RWBY one shots x male reader

By AdminOfLyulf

97.3K 946 344

hey, these are one shots because I'm currently writing so many stories but wont be posting any of them till t... More

The Schnee I Fell In Love With(weiss x male reader)
Ravens Song(raven x male reader)
A Dragons love(yang x male reader)
Winters Comming(winter x male reader)
The Summer Rain(summer x male reader)
A Faunus Fall For A Human(blake x male reader)
A Rose Love For A Flame(ruby x male reader)
A Lesson in Love From a Witch(Glynda x male reader)
The Hollow Tree Beomes Whole Again(willow x male reader)
Not All Black Cats Are Bad Luck(kali x male reader)
Bunny's Love For A Loner(velvet x male reader)
A Fashion Plessing(coco x male reader)
A Gem To Behold(Emerald x male reader)
I Scream, You Scream, We All Sream, For Ice-cream(neo x male reader)
From Your World To Mine(Pyrrha x earth male reader)
Childhood Friends To Lovers(Nora x Male Reader)
The Darkness Turns To Light(salem x male reader)
Operation Teacher Ship(Glynda x male reader)
Helping Escape(Kali x male wolf Faunus)
A Familiar Situation(sienna x male reader)
Married Life(weiss x male reader)
A Reason To Stay, A Reson To Go(summer x male reader)
The Life After Collage(yang x male reader)
Memories We Share(ruby x male reader)
A Story Of A Boy And A Girl(blake x male reader)
Unexpected Love(raven x male reader)
A Real Girl (penny x male reader)
A Second Chance(cinder x male reader)
Birthday To Remember(weiss x male reader)
Love Is A Lifes Lesson(Salem x male reader)
Ghost Heist(winter x male reader)
A Step In Dad(Willow x male reader)
A Bunny And Her Underboss(velvet x male reader)
From Friends To Lovers(Pyrrha x male reader)
A Diamond In The Rough(Emerald x male reader)
Vacation Love(nora x male reader)
The Grimm Tamer(sienna x male reader)
A Father In Need(coco x male reader)
A Perfect Place(penny x male reader)
Engineering Our Fates(neo x male reader)
The Fate Is In Your Hands Now
The End(yang x faunus male reader)

Ashes To Ashes(cinder x male reader)

1.8K 19 5
By AdminOfLyulf


Cinder pov

I had just finished off the one person I considered family. I felt guilty, but he stood in my way of freedom, he saw me kill my other, "family." I'm sure he would have reported me, and that would be an issue for me.

Me:"im sorry, dad"

???:*crawling out of a hole in the wall*"oh wow, he was your dad, and you still killed him, man, you'd be perfect for our team"

Me:*turning to the boy in a fighting stance*"who are you"

Y/n:"hey, calm down, the names y/n, son of Salem the Grimm queen"

Me:"Grimm queen? So you can control grimm"

Y/n:"me? No, mom says I'm too irresponsible and would probably destroy our castle if I had that ability. No I just help them find food, anyways that's not important right now"

Me:"and what is exactly"

Y/n:"ya see, me and mom are trying to build an army, so far we have two people not including me, one is crazy and the other is a weird scientist. I just witnessed your battle, you fought without mercy"

I lowered my head at his words, I didn't want to kill him, but I needed to.

Y/n:"why did you kill him, he was your father, yes?"

Me:"no, he was just a man, who took care of me, he was like a father, but, in reality, he wasn't my dad"

Y/n:"and yet you still killed him without second thought, why is that"

Me:"...he stood in my way of freedom"

Y/n:"hm, and what is your name"

Me:"why do you need to know"

Y/n:"just wondering is all"

Me:"...fine, my name, is Cinder, Cinder fall"

Y/n:"cinder?*I nod*he, hahaha"

Me:*slight glare*"what's so funny"

Y/n:"you, you're like the real life Cinderella. Imagine this, a girl taken in by an evil stepmother and her two evil daughters. She's forced to act more like a maid than a daughter as she struggles daily to survive in such conditions. Let me guess, the name Cinder was given to you by your two mean stepsisters"

Me:*looks to the side, embarrassed*"..."

Y/n:"holy shit it was, hahaha, that's too good, hahaha"

Me:"grrr, hey, I just killed four people, one was a huntsman, what makes you think I won't do the same to you"

Y/n:"hehe, my apologies, i'm not laughing at you, just your situation, oh, and you can't physically kill me, so, im not to worried about that"

Me:"of course I can, watch me*i stab him, he stands there, smiling, I look at him in shock* w-what, how, how are you still alive"

Y/n:"simple, you can't kill me, because I'm immortal, well, not fully, I'm still susceptible to a natural cause of death, but stuff like stabing me only hurts... please take your weapon out, its starting to annoy me"

I take my weapon out and create some distance  between us.

