The Grim ➸ R. Weasley

TrueKingsFall tarafından

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THE GRIM ➸ ❝ ʏᴏᴜʀ ꜱᴛᴏʀʏ ᴍᴀʏ ɴᴏᴛ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ꜱᴜᴄʜ ᴀ ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ʙᴇɢɪɴɴɪɴɢ ʙᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴅᴏᴇꜱ ɴᴏᴛ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡʜᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ. ɪᴛ ɪꜱ ᴛʜ... Daha Fazla

T h e G r i m
Azkaban breaks and Old friends
darkness of the dementors
we're fine
boggart class
library naps and dinner dates
dancing in the rain
Not Friends
Black breaks in
scrubbing pans with a redhead
A Hospital Visit
Blizzard in Hogsmeade pt 1
Blizzard in Hogsmeade Pt 2
Christmas At Malfoy Manor
Back at Hogwarts
Red like a salamander
Slytherin vs Ravenclaw
The Speech
Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw
For Us
A Patronus
Slytherin vs Gryffindor
werewolf tag
Three turns
A Free Man
Train Ride Home
Blue Rose
Dead Man Walking
First Transformation
Magic Practice
Irish Love
Lavender Tea


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TrueKingsFall tarafından

Jamie never knew how hard it was to balance between two campaigns. But to be fair he never really had to before. He struggled to find a time that was good for everyone that would also be a good time for tourists. What was the point of holding a speech if there were no listeners?

Eventually though, with the help of his dad, he was able to find a good time.

It was the second Sunday of summer break and Jamie was nervously flipping through his notes. He would be giving a speech at Diagonally, in front of Ollivander's, in less then an hour. This speech would be focusing on the movement L.D.I.W. (learning disorders in witches and wizards).

He tried not to feel too worried. After all Gregory is the main spokesman. He has a way with words when he is speaking from heart. Gregory is able to speak from his own personal experience, he will be the one to connect with others like him.

"You should eat." Draco said as he took the seat next to Jamie. He shoved Jamie's plate closer to the boy and sipped on his own orange juice.

"And then get sick in front of everyone?"

"That won't happen."

"And how do you know?"

"Weasley's going to be there. He'll give you another one of his 'pep talks' then you will be good to go."

Harry entered at that moment. He was dressed in a matching set of red and gold pajamas, his hair ever quite the mess. He really liked those pajamas and would wear them almost every night. Jamie had bought them for him since all Harry had was Dudleys old clothes. He bought them when he and Sirius went out shopping for potion ingredients, the full moon was coming soon. Jamie would have bought him more but his father refused to let him. Sirius bought him a couple shirts and trousers, even a new pair of shoes. Although Sirius did not buy him much because he wanted Harry to go with him and pick what he wanted.

"Speaking of Ron." He said, taking the seat on the other side of Jamie and tossing the Daily Prophet in front of the other two. "Have you read this?"

The front page read, Love Triangle?

Two pictures were placed right next to eachother, both took on the same day. The day of Sirius's trial. It was after Sirius was declared innocent. One picture was of Jamie spinning Hermione around, her hair flying like a proud mane. The next made his face brighten. It was of him and Ron embracing, their grips vice-like.

He quickly read the article.

Jamie Black, Hogwart's new heart breaker? The world has watched him grow and mature into the young man he is today and he was definitely stolen a couple of our hearts along the way.

After all he is the one who saved us all, right? You-Know-Who fell at the hands of both him and Harry Potter. Who would not want a hero to call their own?

Hermione Granger (right) and Jamie Black were very eager to embrace eachother after their victory. One would think Jamie would embrace his father first, not some girl. Especially since he has been locked away for twelve years. According to a reliable source, Hermione Granger is top of her year, a very bright muggleborn.

Just moments after Hermione Grangers and Jamie Black's hug, Ron Weasley (left) tentatively welcomed Jamie in an embrace. Both boys were so caught up with eachother they hardy noticed the camera man taking the picture.

Young love is in the air, this is clear to see. But the real question is, which one will steal the heart of the most handsome young Black?

Some have spoken out, saying how either option is rather improper for a young pureblood such as himself. The Black name is a token in magic history, it would be a shame if that name was tarnished-

Jamie pushed the paper away, he refused to read the rest.

