The Gangleader Paction

AverageClicheGirl42 द्वारा

475K 20.1K 6.4K

It's the middle of the night and it has finally come to your attention that you have mercilessly devoured the... अधिक

Prelude: ➣ Boba with The Author
Synopsis: ➣ The Gangleader Paction
Chapter 1: ➣ You've Been Punk'd
Chapter 2: ➣ Bury You 6ft For Ab-DUCK-ting Me
Chapter 3: ➣ I Didn't Ask To Be A Part Of A Taylor Swift Song
Chapter 4: ➣ Doesn't He Have Anything Better To Do Than Kidnap Innocent Girls?
Chapter 5: ➣ Dead Duck! I'm A Dead Duck!
Chapter 6: ➣ When Voldemort Grows A Nose
Chapter 7: ➣ But He's My Sexy, Annoying, Uptight Gang Leader, Not Hers!
Chapter 8: ➣ I Don't Play Damsel In Distress
Chapter 9: ➣ Stupid Zoo Escaping Through My Stomach
Chapter 10: ➣ I Look Like A Walrus
Chapter 11: ➣ Xavier's Girlfriend
Chapter 12: ➣ Part-time Tycoon, Half-time Gang Leader, And Full-time Asshole
Chapter 13: ➣ They Just Can't Get My Nose Right
Chapter 14: ➣ Two Ghosts In Luigi's Mansion
Chapter 15: ➣ Yes, The Duck Can Cook. Surprise I Know.
Chapter 16: ➣ Happy...I Mean, Gabriel The Cat
A/N: Hold Your Fire!!!
Chapter 17: ➣ From The Deepest, Darkest, Blackest Part Of My Heart
Chapter 18: ➣ Why Couldn't I Be Born Normal?
Chapter 19: ➣You've Got To Be Ducking Kidding Me
A/N - 13 Reasons Why...
Chapter 20: ➢Deformed Snapchat Filter
Chapter 21: ➣ Short Girl Problems
Chapter 22: ➢ Bingo Boingo
Chapter 23: ➢ Anna Oop-
Chapter 24: ➢ Evil Loathsome Little Cockroach
Chapter 25: ➢ Frequent Kidnapping Card
Chapter 26: ➢ Bippity Boppity Bitch
Chapter 27: ➢ My Stupid Feathery Ass
Chapter 28: ➢ What In The Duke Of Hastings?
Chapter 29: ➢ Some Home Alone Shit
Chapter 30: ➢ It Can't Get Any Worse, Can it?
Chapter 31: ➢ Up The Stair, Not Down The Pole
Chapter 33: ➣ Giving Fish CPR
Chapter 34: ➣ Looks Like Voldemort Finally Grew That Nose
Chapter 35: ➣ Daffy Duck PJs and Hello Kitty Band-Aids
Chapter 36: ➣ Xavier's Ex-Girlfriend
Chapter 37: Sorrows Sorrows, Prayers

Chapter 32: ➢ Doing The Harlem Shake

654 31 7
AverageClicheGirl42 द्वारा

The room instantly stiffened as another voice spoke smoothly through the radio that Argent was commanding from moments ago. I knew that voice anywhere and considering the agony that had consumed me, his voice felt like an angel savior.

...despite the 101 thoughts of murder I had on my mind about him like I was YNW Melly.

"Dante?!" Argent's voice fought back shock from the same device. Everything in the room stood still including Gabe and me as we listened with our breaths held. The tension in the room coming from the men was thick and considering the light falter in Argent's voice, he didn't anticipate this either.

"Ah, Argent, quite a weak security system you have despite all the money you stole from the Dante Estate, considering I have complete control of it now," Xavier Dante chuckled in a nonchalant voice. There was something so devilishly hot about the way he spoke, god is this what I'm attracted to?! "Now step away from my Right-Hand man,"

The men gazed around frantically at each other when Xavier revealed the fact that he had control of Argent's security system as if it were a game of chess.

"Kill him!" Argent growled from between the intercepted signals as the men he was commanding quickly straightened and the rifle was once again aimed at Gabe.

Before I could react to Argent's frantic command, the sound of a sharp gunshot thundered in the room followed by the sound of glass shattering. My heart dropped to my feet as a large thump sounded signaling a body had fallen to the ground and I felt sick to my stomach.

No. Please no.

