Desire (Bakugou X Reader)

By shadow1dark2night

164K 4.7K 2.6K

Y/N is 20 years old. She lives in secrecy and doesn't let much of her past slip out to the world. She works u... More

Kapter 1
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Kapter 96
Kapter 97 [THE END]
Read me bitch

Kapter 62

812 31 10
By shadow1dark2night

Katsuki stayed home for a few hours in the morning to make sure all three of them were fine.

______ specifically made the kids pancakes to make them forget about what happened not wanting them to worry at all.

The boys happily followed enjoying the loving gifts they received whether it was food or attention.

Kyori still had the purple lightening marks on his right side..but he didn't seem like it bothered him which made _____ feel a whole lot better.

Katsuki was on the phone the entire time just watching over his family as the kids watched their favorite show on TV.

He just spoke on the phone talking about work and what to do with Tora. He was going to take care of him himself..

Mitsuki and the others cleaned up the house a bit after the mess, but _____'s Lightning burn marks stayed on the walls.

She looked at her hands then to Kyori who smiled at the screen with Kenji.

She then looked over at Katsuki who sat at the dining table with papers and law suites from the prison for letting Tora escape.

She walked to him. "Kats? Can you do that later?" She asked as he held the phone to his ear just looking at her.

"Babe I'm on the phone with a lawyer-"


He stayed silent for a second as he heard a voice on the other line.

He hesitated before looking at her. "Give me a second." He said as he just talked on the phone.

She sighed just turning back to face the kids who weren't at the couch anymore.

She immediately ran to the living room before seeing Kyori waiting by the stairs as Kenji came back down holding two blankets, a green and blue one.

Kyori smiled taking the blue one before Kenji ran at _____.

"Mama! tie it?" He asked holding the blanket to his back.

She smiled softly realizing what they wanted to do.

She bent down tying the ends around his neck before kissing his cheek.

Kyori came to her as she did the same smiling at the two boys as they ran off to play heroes together.

She stood there watching them before Katsuki finally popped up behind her.

"Hey what did you need??" He asked looking at her as she faced him.

"Can we fix that? Do we have any leftover paint of the living room color?" She asked pointing at the burnt mark on the wall.

He looked at it and nods. "Ya I'll take care of it." He smiled kissing her cheek before moving. "It's in the yard house" He said walking out.

She just moved everything away from the mark on the wall to give him a good spot to paint.

"I'm Hero Ace! And you're the bad guy!" Kyori said standing on the couch looking at Kenji who shook his head getting onto the couch.

"I'm Hero Zar!! You be the bad guy!" Kenji said to him.

"No I'm the hero!"

"No me!"



______ sighed as Katsuki walked in with the paint and a brush.

"Boys play nicely and get off the couch, I don't want you to fall." She said looking at them.

Kenji ran over to her pouting. "But I wanna be the hero!!"

"No me!!" Kyori yelled glaring at him.

"You can both play heroes. Or take turns."



"Listen to your mother." Katsuki said from behind her as the boys just nod.

She turned to the wall as he opened the bucket already starting.

The boys both ended up playing Heroes together letting Katsuki finish the paint as _____ cleaned up around the house smiling at how clean and fresh it now looked.

As the boys played Kyori slowed down a tiny bit rubbing his right eye.

Kenji jumped on him to be victorious in the fight as he giggled.

"I win! I win!" Kenji cheered.

Kyori glared at him scratching his forehead against the purple streaks. 

"Boys come eat lunch" _____ called out as Kenji ran over.

Kyori just stopped scratching his forehead wanting to join them. He just let the feeling go running to his mother smiling wide at the pizza in his plate.

The next few days were pretty much the same.

The boys went to kindergarten.

Katsuki went to work.

And ______ went to visit Ivor at SuperNova.

"I told you I'd take care of it. We're getting our money back it's all good." Ivor said to he as she looked at the laptop.

There were a few other men and women in the meeting room.

"No signs of a virus in the system then?" She asked as they shook their head.

"Alright good. What are the new products?" She asked as one woman stood up having the PowerPoint ready.

"Well we already had equipment to help people fight or strengthen their body and quirk so I was thinking we should create a type of muscle cream to sell in our stores-"

_____'s phone rang.

She looked down at it seeing the school's number on it.

She looked back at the woman.

"Muscle creams a good idea, excuse me, I need to take this." She said getting up.

She walked outside as the meeting continued. She rarely went to the meetings so her presence didn't matter too much.

She picked up the call. "Hello?"

"Mrs.Bakugou! This is Mr.Soo we need you to come to the school. It's regarding your son Kenji Bakugou."

"Is everything alright!?" She asked already walking to the exit.

"Not exactly..he fought with another student and both managed to hit eachother in the face. Honestly kids these days surprise me..." he said

"What about Kyori?"

"Kyori? Oh, no he's fine. He has been scratching himself a lot according to the teacher but she gave him some type of ointment to help him. When can we expect you?"

"5 minutes."

She drove to the school annoyed at the fact Kenji would ever fight with someone.

Kenji sat on the chair being stiff with hands in his lap staring at the floor terrified for his mother's arrival.

