[OLD] Luna Mew Light Johto Jo...

By EleftheriaYuyaCielo

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Xx BOOK 2: Sequel to 'Luna Mew Light Kanto Journey' Xx Xх Second FanFiction Story! хX Luna Mew Light is a you... More

Prologue: Before Johto
Character Profile
Chapter 1: Johto Starters and Meeting Casey
Chapter 2: Forest. Cherrygrove and Castallia City!
Chapter 3: Capturing Chikorita! Primo and Violet Gym!
Chapter 4: Meet Cyndaquil and Kurt. Azalea Gym Battle!
Chapter 5: The Pond, Houndour and Pokémon Swap Meet!
Chapter 6: Noctowl, Savage Skarmory and Len Town
Chapter 7: Tyrogues Evolutions, Goldenrod City and Pokéathlon
Chapter 8: Bug Catching Contest! The Dojo and The Wannabe Trainer
Chapter 9: Fishing Contest! Beauty Contest! Grass Pokémon Tournament!
Chapter 10: The Burned Tower History and Ecruteak City Gym!
Chapter 11: Meeting Todd Again and Articuno!
Chapter 12: The Naughty Murkrow Thief! The Dunsparce Swarm! Brock is Sick?!
Chapter 13: A Sumo Competition? Electric Company. A Cunning Smergle and Kecleon?
Chapter 14: The Light House! Shuckle Group and Cianwood Gym!
Chapter 15: Whirl Islands Adventures Start!
Chapter 16: The Water Pokémon Poachers?! The Wild Corsola! The Silver Wing!
Chapter 17: The Whirl Cup Competition Begins!
Chapter 18: Lugia's Arc
Chapter 19: Tomo 10th Birthday! The Aircraft? Back to Olivine Gym!
Chapter 20: Meeting Ho-Oh and The Three Legendary Beasts Face-to-Face!
Chapter 21: The Extreme Pokémon Race! Meet Phanpy! The Loyal Ninetails!
Chapter 22: Johto Champion Lance and The Red Gyarados Rage!
Chapter 23: The Lost Piloswine! Mahogany Gym!
Chapter 25: Larvitar. The Unown? The Pokémon Reserve.
Chapter 26: Meeting Harrison. The Johto League Torch!
Pokémon List Update
Chapter 27: The Silver Confernce Begins!
Chapter 28: The Last Two Final Matches of the Silver Conference!
Chapter 29: Separation and Back to Pallet Town!

Chapter 24: The Dragon's Den! Blackthorn Gym! Wynaut?

4.8K 89 24
By EleftheriaYuyaCielo

Luna and the gang were on the way to Blackthorn City, where Luna could earn her last gym badge for the Johto League.

Along the way they had run into some adventures.

First they ran into a fire Pokémon trainer named Egan, who loved fire Pokémon very much, and he had a Flareon and a Magcargo.

Next they came across a mysterious lake that electric Pokémon always gathered to, and in the process they met a wild Zapdos and the gang swore to never tell anyone about this.

And last of all they encountered the icy path, which was a very long icy cave filled with lots ice Pokémon.

But now they were getting near to Blackthorn City.

Just then they saw a Dratini sleeping on the ground next to a lake.

"Hey what is it doing there all by itself?" Luna asked.

Just then a Gyarados popped out of the lake and fired a hydro pump attack at them, but Zorua use shadow ball to counter it.

"Hey what did you do that for?" Luna asked.

A blue haired woman came up and answered Luna's question, "I apologize for that, my Gyarados protects my Dratini whenever there are strangers about." She said and returned Gyarados to its PokéBall.

Luna understood, she told Zorua and Pichu its okay and introduced herself to the woman.

Tomo, Misty and Brock introduced themselves as well.

The woman introduced herself as Claire, the gym leader of the gym in Blackthorn City.

When Luna heard that Clair was the gym leader, she asked if she could challenge her to a gym battle.

"I gladly accept your challenge Luna," Claire said, "but I have to perform an important ritual today, before I can accept any gym challengers first."

"What important ritual is that?" Brock asked curiously.

"I can answer that question." A voice said behind them.

The voice belonged to an old man and he was carrying a green rucksack on his back.

"My name is Kaburagi," the man introduced, "and I'm Claire's assistant at the gym."

