Corpse Bride || Haitani Broth...

De manjiluna

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sequel to Killer Stranger after Ran's death, Hikari and Rindou only have each other to turn to as they grieve... Mais

01 - picture frames
02 - rindou
03 - the man in the purple suit
04 - hope, soul, and the lack of both
05 - the arsonist
06 - closer to truth, closer to danger
08 - out of control
09 - home
10 - Mikey's mercy
11- Ran
12 - jealousy
13 - smile
14 - desire
15 - fever dream
16 - breakfast disaster
17 - beginning to an end
18 - executives
19 - date
20 - to be yours
21- when you're away
22 - first act
23 - is it not love
24 - cruel
25 - truth is seeping through
26 - monsters don't stay buried
27 - proposal
28 - all good things come to an end
29 - bloody night
30 - lovers part
30 - lovers part (ii.)
31 - hotel stay (i.)
31 - hotel stay (ii.)
32 - Haitani Ran (i.)
32 - Haitani Ran (ii.)
33 - kiss, fall in love, die
34 - without a pair (i.)
34 - without a pair (ii.)
35 - executive
36 - back to you (i.)
36 - back to you (ii.)
37 - falling to place (i.)
37 - falling to place (ii.)
38 - falling apart (i.)
purple hyacinth
haha not an update
author's note

07 - lies and kisses

389 23 0
De manjiluna

"just a minute!" Koko shouts as he jolted up from his chair.

Hikari also did so in alarm, her speculations brought to a halt upon recognizing Sanzu's voice. she looks at the door with panicked eyes, feeling as if such wood couldn't do anything to protect her from him.

calm down.

except she really can't calm down. she feels Koko grab her by her shoulder as he faces her to him.

"hide under the table, over there. I'll get them to leave somehow and I will lock the door. stay here, okay? wait until I come for you later—no matter what, don't go out."

Hikari usually had a knack for going against instructions. well, usually, she had only received instructions regarding her safety only from Ran before, and from Rin now. maybe it's not really being told what to do, but rather, whether or not a Haitani had said it.

"what's taking so long?!" Sanzu yells.

she nods at Koko, not trusting herself to sound unafraid, before she walks over to his desk. as silently as she can, she moves the swivel chair and climbs down to crouch underneath the table. Hikari wasn't so tall that she struggled to fit herself in so at least she felt some relief of being fully hidden from their view.

just as she pulled the chair in closer to the table, Koko had opened the door for them to come in. he was sweating a bit, but other than that, he looked like he usually does. Mikey was glancing behind him, and like he was plunged with cold water, he realized that he had been staring at his desk. maybe he opened the door too soon.

"what, you've been jacking off or something?" Sanzu asks.

Koko grins as he steps aside to let them in, bowing deeply to Mikey as he does.

"what have you been doing, Kokonoi?" Mikey lowly mutters, although he didn't sound particularly interested.

much to his relief, both Sanzu and Mikey sat on the couch without speculating about his desk any further. he walks over to them but doesn't sit down himself. they needed to get out as soon as possible. they may have let Ran live—until now he still doesn't know what exactly happened as to how he managed to remain Bonten's valued executive despite his betrayal—but Hikari was definitely in danger here.

"what brings you guys in here?"

"there was a woman intruder," Sanzu cooly says.

Hikari could only hold her breath.

"is that so? was she found?"

"not yet, but that's not why we came here. Red Flower's prized club is already in heaven. Mikey wants to review our profit in relation to this."

"not here, let's go to the meeting room."

"you make orders now?" Sanzu scowls.

Mikey raises his hand to stop the barking dog, rising from his chair as he wordlessly walks out of the room. both Koko and Sanzu follow short, Sanzu leaving the room last as he casts a short glance on his desk.

Hikari heard the door close, and shortly after, the lock was clicked. for now, she was safe to go out, right? she waited for a good five minutes before silently crawling out of the table.


some time later, the knob rattled, and Hikari more so. she instantly got up from where she sat on Koko's chair, the girl having been looking through his documents for any clue. the door flies open before she could even hide from sight. she wishes more than anything that it'd just be Koko—no, that's wrong. more than wishing it was Koko, she wishes it was Ran.

purple eyes find hers instantly, the man marching into the room as he shuts the door in haste. he then leans against the wood, staring her down as if waiting for her to say something first. she looks away guiltily.

"I'm sorry."

"you're sorry?" Rindou repeats mockingly.

"I really am," she scowls.