Y/n:*as his wound closes by itself, leaving a scar*"ahhh, so much better, now then, back to my point, I want you"

Me:*blush*"what, hold on, we just met, you can't go saying those things?!"

Y/n:"hm...oh, oh no, that's not what I met, here, let me rephrase that. I want you, to join our side, we need people like you"

Me:"y-you need people, like me?"

Y/n:"yes, we need you on our side, please, join us, with you we can do things we could never even think of doing before. Like you said, you took out a huntsman and three others, and like it was nothing. We need people like that"

Me:"but, I, I don't even know what your cause is"

Y/n:"we want to take this world back under our  control, join us and we will give you a piece of that control. We, no, I will make sure that you get everything you've ever wanted"


Y/n:"yes, i'll be honest, you interest me, I can only hope we get to know each other better, I want to be your friend"

He smiled at the end of that, I don't know why, but seeing that smile, it calmed me, made me feel safe. I lowered my weapon when I saw him smile, he saw this and got closer to me, I didn't move. He was right in front of me when he stopped, now that he was so close I could see he was a lot taller than me.

Y/n:"so, what do ya say*holds his hand out for a handshake* partners?"

Me:"...*shakes his hand* ok, partners"

He smiled again and I swear I felt a blush on my face.

Me:*internal sigh*'this is going to be a lot more trouble than it's worth' 

Your pov

I had just recruited a new member, they seemed fun to mess with. Years after that I stuck by her side, I even let her play boss a few times, that luckily got us some new members. There were two who were younger than us, and one that was a lot older than us. I grew a liking to the two younger ones and treated them as my own, especially one of them named Emerald. She grew attached to both me and Cinder, but Cinder usually paid her no mind, unlike me who spoiled her. Right now I'm meeting up with the family I had made in a warehouse full of dust.

Cinder:*Cinder approaches Roman as I hide behind the exit*"Oh, Roman. Have a little faith.*She places her hand on his face.*You'll know what you need when you need to know it.*Roman seems entranced, but then looks away with a grunt.* Besides, we're done with Dust.*She begins to walk away.*

Roman:"O-okay, then what now?"

Cinder:"We're moving. Have the White Fang clear out this building. I'll send you details and coordinates tonight."


Cinder: "Looking back at Roman.*"We're proceeding to phase two."

Me:*coming out from the exit with my usual smile, Cinder freezes upon hearing my voice* "phase two already, man, you must be doing well for yourselves"

Emerald:"y/n!*goes over to me and hugs me, brakes the hug soon after* how are you, how was your last mission"

Me:"I'm good and the mission was a success, as always, how have things here been"

Emerald:"eh, you know, the usual"

Mercury:*walking up to me and gives me a bro hug*"hey old man, got anything for us this time"

Me:"you two are too old to be getting gifts from my missions*they stare at me*...but yes I did get you both something*takes out two items* for you emmy, a new scroll"

Emerald:"yes, my old one was so damaged this is just what I needed, I planned to steal one, but this saves me the trouble, thanks y/n"

Me:*I nod and hand the other one to Mercury* "and for you merc I got an upgrade for your legs, stolen straight from Atlas forge"

Mercury:"dope, I've always wanted something from Atlas"

Me:"who knows, maybe you kids will be able to go there one day"

Emerald:"hope so, the people there are loaded, imagine all the cash I could steal"

Me:"you think to small gem, you need to think about the bigger picture"

Mercury:"cinder tells us not to think, just obey"

Me:"cinder!*she turns her head away knowing she's in trouble, Roman and Mercury smirk* what did i tell you about treating the kids this way"

Cinder:"well, they're not my kids"

Me:*gasp as I cover Emeralds ears*"how dare you say that, think of the children cindy"

Cinder:"one, its true, and two, stop calling me that, you know I hate it"

Me:"and you know i hate it when you disrespect our kids"

Cinder:*angry blush*"They are not our kids!"

Me:"you did it again"

Mercury:"uh oh, mom and dad are fighting again"

Cinder:"We are not married!"

Me:"roman, take your niece and nephew to their rooms, I need to have a chat with their mother"

Cinder:"i'm not your wife!"

Roman:"since when was I their uncle"

Me:"since we became friends, now get them out of here"

Roman:"alright, whatever*walking away with the kids*come on kids, mommy and daddy need to talk things out"

Cinder:"we are not a thing!"

That last bit goes unheard as they exit the room, leaving me and Cinder to our lonesome. She turns her body to me, faces her eyes away as her blush still remains.

