same time looked after Emine Diana when all her other temporary nannies were busy.

"Hello, Bead!" Jansu grabbed her niece in her arms and kissed her nose. "I miss you! Do you want to play in my office now?"

"I want!" Emine was delighted and turned to Kumru, "You are lucky! You can go finish drawing the shoes. Until lunchtime, I'll be on the nerves and blowing the brain out to Jansu."

Kumru bowed down ceremoniously in a playful curtsy and replied to the little commander, "As you command, - Your Highness!"

Jansu smiled involuntarily. The ray of sunshine named Emine Diana was able to relieve even the most brutal melancholy and heal the deepest wounds.

Aunt and niece entered the study. Jansu turned on her laptop and skimmed through her mail. Emine scrambled into her lap and stared at her laptop too. Looking at the letters on the screen, she, as if by chance, asked, "Did Niko find you on the island?"

"He did," mechanically answered Jansu and immediately turned her astonished face to the little mischievous girl. "Emine, did you tell Niko that I was on the island?" she asked reproachfully.

"Uh-huh," she confirmed. "He looked for you to ask for forgiveness, but could not find you. And I suggested where you are."

"To apologize?" Jansu doubted that the proud Niko was capable of such an act. "Did Niko tell you that?"

"Yes, he," Emine Diana left the hints of guile and, throwing her head back, seriously looked into her face. "Niko was very sorry to have offended you. He is good. You have forgiven him?"

Jansu could not look into those inquisitive, clean eyes. She kissed Emine's stubborn forehead - so like her father's - and silently pressed her cheek to the top of her head. Without waiting for an answer from her, the girl spoke again.

"Sometimes I offend someone unintentionally and then very much regret it. I'm sorry. And if I am not forgiven, I feel very bad. Niko is also bad now. Please forgive him and make peace with him."

"Ah, little one," whispered Jansu, "if it were so simple -"

"What's so complicated?!" Emine jumped off her knees and began to advise her in the face. "You put on a beautiful dress; paint your lips with lipstick; go to Niko, do it with your eyes like this," - Emine clapped her long eyelashes, - "you smile, hold out your little finger and say: 'Peace?'"

Jansu imagined such a picture and involuntarily laughed.

"Oh, Emine," she said, shaking her head. "You are the best medicine for sadness."


Defne opened the door to her husband's study and, sticking her head through the crack, asked, "I will not interfere with you?"

Omer beamed with a smile, scrambled to his feet, and went to meet her. This was their old ritual. She always asked if she would interfere, and he, no matter how busy he was, was excited as a boy when she came and rushed to meet her.

"You know that I am always free for you." The boss of Passionis said the usual phrase and opened his arms.

Defne stepped into his arms and pressed her cheek to his chest. As always. The ritual was daily, but until now it was perceived by both as a moment of miracle and acute happiness.

"Today I came on business," Defne said, reluctantly moving away from such a warm and reliable hug.

Omer led her to a chair, sat her down, and only then ordered, "Tell me."

"Jansu wants us to renew the contract with Bianco Salvatore," without wandering around, Defne immediately informed. "She considers it unprofessional that it is terminated for personal reasons."

Omer rubbed his chin thoughtfully and admitted, "In principle, she is right. Jansu is a strong person. And fair."

"She's only asking to be shielded from business contacts with Niko Bianco," Defne gave the next portion of information.

"And it's possible," said Omer. "Financial issues with the company Bianco Salvatore can be dealt with by the financial director of Passionis."

Defne sighed softly. Omer knew her too well not to understand that his wife was worried about something else.

"Are there any more problems?" He asked.

Defne raised her guilty eyes to him and asked, "Tell him yourself, please. I'm afraid that I might break loose again and say too much."

Omer smiled knowingly and agreed, "Good. I'll call Niko Bianco tomorrow. I can't today. I have a meeting in five minutes and it will run until the evening."

"Then I will not detain you," Defne stood up.

Before escorting her to the door, Omer kissed her cheek and placed his palms on her belly. It was also a ritual. For good luck.


All-day long, Niko, clutching his feelings in a fist, dealt with urgent matters. There were plenty of them and they all demanded his, Niccolo Bianco's, intervention. To solve the issue with a residence permit for himself and Maria; to order the real estate agency to find an office; to arrange medical insurance; to find a housekeeper; to buy a car. There were many things to do and all carried an 'urgent!' status. His sisters helped with zeal and enthusiasm that Niko had never noticed with them before. As if both grew wings. It was this state of flight that gave Niko the strength to hold on and not fall apart. But in the evening, when the sisters went to bed, he gave himself slack and got drunk.