"This is ridiculous!" He fumed.

How dare they? Was all that was on his mind.

"I'm a kid. They realize this, right? And they are sitting there, getting paid, writing about my love life! Which, first of all, is no one's business but my own. Second of all, they are sexualizing children by insinuating-"

He was silenced by the two boys on either side of him as they both grabbed one of his hands.

He met Draco's eyes first, they were startling calm. "Deep breath. Getting mad will fix nothing."

He inhaled deeply.

"They say stuff about me all the time." Harry chips in. "Most of it is not true, which upsets me from time to time, but Malfoy's right. Getting mad does not fix anything."

"It does for me." He stood, no longer nervous. Anger is what drives him. It motivates him to make a change in this world. He was not going to lay down and let people walk over him. There is plenty more important things that deserve the front page rather than his 'love life'. Like how werewolves were isolated from their community, forced to live in poverty because they were shunned and not allowed to have decent paying jobs. How they starve and are treated unfairly.

Or how muggleborns are currently paid less than half bloods or purebloods. Also muggleborns are much less likely to get a raise in favor of those of magic descent.

Or how Snape is still allowed to be professor at Hogwarts. This is a very important question Jamie needs answered.

He saw the unjust in the world and made it his responsibility to fix it.

Jamie straightened his charcoal colored vest as he stared himself down in the mirror, eyes searching for any flaws or errors. He had on a gray button up partiality covered by his vest, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His trousers matched his vest, smooth and rich.

His hair was pulled back and up into a bun, which Sirius had to help him do. He tried but it was a mess, Pansy was the one who usually did his hair when he wanted it to look good.

Everyone was dressed similarly, he figured out when he joined them in the parlour.

Draco was in an all black suit, save for his shirt which was a emerald green.

Harry's white button up was tucked into his fancy black trousers. His usual wild, curly raven hair is now slicked back with some sort of gel.

Remus and Sirius even dressed as if it were them giving the speech. Although Sirius may or may not have been wearing skinny jeans.

"Ready?" Sirius asked, extending his hand towards his son. Jamie took a deep breath before nodding. He took Sirius's hand, they were calloused and rough.

His stomach lurched as his feet left the ground. It only took a second but it felt like ages.

He blinked, it was a bright sunny day in Diagonally. Crowded, too. A makeshift stand was set up in front of Ollivander's, a pedestal in the direct center. Hoards of people filled up the streets as they awaited for the time to come.

Jamie tried not to scowl at the large amount of reporters. Some of them, he knew, would ignore the situation entirely and ask him about his personal life.

Gregory and Vincent were up on the stage, talking in hushed voices, they were both grinning merely, as if they were in their own world and no one else was in it.

Sitting on the edge of the stage was Theodore and Blaise.

"Where's Pans?" Was the first thing out of Draco's mouth as they approached the group.

Theodore's eyes widened, practically sparkling as he smiled up at Draco. "She's in the crowd, asking anyone if there is a possibility they may want to purchase our goods. She's writing down a list, so we can have a rough estimate."

"She also mumbled something about comparing who thought they would buy a product vs. Who actually did, to compare and see how persuasive your speech was." Blaise chipped in.

Draco leaned against the stage next to Theodore, his arms crossed over his chest. He bumped their shoulders together. "How has home been so far?"

An excited squeal make Jamie turn away from their conversation. Hermione was quickly approaching them, cat in hand.

Within a second she dropped Crookshanks into the arms of an Unexpecting Sirius and jumped Harry. Her arms wrapping around his shoulders, pulling him down to her level.

"Hey, 'mione." He greeted.

"Hey." She grinned and pulled away. She turned to Jamie, another grin forming.

He opened his arms and caught the girl when she jumped into them.

"You go on stage in what. . . Ten minutes?" She asked, but he had a feeling she already knew the answer. "How do you feel? Alright?"

"Yeah." He nodded. "I hope everything turns out good. If not then I have put a lot of work in for nothing."

She shook her head fastly. "No. Not for nothing. We will make it work, no matter what we have to do, okay? What you have started. . . It's wonderful. I mean, look at Goyle."

He glanced up to where she was looking. Gregory was grinning ear to ear as he overlooked at the crowd, practically jumping in his newly shinned shoes.

