Kook or Pogue? // JJ and Rafe...

By LifesTooShortSoFckIt

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Y/n arrived to Outerbanks few months ago to find her lost twin brother John B. She stay and became one of the... More

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867 14 3
By LifesTooShortSoFckIt

„Fine, I'm ready to listen. Talk." I told the group when I opened a bottle of beer. 

„Okay so basically, we went to the marshes, we wanted to fish for a while and chill a bit when we just hit something in the water. It turned out, there was a boat at the bottom. And it was a freaking Grady White!" I interrupt John B 

„Am I supposed to know what that is?" I look over him 

„It's like really, really expensive boat." JJ explains to me. 

„Oh okay, keep going."

„So I went down again right, to check it, to see if we can find out who it belongs to. And I found a motel key." John B is so passionate about it 

„Wow, that's really cool bro." I start laughing at him 

„Jesus y/n, just shut up and listen." John B will turn on me. I put my hands above my head as a surrending gesture and show him to go on. „So we decided to go check the motel and the room, so maybe we could find out who it was. That place was horrible, like really disgusting. Me and JJ, went to check the room, and Kie with Pope, stayed on watch, let's say, they could've done a better job." 

„Yeah, but Pope was on the Math team" Kiara mocked him. 

„Alright, alright keep talking John B." Pope cut the talk.

„There was some personal stuff in the room, some coordinates and safe, with money and a gun inside. But at the same moment the cops showed up, and we didn't have any more time to search the room so we climbed through the window and hid at the roof. But they almost found us, because JJ dropped the gun he stole from the safe." John B looked over at him and JJ just shrugged his shoulders. „And then the cops took some of the money from the safe and left!" He made a little pause as he took a sip of his beer. 

„Later we found out the boat belonged to Scooter Grubbs. They found him dead in the marshes. He wasn't even rich, so we are trying to figure out how he gets his hands on a boat like this one."

„And what did you find out?"

„We think he was a smuggler, during a hurricane, you can pass unnoticed, but he didn't have the luck." JJ explained to me. 

„Alright so if he was a smuggler, there must be a bunch of stuff on that boat right?" 

„Exactly my sweet sister, so that's why we have to find a way to dive in and search the boat. But until then, we have to act completely normal, so there isn't any suspicion on us." 

„And how are we going to that?" I asked

„Kegger" Kie and Pope anwered at the same time.


Oh, I liked keggers, a bunch of booze, and some weed with the best people around. The boys got the keg of beer and Kie and I got cups and tap for the keg. Over time people started to show up, pogues, tourons and even some Kooks. Everyone was doing their thing. JJ was showing up and drinking, my brother was hitting on some Touron, Kie was just being Kie and Pope was trying to hit on some girl, but it looked like he had no luck. And me, I was with some random people, enjoying nice blunt.

At a certain point, Kook royalty showed up. And at the exact same moment, I knew that there is going to be some real shit tonight.

I was chillin' by the bonfire when Rafe Cameron approached me. „Oh, you are the clumsy waitress from the Wreck."

„Oh, and you are the annoying guy with no manners." I responded, and by the look on his face, he didn't see that coming. „Yeah, that's right. I'm not in a job anymore so I can talk back." I smiled straight into his face.

He bowed down so he could be looking into my eyes. „You have a big mouth, don't you. I hope you are not gonna regret it, I wouldn't want to see you hurt." The smirk on his face only got wider.

„Oh, and who is gonna take care of that, huh. You? I doubt you ever did anything on your own, kook prince" At the exact moment, the smirk was gone and he was ready to fire back when JJ causing troubles interrupted us. 

He was talking to Sarah when her boyfriend invited himself into that talk, which resulted in JJ grabbing him by his shirt. Thank god John B and Pope tear them apart. 

„Dirty pogues." Topper yelled.

Oh shit, that's not good. John B turned around and pushed Topper away and in a matter of seconds, everything went down. Topper hit John B in the face, he got back at him, and they started a fight.

„What the hell, can't you do something, it's your dumb friend!" I yelled at Rafe who was just smiling. 

„Nah, he's doing good."

„Oh my god, you are such an idiot." I growled at Rafe and wanted to go and try to do something when he grabbed me by my wrist and turned me to face him. 

„You're not going to talk to me like that you understand? And you are definitely not gonna turn your back at me, you dirty pogue." His eyes were pierced in mines. 

„Like I give a shit about you kook." I broke free from his grasp and turned around just to see my twin's head under the water and Topper on top of him.

I started to run towards them, why the fuck is no one doing anything? I run straight into Topper and pushed him into the water. John B put his head out of the water and took a deep breath. I stood between my brother and Topper who yelled at me 

„You little bitch, you are going to regret that"

„Yeah that's right, what are you going to do huh? Hit me? So be it, come on Topper. Show your little girlfriend how fucking twisted and disgusting you are." I smiled, so I piss him off even more. I don't know where I got this inside of me, but I needed time because I heard my brother gasping for breath behind me. And for a moment it looked like Topper is going to punch me, when I started to prepare myself to receive the punch, someone grabbed me by my waist from behind and took me away.

It was Rafe who took me from there, and I could just see Topper getting on top of my brother again, starting to drown him one more time. 

„What the fuck are you doing, let me go! Rafe he's going to kill him, I need to help him!" He was holding me tightly, I was kicking him and scratching, but he wouldn't let me go. 

„It's for your own good, trust me." His breath send a shiver down to my spine as he whispered that into my ear. And at that moment we've heard the gunshot. Rafe got startled by it, so he let me go, so as did Topper of my brother. 

„Okey everyone listens up! Get the hell off our side of the island!" I heard JJ shout and noticed everyone running away as Kie and Pope started on him. 

I run towards my brother „John B, hey John B, you good? Are you okay?" He was so exhausted that the only response from him was a thumb up.


Pope helped me take John B to the Chateau and then went home as well. I went to take some frozen vegetables from the freezer and gave them to John B when I realize the power is out, so everything is defrosted by now. A wet cold towel will have to do the job. 

„Here, put this on your eye. It's already starting to color." I told him when I curled up on the couch next to him. He didn't say a word to me since we came home.

„Well, that was really fucked. You have to be more careful around them B, I really thought for a second that I'm gonna lose you."

„For a moment I had the same feeling. But thanks to you I'm still here. So thank you. Even though it was pretty stupid what you did back there. He could've got on you too." His voice was raspy.

„Yeah I know, but adrenaline was pumping in my veins, and I knew I have to give you some time to breathe. So I was stupidly brave." I laughed and elbowed him. 


„Ou fuck, sorry I didn't realize." He just rolled eyes at me as I helped him to get up and get to bed.

When he was finally curled up I went to take a quickshower and got to bed. I couldn't help myself but had to think about whathappened with Rafe. In one moment he threatens me, and in the second he'ssaving me from his own friend telling me, it's for my own good. What I think,he was just trying to get me from John B, so his stupid friend could harm himeven more.

Kooks and their egos.


Some first big action guys! Is it too soon to ask how do you like it so far? Really hope you do. xx

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