Me:"you know, it's funny, in all my years of knowing you, i'm the only one that can ever get you to act like this.*smirks*do you have a crush on me or something"

Cinder:"shut up, no I don't"

Me:"haha, you're such a tsundere, you know that"

Cinder:"no im not, shut up"

Me:"hm, nope, hahaha"

Cinder:"I hate you, so much"

Me:"no you dont"

Cinder:"yes I do, why are you even here anyways"

Me:"duh, I haven't seen you or the kids in weeks thanks to the mission, I came here to say hi to everyone"

Cinder:"we have more important things to do then greetings, you need to stop playing a pretend father and do those things"

Me:"and you need to learn to relax, I get my job done when it needs to be, I'll have you know, they are the closest thing i'll get to a family because of this job. So for the time being at least let me believe"

Cinder:"Do you actually want a family? They'll just betray you, you know"

Me:"not if I treat them like family, you ignore emmy any chance you get, don't know if you know this, but she thinks of you as her mom"

Cinder:"a foolish thing to think"

Me:"It's not, maybe you need to grow up, we're not kids anymore Cinder, we need to start thinking about what we'll do after the war. We're getting close to it and we don't even have a new generation to lead it, to carry our legacy"

Cinder:"legacy? Really, is that all, then let Emerald carry it, but don't give her the false hope of family, you and I both know you're not meant for that. As soon as Salem tells you to kill them, you'd do it in a heartbeat"

Me:"and what makes you say that"

Cinder:"it's the exact reason you recruited me, because I'm merciless"

Me:"there were other factors that went into that decision"

Cinder:*sigh*"my point is, you need to let this idea of a family go, we kill who we need to, that includes them"

Me:"...would you kill me, if you got the chance I mean, like, if I wasn't immortal, would you kill me if told to"

Cinder:"What kinda question is that?"

Me:"just answer it"

Cinder:"well that wouldn't happen so why do I need to answer it"

Me:"i'm just saying hypothetical"

Cinder:"hypothetical or not, you wouldn't be un immortal just like that so I see no reason in answering"

Me:"you know, dragging it on only makes it seem like you wouldn't"

Cinder:*blushes knowing she's been caught* "i'm not saying I wouldn't, it's just that it'll never happen so I see no reason to answer"

Got her, I know she's liked me for a while, but, like she says, our job doesn't allow us to have families, as much as I'd like one. We're old, and we're only getting older, soon there won't be a y/n or Cinder in this world. That thought drives me crazy, that's why I treat emmy and merc the way I do. I know what mom's doing is wrong, but I follow her because of the family I made here. However, if she ordered me to kill any of them, I'd turn on her in a matter of seconds.

Me:*hugs Cinder, earning a cute "eep" from her* "thank you"

Cinder:"i-i said n-nothing to deserve p-praise"

Me:"you don't need to say anything, I've known you long enough to understand your cold ways"

Cinder:"hmph, whatever*hugs back* idiot"

I smile as I feel her hug, she didn't do this often, but when she did it was comforting. After that we started phase two, it went earlier then we wanted it to, so we had to improvise. I was sent out on a mission the day Beacon was to fall, so I was in shock of what happened when I came back.

Me:"where is she"

Tyrian:"Young prince, please calm down, she is well, just passed out"

Me:"i'll ask you again, where is she"

Hazel:"calm down, you'll blow out a vain if you keep this up"

Me:"shut up you giant, I wasn't talking to you"

Watts:"oh, insulting Hazle of all people, that's a new one"

Me:"you to mustache, shut the hell up, no one said you could speak"

Salem:*approaching*"y/n! Calm yourself, it's very unbecoming of yourself to act like this, what happened"

Me:"what happened is that Cinder is hurt and no ones letting me see her"

Salem:"hm, you care this much about her"

Me:"you once cared about ozma this much, you should know how i'm feeling, the least you could do is pity me"

Salem:"...*sigh* follow me"

I smirk knowing she gave in and I follow her, she takes me to a room and opens it. I see Cinder there, laying in bed with a scar over her eye and a Grimm arm.

Me:"w-what happened to her"

Salem:"this is the doing of the silver eyed warrior, ruby rose I believe her name was, she did this to her*leans over to me*how does that make you feel"

Me:*gritting my teeth*"angry"

Salem:"and what do you plan to do about this"

Me:"im gonna kill that rose, and anybody who tries to stop me"

Salem:*smiles evilly*"good"

She then walks away as I enter the room and sit at the edge of cinder's bed. I didn't want to go on the mission, I had a suspicion that something like this would happen. However, I went because she said she'll be fine, that she could handle it on her own.