"You gave him hope. Now, you can give that to everyone."

He couldn't help but smile down at her. No matter how many times he tried to push her away at the beginning, she always came back, and now he saw her as one of his closest friends.

It was strange. Time.

"Where's Ron?" He had been wondering that the second he arrived and didn't see the familiar flaming red hair in the crowd.

She sighed. "You know how Ronald is. Probably running late."

"I'm here, though."

He turned at the sudden voice from behind. It was Percy Weasley. He pushed up his glasses and grinned awkwardly.

"Will you be selling your inventory today? Also, how much for a bottle? I don't have much money on me, so am I able to have an order placed-"

"Five Sickles." He cut the man off.

Percy blinked. "Only five?"

"Yes. We are not in this for the money, we are here to help those who need it."

He bobbed his head in understanding. He glanced up at Gregory then back to Jamie. "I. . ." He trailed off, struggling to find the words. "I'm sorry."

He waved the comment off. "You're not the first to think badly of us Slytherins, and definitely won't be the last. Does not bother me any."

"But your good people. And I- I spent years thinking you guys were the enemy. Years."

Jamie shrugged again. "Doesn't bother me. You should really let that guilt go, you're only hurting yourself."

Percy went to respond but a voice cut him off. "Jamie!"

It was Gregory. He was leaning against the pedestal, waving him up.

"I have to go." He said over his shoulder heading to the stage, Hermione on his heels.

The entire group was up there, now all adorning green pins. "L.D.I.W" they read it a bright glittering gold.

Pansy excitedly attached a pin to his vest. "I made them. Not only are they pretty but watch!"

She tapped her own pin with her index finger. Soon the letters were moving and turning upside down and rearranging themselves slowly.

"I wanted to show people without this learning disorder what it looked like for people with it."

"That's. . . Brilliant." He said. He rested a hand on her upper arm and gave it a squeeze. "Good job, honestly."

She bounced on the balls of her feet, gleaming at the compliment. "Oh! Also, I have a list of people who think they may purchase a bottle of the enchanted ink. Here."

She handed him the list, which he accepted carefully. He glanced over the names, there was at least thirty. He looked up and at the crowd, there had to be at a little over two hundred. He hoped that once he gave the pitch more people will want to purchase the ink.

He gave the paper back to Pansy, who quickly made her way back to the group, shooing them away from the pedestal and towards the back of the stage, where she lined them up side by side.

Jamie briefly thought about how great of a manager Pansy would be.

Remus waved his wand, the spell gently placed down a large trunk next to Jamie. It was his truck with the special ink inside. Remus and Sirius were in the crowd at the very front. Sirius was still holding Hermione's cat. Crookshanks was curled into his chest, tail swishing happily in his sleep.

Blaise stepped forward, giving Gregory's throat a tap with his wand.

"Uh, hullo." He tested. His voice easily echoed over the crowd. Blaise fell back into his spot inbetween Harry and Vincent. "First off, I want to thank everyone for coming to our "grand opening"-"

Jamie was at his side, trying his best to not look anything but approachable. He was giving the crowd a polite smile until something caught his attention. A flash of red.

Ron's tall, lanky form was moving fast, swerving through people carefully as he made his way to the edge of the stage. His mother, twin brother's, and little sister settled into the crowd, not forcing or pushing their way through.

"My name is Gregory. I spent years thinking I was dumb. . . Thinking I was stupid. For half my life I could not even write my name correctly-"

Jamie made eye contact. Ron was clad in slightly faded black trousers and a decent looking sweater. He was the most under dressed from the group, yet in that moment, Jamie thought he looked the best. He waved the redhead up.

Ron glanced around at the crowd, then to his friends lined up in the back. His lips thinned as he shook his head solemnly.

"But turns out, my brain just worked differently than others. I was not dumb. Jamie Black here helped me realize that. He helped me, even though he had no idea where to start. He made me believe in myself, accept myself-"

Jamie was not going to give in. Ron was a member of L.D.I.W, he was the reason Jamie was able to do the first speech back at Hogwarts. He determinedly held out a hand to the boy as Gregory continued on. Said boy glanced over, slightly grinning as he went about his speech.

Ron looked nervous. His blue eyes fluttering in every direction. Eventually he exhaled loudly, muttering something along the lines of "to hell with it" and accepted the hand that pulled him up.