Did they shoot him? I was so scared to look, I knew if I saw Gabriel's lifeless body sprawled on the ground, I would lose all right and reason. Dread slowly clutching my heart, I gazed up shakily from where I was held pinned to the ground.

Gabe's eyes widened locked with mine as he still continued to stay kneeling just a few feet away from me. Our eyes trailed down together to the slumped body on the ground of the henchman that was previously aiming at Gabe's head.

Oh my god.

"I told you not to do that, Argent," Xavier's voice chuckled on the radio once more and the men clamping me down stared at each other with sweat beading at their foreheads. All the armed men in the room frantically started scouring for the resource of the sniper that had shot one of their own. "I have your whole place surrounded,"

I could tell from the lack of response from Argent, that he probably was gritting his teeth at the turned tables.

"Where are you, you bastard?!" He finally hissed desperately from the same black device that Xavier's voice was coming from.

Xavier's laugh filled the room, "Why don't you come find me?"

God, his villain arc is so attractive. Mama, I'm in love with a criminal.

The henchman whose vest had the radio attached to immediately reached for it, clicking the button to speak, "Sir, it's an intercepted signal, you can't intercept our radios remotely,"

That must've bought about an epiphany that went right over my head.

"You're in the mansion aren't you?" Argent snapped and my eyes widened. There's no way Xavier would walk right into the mansion like that! This was Argent's home, no one knew it better than he did! Xavier couldn't possibly hope to win without the advantage of home ground!

The seriousness never left Xavier's voice as he replied in a monotone voice, "Your fight isn't with them, Argent, let them go and I'll face you myself,"

Argent's smug crackle rang through the radio, "Clever Dante, you think I'd be stupid enough to face you alone? I'll kill them in front of your very eyes before I kill you." He paused for a moment, "I'll do it just like I did the night I killed your parents,"

I knew that comment was just to get Xavier riled up. Judging by the silence, I know it did. My heart ached for him but there was nothing I could do as a literal sitting duck.

Gabe was in no shape to get involved in a fight and the only cardio I get is running from my problems, so neither of us was going to be any help.

Me mostly. Gabe could probably shoot a gun with an injured arm better than I could with both working wings.

Xavier scoffed, to my surprise before he murmured one simple sentence before all hell broke loose, "Like shit I'd ever let you hurt them,"

30 seconds.

It took less than 30 seconds for the room to be riddled with bullets as the remaining windows of the room that we were in were smashed either by people pouring into the room or by snipers.

Gabe immediately fell to the floor as soon as the man holding him was shot lifeless as he groaned from the impact of landing on his arm. Henchman was yelling and firing as guns blazed from both sides. To the party downstairs, It probably sounded like fireworks. Meanwhile, I wanted to throw up at the sight of Argent's men dropping to the floor surrounded by a pool of red.

It didn't last for long, there were too many people coming from outside for the henchmen holding Gabe and me, to counter. Bodies fell like flies and I felt sick to my stomach at all the blood smearing the floor. God, I hate violence, how the hell did I fall in love with a gang leader of all people?!

Members dressed in black broke through the already wrecked windows, and though dressed to conceal their features. I could tell from the body shapes and voices.

"Make sure Gabe and Sky are secure," I felt like crying when I heard Nathan's voice for the first time in so long through the brawl, "Round up any remaining henchmen, let's get out of here and rendezvous at the meet point,"

Heavy boot footsteps immediately thundered on the floor as armed members of the gang I had spent so long with spread throughout the room to make sure all threats were eliminated.

"Gabe!" Natasha's voice followed and the sound of armory dropped to the ground as she kneeled beside him. I managed to scramble up despite my wrists locked in the metal contraption they had put on me earlier.

My eyes brimmed with unshed tears the minute I saw Gabe and Natasha. Gabe was okay, he was a little scratched up during the shooting but there were no obvious injuries.

"I'm okay," He grunted with one eye closed from the pain as he clutched his arm. His eyes immediately snapped up and searched for mine as if he wasn't the one who needed immediate attention. "Skyler," He called out to me, lacking the physical energy to move his own body.

"Skyler! Oh my god, I'm so glad you're safe," Natasha cried, leaving her gun beside Gabe as she made a break for me. She immediately embraced me as I sat with my knees still to the ground.

Gosh, I promised myself I wouldn't cry!

