Steven universe adventures 2

By Ro1052003

16.3K 93 417

Steven and his friends are back! Their traveling the world helping other animals that need it. And now with t... More

New friends
Friendship vs strength
Thats what friends are for
Kindness and sacrifice
Battle on vorison mountain
Clash of time and space
Welcome to alamos
Darkeai's warning
From alamos town to nightmare town
Battle of the titans
The town is saved
Malenion festival
Turn of events
Butler true color
Rise of zombie groudon
Unfortunate events
Meet shaymin
The reverse world
On the train
Saving an enemy
Celebis forest
Ferry ride
Jungle forest
Enter iron masked marauder
Saving the forest
Steven meets god
Before the exlipes
Changing history
Meet Zoura
Saving zorauk
The Vision
The migration
Unexpected reunion
Join the migration
The spider and the butterfly
Team rocket means buisness
Welcome to the crater
The best of the best
Darkness is coming
Tapu council
To raptordon
In the nick of time
The pokemon of black and white
Medichi bros. Circus
Baby jumbo
Circus disaster
Dumbo soars
Unexpected show stopper
Elephant heist
A year later
Not so proper introduction
Robot chase
Hedgehog vs egghead
Best friends forever
Destiny apporaching
Meet hoopa
Ghidorah's ghost
The prophecy
Approachimg darkness
Off to dehara tower
Night time ambush
Closer than expected
Before the eclipse
The eclipse
After the eclipse
A new future
Reamimated pokemon
Pokemon hills
Steven meets the genecect
Genecect invasion
Genecect nest
Making peace
Princess diancie
Meet diancie
Mammoth manipulation
Mall mayham
Through the jungle
The bird of destruction
Mega abution
Meet volcanion
Helping magearna
Nebel plateau
A dinsoaur's revenge
Gaining ones trust
Reef city
Meet oscar
Sad day
Goofy goobers drunk
Oscar bets it all
Shocks and scares
Discoveries and sit downs
Now that we're men
Saving the sea
Welcome to fula city
Festival chaos
Meeting Zeraora
The okoyan jungle
Protecting the jungle
Finale teaser
Finale part I
Finale part II
Finale part III
Finale part IV
Finale part V
Finale part VI
Finale part VII
Finale part VIII
Finale part IX
Finale part X
Finale part XI
Finale part XII
Finale part XIII
Finale part XIV
Finale part XV
Finale part XVI
Finale part XVII
Finale part XVIII
Finale part XIX
Finale part XX
Finale part XXI
Finale part XXII
Finale part XXIII

Underwater disaster

245 1 26
By Ro1052003

At the Krusty Krab 2, Mr. Krabs is pinning the manager pin on Squidward's shirt. Then he pulls up a telescope to him

Mr. Krabs: Now, pay attention, Squidward. As new manager, you've gotta keep a sharp eye out for paying customers. [Looks through the telescope]

Squidward: Yawn.

Mr. Krabs: What's this? Leviathan is riding toward the Krusty Krab at lunchtime! He's got money!

Outside leviathan makes his entrance in front of the krusty krab and krusty krab 2

Leviathan: greetings my underwater subjects. I seek the one known as Eugene krabs. May he present himself to me AT ONCE!!!

At that remark mr krabs and squidward come out of the restaurant to greet the titan

Mr. Krabs: I'm Eugene Krabs, Your Highness. Would you like to order something?

Leviathan: NAY!!! I'm onto you CRAB! You have stolen the ancient chest of my ancestors, you cannot deny! For, clever as you are, you left one damning piece of evidence at the scene of the crime!

Holds up a piece of paper and shows it to Krabs

Mr. Krabs: "I stole your chest. Signed, Eugene Krabs"?! [Eyes widen]

Leviathan: relinquish MY chest to me NOW!!!

Mr. Krabs: But... But this is crazy! I didn't do it.

Answering Machine: Ahoy, this is Eugene Krabs. Leave a message.

Clay: [Plankton begins impersonating a voice over the phone] Hi, Mr. Krabs. This is Clay, the guy you sold leviathans chest to. Yeah, I just wanted to say thanks again for selling me the chest. Leviathans chest.

Leviathan gets furious so Mr. Krabs tries to stop the machine by breaking it but it continues to play

Clay: I sold it to a guy in Shell City, and I just wanted to say thanks again for selling me the chest. Leviathans Chest.

Leviathan gets even more furious as Mr. Krabs unsuccessfully tries to stop the machine so he rips the phone from the cord, but the phone still works for a brief moment

Clay Which is now in Shell City. Goodbye.