Pansy fell out of line, pulling the red head to his spot, placing a new pin on his chest.

A couple cameras flashed.

"Now, enough of me. Let's hear it from the wizard who made this all possible!"

Several people cheered and clapped.

Jamie tapped his throat, he felt it tingle as his voice grew loud. "As you all know, my name is Jamie Black. When I first started helping Gregory, I knew absolutely nothing. I spent hours in the library, studying muggle books regarding learning disorders. Us, the wizarding world, have simply brushed these disorders under the rug while the muggles are trying to understand and fix these problems. I cannot heal anyone of this particular disorder, but what I can do is help them realize their written mistakes."

He opened the trunk and pulled out an ink well. He held it up, the glass glinting in the light. Multiple camera flashes went off.

"This took me several months to make it the way it is now. This is how it works; it's black ink, looks no different than any other regular ink, you write anything and if a word is misspelled, the word changes color. If a sentence does not make sense, the entire sentence changes color. The sentence has to be finished for the enchantment to work. This comes in handy with letters, school papers, paperwork. We will be selling them at five Sickles a bottle. And sometime by next week, our product will be sold right here, at Ollivander's. Any questions?"

Several people began shouting over one another. He did not understand a thing they said. He called upon Mrs. Weasley, who had her hand politely raised.

"Everyone keep it down! You're adults, act like it. Now let's give the floor to the beautiful Mrs. Weasley."

Said women chuckled behind her palm before straightening out her dress and speaking up so her voice could be heard even from the back.

"What color does the word and sentence change to when it is incorrect?"

"I made a variety, actually." He grinned at the useful question. He held up his bottle for the crowd to observe. "The word and sentence will never be the same colour. Right here, under the label, it says "Word" followed by the first initial of the color it changes to. "R" for red, "Y" for yellow, "B" for blue, "P" for Pink. Same with the "Sentence". So if you have a preference, hopefully we will have that for you. Next question?"

He called on a woman reporter. "Will this be sold around the world?"

"Not everywhere. Only to English speakers." He shook his head. "This ink will only help people writing in english. You see, different languages have different formats, so what may be a correct sentence in french, would change color with this ink. I hope to be able to do all languages, but so far, this ink will only help those writing in english."

The same women raised her hand again. He guessed what she was wondering.

"French will be the next on my list."

She nodded, now satisfied, and lowered her hand. Her secretary was quick to scribble down the conversation.

He called on a male reporter. He appeared to be in his forties and was balding on the top.

"What can you tell us about the dating rumors between you, the muggleborn, and the young Weasley?"

He tried not to scowl. He failed. "I will have you know, they have names. Her name is Hermione Granger and his is Ron Weasley. Remember that. These are very important people. I am not dating anyone currently, although that is none of your preverted business. Now, how about we actually ask questions about the current situation at hand. Hm?" He hummed, eyes glinting darkly.

Another reporter spoke up. "Is it true Draco Malfoy was bit by a werewolf? And that he got disowned because of that?"

Jamie took a breath. Getting mad would not solve anything. He needed a level head.

"Is it true that you are as daft as you look?" He asked lightly. The reporter gasped. "Because I thought I just said that I wanted question regarding the enchanted ink."

Sirius rose his hand. Jamie called on him. "Yes, you sir, with the orange cat."

Sirius cleared his throat, giving Jamie a pointed look. One that said "be careful kid". "Why don't we skip to the purchasing of the ink? If someone actually has an important question they can ask it before they buy it."

"Good idea." He nodded to his dad in thanks. "Everyone who wishes to purchase a bottle, form a line. Reporters, please save your questions until after everyone has had the opportunity to purchase what they want. Also, keep your eyes and ears open! We will be doing another campaign sometime soon, right here in Diagonally."

And a line was soon formed. And there definitely was more than thirty.

He sat on the edge of the stage, where the front of the line started. Pansy was at his side in an instant. She held a wooden basket with her pins. Anyone who purchased ink, would also receive a pin, free of charge.

Percy was at the front of the line, smiling proudly. "You did great. Now. . . Um, word, blue. Sentence yellow."

"Word, red. Sentence blue."

"Word, pink. Sentence yellow."

"Word, pink. Sentence, red."