Ornella helped Niko with chores all day, and only after dinner sat down at her laptop. She was interested in butterflies all her life. Their beauty and sophistication fascinated and the girl studied everything that related to these ephemeral creatures. After graduation, she miraculously managed to persuade her father to allow her to study biology at the university. But the diploma was gathering dust on a shelf. Father forbade her even thinking about work - but Ornella kept dreaming about it and studying butterflies. A few months ago, the alarm was raised in Australia. The population of migratory Bogong moths began to decline dramatically, leading to the extinction of the Мountain Kuskus( * P. Carmelitae -a mammal ) for which Bogong was a staple food. Ornella was eager to join the rescue company, but her father only laughed at her idea and advised her to concentrate on getting married.

And now she had the opportunity to fulfill her dream. She found the website of a scientific organization researching the Bogong situation, and after praying for luck, she left her resume on it. Turning off her laptop, Ornella was about to go to bed, but the noise outside the door caught her attention. She listened. Knocking, indistinct muttering, shuffling footsteps. The voice belonged to Niko. Ornella put on her robe and went out into the corridor. Niko stood at the top of the stairs, staggering and holding onto the railing.

"Holy Virgin!" she exclaimed in a whisper and went up to him. "Niko, are you drunk?"

"Deadly drunk," he said with a slurred tongue. "I got drunk ... yes ... otherwise ... hic ... I won't survive ... this night."

She put her shoulder to him and Niko hung on her with all his, not at all small body. Thank God it's just a few steps to his room.

"Come on, slowly, step with your right foot, step with your left," Ornella commanded in a whisper, directing him to the desired door. "Hold on to me."

"You ... hic ... an angel," muttered Niko, who was zealously rearranging his legs. "And she ... hic devil, but I still ... hic ... love her."

"Niko, aren't you sick?" leading him into the room, asked his cousin suspiciously.

"Nooo," he shook his head, which made him lose his balance and Ornella could hardly keep him.

"Does not feel nauseous. I'm sick! I made a ... hic ... bet on her. That I will sleep with her ... She will never forgive me for this ... hic ... she will never forgive," His voice trembled with despair.

Finally, they made it to the bed. Niko collapsed on his back. Ornella exhaled noisily, rubbed her aching shoulder, and frowned. What did he say about a bet? Who did he conclude it on? On Jansu?

"Niko, who did you bet with?" She asked sternly.

"With Tony Remarco," He replied without opening his eyes. "Devil ... beguiled me. I got angry with her ... wanted revenge ..."

"Revenge for what?" Ornella asked the next question.

"For ... hic ... for leaving me when ... hic ... found out about Bianco's debts. To me ... hic ... said ... my mother. She lied ... to tear us apart ... but I believed. Hated her ... nooo!" He shook his head. "I didn't hate ... I loved ... that's why I got angry ..."

Ornella tried to make sense of his incoherent words. She remembered Niko's wedding. Although she was not present at it, she was delighted when he married. She thought it was her release. Her father will no longer be obsessed with the idea of marrying her to one of the Salvatore branches. But her joy was premature. Five days later, Niko returned to Rome. Alone. His young wife filed for divorce.

So, one part of the confusing story is clear - deceived by his mother, Niko thought that his wife abandoned him and betrayed him because of his financial condition. That's why he wanted to take revenge. But why did Jansu cut off the relationship so decisively and soon? A completely illogical act for a girl who married for love.

"Jansu ..." muttered Niko, "How can I be without you?"

Ornella looked at him. Dark circles under the eyes and a stamp of suffering on the face. Niko lost the meaning of life and was slowly dying. He loves Jansu. Loves more than anything in the world. Ornella was not so naive as not to understand that such feelings are rare for men. In most cases, they are preoccupied with other priorities - their ambitions, business, base desires, power, money. And feelings are something empty and unimportant. But Niko is not like that. It will be a shame if he loses his love and hardens his soul. Will turn into the same as everyone else.

Niko rolled onto his side and groaned. Ornella shook her head. She did not envy him tomorrow morning. One day, when her parents were away on vacation, she secretly went to a university party and got a lot of drinks there. Ornella remembered how bad she felt the next morning. Thanks to the maid - she brought her a couple of aspirin and made her drink a whole bottle of water. And she did not lay it in front of her parents. It was an invaluable experience.

Sighing, Ornella pulled off Niko's shoes, went into the bathroom, found a first aid kit, and found an aspirin in it. Then she took a glass of water and left everything together on the bedside table. Returning to her room, she opened a browser on her phone and entered the name Jansu Baisal. Google threw her several photos of a beautiful, green-eyed girl and said that the heiress of the jewelry trading network Baisal is not married and works as a financial director at the Sapphire jewelry company. Finding Sapphire's address turned out to be even easier. Ornella saved it on her phone and patted herself thoughtfully on the lips. She hesitated if she was doing the right thing. Never before has Signorita Salvatore allowed herself to interfere in someone else's personal life. But after all, everything happens for the first time.

