Sunshine daycare (hinata hare...

By JustAanimeLover

18.4K 339 226

hey this is my first time and I hope you like it 😊. This is an au where hinata an the harem are grown ups an... More

A New Beginning Ch 1 ✨
New meetings Ch 2
New Meatings Ch 3 part two of Introducing characters
New meetimgs Ch 4 πŸ¦‰Fukurōdani AcademyπŸ¦‰ Inro and more
New Beginning Ch 5 of introducing characters
chapter 6 introduction again (Finished intro)
More rivals Chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
chapyer 12: Bonding and New rivels
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15 changes~
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23 just a intro of the new character
chapter 24
chapter 25
Untitled Part 27

The Truth and shocking pasts Part 26

243 9 6
By JustAanimeLover

Any art used I don't own so all credits to the amazing artists also sorry if here are any mistakes thanks also NOT all characters are in the
Harem. There's music it's random so don't judge 🤷‍♀️ anyways hope you enjoy😊.
💭 thinking
( just me specifying things)

⚠️smut⚠️, 💝fluff💝 and ⚠️language⚠️ plus there's music for earphone users and for people if your in company I don't recommend listening😅.

🧡 shoyo's🧡

💘New harems pov💘



💟Inarizaki 💟

💚Date Tech💚

🐍Nohebi 🐍





💛Jonzenji High💛

💙Aoiba Johsai💙


Hinata's pov🧡

They allowed us to go into the rooms, but they are still unconscious but I'm more grateful that they aren't is too serious condition. So I went in first before everyone else entered in since they all want to talk with each other for a moment so I left them to it but I was still curios but anyways I went in and I hated the scene in front of me when I opened the door to see my younger sister laying still with wires yet she looked peaceful in a way but it still was painful to see her in such a bad state especially since she's so young and didn't deserve this to happen to her! But I must calm down and then I can deal with him later. Smiling to myself and getting excited on how I'll ruin that mans life forever it just gives me joy🙂 but of course no one would suspect someone like me to murder him but anyways I must focus on making sure my unit and sister are alright furthermore set out my plan of torture😊.

It seems Hinata is not so innocent and who people think he is👀

Harem's pov💕

We all were letting our Sunshine calm down and have one space while we had a serious discussion with the the other men as well as Asahi went to call the others to explain he situation. (Just to make clear only Karasuno were off so the rest of the teams weren't there) We forgot to mention to the men that we weren't the only people Hinata was marrying it was all 11 top companies which is quiet socking but what's more than 11 companies there's 12 which they all own but we still haven't explained that to Hinata furthermore there are more males then just them😅.

Ray 24

Hudson 24

Kai 24

Kanae 24

Felix 24

Oscar 25

Hugo 25

Caleb 24

Isaac 25

Enzo 25

Gabriel 25

(Here are the other characters that you guys will meet)

Still Harem's pov💕

It's quiet complicated but we will have to explain to our Sunshine later but right now we have agreed to let them help out with Hinata but it doesn't mean we will let them take him of course but it's Hinata's choice after all.

Other harem pov💘

We messaged the others who were busy, to come over to the hospital to of course introduce to Hinata as well it's the best for all of use as well as the guys haven't told Hinata everything about us and what is our relationship but we don't really meet up a lot because of our ex girlfriends who were terrible, rude, sluts, gold diggers and were just cruel plus they hurt Hinata which is unforgivable. 

Time went by

Harem's and other Harem's pov💕💘

We waited for a while until we all heard people talking and some were shouting and of course we all knew that that was the others, so we stood up to great them and tell them exactly what happened.

Yes another time skip but oh well onto Hinata's pov🧡

 I heard a lot of ruckus outside so I assumed that they have arrived so after I stayed and checked on my sister and aunt, I went outside with tears still staining my eyes but i just wanted to be in their warm big arms and telling me everything's fine yet when I came out I found my boyfriends and some new people nevertheless I ran into Kenma's warms who was the closet to me then everyone else. "KYNMAAAA! That's not fair I went my kitten plus I haven't gotten to see him in a while!" We heard Kuroo complain, "Kuroo stop! My little kitty picked me so deal with it!" Well that didn't help at all it actually made him whine more so I had to do something out it, so I removed my hands which were wrapped around Kenma's neck and placed them forward for Kuroo to come over and stop whining moreover to make him satisfied and when he saw my invitation he gladly ran and was in front of me and behind Kenma so I gave him a smile and kissed his forehead, nose, both cheeks and lips and that thankfully satisfied him for now unfortunately I could see the jealousy so I giggled and said ill make it up to the later, except i realised the kids! "You guys forgot about the kids!" And that's when panic arose so Yaku, Suga and Akaashi had to sprint out and collect them so that was good, but we all thought it best to go home so we won't alarm the kids plus my lovely boyfriends had some explaining to do on who the new guest we had what's more is I know there something going on between the two groups!  