The other kid who he fought was a female would sat infront of him on the other side.

His eyes met her as she glared at him.

She had a bruise on her cheek while he had a bruise on his forehead.

Ms.Wendy stood between the children glaring at both as Mr.Soo walked back inside with two adults.

The little girl, Seri, looked terrified as she saw her father walk in.

Kyori having the same expression seeing his mother. Both parents having a glare and mad look.

"WHAT DID YOU DO THIS TIME!?" The father shouted at Seri.

"Kenji what have I told you about fighting!" _____ glared at him.

Both children point at eachother.

"He/She started it!"

______ and the Father look at eachother then turn to Ms.Wendy.

"Why wasn't there any adults to stop this before it happened!?" ______ asked.

"Exactly! The hell are you guys even doing!? All you have to do is watch them!" The father glared.

Ms.Wendy shrunk in her spot.

"I already told them to stop arguing about a colored pencil but when I turned my back they just went at it! I'm sorry!" She said.

______ glared as she turned to Kenji.

"Stand up and apologize."

Kenji's face fell. "No!"

"Don't make me repeat myself young man! You've caused enough trouble! To put your hands on another person!? What were you thinking!" She glared.

"The same goes for you, get up Seri!" Her father said.

Kenji and Seri glared at eachother slowly getting up off the chair standing infront of eachother.

"Apologize." Both their parents said glaring with the devils glare.

Both Seri and Kenji were trembling not wanting to do it.

They stood there silent avoiding their parents eyes.

______ glared before looking at the father.

"I'm sorry for his actions. I'll make sure his father hears about it." She said looking down at Kenji who's eyes widen hearing that.

"No mama!" Kenji said tears in his eyes as he looked at her.

She ignored him as the Father looked at her nodding.

"Of course. I apologize too. She won't get out of this. This is her third damn school and there's no way im changing it again!" He said glaring at Seri who stayed silent mad about that.

"My names Vincent Kamura." The father said shaking ____'s hand.

"______ Bakugou." She said as he smiled.

"Mama please don't tell papa!" Kenji said pulling on her pants.

Vincent looked down at Kenji then to Seri who continued to stay silent.

"Mrs.Bakugou, I have a request." Vincent said.

She looked at him.

"Seri here finds it hard to make any friends. She's been so use to moving every few months that she doesn't care about her actions. But we've permanently moved to Japan and we're staying so she needs to learn to be nice. What do you think about letting the kids have a play date. Since they don't bother to apologize to eachother I say it's the best punishment." Vincent said.

Immediately Seri turned her head as Kenji looked at Vincent with a horrified look.

"NO! She's crazy!" Kenji yelled pointing at Seri.

Seri glared. "You're crazy!"

_____ smiled at Vincent. "I think that's a great idea."

The kids look at them then each other both mad now.

______ and Vincent got eachother number to set the date as Kenji and Seri both cried not too.

Vincent left with his daughter but ______ stayed in the room with Kenji waiting for Kyori to come.

"Mama don't tell papa.." Kenji cried wiping his eyes.

_____ just bent down wiping his tears looking at the bruise on his forehead.

"You two shouldn't have fought like that. I have no choice but to tell him."


She just kissed his forehead. "I told you to apologize but you didn't. So deal with your mistakes." She said looking at him as he sniffled upset about that.

Kyori ran into the room smiling seeing her as he hugged her legs.

She smiled at him.

"How are you feeling baby? I heard you were scratching yourself a lot." She said moving his hair and seeing the red scratch marks on his forehead and cheek.

"Ya but not anymore! Are we going home??" Kyori asked as she nods.

She walked out with the boys getting them into the car Kenji being silent as Kyori happily looked out the window.

"Honestly..Kenji why would you fight over a silly thing like a crayon? You promised to be good. I can't have you fighting especially not to girls." ______ said as he looked at her.

"But she hit me first!"

"Then you should have told your teacher. Not hit her back!"

He stayed silent as she drove the two home.

And once they walked inside Kenji looked up at her.

"...are you mad at me?" He asked as she set the keys down.

"I am. You're too young to go fighting with people. I don't want you to get hurt. Same goes for your Kyori." She said looking at the two.

Kenji looked away nodding but she lifted his face to meet hers.

"But. Forgetting all that.. I am proud of you for standing up for yourself. BUT DONT LET THAT GET INTO YOUR HEAD! I don't want another call from the school hearing you fought! Understood!?" She said as he nods to her a smile on his face hearing that.

They went on with the day the twins sitting at the coffee table doing homework while the TV played a cartoon.

______ just cooked up dinner waiting for Katsuki's arrival.

A few hours went by as Kyori walked to _____ who was in her room.


She looked down at him. "What baby?"

"I'm hungry."

She checked the time it being 6pm already.

"Okay..I'll be right down." She said to him as he nods.

She grabbed her phone calling Katsuki wondering where he is.


That was not Katsuki's voice.

"Um hello?"

"Who is this?" It sounded like a female..

For a sudden second her heart stopped but she just asked.

"Uh who are you? Where's Katsuki?"

