The Mercenary and His Love

By graciecutie12

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Wade Wilson and his daughter have been living their lives as normal, then one day a girl walks into both of t... More

Chapter 1 Isnt He dreamy?
Chapter 2 Delusional Dad
Chapter 3 Dinner Ditch
Chapter 4 The Chase
Chapter 5 Hospital Run
Chapter 6 Pfft! Writers Am I Right?
Chapter 7 Stranger From Another Time
Chapter 8 Girls Are Sometimes A Pain
Chapter 10 Okay So Maybe They Aren't Always A Pain
Chapter 11 Crummy Hotels
Chapter 12 Jokes
Chapter 13 Let's Start All Over Again
Chapter 14 Girls Night
Chapter 15 Please? Another Round?
Chapter 16 Awkward
Chapter 17 A Father... AGAIN?!
Chapter 18 I Can't Believe Him
Chapter 20 I Want You Too Listen
Chapter 21 Monday's Don't Stuck But School Does
Chapter 22 What Are You Doing Here?!
Chapter 23 Come On!
Chapter 24 I Forgot My Ice Cream
Chapter 25 Give Me Something Good To Look At
Chapter 26 Maggia Families
Chapter 27 Things Are Somewhat Normal
Chapter 28 Let's Go To The Mall!
Chapter 29 Nightmares
Chapter 30 Wedding Day!
Chapter 31 I Am No Hero... I Am A Mercenary
Chapter 32 Guess Who's Back? Back Again? Bucky!
Chapter 33 He Loves You, You Know
Chapter 34 And They Lived Happily, Ever, After

Chapter 9 Investigation Time

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By graciecutie12

Cayden -

"Sorry about him." I sigh. "He's a handful."

"It's okay. Thank you so much for helping me."

"It's my job." I smile at her. "So different time huh? Tell me what you were doing last if you can recall anything."

"I was talking to bucky. Then I was at a coffee shop."

"What were you and Bucky doing? Were you fighting someone who could teleport you? Or just talking?" I think of questions.

"I don't know. We were talking about adopting... it was getting a little heated and i don't know."

"Adopting as in kids or dogs? Heated as in room temperature or argument?"

"Kids, and arguments.."

"I see." I pace back and forth. "Bucky, does he have powers like Deadpool? Can he teleport?"

"Well sorta. He's a super soldier, and has a metal arm." She said as she sat down.

"No teleportation abilities?"

"The only person who can like rewind time I can think of is wanda but i didn't absorb her powers in like months at the time. Well I guess I still have her powers. I can still levitate."

"Time... Time..." I muttered over and over. "You have powers too, yes? Tell me... Can you control them? And describe to me what you can really do." My police instinct was taking over.

"Well it's complicated to say the least, I kind of have energy absorption and distribution. Have you seen Superman and one of the villains is called Periste?"

"Yes, I read the comics when I was growing up."

"I basically have those powers but I can keep the powers I absorb longer." She said as she lifted one hand that started to glow a blue, just long enough for me to see, then she dropped her hand back in her lap.

"I see."

"Cool huh."

"I wouldn't say the word cool but it is quite interesting. I'm sorry if that sounded offensive."

"No, don't worry about it. I still don't know how I got the powers. It was like a switch, me and my best friend were fighting and I got angry and I started to suck in energy around me."

"So in all in all, you can absorb power and when you get angry you... Let the power go?"

"Well not exactly, I can use the powers I absorb, and I draw in energy if I lose control."

"Do you need to touch someone to absorb or just be in the vicinity?" I sit down at my desk writing notes down.

"If I want more to completely take all the physical energy that they have, I have to touch them, vivinty is just like a taste of what they have. If that makes sense."

"Mhm." I nod as I take notes, "Okay so what I'm thinking, and it's just a hypothesis, you came here by yourself. You had an argument with Bucky and you said it got heated. Your power is really strong from what I'm hearing and this was just a small jump back in time. Someone in your vicinity has a teleport or time travel power. You used that when you were getting angry without knowing what led you to this year. The only thing that doesn't make sense is, why Canada. If you traveled back in time, you would probably be in New York."

"See that doesn't make sense either, but I did feel like I needed to go into that coffee shop like something was pulling me there."

"Or many of you know someone from your past. When two couples get into an argument, I've learned that they go visit their closest friend to talk and help them through the problem. Is there a person you normally talk to when you are in a ruff patch with Buckey? Or has this been your first fight?" I chew on my pencil.

"Well when me and Peter got into fights I would go to Bucky, but me and Bucky don't really fight, i know he was just scared to start a family."

I nodded my head. I felt the same way with Avery. I walked to jump forward in our relationship but I wasn't sure if she would feel the same. Plus, I'm not sure her dad would approve of me. "So if you had to go to someone if you fought with Bucky, would you talk to Peter? Or is there someone else you are close friends with? You ended up at the coffee shop for a reason. Is there by any chance that you know Avery? Or Beth?"

"I actually think that someone might have needed help...Do you know that feeling like someone needs you or something."

"Everyday. I'm a police officer in training and I have that feeling all the time."Her eyes widened and she had a really big thinking face on and made me chuckle. "What?" I chuckle more.

"I think that it's you guys."

"Huh?" I look up from my notes.

"You, Avery, and Deadpool..." She looked me right in the eyes.

"Look Gracie, I don't need saving. Deadpool already filled the job and Avery is perfectly fine. We don't need help." She took a deep breath and just got up and left without another word. "Gracie? Hey wait! Gracie!" I walk out of my office, "Gracie! Wait a minute will you! Grace!"

"I'm sorry what?" She turned around.

"What's wrong? You just got up and left. What about our mystery?"

"Our mystery?" She said, looking at me raising her eyebrows.

"Our mystery. We're in this together. I want to help you get home to Bucky." I put my hands on her shoulders. Her eyes widened and she turned her head. "Please I-"

"LOOK OUT!!" She said pushing me away, as a car flew through the air. A blue field thing formed in front of me, as she ducked out of the way. Glass shattered and all the workers and even civilians in the main lobby all ducked out of fear. The front doors and windows were destroyed and it would take a week or more to fix it. Gracie ran over the car that was now upside down. "No one." She whispered. She walked over to me and removed the shield."Are you okay?"

"They could have jumped out of the car before impact." I look at the car's license plate. I pulled out my phone to see it was full of cracks and partly damaged.

"Your face." She said, looking at me.

"What about it?" I toss my phone aside and look for a camera at the front desk.

"Are you sure it's not the accentend" She said laughing.

"What do you mean?" I found a small silver camera to take photos of the scene.

"Ugh youre are no fun." she said, crossing her arms.

I ignored her remark, "Is everyone alright? No one is injured?" I question around, helping people up. She looked all around her.

"No one seems to be in mortal danger. I'm leaving." she said and walked away.

"Wait! Where are you going?!"

"I'm going to check on Avery." Not turning around she kept walking.

"Tell her I say hi!" I yell. I look around at the mess and decide to call some people.


Hi! So just a little heads up! If you have any questions about anything going on just ask me and i will gladly answer.! 

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