She held me tightly, while I peeked over her shoulder at Nathan and Jason standing with their rifles down. It was hard to see their expressions through the black masks, but from the way their eyes softened, they seemed both relieved.

Even Jason. Damn, I should be in a hostage situation more often.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" Natasha asked, holding me by the shoulders at arm's length as she brushed my messy hair away from my dirt-smeared face. I shook my head sheepishly as she continued to turn my head in awkward directions to assess for any damage.

"She's fine, she's literally a walking rubber duck," Jason grumbled, standing above me and I turned to face him with my mouth wide open. D-id he just call me a rubber duckie?

Before I could hop on that train and ride it to QuestionVille, Jason turned his rifle on its butt and slammed it between the square metal cuffs. I squeaked as the cuffs on my wrist broke apart, freeing my hands.

I narrowed my eyes at him and rubbed my scorching wrists before flashing Natasha a beaming smile, "I'm okay," Not. My head was spinning and my stomach was doing the Harlem Shake but I was in the presence of people who were cool calm and collected.

I couldn't look like I forgot the damn assignment.

"Glad to see you're okay Gabe, " Nathan replied, gently patting Gabriel on his good shoulder. Gabe return him with a smile and nodded, before casting his eyes over the 20 or so men dressed in black tactical gear that surrounded the floor.

"Pass me the gun," Gabe requested, jutting his head to the spare rifle strapped across Nathan's back. Natasha's eyes widened at his attempt to get back on the field before she side-stepped her brother.

"Woah! hey, that gun wound is bad, we should get you to emergency care before you step into the field," She interjected with reason. Gabe shook his head, reaching for the rifle over Natasha's shoulder as Nathan passed it. She turned her head, glaring at her brother before Gabe spoke.

"It's fine, I still have the adrenaline," he quipped, moving his injured arm to strap the rifle over his shoulder, "Plus," He paused, shifting his line of sight to me standing awkwardly away from the group and smiled "Sky patched me up good,"

I smiled at the ground, rubbing my arm bashfully.

I literally did nothing except scream and almost hurl.

Tightening the rifle strap over his torso, Gabriel turned to face the unit, "Alright listen up, Squad A split and head down to the floor, make sure to cover every floor on your way there. Squad B, you're with me on sweeping the lower floors and making your way up," He pointed his two fingers in the direction of the broken windows. "Jason and Natasha take the top, Nate and I will cover the floor,"

Meanwhile, I stood there gaping at how much of a commanding presence Gabe had when he was being serious. It made perfect sense as Xavier's Right-Hand man, but I only knew of Goofy Gabe, never Second In Command Gabe.

"Anyone injured, meet at Point C to recon," He finished, directing his gaze to me. From where I was standing, Natasha and Jason stood in front of me whilst the rest of the team had gathered around Gabe. Everyone listened intently to the man in charge, not missing a beat of the instructions he gave.

"Everyone has their radios?" Nathan added to the crowd who nodded curtly.

"Alright team, let's move out," Gabe gestured his fingers in the direction of the door and window as the team of roughly 20 dispersed into two groups. As the men assigned hurried past me, I caught a glimpse of Natasha's eyes shift in a knowing yet grim expression to Nathan and Gabe who return it.

Her gaze flickered to me and a smile stretched on her lips as she approached me, "Stay safe Skyler," She told me, a hint of longing in her voice and she suddenly hugged me tightly. I stood awkwardly, hugging her back as she quickly pulled away and faced me once more.

I could see Jason standing behind her, avoiding eye contact with me as he stared intently at the wall beside us. Why did it seem like everyone was hiding something from me?

"See you soon," I said to Natasha with a smile. She nodded quickly, and a small forced laugh escaped her lips.

"Of course, see you soon Sky," She replied but the words never reached her eyes as she turned to Jason and nodded. He returned her gesture and the two quickly followed their assigned team and departed.

Okay, that was weird.

"Sky," Gabe called out to me before I had a moment to ponder. "Come on, let's get you out of here," I nodded eagerly, skidding to his side and forgetting all about the unusual interaction I had with Natasha and Jason.

However, there was one thought that never failed to leave my mind.

Xavier Danté.

I kept wondering if he was okay, despite the fact that I wanted to smack him really really hard, I really just wanted to see him again.

