Steven universe adventures 2

By Ro1052003

16.3K 93 417

Steven and his friends are back! Their traveling the world helping other animals that need it. And now with t... More

New friends
Friendship vs strength
Thats what friends are for
Kindness and sacrifice
Battle on vorison mountain
Clash of time and space
Welcome to alamos
Darkeai's warning
From alamos town to nightmare town
Battle of the titans
The town is saved
Malenion festival
Turn of events
Butler true color
Rise of zombie groudon
Unfortunate events
Meet shaymin
The reverse world
On the train
Saving an enemy
Celebis forest
Ferry ride
Jungle forest
Enter iron masked marauder
Saving the forest
Steven meets god
Before the exlipes
Changing history
Meet Zoura
Saving zorauk
The Vision
The migration
Unexpected reunion
Join the migration
The spider and the butterfly
Team rocket means buisness
Welcome to the crater
The best of the best
Darkness is coming
Tapu council
To raptordon
In the nick of time
The pokemon of black and white
Medichi bros. Circus
Baby jumbo
Circus disaster
Dumbo soars
Unexpected show stopper
Elephant heist
A year later
Not so proper introduction
Robot chase
Hedgehog vs egghead
Best friends forever
Destiny apporaching
Meet hoopa
Ghidorah's ghost
The prophecy
Approachimg darkness
Off to dehara tower
Night time ambush
Closer than expected
Before the eclipse
The eclipse
After the eclipse
A new future
Reamimated pokemon
Pokemon hills
Steven meets the genecect
Genecect invasion
Genecect nest
Making peace
Princess diancie
Meet diancie
Mammoth manipulation
Mall mayham
Through the jungle
The bird of destruction
Mega abution
Meet volcanion
Helping magearna
Nebel plateau
Gaining ones trust
Reef city
Meet oscar
Sad day
Goofy goobers drunk
Oscar bets it all
Underwater disaster
Shocks and scares
Discoveries and sit downs
Now that we're men
Saving the sea
Welcome to fula city
Festival chaos
Meeting Zeraora
The okoyan jungle
Protecting the jungle
Finale teaser
Finale part I
Finale part II
Finale part III
Finale part IV
Finale part V
Finale part VI
Finale part VII
Finale part VIII
Finale part IX
Finale part X
Finale part XI
Finale part XII
Finale part XIII
Finale part XIV
Finale part XV
Finale part XVI
Finale part XVII
Finale part XVIII
Finale part XIX
Finale part XX
Finale part XXI
Finale part XXII
Finale part XXIII

A dinsoaur's revenge

89 0 1
By Ro1052003

Spine back: I'm here!

All the animals flee to safety as some back uses his nose to hunt down Steven

Spine back: not matter how fast you are boy, no matter where you are...I will catch you...and I will kill you

He steps into the water as all the marine animals hide in the shallows

Spine back: come out, come out, wherever you are

The animals continue to hide for their safety as the spinosaurus looks all over the plateau. The flying creatures hide in the trees, the ground animals hide in the foliage and the ground animals hide in the dirt as the main group look with horror

Jessie: that dinosaur never gives up

James: he's really our for revenge!

Meow thing: man, be really is pissed!

Magearna looks to the spinosaurus with consent and anger. She couldn't just sit here and et this dinosaur harm her friends and home. She had to do something. She may have been a machine for the royal family, but she also ha flaky defensive weapons in case there was any battle. She closes up into a sphere and rolls out of hiding down the hill and opens up turning her right arm into a cannon blasts firing at the spinosaurus who shook his head rapidly to shake off the pain and turns to magearna who closes up into a ball

Spine back: well...looks like the ugly rabbit has defense

He stomps up to magearna pressing his foot on magearna and presses down making her sink into the dirt, but that's when latias goes up and thunderbolts the dinosaur making him collapse 3 yards away. Latias swoops in and tries to lift magearna to safety but she could in account she was so heavy to lift

Spine back: well isn't this a delightful turn of events

He slowly walks up to the Pokémon who continues to try and lift magearna up

Spine back: so what's it going to he boy? You? Or the ugly robotic bunny, and your adorable little girlfriend?

Katie's continues to try and lift magearna but grabs a rock and tosses it at spine back

Spine back: I'm waiting

He walks ever closer to latias as Steven looks with hesitation. He had to do something or the only one he ever loved would die. He needed to act fast or both larias and magearna was history

Spine back: one...