Me:"I shouldn't have gone on that stupid mission, I could have helped you, I could have prevented this"

Cinder:*eyes still closed*"or you could have died instead"


Cinder:*sitting up and motioning for me to get closer, I do, lending her my ear*"I'm not sure what that power would have done to you, if it did this to me. Its strong y/n, it turned a dragon Grimm to stone"

Me:"im immortal Cinder, it would have done nothing to me, I could've shield you"

Cinder:"y/n, it turned a dragon Grimm to stone, your power of immortality is a Grimm power, that red would have turned you to stone"

Me:"at least I could've prevented this"

Cinder:"you would've died"

Me:"i'm more then willing to die for you"


Me:"I would do anything for you, I would give my life for yours, I'd do what Salem did for ozma, for you. I would start a war and finish it, just for you."


Me:"...because I'm in love with you, im crazy for you, and I don't care if you don't feel the same way, that feeling won't change"

As I finish my words I lean back to see Cinders face in shock, her one good eye was wide and her mouth was agape.


Me:*blush*"c-could you at least give me an answer"

Cinder:"yes*coughs a few time and pats her chest to stop it*y-yes, I l-like you too"

She coughs a few more times before calming down as I smile. Once she stopped coughing I stole her lips in a kiss. I could tell she was shocked at first but soon melted into it. We shared a room after that, and let me tell you, she's great at cuddling, and um, other things. Anyways, after that we had many bumps, especially during the attack on haven where I almost lost her again. I didn't let her leave my side after that. I lost Emerald tho, at the first chance she got, she sided with the enemy, and now, I face her in battle as one.


Emerald:"hey, y/n...look, I don't want to fight you, please, just step aside and we'll let you go"

Yang:"are you kidding me, he's one of them, he needs to go down with the rest of them"

Emerald:"he's not like them, hes reasonable*to me*please"

Me:"...*glances at Oscar and back at her*what are your plans with ozma"

Yang:"his name is oscar"

Me:"I wasn't talking about the boy, I was talking about ozma"

Yang:"They're the same thing"

Me:"no they're not, ozma is a threat to society *points to oscar*that is an innocent child that has no place in this war"

Yang steps back in shock as Emerald looks back at her with a smirk.

Emerald:"told ya*to me*we plan to use ozmas knowledge to stop Salem"

Me:"imposible, she's immortal remember, you can't kill her"

Jaune:"but we don't need to kill her, just stop her"

Emerald:*smiles*"you think to small, you need to think about the bigger picture"

Me:"...*smiles*smart girl, hm, seems I did teach you something after all"

Emerald:"you taught me everything I know"

Me:"...*sigh* you like making my job harder, don't you"

Emerald:"I try, so, are you gonna let us go"

Me:"... *stepping to the side*don't tell your mother or mine I did this, or its my head"

Emerald:"yes, I knew you'd never hurt me"

Me:"I would never, your like family to me"

She smiles and hugs me before running off with her new friends. I couldn't do it, I couldn't hurt her, no matter how much I tried, I couldn't even lift my hand to my weapon to do so. I walked back to mine and Cinder's room disappointed. Weeks passed after that, I never saw Emerald again, it was probably for the best I didn't. Cinder came back, but I distanced myself from her, scared of what she would do if she found out. I guess this seemed suspicious to her as she approached me about it.

Cinder:"just tell me why your like this"

Me:"I can't, you wouldn't like it"

Cinder:"what, are you cheating on me"


Cinder:"are you breaking up with me"


Cinder:"then what is it"

Me:"i'm growing weak, ok, I, I let her get to Salem, I let her take ozma and Oscar, I let them all go because they were with Emerald and I couldn't bring myself to hurt her... you were right, I shouldn't have played the role of a father, it made me weak"

Cinder:"...I see"

Me:"go ahead, tell Salem, I dont care anymore, I lost my kid, and now I lost you, there's no point in it"

Cinder:"who says you lost me"

Me:"you follow everything Salem says without second thought, if she knew about this, im sure she'd kill me"

Cinder:"who says I'm gonna tell her"

Me:"you tell her everything that goes against her, of course you'd tell her this"

Cinder:"I didn't tell her about emerald, she found that out on her own*hold my hands*I can let her figure this out on her own as well... I guess we both got weak, I'm now finding myself covering for you. Those kids will be the death of us"

Me:" least we'll be together, right?"


Time passed after that, Ruby and her gang came back, and just like last time, I couldn't bring myself to hurt Emerald, and let her go. They put a stop to Salam once and for all, but spared me and Cinder, instead, we got put in jail. We were supposed to serve a lifetime in prison, but thanks to Emmy convincing her friends to let us go on the account that I don't let Cinder out of my sight and we do community work for the rest of our lives, we got out early. When we did the first thing we did was get married, the second thing we did was adopt Emerald, which she was more than happy about. I may not have been able to give Cinder total control of the world like I promised, but I'm sure she's still happy with the outcome, and I can say that we did indeed live happily ever after.

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