"Who's Katsuki? Wait is that the owner of this phone?! Do you know them- wait of course you do.."

Oh thank god..

"He's my husband, what happened?"

"There was a hugeee explosion in town and a lot of heroes and villains fighting and everyone was running but I found like 2 phones on the ground and had no idea who's they were."

"Oh, is the fight still happening? Can I know where you'll be so I can send him to get it?" She asked as she got the address.

_____ then called Zupa informing him about Katsuki's phone.

But as she talked to Zupa-

"______!?! Babe? You okay?" Katsuki asked.

She smiled. "Hey, ya I am. What about you?? I gave Zupa the address to where your phone is so go get it and come home. The kids are hungry."

" without me. I might be a while"

"Okay, but you're alright right?" She asked.

"Umm I'm kinda..stuck at the moment-EH DONT PULL IT OUT IDIOIT!" Katsuki yelled to another person

"Kats? Are you okay?!"

"Hey Nova! Do you think you can come to the Indigo Hospital? Dynamight's got a- uh what even is that a pole? He's been impaled with something and is bleeding out."  Zupa's voice said.

_____ could hear Katsuki's yelling at him in the background.

She rubbed between her eyes.

"Yes I'll come..I'll be there.."  she said hanging up.

She called Mitsuki but she and Masaru were out of town for the week visiting Masaru's family.

She then called Mina but she was out with her own family and _____ didn't want to interrupt that.

She walked out of her room.

"Boys! Upstairs now!" She called out to them walking into their rooms grabbing their shoes.

Kenji and Kyori ran upstairs frightened they did something wrong.

"Get your shoes and jacket on we're gonna go on a little trip." She said to them

"Where are we going?" Kenji asked.

"Mama I'm still hungry!" Kyori whined as she put his jacket on him.

She wiped his face brushing his hair back.

"I know baby we'll just have to go get some nuggets on our way."

"Nuggets!!" Kenji giggled.

_____ smiled going to her room getting jacket and Katsuki's spare clothes as she walked down with the boys and got them to the car.

The trip took an hour having to go to a drive thru and all heading to the hospital.

Kyori and Kenji held onto her purse and jacket as she walked inside finding Zupa waiting there to take her to Katsuki who was getting stitches done.

"I'll take care of them you go ahead" Zupa said taking the twins into a waiting room where they snacked on their nuggets and fries.

_____ walked into the room the doctor stitching Katsuki's shoulder as he looked seeing her.

"My god Katsuki.." she said walking to him as he sighed seeing her there.

"I told him not to tell you..I'm fine I was going to come-SHIT TAKE IT EASY!" Katsuki yelled at the doctor.

"Sorry sir.."

"Kats you can't hide things like this you idiot. Are you hurt anywhere else?" She asked him.

"No i swear im fine..where are the kids? You really didn't have to drive up here" Katsuki said as the doctor finished the last stitch before leaving the room.

"They're with Zupa in the waiting room..I got them some fast food on the way here..I was hoping you'd be home soon so we could have a proper chat though." She said kissing his cheek as he sat up on the bed his legs hanging off the edge.

He just pulled her between his legs and hugged her waist his chin between her boobs.

"Chat about what?" He asked.

"Our son. But don't worry about that now..will you be okay to move?" She asked.

Katsuki nods to her. "Ya, we can head home now if you want." He said.

She leaned down kissing his lips nodding.

She gave Katsuki his clothes to put on before going to the twins and getting them.

Zupa and the twins ran into the room.

"Papa!" Kyori said smiling seeing him.

"Hey." Katsuki smiled seeing him and Kenji.

He saw a bruise on Kenji's forehead but didn't say anything about it yet just thinking he fell.

Katsuki grabbed his jacket slowly putting it on being careful of his stitches.

Zupa grabbed his bag to help as they walked down getting back into the car.

The twins yawned being sleepy.

The car ride back being silent since they took a nap.

Katsuki sat in the passengers seat looking at ______ who drove.

"What happened that we need to talk about? What did the twins do?" He asked curious still.

"Well to start off, I think the mark is bothering Kyori, he keeps scratching it and it's always on his right side so it must be the problem...I want to go see another doctor about that.." she said.

"Alright we will, I'll find someone for it" Katuski said.

"Thanks, and I already gave Kenji a talk but I took the boys out of school early today..Kenji happened to have a physical fight with one of the other students today." She said.

Katsuki looked at her. "What? He's 3 the hell was he fighting for?"

"A crayon. He seems to have a hatred for the girl so her father and I will plan a play date for them to become friends. Honestly..I was really disappointed in him, after all that Hero talk I didn't expect him to go off and hurt someone." She said.

"Damn kid.." Katsuki said glaring looking behind him at Kenji sleeping.

"I gave him my talk but I expect you'll give yours? The boys look up to you so it'll mean more coming from you." She said.

Katsuki sighed leaning back. "Ya I will.."

The drive back took 40 minutes.

______ got the twins awake to get them into the house while Katsuki walked in himself.

She heated up the dinner she had ready letting Katsuki eat while she put the twins to bed..

They left everything else for tomorrow..

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