And that's how it went for a good amount of time. He ignored the flashes of the cameras, smiling at the newest customer. A lot of them got excited and would shake his hand.

He only had three bottles left in the box when the line ended. Thankfully he had enough, although it was just barely.

Then the reporters rushed forward. At least they had the decency to wait.

But he wasn't alone, his friends were with him. That made him feel more at ease.

Once again they tried shouting over one another until someone above Jamie cleared their throat. He looked up, it was his dad. Sirius sat right next to him, both of their long legs hanging off the side of the stage.

"One at a time." Sirius spoke, he ran a hand down Crookshanks back. The cat humorously shook before jumping into Jamie's lap. It stared at him with those haunting, all-knowing, golden eyes.

Remus came to sit on the free side of Sirius, which surprised Jamie. He knew the man did not like attention.

Draco came forward, he sat next to Jamie, Harry moved next to Remus, Hermione beside him.

Gregory wanted to stay, but Vincent's mother wanted to leave, and seeing as though they were his ride. . . He and Vincent waved in farewell.

Ron sat next to Draco. He fiddled with the sleeves of his sweater.

Pansy stood behind them, arms crossed over her chest as she stared the reporters down. Blaise and Theodore on either side of her.

"Question for the young Black." Started off a witch. "How is living with your father treating you?"

He could feel Sirius's gaze. "I couldn't be happier."

"Question for the elder Black." Said another. "You spent twelve years in Azkaban. Tell us, how much the world has changed since you were locked up."

"Not that much has changed. The sun still rises, bringing the chirping of birds with it. It still sets in the same spot, a sea of stars replacing its fading light."


"Question!" Shouted a person quickly. "Malfoy, are you a werewolf? If so, the next full moon is next week, are you prepared?"

He shifted ever so slightly. "Yes." He forced out. "Yes I am."

Bright flashes almost blinded Jamie.

"Were you disowned because of that?"

"No. I disowned the Malfoy name."

He placed an arm around his cousin, squeezing him reassuringly.

"Young Black, aren't you afraid that your cousin will turn you in your sleep?"

Jamie deadpanned. "No, I am not. Fortunately we have money to make the necessary potion. Maybe, if the Ministry actually cared about people other than the sacred twenty-eight things would get fixed in this world. I mean, think about it, how come werewolves have little to no rights or protection in the wizarding world? Why do we turn away from them, leaving them to suffer and starve when we could give them the necessary potion that makes them safe? Why treat them as the monster when it is clearly us? The ones who left a person in need alone and defenseless."

It was silent for a moment. They seemed to sober up at that harsh, yet true, statement.

Then someone had to ask; "Weasley, are you in relations with young Black!"

He froze on spot, eyes wide and mouth agape. He sputtered, face flushing.

Draco elbowed him in the ribs.

"No." He breathed out.

"What about you, Granger?"

"No!" She said hotly. "Jamie himself has already said he is single. Maybe if you would shut up and listen you would have known that."

"I think we're done here." Jamie said aloud. He stood, as did everyone else. The reporters lost it, they started screaming over one another, trying to get their questions answered.

They didn't bother answering any questions.

"We know something's going on!" A man shouted from behind, Ron squeaked.

Jamie immediately turned. Said man had Ron by the arm, he was hovering over the boy, eyes wild. "C'mon, kid. You can tell me, I won't say anything to the other reporters."

All while he was begging Ron was trying to pull himself away.

Now that made Jamie's blood boil.

He marched over, both turned to look at him just as he shoved the man backwards. He let Ron go and lost his balance. He hit the ground rather painfully.

"What's your name?" Jamie demanded.


"What. Is. Your. Name." He demanded, much more firmly. He stood to his full height. His face was twisted into a scowl, eyes burning with hatred.

"Aryan." The man breathed out, he held his hands up in defense.

He nodded, turning to the wizard who obviously works with him. "I want him fired. If he isn't, you both are losing your jobs. Got it?"

The wizarding nodded fastly.

"I will be checking in." He warned the wizard holding the camera.

He nodded again. "Yes, sir."

He turned to face Ron, his mother was already checking him over, patting him down for any injuries. Ginny had her arms crossed and was glaring at the man on the ground. Fred and George were watching Jamie with great interest.