"for what, Hikari? for going elsewhere when I said you should stay put? for tricking yet another one of my men? you know they get heavily punished for what you do, not that you'd care. or maybe you're sorry for putting us in danger? or, better yet, you're sorry for giving me the biggest migraine of my entire life?"

neither of them realize that he's walked up in front of her. he was mad, but he wasn't shouting this time. Rin was simply so used to her breaking the rules that he can't be his usual shouting self anymore.

"all of it, I'm sorry for all of it," she mutters. "but wait a minute, let's get one thing straight. I am being held hostage, have you ever found a hostage who'd say sorry for trying to escape?!"

"shut up," he scowls, stepping closer to her. Hikari shifts back and she hits the edge of the table. her breath left her entirely when he encloses his arms on either sides of her.

"Rin, too close."

"why do you keep running away? do you hate me that much?" he asks, a mild frustration in his voice.

if their bodies weren't so close, maybe Hikari could easily dodge such a question. maybe she could even say yes, I do hate you that much. but she can't.

"it's not that I hate you, Rin."

he sighs. Hikari never tried so hard to run away when Ran was could you treat us so differently?

"I'm grateful for you even, I really am. I know you're taking care of me in Ran's stead—"

"I'm not," he cuts her off, his voice almost pleading. "I'm not. I have a mind of my own, Hikari. I don't bend to every one of Ran's will. he didn't tell me to kiss you, or to bring you to my bed that night."

Hikari looks up at him, not even able to stutter a word. Rin was right, she had been thinking too much of him as an extension of Ran's will. but Rin was indeed his own person—he wasn't just Ran's brother.

and maybe Hikari knew that all along. and it's why she always found herself kissing back for all the times he's kissed her. Rin was Rin. and she liked Rin. to an extent at least. maybe if she wasn't so damaged she could think about it some more.

unable to say a word, she just looks back at his purple eyes. the same ones glowed beautifully that one sunset when they had a picnic at the backyard of his home. she remembered feeding him something which he protested to eat.

"do you think I'm some dog?" he had scowled.

"yes, a rowdy dog—cute nonetheless, no?" and she had laughed.

Rin was the only reason she was able to go on. she didn't like it so much—thinking of Rin as himself. it allowed much room for feelings that conflicted with that of the past. if only she could keep on thinking about him as the temperamental man who had almost stabbed her at Ran's kitchen floor.

she chuckled a bit at the memory, looking away from Rin.

"was I too pathetic?" he sighs, leaning his forehead on her shoulder. "but I meant what I said."

he must be insane, he thought. when Koko had texted him that Hikari wound up here, he was just so afraid that something would happen to her. but more than that, he was afraid to think that even when they humored and coexisted happily with each other almost everyday, Hikari still went so far to find Ran.

it was the first time that Rin wished his brother truly died. he had driven so fast to the club, lest Hikari may accidentally bump into Ran. he didn't like the thought of their days together getting cut short by Ran's presence.

"Rin, what's with you all of a sudden?" she sighs.

she also wanted to ask why he just had to make her see him for who he was. but she doesn't. she'd feign ignorance to both of their confusing feelings for as long as she could.

"you're driving me nuts, that's what."

he pulls away to look at her. "why did you come here?" though he already knew the answer.

"you wouldn't tell me anything about him."

he nods, his hand traveling to hold hers. she winces at his touch. the guard did say she had hurt her hand. he squeezes it harder, not quite caring if it'd bleed again.

"let go."

"let him go," he says before thinking. well, he's been thinking it all along.

he doesn't miss the flash of surprise in her eyes. but he had to tell her, right? and he also had to justify his coveting his brother's lover. Ran was a coward, he convinces himself.

"he's never going to show himself to you..."

"what?" her brows raise. "what does that me—"

she was unable to finish her words as Rin pushes his lips against hers. he swallowed her gasp, pulling her closer by her waist as he angles his head to the side. Rin never knew gentleness. he devoured her, his tongue coursing through every crevice of her mouth.

Ran was forgotten as she kisses him back. at first, it was her body's impulse reaction. but then, it became gratefulness for all he's done. it became the tension as they spent time together in the living room, watching TV like it was the most natural thing in the world. it became all their other kisses that she desperately tried to brand as nothing.

she was scared. she was confused. but she liked it—his lips, and the way he held her. she wraps her arms around his neck as they deepen their kiss, Rindou lifting her up Kokonoi's desk as he stood between her legs. she wore pants which was quite a hassle, but Rin doesn't care.