Niko woke up with a wild headache. His mouth was dry, his neck cramped, and his whole body ached from the uncomfortable position. Groaning, he opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was a glass of water and next to it two aspirin tablets. He vaguely remembered going up into the room drunk yesterday. It seems that he met Ornella, and she dragged him to bed.

Tossing the pills into a glass of water, Niko mentally thanked his cousin for her kind heart. After gulping down the sizzling liquid, the hungover man trudged to the bathroom and took a cold shower. It produced an effect similar to an adrenaline rush. Fifteen minutes later, Niko felt like a human and was even able to take care of his appearance. A neatly combed and well-dressed young man descended into the dining room. His sisters and Ornella were waiting for him at a table full of deliciously-smelling dishes. Scrambled eggs and bacon, toast with cheese and ham, pancakes with maple syrup looked pretty good.

"Where did we get such a great breakfast?" Niko asked in surprise.

His surprise was justified - the housekeeper was not supposed to appear until tomorrow.

"We have prepared!" boasted Lucia. "I made scrambled eggs, Maria made toast and Ornella made pancakes. Well, the coffee was brewed by the coffee maker."

"God," having tasted the eggs, he said, " You are born cooks."

The sisters blushed with pleasure, and Ornella smiled enigmatically.

"Thank you," Niko thanked her. "Aspirin saved my life."

"You're welcome," she replied, and warned him, "Niko, I have some things to do. I'll be out of the house for a couple of hours."

"Ornella, do as you see fit," he said, putting food on his plate. "You're a free woman and you don't have to answer to me."

Ornella was delighted with the answer. How cool it is to be a free woman and not be accountable to anyone!

He didn't want to eat, but Niko, not wanting to offend the girls, stubbornly crammed food into himself. By the end of breakfast, he admitted that it was the right decision. Firstly, his sisters were beaming with contented smiles, and secondly, the body felt a surge of strength. Having thanked the novice cooks, he went to the study. There was his laptop and it was necessary to get down to business. A firm cannot function effectively without the owner. He had just checked his mail and opened the first report when the phone rang. The name on the screen made him chill inwardly and hastily accept the call.

"Yes, Mr. Omer," he said in a hoarse voice.

"Hello, Signor Niccolo," he greeted. "I'm calling to inform you that Mrs. Defne and I have reconsidered our decision. If you are still interested in cooperating with us, we agree to renew it."

Niko felt knocked down. The renewal of the collaboration is the last thing he expected to hear from Iplikci. But that is exactly what he suggested. Did Niko Bianco want this? He wanted!

"Thank you, Mr. Omer," he replied with dignity, holding back the euphoria. "I will be happy to renew our cooperation."

"Then let's meet and discuss it," Iplikci suggested. "Will Mano suit you at 12-30?"

Absolutely! Even the next minute will suit him.

"Of course, Mr. Omer," Niko replied. He was silent for a couple of seconds, and then he made up his mind and asked a question that tormented him. "Why did you change your mind? After all, I have done an unforgivable stupidity."

"This is what Jansu wanted," Iplikci answered honestly. "She said it's unfair when a business suffers because of personal problems. And yet ... this is my opinion, we all sometimes commit unforgivable stupidity. What is important is what caused this and our intentions to correct all mistakes later."

"Sometimes, regrets and good intentions aren't enough," Niko replied bitterly.

Omer Iplikci put his phone down on the table and turned to his wife. The speakerphone was on and she heard the entire conversation between her husband and Niko Bianco. Doubts swarmed in her head. Niko's last phrase struck a nerve with her. She even felt sorry for him ... it was not clear for what reasons.

"Darling," Omer said, "don't you think that between these two there is a whole lump of understatement, misunderstanding, and erroneous conclusions?"

"And what should we do?" Defne answered with a question.

"I don't know," Omer said thoughtfully. "Maybe nothing ... or maybe ... Let's see according to the circumstances."


Ornella stood outside the business center for half an hour when, at last, the girl whom she saw in the photograph yesterday came out of the sliding doors. Jansu Baisal turned out to be even more beautiful and confident in life. She had the posture of a queen and the look of a tomboy. And also a lovely face and a stunning figure.No wonder Niko fell head over heels in love with her. Ornella stepped toward her and called out, "Miss Jansu!"

Jansu was in a hurry for lunch. She had very little time. When somebody called her, she was annoyed, - but looked back. An unfamiliar girl was standing behind.

"Please give me a few minutes of your time," the stranger asked.

She spoke English, but with an Italian accent.

"I'm listening to you," Jansu said politely in Italian.

The girl beamed with a grateful but nervous smile.

"My name is Ornella. Ornella Salvatore," she introduced herself.

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