Mr. Krabs: Eh, heh...I't you just hate wrong numbers...?


Leviathan lets out the most primal whale bellows for all the ocean to hear and then after he finishes he points his blowhole at the crab

Leviathan: prepare to burn crab!

Leviathan snorts revealing water proof flames bursting out of his shout

Me krabs: wait leviathan! Please, I'm beggin' you...! I ain't a crook! Ask anyone, they'll vouch for me!

Leviathan: very well then

He turns to the fish in the area

Leviathan: Before I turn this conniving crustacean into fishmeal, who here has anything to say about Eugene Krabs?

They hear a burp and look to see a drunk spongebob

SpongeBob: [SpongeBob is burping around and looking all drunk] I've got something to say about Mr... [burps] Krabs!

Mr. Krabs: SpongeBob, me boy, you've come just in time. Please, tell leviathan all about me.

SpongeBob: I have worked for Mr. Krabs for... [burps] ...many years and always thought he was a great boss!

Mr. Krabs: You see? A great boss.

SpongeBob: [off-screen] I now realize that he's a great... big...FUCKING DICK!!!!

Mr. Krabs turns to SpongeBob

Spongebob: I deserved that manager's job! [grabs Mr. Krabs] But you didn't give it to me, because you say I'm a...kid. Well, I am! And got something to say to you.... [takes a deep breath and] FUCK YOU!!!! [flips him off with both fingers] There, I think I made my point

Leviathan: Anyone else? No? Well, then. [Fires at Mr. Krabs.

SpongeBob: Huh!?

Mr. Krabs: Ooooh! Me pants are on fire! Me underwear's on fire! I'm on fire! [he dives into a bucket of water] Oh, yeah.

Leviathan: and now Eugene krabs, YOU, WILL-

Spongebob: WAIT!

Leviathan: Nahhh!

SpongeBob: I'm flattered you would do this on my account, but being manager isn't worth killing Mr. Krabs over.

Leviathan: SHUT UP FOOL!!! Mr krabs stole my chest and now it's in shell city! THATS why he must die

Spongebob: doesn't it seem a little harsh to kill someone over a chest?

Leviathan: you don't understand. The chest possesses a very special artifact which must be given to prince Steven by the next full moon. If anything happens to the contents in that chest, our way of life, may be lost...forever

Spongebob: uh...leviathan sir? Would you spare Mr. Krabs' life if I went to get your chest back?

Leviathan: [stretches his eyes out] You, go to Shell City? [laughs while stretching his eyes out again] No one who's gone to Shell City has ever returned. What makes you think you could? You're just a kid.

He throws SpongeBob to the floor

SpongeBob: But I'm not a kid, I can do it.

Leviathan : Run along. I have a crab to cook.

He prepares blowhole as flamethrower

Mr. Krabs: No!

SpongeBob gets in the way

SpongeBob: No, I won't let you!!

Leviathan: [Sighs] Very well, then. I'll have to fry you both

He fired his flames but tapu fini conveniently appears and blocks it with her totem shell. When the flames clear fini appears before the titan cross with him

Fini: leviathan! I'm ashamed at you. Just going around killing things without giving them a chance

Leviathan: fini?! What are you doing here?

Fini: Godzilla told me to keep an eye on things here and that's what I'm doing. And that includes now [picks up a cute mode Spongebob] look at this cute handsome whittle guy! He's willing to risk his life to kind your chest and save his boss

Leviathan: fini you know trusting these creatures is Godzilla's job. Not mine

Fini: at least let him try. What've ya got to lose?

Leviathan: grrr. Fine. I'll give him a chance but, if your little champion fails to return, I'll have the pleasure in painting my cave with this crabs blood!

Mr. Krabs: Huh?!

Leviathan: And as for you... be back here with my chest in exactly ten days.

Patrick pops up

Patrick: He can do it in nine!

Leviathan: Eight!

Patrick: Seven!

Leviathan: Six!

SpongeBob and Mr. Krabs: Patrick!

They tackle him

Leviathan : Six it is, then.

Patrick is Being choked by Mr. Krabs

Patrick: Fi--ve.

SpongeBob: Patrick, shush!

Leviathan: Until then, the crab shall remain frozen where he now stands! [He points his blowhole at Mr. Krabs

Mr. Krabs: No, wait... I'm begging you!!

Leviathan freezes him

Squidward: Who turned on the AC? [gasps] Mr. Krabs!? Oh, no, this is terrible! Who's gonna sign my paycheck??