Spine back tail swipes the two Pokémon and makes them fall to the two trunked tree as he walks up to them

Spine back: two...

Steven hesitates but makes up his mind, he leaves his hiding space as he swoops down and dragon pulses at spine back making him collapse into the pond. He gets up and looks to Steven who was floating across from him in front of latias and magearna

Steven: get magearna out of here!

Latias had magearna open up and take her hand and gets her out of the area. Steven charges up as he prepares for battle as spine back gets on his feet

Spine back: more games boy

Spine back lets out a mighty bellow and charges at Steven who charges back. The two proceed to lock foreheads as one proceeds to push against the other

The tow shoves as hard as possible as Steven pushed with all his might towards the cliff but spine back shoves him to the waterfall. Spine back proceeds to charge right toward Steven, his jaws wide open bellowing savagely as Steven tries to flee but his wing is badly injured. Zygarde besides to do something about it as he leaps out of Bonnie's bag

Bonnie: squishy!

Zygarde proceeds to call out to all the zygarde cells in the area as they all combine as zygarde transforms into his 10% form

Bonnie: squishy be careful!

Zygarde lunges at spine back and bites down on his neck. Spine back bellows with rage as he snaps at the green canine rapidly but misses due to his limited aim. Spine back proceeds to claw at zygarde until eventually gets lashed at and is tossed into the pond. Spine back then proceeds to walk slowly towards Steven who tries to get up but fails. Then magearna in her sphere form rolls down the hill and opens up blasting at spine backs side. Spine back turns to see magearna aiming her arm at the spinosaurus with the rest of the group looming with shock

Volcanion: magearna! Get out of there!

Magearna beeps and clicks rapidly denying that order and proceeds to fire at spine back rapidly ticking off the dinosaur even more

Spine back: your really getting on my nerves you big fat ugly piece of robotic shit!

Magearna stops and proceeds to tear up covering her eyes. Then spine back bellows loudly as he charges at magearna

Volcanion: magearna!

Volcanion proceeds to use his back arms as rockets as he launches out of the cave and fires at spine back sending him toward the waterfall

Volcanion: keep your claws off her!

Spine back growls fiercely as he roars loudly as he charges at volcanion. They both lock claws and arms together as spine back claws and slashes at him drawing blood. Spine back then grabs him by the neck and tosses him toward a canyon wall. Spine back turns his attention back to Steven and roars loudly as he charges. But then he is tosses back into the river by a large figure. He gets up to see it in the form of zygarde in his 50% form

Zygarde: you keep your claws off the prince! You disgraceful beast!

Steven: now that's a zygarde!

Spine back could care less as he lunges and grabs him by the tail. He proceeds to swing him toward the cliff by zygarde slams spine back to the canyon wall. Spine back shakes it off as he proceeds to grab zygarde by the throat. Jessie and James nod as they get out their Pokémon

Jessie: go, seviper!

James: come out, malamar!

Said Pokémon come out of their Pokémon balls revealing themselves

Jessie: seviper! Haze!

James: malamar! Use hyper beam!

They use said moves on the spinosaurus which did succeed in dazing him but only ticked him off even more as spine back grabs seviper by the tail and uses him like a baseball back slamming into malamar

During the battle Steven watched and couldn't help but feel helpless. All his friends were getting hurt and he couldn't do anything. He was so mad his whole body shined in all the colors of the rainbow. Everyone takes notice and look in awe as Steven gets up and shine brightly in a sphere of rainbow light. When the light ceased a dna strand in rainbow colors appears and then evaporated revealing Steven in his mega evolved state

Serena: did Steven just??

Bonnie: he mega evolved!

Clement: SELF MEGA EVOLUTION?! That's scientifically impossible!

Kimia: tell that to him!

Steven and spine back stand across from one another as Steven prepares to charge

Steven: you messed, with the WRONG POKÉMON!!!

He charges straight at spine back who charges back. Steven proceeds to unleash dragon pulse at the dinosaur making him tumble backwards but spike back gets back up and snaps at mega Steven who just soars passed him several times. Mega Steven proceeds to unleash water pulse making spine back tumble toward the cliff behind him. Spine back gets back up as he bares his teeth at mega Steven who charges unleashing dragon pulse once again at spine back who slips off the cliff and falls to the raging waters below

Steven pants rapidly before returning back to his normal form with everyone else charging toward him

Latias: Steven! Are you okay?

Steven: yeah...just a little woozy...

Steven then proceeds to collapse to the ground unconscious from such energy as the group all gather to give him company

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