Kaburagi explained that Claire had to take the old dragon fang to the dragon's den. He showed them a very old dragon fang from his rucksack.

"Hey, I read one time that a dragon fang can power up dragon type moves." Luna said.

"That is correct," Kaburagi said, "and this old dragon fang is a priceless treasure to the Blackthorn Gym." He explained that the old dragon fang had been in the Blackthorn Gym ever since the first gym leader. "It's a tradition that the gym leader of Blackthorn Gym takes this old dragon fang to the shrine that's in the dragon's den, and perform a special ritual in there."

The gang was fascinated by this.

Just then Luna asked Claire if they could watch the ritual.

"Yeah could we?" Misty asked, "It sounds exciting to watch."

Claire and Kaburagi saw nothing wrong with that and allowed the gang to join them.

So Claire and Kaburagi led the gang the way to the dragon's den.

The dragon's den was located just outside Blackthorn City.

Along the way Claire revealed that Lance the champion was her cousin, what made the gang very surprised indeed.

The gang told Clair about their meeting with Lance outside Mahogany Town and Luna captured a shiny Gyarados there, Claire and Kuburagi was impressed.

Soon they reached a lake, and the entrance to the Dragon's Den was on the other side of the lake, in the cliffs.

Claire sent out her Gyarados and everyone got onto its back to cross the lake and into Dragon's Den.

The dragon's den was a very dark cave.

Luna sent out Lanturn to light up the way.

The other problem was there were some whirlpools in the dragon's den. Misty sent out her Staryu to deal with the whirlpools with whirlpool attack.

Soon they were getting near the shrine, which stood in the middle of the Dragon's Den.

"I take it Lance has been here as well right Claire?" Luna asked.

"That's correct Luna," Claire said, "all dragon type trainers come here to pray for all the dragon type trainers of the past to guide them on their quests. So both Lance and I have prayed here to have our quests, being great dragon type trainers, be successful."

"I see." Luna said.

Finally they reached the shrine of the dragon's den. Suddenly three old men ran out of the shrine, they were the priests of the shrine.

"Oh Claire we are glad you are here."One of them said.

"Has something happened?" Claire asked.

One of the priests explained that they were getting the shrine ready for Claire's ritual, but then a thief broke into the shrine and stole all the dragon fangs from the Master of the Dragon Clan.

"Oh my!" Kaburagi gasped, "I'm glad that this thief hadn't stolen the old dragon fang."

"Is the Master okay?" Claire asked.

"Oh he's alright," one of the priests answered, "he's just in a bit of a shock from the attack."

Claire ran into the shrine to see if the master was okay and Kaburagi and the gang followed.

The inside of the shrine was in a mess; scrolls were over the floor, boxes on the floor and some statues knocked over.

Claire ran over to the Master, who was an old man, to see if he was okay.

The Master of the Dragon Clan was in charge of the dragon's den shrine and he was also a teacher to those who wanted to become dragon Pokémon trainers.

The Master was okay, but he was cross that the dragon fangs had been stolen, "You must get those dragon fangs' back," he said to Claire, "the thief plans to sell them to make money and he can't do that."

"Don't worry master," Claire said, "I'll go get them back at once."

The gang offered to help and Claire accepted and they all got back to Gyarados to go after the thief.

Kaburagi stayed behind to help the priests and Master tidy up the shrine.

Meanwhile the thief who was a man name Blake was in a motor boat, on the lake.

"I did good stealing those dragon fangs." Blake laughed.

Blake drove the motor boat to the shore of the lake and placed down his bag of things down on the grass to look at them.

Apart from stealing dragon fangs, Blake had also stolen other items that powered up a Pokémon's moves, like charcoals for fire types, magnets for electric types etc.

"I'll be getting a lot of money by selling this lot." Blake smirked.

At that moment, Claire and the gang arrived.

"Stop right there thief!" Claire shouted, "Give back those dragon fangs!"

"Not a chance girl," Blake said, "I need these for making money." He started to run off.

"Oh no you don't!" Luna shouted. She and Tomo commanded Zorua and Growlithe to go after the thief, while they also gave chase. The thief noticed the Pokémon following him and sent out a Primeape to deal with them.

The gang saw the Primeape and then Claire sent out her Dratini to battle it.