Leviathan prepares to swim home as fini stays

Fini: Listen, you guys, the road to Shell City is really dangerous. There's crooks, killers and monsters everywhere! And what's worse, there's a giant Cyclops [she imitates the Cyclops stomping] who guards the outskirts of the city and preys on innocent sea creatures! Don't let him catch you, because if he does, he'll take you back to his lair, and you'll never be seen again!

Spongebob: you...really think I can do it?

Fini: of course I do. You have something special in you spongebob. You just need to find it in yourself. Good luck

Fini swims off

Spongebob: thanks fini!

He walks up to his frozen boss

Spongebob: Don't worry, Mr. Krabs. Patrick, Squidward, and I...

Squidward: Pass.

He walks out the door, and leaves his hat behind

SpongeBob: Patrick and I... [Patrick interrupts]
Patrick: Hi.

SpongeBob: [Continues] ...are gonna get that chest back and save you from leviathans wrath. You've got nothing to worry about. Your life is in our hands.

Mr. Krabs turns his eyes and looks at them. They are drooling, and look very stupid. Mr. Krabs moans out of doubt

Spongebob: Patrick, let's go get that chest.

They run to the kitchen where they slide down two metallic poles. They enter an elevator where elevator music is playing. The elevator stops at a secret room under the Krusty Krab 2, where the Patty Wagon is kept

SpongeBob: Feast your eyes, Patrick.

Patrick: What is it?

SpongeBob: The Patty Wagon. Mr. Krabs uses it for promotional reasons. Let me show you some of its features. Sesame-seed finish, steel-belted pickles, grilled-leather interior. And under the hood, a fuel-injected French-fryer with dual overhead grease traps.

Patrick: Wow.

SpongeBob: Yeah. Wow.

Patrick: Hey, I thought you didn't have a driver's license.

SpongeBob: You don't need a license to drive a sandwich.

They start the engine, and crash through the side of the Krusty Krab 2, a word that says "Ker-Patty!" appears

SpongeBob and Patrick: Shell City, here we come!

bubble wipe to Frankie and Lenny leaving the titanic where Frankie tries to teach Lenny how to hunt like a shark

Lenny: Frankie. You know I can't do this

Frankie: Lenny, if ya wanna make pop happy, ya gotta kill something

Lenny: or, I could fine a very old sick fish and just wait

Frankie: ugh. It's gettin around, ya thing the other day at the restaurant. Ya know how fish talk. A bib, then a bob, this, that, the other, than how ya doin? Boom! Forget about it. Ya dead

Lenny: okay, seriously? I can't understand wise guys so you'll have to be more specific

Frankie: oh specific? You want specific, (flaps his forehead) be a shark for once in ya life!

Lenny: (shrugs) what am I gonna do?

Frankie groans. Sure he couldn't take his way of doing things but he still valued him as a brother, so he tries to change his tone

Frankie: Lenny, forget about it okay? Well just do a couple of practice runs, badabing, badaboom, pops happy, your a shark, life goes on, okay bro?

Lenny: okay. Okay

Frankie stops and then stops his brother

Frankie: wait wait woah woah. Bingo. Right there

They look to a tied up Oscar tortured by Ernie and Bernie

Frankie: dead ahead ya see? TV dinner. Don't get no easier than this

Lenny: phew. Okay. Eye of the tiger. Frankie I can do this! What if I can't do this?

Frankie: than don't bother coming home

Lenny: good point. Alright

He swims off with Frankie on the side lines. We now see the jellyfish stinging Oscar

Bernie: hit him in the tail again

Ernie does so making Oscar scream In pain but still has his mouth taped up

Bernie: I like the funny face he make

Ernie: funny face. Yeah

Bernie spots sketching and elbows his brother

Bernie: Ernie!

Ernie: blowout!

They both swim off as Lenny comes up. Oscar who didn't know about the coming danger grabs enough strength to push his arm out of his binding and rips the tape off his mouth

Oscar: uh, guys? Guys don't leave me alone! Come on there could be sharks out here!

Lenny is in breathing distance and breaths down oscars back. Oscar looks behind him and meets an open shark mouth ready to consume him whole

Oscar screams at the top of his lungs flailing his arm around like crazy trying to evade the predator

Lenny: no no no, wait! I'm sorry. No no I'm not gonna-

Frankie: Lenny!

Lenny turns to his brother

Frankie: like this!