He ignored them and rested a hand on Ron's shoulder. His bright crystal eyes were wide as they blinked up at Jamie. He looked over the slightly taller boy's shoulder, observing the man on the ground.

"You didn't have to do that."

"Actually I did." He pulled Ron into his arms. It surprised the boy, it took him a second to hug back, but when he did, he clearly did not want to let go. His grip was tight around Jamie's waist and his head was buried in the crook of his neck. Ron was shaking slightly.

"I enjoy the sentiment." Sirius said, coming towards the two. "Really, I do. But it's not smart for you to be bullying the press. Not when you want a good image."

Ron tightened his grip on Jamie.

"Dad." Sirius froze. That was the first time Jamie had referred to him as that since he was a kid. "I had to."

He looked away so he could secretly whip away a couple happy tears, Jamie saw it though. He faced the still embracing boys. "Still. My point stands."

Mrs. Weasley had returned at that point. At some point she had disappeared to rip the reporter a new one.

"I think it is safe to say he will not be keeping his job."

Sirius nodded, side eyeing Jamie. "I'll make sure of it."

Jamie let go of the boy. Ron held on for a moment longer before letting go.

His freckled face was pink as he shyly smiled. He glanced Jamie up and down and started to say, "I like your-"

"Hey." Said Fred. He slung an arm over Jamie's shoulders, pulling him close. "Sorry, Ronnie, but we need to borrow him for a second."

Jamie tried to move away but George was at his other side, wrapping his arm around him as well. "We won't be long. Right, Freddie?"

"Right, Georgie. Wouldn't want to deprive ickle Ronniekins."

He very reluctantly allowed himself to be dragged to a more secluded spot in the street (which just meant standing around a tiny alcove on the corner of Ollivanders).

"If this is another one of your "stay away from my brother" talks-"

"It's not." George said. He gave a wince. "We're actually very sorry about that."

Jamie rose a brow, glancing between the two.

"It's true." Fred sighed. "We thought you were using our brother. That you were like some of the other snakes we've dealt with. We didn't want Ron to get hurt. I think you can understand that?"

He nodded slowly.

George leaned on the wall, tossing an arm over Jamie's shoulders, dragging the younger boy next to him. "We were dicks. You probably hate us. We can see why, honestly. Just know, we don't hate you, not anymore."

"What changed?" He asked and leaned away from George the best he could.

"Ron." Both said at the same time.

"He's happier. . . Giddy."

"You make him that way."

"Also. . ." George trailed off. "I see the way you look at him. The way you treat him. . . You would never hurt him."

"So. . . This is an apology?"

"Yes." Fred clapped.

Jamie pulled himself out of George's grasp. "Okay. I'll think about it."

"What?" Fred asked.

George brought up one shoulder to shrug. "I can see why."

"You made me feel terrible about myself." He said to Fred. "And I never did anything to you. Or anyone for that matter. So excuse me for not liking to be harassed."

Fred sat there for a moment. The right side of his mouth opened in a grin. "I like you, kid." He turned to face George. "I like him."

George shook his head, also smiling. "He is funny."

He glanced between the two. They were definitely something else. He turned and walked away from them.

As he came closer to the group Ron met him half way.

"They didn't say anything bad, did they? I swear I'll-"

"No, actually."

Ron tilted his head.

"They apologized. Said they misjudged me."

Ron blinked.

"I know. I was - still am - shocked."

"Well. . . It's good they did. You're a amazing person." He admitted bashfully. He stared at the ground, hands in his pockets. He looked up after a couple moments of silence past. "I hope you don't mind, Harry invited me and Hermione over next week. Shes going to help with the potion making and I'm. . . I'll be there for moral support."

"I don't mind." Jamie shook his head. "Not at all."

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ꜱᴇᴄᴏɴᴅ ʙᴏᴏᴋ ᴛᴏ 𝙢𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙢𝙚 𝙖𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙤𝙢𝙮 𝙩𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙧 ˡᵒʷᵉʳᶜᵃˢᵉ ⁱⁿᵗᵉⁿᵈᵉᵈ
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𝘈𝘥𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢 𝘗𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘦 𝘢 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘭 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘴... 𝘪𝘧 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘢𝘷𝘰𝘪𝘥 𝘴𝘢𝘪𝘥...