"I'll deal with Primeape, you kids continue chasing the thief." She said.

While Luna and the gang ran after the thief, Claire challenged the Primeape. She commanded Dratini to use thunder wave on Primeape.

Primeape got hit by the attack and became paralyzed, but it didn't give up on fighting. Primeape hit Dratini with karate chop.

"Dratini attack with slam." Claire said. Dratini slammed into Primeape really hard. "Well done Dratini."

Suddenly Dratini started to glow and then it evolved into Dragonair. Claire was amazed by her Pokémon's evolution, but she concentrated on Primeape.

"Use twister Dragonair." She said. Dragonair created a tornado from its tail and sent it at Primeape. Prime fainted from the twister attack.

"Good job Dragonair," Claire said, "now we must catch up to the thief." She got onto Dragonair's black and they flew into the sky to catch up to the thief.

At that time Luna and the gang were still chasing after the thief.

"Grrr! These kids are getting on my nerves." Blake said to himself. He was about to throw another Pokémon out of a PokéBall to hold the gang off, but then he was stopped in his tracks by a thunder wave attack.

Claire and Dragonair had arrived.

The gang were surprised to see Dragonair. "Her Dratini must have evolved." Brock.

Claire ordered her Dragonair to use ice beam at the thief. Dragonair fired an ice beam at the thief's feet and the thief's feet got trapped in a block of ice, so the thief couldn't escape.

Luna took the thief's bag of loot from him and Brock ran to get the police.

"Stealing from a shrine is unforgivable," Claire said to the thief, "and I will be taking those dragon fangs back to the shrine."

Soon the police were on the scene and they arrested the thief.

"I'm glad you were able to catch Blake," Officer Jenny explained, "this guy buys and steals things and then he sells them for unfair prices to trainers."

Everyone had a look at all the things that the thief had in his bag.

Apart from charcoals, dragon fangs and magnets, the thief had black glasses, miracle seeds, black belts, never-melt ices, hard stones, mystic water pendants, metal coats, poison barbs, silk scarves, sharp beaks, silver powders, soft sands, twisted spoons and spell tags.

"Wow, all of these are items used to power up a Pokémon's moves." Brock said.

Claire picked up all the dragon fangs, "The master will be happy to know that the dragon fangs are all okay." She said.

The gang stared at the other items and asked Officer Jenny if the other things had been stolen.

"No all the other things had been brought fairly," Officer Jenny answered, "so I guess I can take all the other stuff to Nurse Joy and she could figure out what to do with them. But before I do that you four trainers can help yourselves to any of the stuff."

"What, can we?" Misty said.

"Course you can, besides you earned the rights for these things because of your help capturing the thief." Officer Jenny said.

The gang were delighted with their reward and picked out what they wanted at once.

Luna picked out one each of all the items, except the metal coat because she already had one, mystic water pendant she wanted to keep on for her water Pokémon, including a stone that was green with a eight pointed star in it, Luna found out it was a Dawn Stone she was happy to have another evolutionary stone.

Tomo picked all the items as well.

Misty picked up a never-melt ice and two mystic water pendants, she wanted one to wear round her neck all the time.

Brock picked up a hard stone and a soft sound.

"Wow, this saved us a lot of trouble of having to search and buy these in shops." Luna said placing her stuff into her back pack.

"I agree." Misty said and she placed her mystic water pendant around her neck at once.

Officer Jenny thanked Claire and the gang again, and then she and her men left with the thief.

Clair and the gang went back to the shrine and returned the dragon fangs at once.

The shrine was now all tidy again by the time.

The Master and priests were happy to have the dragon fangs returned, they thanked Claire and the gang at once.

Claire told Kaburagi about her Dratini's evolution and Kaburagi was happy for her.

Just then Kaburagi said that now it was time for Claire to perform the ritual.

Claire knelt down in front of the shrine and held the old dragon fang in her hands.

The Master and priests were kneeling at the sides and doing a prayed, Kaburagi and the gang watched from behind.

Claire said a little prayer and then the old dragon fang began to glow.

"May you continue to watch over future dragon type trainers always." Claire said.

Then the glow stopped, the ritual was now complete.

"What happened?" Tomo asked.

