Little Princess (An Avengers...

By millb321

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"The only way out is death, all I can do now is make sure that I'm not the one who dies." Meet Savannah, a gi... More

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1.6K 52 9
By millb321

All we wanted, was a place to feel, like home. 

Savannah woke up very comfortable and surprisingly feeling the best she'd felt in a long time.

Nothing was hurting, she could think straight, she was warm, and she had energy.

Savannah couldn't remember the last time she'd felt this good.

Not wanting to move or open her eyes, Savannah decided to just stay where she was, a small smile spreading across her face.

She recognized the scent of the person she was with.

She recognized the hands running through her hair.

Pietro had stayed with her while she slept, and it had been the best sleep she'd probably ever had.

"I know you're awake" Pietro brushed some hair out of her face, his voice sounding amused.

Savannah turned her head away so that he wouldn't see her smiling.

"I was comfortable," she said happily.

Pietro put his phone, which had been keeping him entertained for the past few hours, back into his pocket and stretched out his arms.

His arm was bent at a weird angle and his legs were hurting from being still so long, but he hadn't moved, not even a bit.

"How do you feel?" he asked, pulling the blanket up to cover her shoulders.

Savanna paused for a moment, assessing how she felt before another genuine smile spread across her face.

"I feel good," she said honestly, which made Pietro smile too.

Lifting her left arm above the blanket, both of them were satisfied with what they saw.

The veins were gone, completely gone, Savannah had almost forgotten what her arm looked like when she wasn't dying.

Pietro sighed happily and leaned his head back against the headboard.

The moment was perfect.

Too perfect, the two of them should've known it was too good to last.

Right on cue, the door burst open with no warning knock. Pietro was almost positive that he'd locked the door but his question was answered when Wanda invited herself in.

Wanda didn't need a key to open a door.

"Ah good, you're both here." She said, apparently approving of the situation.

"You" she pointed at Pietro, "you and I need to have a serious conversation about your behavior on missions, some of the agents said you were just running around like an idiot."
Pietro and Savannah glanced at each other.

"And you" Wanda now turned to Savannah, "I'm still waiting for an explanation on why nobody had heard from you in like a week." She gave Savannah a stern look that almost made Savannah raise her eyebrows. She'd never seen Wanda act so... boss lady like?

"And Natasha says she wants to talk to you, I'm sure you can guess what she wants to talk about." 

Wanda walked over and pulled the blanket to the side. Savannah frowned and Pietro groaned while Wanda coaxed them both out of bed.

Pietro covered his face with a pillow when the door burst open again and this time Peter happily jogged in.

Savannah returned his smile before she was suddenly pushed back onto the bed.

Something or someone had jumped up, licked her face, and caused her to fall back on the bed.

Jasper! Savannah hadn't seen him in a while. 

With everything going on with Savannah not being here and the mind control and the poison, Jasper had spent most of his time in Peter's room.

Savannah patted his head a few times and Jasper wagged his tail excitedly.

"They're in the training room," Peter said to Wanda.

Savannah didn't know who they were talking about but she didn't ask.

She wasn't sure if having "the" conversation with Natasha was what she wanted to do today but she'd pushed it off long enough, she wasn't sure if she could avoid that any longer.

Wanda nodded at Peter before turning to Savannah, "training room" she repeated, "I'd change first" she said briskly before walking out of the room, Peter carrying an excited Jasper and following her out.

Savannah looked down at her outfit and frowned. Wanda was right, she couldn't be going to training like this.

Savannah almost surprised herself with how she was feeling. Usually, the first thing that would pass through her mind would be "what would Pierce think."

The subconscious question would be there whether she liked it or not.

But now, Savannah only cared about what would be comfortable for herself, she didn't care about anyone else's thoughts.

She turned back to Pietro who was slowly getting himself out of bed.

"I need to change," she told him, stretching her arms out.

"Go ahead" Pietro smirked when Savannah sent a look and a pillow in his direction.

He caught the pillow easily and rolled his eyes. Ruffling her hair a bit, he kissed the top of her head and gave her "good luck" before walking out of the room, most likely to his own bed to sleep.

Savannah turned to her closet and sighed. She knew what questions Natasha would be asking, she also knew what her answers would be.

Savannah couldn't wait any longer, it was time for everything to change... again.

Only this time it would be good.

This time, instead of twelve of her closest friends being killed by each other, Savannah could enjoy the company of the new family she'd made in peace.

All she had to do was make it official.


Savannah walked into the training room to be met with Bucky and Steve sparring on the mat, and Natasha and Sam talking quietly to the side.

They all turned when she walked in.

Steve gave her a nod of greeting and Bucky glanced at Natasha before the two continued their spar.

Sam moved to the weights and Natasha motioned for Savannah to come with her.

Savannah followed her to an open mat and the two prepared for their own spar.

Savannah wasn't sure why she was feeling slightly nervous. After all, she was finally able to do what she wanted.

Natasha was patient. She wasn't going to go right into questions, but she knew what they needed to talk about.

Only after a good ten minutes of sending punches at each other did they stop to get water and Natasha straightened herself up.

"So" she started.

Savannah closed her water bottle and put it down before turning to her mother.

Natasha sighed, "Savannah what's going on?" She asked, deciding to just get to the point.

"Nobody hears from you for a week and then you show up at a Hydra base with Pietro? I don't want to push boundaries, you know that, but you had us all really worried."

Savannah understood why Natasha would be worried. Natasha didn't set boundaries, she never needed Savannah to be anywhere or do anything. For the most part, Savannah was free to do whatever she wanted, but it wasn't fair to them that she'd been so distant, Savannah knew that.

"I'm not trying to invade your privacy, I know it's gonna take time for you to open up completely" Natasha pressed on.

Savannah opened her mouth to speak which stopped Natasha from saying any more. Savannah had heard enough, she understood what Natasha was saying.

"Sorry I disappeared for a while" Savannah started, "and sorry that I put Pietro in danger."
Nat shook her head, "Pietro can take care of himself, I know you can too."

Savannah nodded, "there was some business regarding Hydra that needed to be finished."

"And is it? Finished?" asked Nat.

Savannah nodded, "Hydra is no longer my problem."

Nat tilted her head to the side, "I thought you were the new leader, what happened?"

Savannah shrugged, "I took care of it."

As her last order as leader, she's had a few agents send over a letter to Rumlow, she wasn't sure he'd be too pleased with her message but she knew that he knew better than to question her about it.

She was officially free.

Nat nodded, "so no more Hydra for you?" 

"No more Hydra for me" Savannah repeated.

Nat smiled, clearly pleased with what she'd learned. She knew that Savannah had spent much time fending for herself and she didn't want anyone telling her what to do so she'd let Savannah do what she wanted, but Savannah was still her daughter, and Natasha had still been worried.

But she was pleased with the fact that Savannah was no longer part of Hydra.

Savannah and Nat stepped back onto the mat and got into position for another sparring match.

"So what are you going to do now that you're free to do whatever you want?" asked Nat as the two started throwing punches.

Savannah ducked to dodge a punch and when she stood back up, she saw Pietro walking in.

He winked at her before walking toward the weights in the corner of the room.

Savannah shrugged, "I'm sure I'll find something to keep me entertained." 

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