Bartra's Sister and Neymar's...

By bartradasilva

330K 7.9K 837

The Bartra Siblings... Marc being the oldest one, he's basically taking care of his little sister and even if... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Authors Note
Chapter Eight
Another Author's Note.
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Author's Note
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Author's Note. {SORRY!}
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Marc is a father! *Not an update*

Chapter Thirty-Seven

4.6K 179 50
By bartradasilva

*A few days later*

Marc, how do you feel about this?

"Just walk. Do not answer any questions right now." My lawyer whispered in my ear.

I grabbed onto Gianna's hand and guided her through the madness, with the help of our security which was pushing the reporters away.

How is the baby doing?

How do you feel about your sister-in-law fighting for custody?

Who do you think will win?

When we made it to the doors, we walked in and there we caught a glimpse of Roselyn (Ross-a-lyn). Roselyn was Emelyn's older sister. We never really got along because I may or may've not hooked up with her, long before I met Emelyn. How did it happen? I don't even know. The only thing I remember is running from that hotel like Usain Bolt the next morning.

How she even convinced herself to fight for custody is beyond me. I am Analyssa's biological father but I guess I am not fit enough to care for my own child in her eyes. I didn't care what she thought about me though. All I cared about was fighting this and keeping my child.

After a few minutes, we were able to step into the court room and begin this showdown. I sat down between my lawyer and Gianna in one side while Roselyn sat on the other. Gianna held onto my arm as Martin, my lawyer took out a whole bunch of papers from his briefcase.

"We will now begin. We have Roselyn Valenzuela Mendez vs Marc Bartra Aregall for custody of Analyssa Marina Bartra Valenzuela." The plaintiff announced.

Our lawyers began with the opening statements and then after that, they basically began grilling each other. If Roselyn's lawyer said something that somewhat made sense, Gianna would sigh and I could tell that she was getting scared. I mean I was scared too but I mean come on, it's the father's word against the aunt's word. After the lawyer's grilled each other, it was now our turns to speak.

"Who will love the child? The father will clearly be too busy with his career as a professional footballer to be with the child 24 hours of the day, 7 days a week. What if she becomes ill? Will her father be there" She turns to look at Gianna, "or will her equally as young and unexperienced aunt be there?" Roselyn stated.

Did they seriously just pull the career card? Really? Low blow, I thought.

"She will not live in a stable home. What if her father gets transferred, loaned out? She simply will not have the stable environment that she needs. I know for a fact that being both a full time father and professional footballer simply won't work out for him or the baby. Besides that big factor, this man and his sister are not experienced in child care. Knowing from past experience, he can hardly care for his French bulldog."

"Very well. Mr. Bartra, do you have any words?" The Judge asked.

"I do your honor." I firmly said, getting up and buttoning my blazer.

"I can see where Roselyn is coming from but I believe she has it all wrong your honor. My job may seem demanding but it really isn't. If Analyssa is sick, I can easily leave just like any other parent would. Nothing would hold me back from my daughter. I would not care if I had to miss the most important game to go home to my child and I know that the FC Barcelona team and president would not mind. As for her talk on loans and transfers, I have been guaranteed no loans and I personally do not plan to leave FC Barcelona. We can always look at this as having 1 dad and 1 aunt but in reality, Analyssa has 11+ men who love her as if she were their own."

After I finished my sentence, Roselyn's side asked for a recess so we had to stop. I gathered with my people and we talked about what else I should say.

"They're fighting and they're fighting hard. I'm sorry to say this Marc but it could honestly go both ways. Your closing statement has to be something that will hit them all hard." Martin told me.

I let out a sarcastic laugh and shook my head. I turned to Gianna and she was already crying. I hugged her and kissed her head.

"I am not losing my daughter and you are not losing your niece." I reassured her.

After 5 minutes, we all got back to the court room and I stayed standing up, to finish all this off.

"Mr. Bartra, you may now begin." The plaintiff announced.

"Going back to what Ms. Valenzuela said about experience that cannot be a reason why you should rip a child away from her family. A first time parent never has any experience. Does anybody really know how to care for a child when they've never had one? Somebody who is a parent please tell me, did you have any idea how to care for your son or daughter when they were born? No? Exactly. "

I paused and went to the front of the room where they had a video that I took of Analyssa playing in her crib.

"The one thing that I will say is that my love for Analyssa will never be too little or too much. Please enlighten me on how my profession or lack of experience will determine my love for my daughter, for my own flesh and blood!" I raised my voice, and then it began to crack.

I pointed to the video and my vision became obstructed by tears. "I live and I will most certainly die for that baby. It blows my mind how someone who hasn't even met her is going to try to tell me that my love for her isn't enough for her to stay here with me!" I shouted, going towards Roselyn's side.

"Mr. Bartra, calm down." The plaintiff affirmed.

I adjusted my blazer and looked at the judge. "I-I just want to say that Analyssa is my life. I wake up and basically breathe for her. I go out on that pitch and give it all I got for her. I stand here, not as a footballer for FC Barcelona but as a father telling, no begging you, please don't take my daughter from me.."

The judge gave me a pitiful look and I took my seat next to Gianna and Martin.

"Good job.." Martin whispered.

I looked over at Gianna and she was wiping away a few tears from her cheeks. I held her hand as the judge used the gavel to get our attention.