Kaburagi explained that the legend says that the past dragon type trainers and gym leaders look down on the present dragon trainers and gym leaders. And that the ritual was to pray to them to continue watching over them and to watch over future dragon type trainers.

After the ritual was over, Claire, Kaburagi and the gang headed to Blackthorn City.

"Luna, you and I will have our gym battle tomorrow." Clair said.

"I can't wait for it Claire." Luna said.


The next day it was now time for Luna to battle Clair and earn her final eighth gym badge.

"Even though this will be my twentieth gym battle, this will be my first dragon type gym battle." Luna said.

"You're right about that Luna." Brock said, "truth is you hardly get any gyms that use dragon type Pokémon. You normally get the usual water, grass or fire type gyms."

"What Pokémon are you going to use Lu?" Misty asked, "I mean dragon type Pokémon aren't the easiest Pokémon to beat you know."

"I'm using Trident, Fraxure," Luna said, "and Skylark for it. I would be interesting to see dragon vs dragon or should I say all dragon battle."

"Huh, are you sure that Skylark is ready?" Brock asked.

"Yeah his ready," Luna said, "He actually wanted to battle in a gym for the first time. Remember Crescent and Arashi already been in a gym before, well expect for Celebi."

"Now that you mention it." Misty said, "Its true."

"Awe I can't wait to see that tomorrow how Skylark battle." Tomo said.

They soon came to the Blackthorn Gym.

The Blackthorn Gym was huge, the size of a mansion.

Kaburagi welcomed the gang and led them to the gym's battlefield, where Claire was waiting for them.

The battlefield was big as well and there was a pool for water Pokémon in the middle.

"I take it you're ready for our gym challenge huh Luna?" Claire asked.

"Yes Claire I am." Luna said confidently.

Tomo, Misty and Brock took their place behind Luna.

"I wonder if Luna will be okay against a dragon type gym." Brock said.

"Big sister will win," Tomo said, "I mean she has dealt with dragon types before."

"You're right about that Tomo, she has." Misty said. She remembered when Luna dealt with a Dragonite in the Orange Islands and defeated a Kingdra in the Whirl Cup. "And don't forget that she has dragon types as well, remember she sometime has her Pokémon spar against one another."

Brock remembered too and started to believe that Luna would be okay.

Kaburagi served as the gym referee and explained that the match was a 3 on 3 Pokémon battle and the first to knock out three Pokémon wins.

"Let the match begin!" Kaburagi declared.

Claire sent out her first Pokémon, a Kingdra.

Luna sent out Trident.

Claire and Kaburagi was surprised, and they remembered that she meant catching a red Gyarados.

"I can't wait to see how Trident battle." Misty said.

"All right Trident let's use hydro pump." Luna said. Trident fired a hydro pump from his mouth.

"Kingdra dodge with agility." Claire said quickly is was amazed by the fast attack. Kingdra dodged Trident hydro pump. "Then use head-butt." Kingdra charged at Gyarados with its head attack.

"Trident thunder the water." Luna said. Trident released a electric attack on the water and it shocked the whole water field. It didn't affect Trident since he was on the land part of it.

"Oh no!" Claire said, "Kingdra." Kingdra got hit badly and fainted he stand the electric move.

"Kingdra is unable to battle," Kaburagi announced, "Gyarados is the winner of this round." He was shocked has fast the first round ended.

"Way to go Trident." Luna cheered.

Trident roared happy that he won.

Tomo was cheering for Luna's first victory.

"I have to say, Trident got stronger," Brock said, "The training with Mystic and Triton made him better and stronger."

"Yep, I can't wait to see what else Luna can do with her water type Pokémon." Misty said.

Clair returned Kingdra and sent out her next Pokémon; a Gyarados.

Luna returned Gyarados and sent out her dragon Fraxure.

Claire and Kuburagi again was shocked by the Pokémon. Luna explained that its a dragon type from Unova, she got here in Johto through trading.

They nodded so the match continued.

"Fraxure use dragon breath." Luna said. Fraxure fired a blue-green flame from her mouth, at Gyarados.

"Gyarados fight back with dragon breath as well." Claire said. Gyarados fired a blue-green flame, from its mouth, the two dragon breath collied with each other causing an explosion. "Gyarados use twister."

