Something Strange (Escape The...

Av babydino08

6K 223 17

Violet was a girl that not everyone liked, actually, no one liked her. Her best friend moved, and she was com... Mer

The Begining
The New Kid
Something Off
Missing My Best Friend
Is He My Boyfriend?
The Sound Of Love
Escape The Fate and Spaghetti
Nothing Ever Really Sticks...
A Whole New Life
First Time With Her Dad.
I Found Her (Monte POV)
All in Time
Difference Between Heaven And Hell
Almost Sure
My Little Sister
What could go wrong?
All Is Fair In Love And War........Right?
We're Just Simply Not Ment To Be...
Tony On The Rooftop
Keep Holding On
Caught The Love Bug
You're Back!?
Candy Girl

Best Night Of Our Lives

129 7 1
Av babydino08

I'm so sorry this is sooooooo late you guys! So my prom was on the 18th of April and that is where I'm getting this chapters inspiration is from. Her dress is the one that is pictured. it literally took me MONTHS to write this because I had  really bad writers block! Hope you enjoy!

(Violets P.O.V)

      I was currently sitting in the middle of the floor in my closet when all of the sudden this gigantic pink bag fell on me. Me being my self immediately threw it off of me before realizing that there was no way possible that it could have harmed me. I couldn't help but wonder what was in it. So I got to investigating.

     Opening the damn thing was the hardest part. I looked at the bottom of the bag to see that there was a knot in it, keeping what ever was inside, a secret. You can tell that I tied it because only I would make it difficult to open. This bag is kind of heavy though.

       After countless tries of pulling the knot out, it finally came loose. I couldn't believe my eyes, this couldn't be! My prom dress?! Wow, prom night was the best night of my life, I had friends, I had Monte, I thought my life was actually turning around, know.


     I was sitting in the cafeteria watching everyone run around the school, screaming and yelling and being excited. Why are they all excited you may ask, well I'll just tell you in one word. PROM. I NEVER saw the point in prom, but then again, no one has ever asked me. To me, prom was just an excuse to show off how much money you have. Now don't get me wrong, my parents have money, hell they bought Michael his dream car for his birthday! I just don't like showing off like that.

      I was taken out of my trance by the boys sitting next to me. Monte on my right, and Michael on my left. I don't know what it is with the Money brothers, but they won't let anyone else sit next to me! Ronnie sat across from me and Rob and Omar are on both sides of him. Max got suspended for flipping a teacher out of his desk chair, so there's an empty seat between Robert and Monte at our round lunch table.

"Is it just me or does anyone else miss Max's loud mouth?" I looked at the boys waiting for their answers.

"Hell, I miss him, even though I get to see him after school today for practice." Ronnie finally spoke up, but I guess Max didn't tell them, which means he want me to tell them. Damn it Max! I shook my head at Ronnie, which caused the other boys to look at me funny.

"I though he would have told you first but I guess not. His mom grounded him saying that this is the 6th time this year that he's gotten sent home so he's not allowed to go anywhere this week."

"DAMN IT MAX!!!!" all of the boys yelled in unison at the explanation. You would think that they didn't know Max! I noticed that Monte was more upset than the others.

"Monte it's okay, he'll be back 3 days before prom." He looked at me and smiled sweetly, knowing that the butterflies took over my stomach again.

"I know babe, it's just that I really needed his help with something." I shrugged it off as lunch came to an end. The only thing I was worried about now was getting through the rest of the day. I never exactly liked the company of others, but when it came to my boys, I would do anything to have them around me. When you get so used to having certain people around you, you're not sure how to function when they aren't there.

         For the rest of the day I was cowering behind my own hands and my clothes. I wasn't exactly sure why, but I did. I was scared of something that I wasn't even sure existed. Every time someone tapped me on the shoulder I jumped  6 feet out of my skin. I felt bad for everyone who tried to talk to me though, because I kept brushing them off! 

           Around the end of the day I finally realized what had been scaring me. I walked out to the parking lot and saw every one in the school there. Normally that wouldn't be a problem, but the fact that everyone was looking at me while Monte was standing on the top of his truck  holding a large bouquet of purple roses with a gigantic  sign behind him saying "VIOLET WILL YOU GO TO PROM WITH ME?" in large black letters with my name and the word PROM written in purple glitter letters. I froze right in my place, I was so scared that I almost turned around and ran away. I actually turned around, but when I saw Rob, Ronnie, Mike, Omar, and Max there I knew it was best that I didn't! Max must  be here for Monte, maybe that's why Monte was upset earlier, because he thought Max was gonna miss this, but everyone knows Max wouldn't miss this for the world. When I turned back around I saw that Monte was now on the bed of his truck beckoning me to him. I felt a slight push in the middle of my back, knowing that Max was telling me to go forward. 

           See, of all of our friends, I think Max was the most supportive of our relationship. He always sat up with me on those nights that he didn't want to be at home, and would tell me that our relationship is the only one that he's watched form and prove to him that not all relationships are terrible. That they aren't always just based off sex or that you don't always have to hate each other or to only be together for some stupid reason. Our relationship was one of the longest lasting relationships that Max has seen, and I was proud of that. He told me that Monte and I were gonna get married and how he was gonna be the best man, even if he had to fight Mike for it. He would start smiling telling me that our kids were going to call him and his wife "auntie and uncle Maxy". He wanted to have a life, and we were his inspiration for that. So when our relationship ended, I think Max was more upset then we were. If only I can find him now...

           I took a step forward, only to be pushed a little more, it was Max's way of saying "Go on Mowgli, go on!" (I watch too many Disney Movies! XD) I took a few more steps, then a few more, next thing you know I was met half way by the little brown eyed devil himself. 