Frankie pretends to rip his imaginary prey to shreds

Lenny: oh, no

Lenny groans and against his will licks a terrified oscars back making him quiver at the taste

Oscar: ugh! Just get it over with! Look at me, look at me. Do me a favor, don't chew me. Alright? I'm not for that

Lenny: I'm not gonna eat you

Oscar: oh come on! Don't do the whole head trip thing with me

Lenny: listen to me. Don't move until I tell you

Lenny looks to Frankie and roars. Lenny dress Oscar from the vine

Oscar: ahhh! Back up!

He backs away as Lenny closes in and seems to be ripping him to shreds

Frankie: that's it bro! There ya go buddy! That's it, wave those find bro, dig in!

Oscar reveals to be alive as he sees Lenny just waving his head around

Lenny: look. I'm just pretending so you could get away

Oscar: huh?

Lenny: when I turn around, you take off!

Lenny turns to Frankie who was still convinced at his act

Frankie: tasteth like chicken!

Lenny pretends to be eating something but Frankie just slaps his head

Frankie: ugh no

Lenny turns to see Oscar still there

Lenny: ahh! What did i tell you!

Oscar: oh! I'm sorry! I didn't get it! Ya want me to go now!

Lenny: what are ya doing?! Just go!

Frankie: that's it! I've had it up to here!

Frankie charges baring his fangs at Oscar making Lenny gasp in shock and Oscar in horror

Oscar: oh no!

Lenny: hurry! Swim!

Oscar hops away making his bindings making it easier for him to swim

Oscar: no! Get ya boy! Get ya boy!

Meanwhile on the boat on the surface the anchorman was playing cards with the seagulls

Man: ya got any sevens?

Seagull: go fish

Captain: lower the anchor!

Man: yeah yeah yeah

The man pulls a lever making the anchor drop into the water, right where Oscar and Frankie were. Just as Oscar seemed to be shark chow the anchor drops on frankies forehead crushing his skull breaking his brain. The force of the impact made him crash to the ground as Oscar cowers in fear. Meanwhile the jellyfish hear the crash from far away and see the explosion cloud. Meanwhile from a safe distance plankton watches what was happening through binoculars

Plankton: plan Z. I love plan Z!

Oscar looks to see the shark just as Lenny appears

Lenny: (gasp) Frankie!

Lenny comes up and breaks the anchor chain and tosses it off his brother. Lenny comes up and holds his dying brother

Frankie: Lenny is that you?

Lenny: I'm here Frankie

Frankie: come closer

Lenny: what is it?

Frankie: vision blurring....breath slowing....heart cold

Lenny: that's just because we're cold blooded

Frankie slaps his brothers cheek

Lenny: ow!

Frankie: I never told anybody this but....your the most okay little brother I could have...

Frankie then gags as he falls dead on the ground

Lenny: Frankie no...!

Lenny: NO!!! This is all my fault! I'm so sorry am I ever gonna explain this to pop? Oh no!!!

He swims passed a flounder who was laying on the dirt near the scene of the crime

Flounder: shark!

He looks and then sees Oscar looking at the dead Frankie and is thankful the anchor dropped

Oscar; man! Thank Neptune that anchor was there. Otherwise I'd show him what fore! I'd give him one of these! And one of those! And these kablams!

The flounder is shocked at this and assumes Oscar killed the shark himself since he doesn't see the anchor. He gets on a rock and reveals it to be a sunken shopping cart with old groceries lost to the sea and gets out a camera and takes a picture of Oscar posing on the carcass dorsal fin. He then gets out the picture and looks shocked

Flounder: a hero!

Soon enough he reveals the picture to the news station and everyone is amazed by the news of the shark slayer. Soon enough the picture prints and everyone starts talking about Oscar. Including Angie who picked up the news. She'd rather find Sykes adopted Oscar as his long lost son before believing Oscar actually killed a shark, although she was amazed how everyone was making such a big deal about it so she decided to play along for Oscar. Even Sykes was amazed by the news that Oscar was a hero

Soon Oscar was brought to the whale wash so he could try and explain the real story to everybody

Oscar: then he was right at my tail! I thought I was shark chow! Then an anchor dropped right at him breaking his skull! And I was lucky to even make it alive!

Everyone just ood and awwwd at Oscar thinking that he was luring the shark to the anchor at the time it happened imagining it at that very moment as Katie current came up to him

Katie: Oscar! Katie current, as the first fish in history to ever win against a shark, does this mean your now protector of the reef? New sheriff in town? The big kahuna?

Oscar: I don't know. I'm just lucky to be alive is all

Sykes comes next to him

Sykes: okay, get outta here ya barracudas. Any further questions will be fielded by me

Katie: and you are?