"Fraxure use razor wind to cut down the twister." Luna said. Fraxure launched a two wind cut attack at the twister and the twister broken down. "Now use dragon pulse." She said and Fraxure launched a green orb from her mouth and it hit Gyarados directly, it didn't cause Gyarados to faint by she weaken it. "Alright Fraxure let's end this." Luna said.

"Fraxure!" Fraxure roared and she began to glow.

"Fraxure is evolving." Brock said.

Brock was right, Fraxure grew taller and bigger. She has black skin covering its torso, tail tip and thighs, as well as red talons and claws. it has large tusks, which resembles scythes are black and edged in red and are located on its upper jaw on the side of its mouth.

"Haxorous!" She roared out.

Haxorous, the Axe Jaw Pokémon.
Haxorous is the final evolved form of Axew. Haxorous is normally considered friendly. Its body is covered with a tough armor and its tusks cannot be broken.

"Amazing." Claire and Kuburagi said, they were amazed by the dragon Pokémon evolution.

"But it's not over yet," Claire said, "Gyarados use hyper beam." Gyarados fired a hyper beam attack at Haxorous.

"Haxorous use shadow claw to cut the hyper beam." Luna said. Haxorous claw had a purple and black claw around it, she lifted her arm in the air and strike the hyper beam in half.

"Incredible." Brock said in astonishment.

Misty and Tomo also Kuburagi was amazed by this.

"Haxorous finish this dragon claw." Luna said. Haxorous claw glowed green and she strike Gyarados quickly.

Gyarados roared and fainted from the attack.

"Gyarados is unable to battle," Kaburagi announced, "this round goes to Haxorous."

Tomo was cheering for Luna's won.

"Now Clair only has one Pokémon left." Misty said.

"Yes but her last Pokémon is Dragonair." Brock said.

"I don't think you need to worry Brock," Misty said, "Luna last Pokémon is after all Skylark."

"Yes you're right." Brock said.

Claire returned Gyarados and sent out Dragonair. "Let's see how you'll do against my Dragonair Luna." She said.

Luna chuckled and returned Haxorous, "Alright Skylark let's do this." She said and released her sky high dragon Pokémon from its PokéBall.

"No way," Claire said eyes widen staring at the green Pokémon, "Rayquaza the Hoenn Legendary Pokémon."

Kuburagi was speechless to say anything.

"I can't wait to see these two dragons fighting each other." Tomo said excitedly.

Misty and Brock couldn't either as seeing two dragon Pokémon battling each other was an exciting event.

Misty and Tomo it would be their second time due to her battling against Drake's Dragonnite at the Orange League with her Salamence.

Just then the roof of the gym started to come off.

"What's going on?" Luna asked.

Kaburagi explained that having the roof off meant that flying types can easily fly around the battle field.

Since Dragonair and Rayquaza can fly, having the roof off would be easier for them to fly about.

Claire commanded her Dragonair to use hyper beam at Rayquaza.

Luna commanded Skylark to dodge the attack, and it did. "Okay Skylark use dragon pulse." Skylark fired a dragon pulse attack from it mouth and Dragonair got hit by it.

"Dragonair take to the sky now." Claire said. Dragonair got out of the pool and into the air. "Now use iron tail."

Dragonair's tail glowed and it got ready to strike Dragonite, but Luna had Skylark counter the attack with dragon tail.

The two dragons were clashing at each other with their tails.

"This is some battle," Brock said, "I mean I have never seen dragon Pokémon fight like this before."

Misty and Tomo have, it was like Dragonnite vs Salamence battle.

Luna commanded Skylark to use extreme speed and Dragonite charged into Dragonair really hard.

"Don't give up Dragonair, use dragon rage." Claire said. Dragonair fired a big blue orb of energy at Skylark and Skylark got hit by it.

"Hang in there Skylark." Luna said. Just then Skylark's body got surrounded by a blue and white dragon shaped energy, and then it slammed into Dragonair really hard.

"Wow, what was that?" Misty asked.

"That was dragon rush," Brock answered, "it's one of the strongest dragon type moves."

Luna was happy that Skylark learnt how to use dragon rush even though it was a bit young still.

Because of Skylark's new dragon type move, Claire's Dragonair couldn't battle anymore and fainted.