"Violet, I know this is a little too much for you, but I didn't know a better way to ask then to ask big! so Violet Ariel Holliday, will you please go to prom with me?" I was so shocked that the only thing I could say was,

"At least you said please!" Monte smiled really big knowing my weird sense of humor and knowing that it meant yes.  He picked me up and spun me around the sounds of everyone's cheers drowned in the background and it felt like we were the only two people on earth. That's what always made me happy, when I hugged him, I wasn't scared  of anything. I could basically start a world war and everything would still be okay. When I was with him, no one else in the world mattered, I was finally happy for once,  and I didn't think any thing could change that. 

      Max pulled me to the side after that and told me how happy he was for us. He was jumping up and down and telling me how he wants to go with me to go dress shopping. For a boy, Max was really excited about dresses. I understood where he was coming from though. Max told me that he always wanted a little sister to take places and to spoil, so I guess now he got that with me.

Skip forward to the dress shopping day, aka, the day I died a little on the inside. My mom was WAY more excited then I ever was. She was finding frilly dress after frilly dress and trying to throw them on me. I think if Max was a girl she would have made him try them on too! We spent countless hours going  to different stores and trying them on. It wasn't until 10:00 at night that Max saw something that caught his eye.

"Vy, I think I found something!"

"Well what is it Maximillion?" I turned around to see Max holding this all black dress with a neck line that reminded me of a vampire type dress. (insert) I normally wouldn't go for something like that dress, but it just seemed so fitting for the occasion.

"Max, I think you found the dress!" I jumped up and hugged Max then took the dress into the fitting room. After I put the dress on I realized that I hadn't even looked at the size, but as if it was fate, the dress fit perfectly. I walked out to show my mom and Max the dress, what I didn't expect, was for Max to start getting teary-eyed. Max looked so happy to see me in the dress, that I knew that it was important to keep it. (hence why I still have it now)

After paying for it and finding something to eat, we all headed to my house to show my dad our findings. Needless to say that my dad was thrilled, the only thing I was scared of was that Monte wasn't going to like it.

Fast forward to October 31, Halloween, and also Prom day. Max and I were getting ready at my house, mainly so he could keep me from backing out. Monte and I both decided that we would wear black and purple, so not only did I buy him a purple boutonniere (with violets might I add!) , I got myself a pair of purple stilettos and not to mention a bedazzled Jack Skellington hair pin. (which I have now passed on to Gracie) Right when I was putting the finishing touches on my makeup Max came into my room and smiled.

"Hey Cinderella, your prince is on his way!" (Ironic that he would use Cinderella huh?) His face quickly fell when he closed the door. "Vy I can't tie this stupid bow-tie!" Lucky for Max, I used to get up and help my dad with his bow-ties before he would go to work. I walked up to him and pushed his struggling hands out of the way and tied the bow with ease.

"You're a life saver Vy, also, you look beautiful." 

"Thank you Maxy, and you look absolutely handsome." which was the truth, Max actually took out his lip ring for once and slicked his hair back. His face was clean and his suit was on correctly. (which I'm sure my dad helped with) Max actually looked like the perfect gentleman. This was the first time that I had seen him like this, and I was happy about it, but I don't think anyone realizes how much seeing Max being himself makes me so freaking happy. 

"Well Ariel, how about we get you down stairs, I think I heard Prince Eric walk through the door." I smiled at Max's stupidity, but I nearly puked at the thought of Monte  being down stairs. I put my shoes on, fixed my pin, grabbed the boutonniere, and headed out my door holding on to Max's arm.

     Walking down the stairs felt like agony. I was so nervous I was pretty sure I was gonna puke. Every step down the stairs felt like it took forever. When I hit the fifth step down I could see his shoes, was that Italian leather? Then, his pants and bottom of his shirt. His shirt was tucked in perfectly and his pants were straight and pressed. His chest and neck came up next, his shirt was a clean white button up and he had a purple bow-tie on. All the boys decided that they would wear bow-ties so that they would "match". As I took one more step down I couldn't help but smile as my stomach filled with butterflies. His hair was slicked back and some of his blonde piece was hanging in his face. His smile was amazing as it showed all of his pearly white teeth. I finally took the last step off of the stairs as Max let go of my arm. 

"Violet, you look gorgeous!" I felt the blush on my face as I looked down smiling. When I looked back up I saw him near my face as he kissed my burning cheek. Next to us I could hear some one else clear their throat. I turned and saw all of the guys dressed up and looking amazing, each of them with a bow-tie and a boutonniere to mach what ever color their bow-tie was.  Robert was wearing a black suit with a cornflower blue bow-tie and aviators, that's where his fashion trend started, Ronnie was wearing all black, Mike was wearing black and white, Omar was wearing black and emerald green, and Max was wearing black and red because he wanted to "match my hair" that stinking dork. I went over and hugged all of the boys telling them that they all looked amazing which they retaliated and told me that I look better. I turned my attention back to Monte as I pulled out his boutonniere. He smiled as he pulled out a corsage that had the same exact flowers on it, violets!

After I pinned his flower to his shirt I looked up and saw that he was staring at me. I couldn't help but stare right back, looking at him made me feel like there was nothing else in the world. We were so caught up with each other that we didn't even notice that my mom and dad were taking pictures of us. Mike came over and tapped my shoulder which made me drop eye contact with Monte. (and also jump a little) He put his arm around my shoulder and I put my arm around his waist. My parents were taking pictures left and right no matter what we did. I couldn't even fix Omar's bow tie with out my mom snapping pictures.

When we heard a honk outside we knew it was the limo waiting to take us to the hotel our prom was being held at.

~End Of Flashback

That night was amazing! There were people dancing and having fun I actually felt like I belong in this world. Of coarse there are some things about that night that I will never forget. 1: Monte and Brittney won homecoming king and queen. 2: That was the night Gracie happened.

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