So when we got home, we all settled down and I made tea or coffee. After all that I sat in Bokuto's lap, Omi Omi and Iwa were on either side of me while the rest were all sitting on the chairs or on the floor beside us while the group were on the couch opposite us which the new members kept staring back at me. But the air was awkward so Tanaka and Noya started the conversation since they both hate when things become awkward, "so is there a reason in particular that made you guys interested in meeting with us as well as we can see that you've been staring at our angel?"  Tanaka asked with Noya nodding in agreement which became silent until Liam faked coughed and started speaking "well when we went with our ex girlfriends we met Hinata who looks like Shoyo and well he peeked our interest as well as we want to get to know all of yous since we haven't been able to properly have a chat" and I tilted my head again "I have a question you keep bringing this person called Shoya, so if you don't mind would you please explain that" I asked quiet curious, "well why don't we show you" Theo said then taking his phone out. "Here" 

I was left shocked as well as my boyfriend since she was an exact replica of me except a female version which left me too stunned. "W-who i-is that?!" I asked very stunned. "Her name is Shoya Hinata, she's would be 25 years old, she's the person we loved the most as well as the person we hoped to be with forever..." Kai said but by the way he said it I assumed they aren't together anymore furthermore they dated those bxtches but i had to find out more, "if you don't mind me asking w-what happened to her..." "unfortunately even if we wished that she was still here but she's in a better place right now..." Hugo replied sadly yet smiled which was hurtful to see. "Oh im very sorry to hear that... but thanks for telling me and i get why you'd be surprised since we look alike" "but what's more surprising is that your laugh,  your smile the way you act is exactly like her so we kinda thought you were her but it's not possible for her to be alive but we still had a small hope that you were..." Isaac said looking at me gently which kinda made me feel bad since I'm not😅. "Well as much as I want to say I am unfortunately I'm a male as well as my names Hinata Shoyo😅" I said trying to say it very nicely as possible "it's alright we are glad she's and a safe and happy place right now plus we have moved on and just want to find out who killed her and what they are aiming for" and then "t-that's so, so beautiful!" Noya and Tanaka both said raising their heads with tears in their eyes.

I literally burst out laughing and so did Bokuto and everyone else "Mochi/Angel! How could you!" Which made me laugh even more since they looked betrayed but it was very exaggerated "Gomen gomen I use couldn't help it"😂 "hmph".

We talked for while until we heard the door open and lots of running footstep's running towards the sitting room "MAMAAAAAAAAAAA!" They screamed until they enter the room, "and papa!" They all said running towards us in full speed until they all jumped into their dads arms and Haruki jumped into mine since I was sitting into Bokuto's lap, " hello my darling little Sunshine's how was school?" I asked look and the kids and back to Haruki, "It was great mama! We got to make new friends, play outside and build sand castles but Taiki broke my sand castle! Hmph!" Haruki said looking and me happily before giving Taiki a death stare. "It was an accident plus i said sorry!" Taiki said folding his arms looking quiet pissed. "Please don't Fight in front of mama!" Akira said looking at them sternly, "that's my girl 👏😌" Yaku said being proud of Akira while Akira was very pleased with her and smiled towards her dad and me before speaking again "but I'm like this since I was able to have an amazing dad to teach and guide me so thank you dad and I'm very grateful and happy that your my dad!" Akira smiled and hug her dad. He looked like he was going to cry so I went and hugged them which i felt warm tears on my stomach so I hugged them tighter and I gently wiped his tears with my thumbs then kissing their for heads "but of course we're very glad to have you too" I smiled and kissed both her cheeks and her cute nose.

After all that heart felt moment I sat on Yaku's lap while the kids went to play since we wanted to continue where we left off plus we also informed Yaku, Suga and Akaashi what was happening and showed them Shoya which shocked them but it still was shocking knowing someone could look furthermore act like you but it got me more interested in who she was as well as everyone else. "Well how long have you guys dated?" Yama asked curiosity in his face, "well we were high school sweet heart so a long time but we started around almost end of the second last term until a year ago..." Enzo said, "oh I see I'm still sorry to hear what happened to her" Kindaichi said with sympathy, "it's alright i guess it's for the best plus we weren't going well for the last few weeks and we felt she might have been cheating or something we wouldn't want her to do but thanks more over its been w while ago and we moved on" Hudson said while staring at me foe smiling and I think we all knew who they were talking about which made all us shocked "EHHHHH! DON'T TELL ME IT'S HINATA!" The Harem said then Suga said "we get that Hinata's attractive but please don't love since he looks like Shoya!" Akaashi said standing up and being concerned, they smiled "we would never do that! That'd be quite atrocious furthermore when we spent time with him even if it was a tiny bit, we saw just kind, sweet, loving, brave, cute, adorable, caring, put others before himself, can stand his ground, beautiful, adorable, amazing and so on" Caleb said smiling and gave me a wink which led to blush creeping up my face so I buried my face in Yaku's neck to calm down as well I didn't want them to see my face like that, "plus he's very very cute and you can make him blush very easily" Jay said and by his tone I knew he was smirking as well as I knew they all were which was worse so I just stayed like that until my boyfriend and the other guys kept going back and forth until they asked for my opinion, I was literally so nervous and was asking how and why was this happening to me but I have no regrets so I sighed and then I answered...

Hello everyone and I have finally updated 😀😅 well hope you guys enjoyed! And be safe also have a great day byeeee✌️ 2526 words!

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