"Dragonair is unable to battle," Kaburagi announced, "Rayquaza is the winner of this match, and the winner of this gym battle is Luna."

Luna was happy for her victory and hugged Skylark at once.

Rayquaza roared softly happy that it won it's first Pokémon battle.

Tomo, Misty and Brock ran over to Luna at once and congratulated her at once.

"You and your Pokémon were great out there." Misty said.

"Yeah especially since Dragon type Pokémon like Dragonair are not the easiest to beat." Brock said, "But Skylark pulled through till the end."

"You were great big sister." Tomo said hugging Luna.

Clair and Kaburagi walked over to Luna.

"Luna, that was the greatest battle that I've ever had in life." Claire said. "Especially with a Legendary Pokémon."

"Yes you are one impressive trainer." Kaburagi said.

"Thank you very much." Luna said.

"So Luna I now give you the Rising Badge as proof of your victory." Claire said.

The Rising Badge was red and black and was shaped like a dragon's face.

Luna thanked Clair and accepted her gym badge at once.

That evening Luna had his Pokémon healed at the Pokémon Centre and had sent Skylark back to Professor Oak.

"It was a good idea to use Skylark in the gym battle Luna." Brock said, "Through it was average young but a strong one."

"I know," Luna said, "especially since dragon Pokémon can only be beaten by dragon types and ice types."

"Yes and now you can register for the Johto League." Misty said.

Misty was right, Luna now had eight gym badges.

"I wonder where the Johto League is being held though." Luna said. She didn't know where it was.

"Let's find out tomorrow," Brock suggested, "we need to go to bed now, especially you Luna."

Luna was pretty tired from today, so she and the others fell asleep in the Pokémon Centre's rooms.


The next day, Luna and the gang were having breakfast with Claire at her gym.

Luna asked Claire if she knew where the Johto League was being held.

Sure enough Claire did know. She explained that the Johto League, called the Silver Conference, was to be held in three months' time at Mt Silver.

"How do we get there?" Brock asked.

"I'm afraid I don't know," Claire said, "but I suggest you go and see Professor Elm in New Bark Town. He will probably know."

The gang thought that was a great idea and asked Clair for directions to get to New Bark Town from Blackthorn City.

Suddenly Growlithe started to bark at the bushes.

"What's wrong Growlithe?" Tomo asked.

Growlithe started to run towards the bushes and Tomo followed him. When they reached the bushes and looked behind it, they found something shocking.

There was a blue pokemon, with a small, bipedal Pokémon covered in blue fur. Its head is spherical with ear-like, fingerless arms on either side and a bulbous growth on its forehead. It has a wide mouth with a serrated upper jaw and a pink tongue. Its eyes appear closed, each curving upward to a point in the center. The fur on its body ends in a zigzag pattern, extending over its short legs. It's tail is long and completely black, ending in a round, flattened tip with a white, eye-like spot and it was panting heavily on the ground.

"Luna, come here quickly!" Tomo called out to Luna.

Luna, Claire and the others rushed over to see what was wrong and saw the Pokémon.

Brock knelt down to check over the Pokémon at once. "This Pokémon has got a high fever," he said, "we must get it to the pokemon centre at once." He picked up the Pokémon and he and the others rushed over to the Pokémon Centre.

At the Pokémon Centre, Nurse Joy tended to the Pokémon at once.

Nurse Joy explained that the Pokémon was called a Wynaut, "It's a good thing you found Wynaut and brought it here at once," she said, "otherwise the fever would have put it in a worse condition".

Wynaut, the Bright Pokémon.
The pre-evolved form of Wobbuffet. They travel in herds and at night, and retire to caves where they sleep together in groups.

"Wow, so Wynaut evolves into Wobbuffet." Misty said.

The gang decided to leave the emergency room to plan what to do now.

So they left the emergency room, leaving Nurse Joy and Chansey tending to Wynaut.

In the hallway of the Pokémon Centre, Luna told the gang that Wynaut is a Pokémon from the Hoenn region.

Wow it's amazing that seen another Pokémon from the Hoenn region." Misty said.

"You're right," Brock said, "we also have some Pokémon from the Hoenn region as well."

"Seeing Hoenn Pokémon has made me decided that I am definitely going to visit the Hoenn Region after I finish the Johto League." Luna said.