"After hearing both sides, full custody of 2 months old Analyssa Marina Bartra Valenzuela is granted to her father, Marc Bartra. You are dismissed." He announced, utilizing the gavel one last time.

I sighed with relieve and I hugged Gianna.

"We did it." I smiled.

"And Martin, thank you for everything." I told him.

"Anytime. I must give you credit though, I think your closing statement won him over." He admitted. "If any other crazy family members try this again, call me." He laughed. I nodded and watched him walk off with his fancy briefcase.

As Gianna gathered her belongings, someone approached us.

"Congrats." Roselyn sneered.

"Don't you dare come any closer." I warned her.

"What I just wanted to congratulate you on your victory which you don't deserve." She smirked.

"Look lady, Marc may not be able to do anything but I swear to god if you don't back away right now we will have another court date very very soon." Gianna snapped. "And next time around, we'll have someone in handcuffs and I don't give a shit if it's me." She gave her the death stare and walked away.

I laughed in Roselyn's face and followed Gianna towards the exit.

"Since when are you such a savage?" I asked.

"Since the bitch messed with my family.." She answered.

We walked into the crazed paparazzi frenzy and once again they asked questions.

Marc, who won custody?

Will Analyssa be staying in Barcelona or flying first class to Mexico?

What happened in that court room?

I stopped half way down the steps of the court and gave them their answers.

"I am very happy to announce that Analyssa will be staying in Barcelona. It still blows my mind to know that someone tried to take her from me, her biological father but I will let it go and just enjoy the fact that my baby girl is mine, and only mine." I spoke into their mics and recorders.

And is it true that you are willing to quit your career for your daughter?

"Haha, I never once said that in there but if it ever came down to it, I would. As much as I love my profession, I will always love my daughter more."

After answering the main questions, we started to walk away from the frenzy. Once again, I led Gianna to the car and soon we were on our way back home.


A few hours after we got home, Gianna called Neymar and I called Sergi so we could just hang out. We ordered pizza and picked up a few goodies to eat and what not.

Right now, I was on the ground with Analyssa, Gianna was sitting on Neymar's lap and Sergi was on the floor as well.

"Wait so you mean to tell me that Gianna threatened her in a court room?" Neymar laughed.

"Yes! She literally pushed me to the side and got in her face." I added.

"I literally think I scared her!" Gianna laughed, enjoying this talk.

"When exactly did you get so...feisty?" Sergi asked.

"I don't know but it kind of kicked in at the perfect time." I laughed.

Everyone agreed and I continued to play with Analyssa on the ground.

"Your twisted aunt tried taking you away." I cooed, making her laugh.

"Even she agrees. Her aunt is a twisted b--" Sergi babbled.

"Watch your mouth!" I snapped.

"Daddy Bartra is making his daily appearance." Sergi laughed.

After a few hours of just hanging out and talking, it was time to put Ana to bed.

"Alright, let me take this little booger up to her nursery and I'll come back in a bit." I whispered.

They barely nodded and Sergi handed me an already sleeping baby and I carefully held her.

When we got to her nursery, I changed my mind and went back downstairs.

"I'm just heading to bed--"

I stopped talking when I realized that they were all asleep. Gianna and Neymar were cuddled on the couch and Sergi was now on the other couch.

I carefully put Analyssa in her downstairs bassinet and ran to the closet to fetch some blankets. I covered them all and turned off all the lights. I grabbed Ana once again and we went back up.

When I got to my room, I put Ana down on the bed and she continued sleeping without any fuzz or crying.

"Thank god..." I whispered and covered her up with a small blanket.

Since I was already in my pj's, I just laid down next to her. I grabbed my phone and took a picture of us.

"Sleepover with my love bug tonight. Everyone meet my baby girl, Analyssa Marina Bartra Valenzuela. 💞👶👑"

I decided that it was now time for everyone else to meet her so I just uploaded the picture on my social media sites.

Literally a few seconds later, I got notifications saying that Rafinha and Pique tagged me in a picture. I checked and it they were the pictures that they took with Ana.

"I love your daughter more than I love you. Just kidding lol. Everyone meet Sasha's future girlfriend haha. 😂👶 @ marcbartra" -3gerardpique

"Besides @GAlyssaBartra, this angel is my favorite Bartra!💗👶 Congrats on having a cute baby @ marcbartra!" -rafinhaaa93

I quietly giggled at their captions and I closed out of the app and put my phone down.

I turned to Ana and watched her sleep, hearing the little breaths she'd take.

"And to think that there was a chance that you weren't going to be here tonight..." I whispered to her. "I love you so much. Sweet dreams." I added, giving her a little kiss.

Within a few minutes, I fell asleep and the last thing I heard was her little breaths.


Loved writing this chapter! Hope you guys liked it!

ANNOUNCEMENT: I don't think I'm going to be able to upload the following days of April and the beginging weeks of May! I have important tests (ACT,AP Tests etc.) so I need to focus on that.

Hope you all had an amazing spring break! Mine was kind of lame but whatever. I was away from school and that is all that matters haha.

Check out my other books!
-Football / Soccer Imagines
-My life be like... (rant,experience book)

(Just go on my profile and find them!)



P.S - No chapters have been edited / have had major edits made! Sorry for the errors!

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