Sykes: I'm his manager

Oscar: uh-

Sykes: Sykes. With a Y

Crazy joe: and I'm his financial advisor!

Everyone turns to the hermit crab

Crazy joe: wanna see my puppets?

He digs into his shell and gets said puppets out

Crazy joe: "hello"

Oscar: could you excuse us for a moment please?

Oscar and Sykes turns around

Oscar: my manager?

Sykes: kid everyone's looking to you as a superstar! We're gonna make a fortune! Just let me Handel it

Oscar: what about the five Gs?

Sykes: forget the five Gs. From now on we're partners

Oscar: so what exactly are we talking about here?

Sykes: I'm thinking what? Ninety ten split

Oscar: that's actually pretty generous

Sykes: your the ten, I take my ninety off the top

Oscar: I don't think so!

Sykes: talk to me

Oscar: you get fifteen!

Sykes: seventy

Oscar: twenty!

Sykes: seventy five

Oscar: dude your going through wrong way

Both: fifty fifty!

Sykes: you happy?

Oscar: no! You happy?

Sykes: no!

Both: deal!

They both do an off the fly handshake as they turn back to Katie

Oscar: uh, my manager and I, are now prepared to take ya questions?

Katie: Oscar, are you gonna continue working here at the wash?

Oscar: perhaps, but I guess I could use a break. I ain't getting anymore popular am I?

Everyone starts laughing at the joke

Sykes: keep it up kid! Ya slaying em!

Katie: no, he's slaying sharks!

Sykes: hey! Hey that's good! That's good I like that! Oscar! The shark slayer!

Oscar: oh well I-

Shorties: woah! A shark slayer!

Oscar decides to go with it as this was beyond what he wanted. Now everyone looked to him as a hero and everyone respected him. Besides, what could go wrong with posing as a hero?

He would be wrong as at that moment the sharks had found out about Frankie's dead body and held a funeral at his honor, all the five shark families were there. Great whites, hammerheads, orcas, sailfish and the leopard sharks were all gathered to mourn the loss of the greatest shark that ever lived. Everyone went up to Lino who too mourned at the loss of his oldest son to say their griefs

Giuseppe: it's a terrible thing to happen don Lino. Everybody loved Frankie. May whoever did this die a thousand deaths. May his stinking leach covered corpse rot in the fiery depths of hell

Lino:...thank you for your kind thoughts Giuseppe

Giuseppe: oh. And may Lenny be found safe and sound too. I hope he's okay

He leaves reminding Lino about his son

Lino: oh Lenny

Luca: don't worry boss

Lino: I was so harsh to him last night. We gotta find him

Luca: we're searching everywhere. Forget about it he'll turn up

Lino: what's wrong with that kid? Why's he gotta be so different? And Frankie...arceus rest his soul he was perfect

Little did he know Lenny was eavesdropping outside the ship but could bare his heart to reveal himself as he still blamed himself for what happened and swims off

Lino: Luca. Who could've done this?

That's when don Feinberg comes up to him

Ira: don Lino. At this most difficult time, please accept my deepest condolences

Lino: thank you don Feinberg, for honoring my son with his song

Ira: I just got some news about the guy who was at the place Frankie died

He proceeded to let out gas, a fart bubble popping right in front of the nostrils of the orca behind him making him faint

Lino: let's...yeah let's talk over here

He and ira swim to the window

Ira: he said that an anchor dropped in poor Frankie. But now everyone assumes he took 'em out. A little cleaner wrasse they started looking to as, "the shark slayer"

He was looking the opposite way

Lino: uh...Ira?

Ira looks to Lino

Ira: "the shark slayer"

Lino; where do I find him?

Ira: he's from the south side reef. That's all we could pick up

Lino: thank you

Ira leaves and Luca comes

Lino: Luca, get Sykes. He knows that reef better than anyone. I want to see this guy and hear his side of the story. No one could predict a thing like this but something smells fishy about it, if this cleaner wrasse didn't set this up, then who did? Who is the real criminal?


Back at the reef, Plankton enters the Krusty Krab, looking satisfied with himself. Mr. Krabs is still there, frozen

Plankton: Ding-a-ling. Hey there, old buddy. [Sarcastically] Freeze. [laughs] One secret formula to go, please. No, no, don't trouble yourself. I'll get it.

He goes into the kitchen and walks out with the bottle with the Formula inside it

Plankton: Well, I'd like to hang around, but I've got Krabby Patties to make... over at the Chum Bucket. Plan Z, I love ya!

Mr. Krabs' tears fall to the ground as Plankton leaves, as he realizes that he was set up

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