Pichu and Zoura nodded in agreement.

"And I'm coming too." Tomo said.

"Of course you are." Luna smiled.

Just then Nurse Joy came up to the group and told them that Wynaut's fever has broken.

The gang were relieved that Wynaut will be okay now.

Tomo asked Luna if they could stay at the Pokémon Centre until Wynaut was better, because he was fond of Wynaut and wanted to watch it become fully healed.

Luna could see that Tomo was worried about Wynaut and he and Misty and Brock agreed about staying at the Pokémon Centre.

So for the rest of the day, Luna and the gang stayed at the Pokémon Centre.

Luna and Tomo were talking to their mum on the phone to let her know how their journey has been, and then they talked to Professor Oak about their journey.

Misty called her sisters to check to see how everything has been going and to know how her Pokémon are doing.

Brock was calling his family to know how things are going.

In no time at all Wynaut was fully recovered from its fever.

Claire and the gang were happy to know that the Wynaut was okay, especially Tomo.

Tomo walked over to the Wynaut and rubbed its head, and then he asked Wynaut if it would like to come with him. "I think you are an amazing Pokémon, and I would like you to be on my Pokémon team."

Wynaut stared at Tomo and accept his request.

But Wynaut had one request, it wanted Tomo to battle it and Tomo accept the battle request.

Tomo and Wynaut went outside to battle, as fighting was not allowed in the Pokémon Centre.

The others and Claire went outside too to watch the battle.

"I hope Tomo will be okay," Misty said, "I mean since Wynaut is the pre-evolution of Wobbuffet, this Pokémon may be tricky."

"He'll be fine Mist," Luna said, "Tomo knows how to battle well and he knows all about Wobbuffet so he shouldn't have problems with Wynaut."

"I agree with Luna." Brock said.

Tomo had Growlithe battle Wynaut.

"We must be careful Growlithe," Tomo said, "Wynaut will only use counter and mirror coat, so this will be difficult."

Grow lithe nodded

Tomo ordered Growlithe to attack Wynaut with flamethrower, but Wynaut used mirror coat to counter it, and when Growlithe tried to use bite attack, Wynaut would use counter against it.

"Now this is tricky." Tomo said worriedly. But then he had an idea. He ordered Growlithe to use double team and then ordered it to use flamethrower again.

Wynaut did use mirror coat to counter it, but then Growlithe struck Wynaut with flame wheel.

The gang were amazed by that.

"What happened?" Misty asked.

"I know," Brock said, "double team and flamethrower were to distract Wynaut, giving Growlithe the chance to strike Wynaut with flame wheel. There's no doubt that Tomo is a great trainer."

"I agree, he picked up on Lu's battle strategists habit." Misty said.

Brock nodded, while Luna smiled.

"Battle strategists habit?" Claire questioned.

Luna answered, "I always have a habit of picking up strategists when battling or watching a Pokémon battle or as you say I analyse the field and make a counter or use any type of field to my advantage against opponents, be it forest, land, water, sky and other fields. I guess Tomo pick it up from me." She said amused.

Claire was surprise, not many people can do that especially at a young age, but she can see that Luna was a special girl not to be underestimate.

"Yeah and it's not easy to counter her." Brock added.

"Definitely." Misty agreed.

The flame wheel attack made Wynaut weak and Tomo caught it in his friend ball.

"All right I've caught Wynaut." Tomo cheered.

Growlithe barked.

Claire and Luna, Misty and Brock congratulated him for his capture.

Now that Wynaut was captured, the gang decided it was now time to leave Blackthorn City for New Bark Town.

Claire told the gang to follow the path towards the sea and then they could take a boat to New Bark Town.

The gang thanked Clair, said goodbye to her and left Blackthorn City.

19/09/2015- Edited

1. In the anime I think that Ash was unprepared when battling Claire.

2. I wanted Tomo to have another Pokémon from Hoenn so I decide it would be a Wynaut.

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Xx Sequel to: - Luna Mew Light Journey Stories XxxxxxxxxxXxxxxxxxXxxxxxxxxXxxxxxxx Luna and the gang adventures, meeting Legendary Pokémon's and Amaz...
656 1 1
Most of the times, the journey is so beautiful that the destination ceases to hold any value. And with this tide of time and roll of destiny, time...