🐥 ---------------------------🐥


Xavier smirked in an accomplished manner, sitting back in the chair as he listened to Gabe recite the exact order he was given earlier back at the mansion. Xavier Dante was every bit the level-headed strategist he was known for, but for the first time in years, there was a part of him that felt relieved that his plan had worked.

Not just because he had Argent right where he wanted him.

No, he was relieved because Skyler Brooklynn was safe and secure.

and to that fact, he cursed his entire existence.

"Can't believe I'm pleased she's alive," He muttered to himself lowly as he rested his elbow on the armrest. It seemed like every time it came to Skyler, he found himself unable to keep his usual composure.

He was losing his shit over a fucking pawn in his lifelong plan.

His emerald eyes flickered to the screen that stretched before him. It was divided into around 20 different screens all viewing unique angles of every corridor of the manor. Only a select handful of people knew of this room hidden deep within Argent's Manor, hence it hadn't been in use for years.

Xavier's grandfather had built this house for his partner as a gift before he departed, hence the original blueprints were still in the Dante Estate. It was archaic security technology, which is why it took Xavier as long as it did to get the system running again. He had about a couple of hours to get this done before Argent remembers about this room within his own mansion.

He ran his thumb over his bottom lip in thought as he sat with his ankle resting atop his other knee and continued to monitor the movement in the manor. It seemed the commotion upstairs had managed to reach the guests as they all began to leave the ballroom out of the front entrance and take their departure. It would be the perfect cover for Gabriel to get Skyler out and beyond the front gates.

He sat up straight and grabbed the radio that was attached to the monitor, tunning the frequency to Gabriel's radio. "Gabe," He called him. Argent was a smart man when it came to foreign communication within the gates of his manor, hence why Xavier had stuck to using Argent's own strategy against him

"Yes boss," came an immediate reply.

"The guests are leaving now, get Skyler downstairs and out with them,"

He didn't need a reply as he could see them both on the top left screen. The entire squad gathered in the room, while Gabe stood with Skyler. Her blonde hair seemed well kept despite the soot and dirt that adorned her pink dress. Not to mention the small abrasions and cuts to her bare feet and knees.

He felt himself shift in his seat at the idea of her hurting herself badly trying to escape being held captive.

Dammit! Get a grip on yourself, he thought to himself, rubbing his temples with his index and thumb at the idea of being concerned over Skyler's scratches despite a whole war going on. How had he sunken so low from being uncaring and brash?

Xavier's thoughts wandered back to the night before when she had stumbled back into the house clearly loopy and out of it. He clenched his fists at the mere idea of Argent doing anything to her, much less giving her a drink. He wanted nothing more than to kill him the moment he learned Skyler was drugged but refrained himself from doing anything rash at the given moment.

That night she had fallen on him multiple times, held his hand, and said things he wished he'd never heard. For the first time, he let himself go, wanting to do and say everything he wanted to her because he knew after this whole ordeal, he was never going to see her.

He had wished, for the love of God, she didn't tell him she had feelings for him. The moment the words had rambled out of her mouth, he felt his heart pulse hard in his chest. If this was any other situation, those words would've been all he needed to finally have her for himself. But such fairytales don't exist in this world and he found himself rejecting her feelings at all costs.

Skyler didn't belong in his world and she never will.

Once she leaves this Manor, he had a car waiting to take her home, then that will be it. He will end Argent here and now and she would be safe to live life as she pleases. No more gangs, no more guns, and no more Xavier Dante.

"I won't let anyone hurt you, Skyler," He had told her that night and that was exactly what he was going to do.

His eyes shifted back to the screen where she stood, Gabriel explaining to her the next part of the plan as her beryl blue eyes watched him intently. Everyone in the squad was aware of the real following steps of the plan: Let Skyler Go.

Everyone knew that after tonight, they would never see her again. All three boys were doing decent with not revealing it to her, but Xavier was most concerned about how Natasha was going to handle it. To his surprise, she didn't crumble as she held Skyler tightly with one final goodbye.

How part of him longed to hold her again too.

Skyler Brooklynn.

Though she probably wouldn't remember any of the occurrences of that night, they will stay forever etched in Xavier's mind. A fleeting moment of contentment and peace that he'll never have again, that's probably why he let her sleep on his shoulder for a couple more hours before taking his leave.

For possibly the last time.

🐥 ---------------------------🐥


Anyways, we almost done! Can't wait to finally close this off from being like 8 years in the VERY slow making.

- ACG42

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