Hikari was kissing him back.

Rin momentarily pulls away to take her hoodie off of her. she wore a white shirt, and he rid her of it as well, eager for the sight and feel of her skin. Hikari pulls him by his nape as she kisses him. it was a delightful surprise. he groaned, kissing her from her jaw down to the curve of her neck.

her skin was so smooth that reason left the window. they were still in danger but neither could seem to remember that. he kneads her breasts from inside her bra, his hard-on against her inner thigh. he kisses her collarbones, her chest. he wanted her so much he could kill Ran right now to secure his spot.

"Rin," she whimpers.

he moves to unbutton her pants, but before he could do so, the door opens. murder was on his mind as he looks over her shoulder to find that Koko had barged in. Hikari pushed him away and he steps back with a frown on his face.

"what? can't you knock?" Rin scowls at Koko.

"you want me to knock to enter my own office?" he shoots back, casting a worried glance at Hikari who had now hopped off the table with her shirt on.

Rin hated that she stood far away from him. he'd tie her up for sure if she says what happened earlier was just a mistake.

"what?" Rin repeats.

"Mikey heard you've arrived. he says to come fetch you...and he called the rest of the executives too."

Koko looks from him to Hikari, feeling like this was the wrongest thing in the world—whatever it was. Ran had told him before that if he were to meet Hikari by chance, then by all means he should act like he had died. Ran, however, didn't tell him anything about what the hell is going on between his brother and her now that he was "dead."

"all executives?" Rin asks.

Ran can't know either that Hikari was here. he'd be mad that she was put in danger, and who knows what he'll do. Ran was rational. he'd probably say something like, "Rin, I thought it was best that you protect her for the meantime while I secure her freedom, but seeing as you failed at it a lot of times, maybe I should come back and steal her from you."

—those wouldn't be his exact words obviously, but the thought was there.

"all of them." Koko nods. that means Ran would come here too. even the thought of him near Hikari made Rin mad.

"let's go, Rin, Mikey's waiting."

Koko was about to leave but he looks at Hikari again. the girl looked embarrassed as she apologized for the scatters of his documents on the floor. he shook his head with a smile.

"it's fine, Hikari. I just hope you know what you're doing."

"what's that supposed to mean?" Rin snorts. Hikari could tell he was annoyed.

"I mean, I don't know why the hell you'd lay your hands on her when you had no problem leaving her to die before. I clearly recall asking for your help but you insisted to let things be."

to that, Rin couldn't say a word. he had a hard time looking at Hikari too, and he felt prickled by her surprised gaze. no, was it a look of betrayal? he wouldn't know for sure. he can't look at her.

"and Hikari, it was your mistake before. when you let me kiss you because you felt that you couldn't say no, thinking I had saved you."

"It's not the same thing," she defends Rin, although there wasn't much conviction behind her words.

"whatever. just know that he didn't save you. he won't save you. and whether he saved you or not, you have to say no to him."

"let's go." Rin's voice was cold, his hand clenched by his side. Koko was looking at Hikari like he pitied her. why? just because he saw her with Rin. Rin hated that. he wanted to punch Koko.

"you have my number, Hikari," Koko softly says as he leaves, "you can ask me for help when you need it."

he could've just straight out called Rin unreliable. Rin impulsively reached for his gun but he felt Hikari's hold on his arm. he sighs as he let Koko leave first before he turns to Hikari.

"stay here and don't open the door. I wouldn't knock. just stay put, okay? I'm getting you out of here once it's safe."

Hikari nods. tightening her grip on his arm. there were so many things she wanted to ask and say. their kiss earlier for one, and then there was the bugging issue that Rin might have left her for dead before. she shouldn't care, but she does. Rin yanks his arm from her hold as he walks off, feeling annoyed at everything and everyone.

"Rin," she calls.

he turns back.

"Koko said that Ran was shot in the heart? that Mikey shot him?" she lies. Rin nods.

"I didn't tell you to save you from the image of it."

her smile tightens. Koko had said he was shot in the head by Sanzu.

as Rin closes the door, Hikari almost collapsed. she held on firmly to the edge of the table. Rin was lying. Koko might as well be lying too. Rin's words and kisses could've been a lie, and god knows that she would've given him what he wanted had Koko not walked in.

everyone was lying. her curse took effect again. she was alone, but now more than ever, she was sure.

Ran was alive.

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