screw you - fred weasley

By stories000007

63.1K 1.4K 127

a fred weasley love story. very slow burn status: ongoing warning: mature language and mature themes no sm... More

|Part i|
~Part ii.~
~twenty one.~
~twenty two.~
~twenty three.~
~twenty four.~
~twenty five.~
~twenty six.~
(Part iii.)
(twenty seven.)
(twenty eight.)
(twenty nine.)
(thirty one.)
(thirty two.)
(thirty three.)
(thirty four.)
(thirty five.)
(thirty six.)
(thirty seven.)
[Part iv.]
[thirty eight.]
[thirty nine.]
[forty one.]
[forty two.]
[forty three.]
[forty four.]
[forty five.]
[forty six.]
[forty seven.]
[forty eight.]
[forty nine.]
<Part v.>
<fifty one.>
<fifty two.>
<fifty four.>
<fifty five.>
<fifty six.>
<fifty seven.>
<fifty eight.>
<fifty nine.>
<sixty one.>
<sixty two.>
<sixty three.>
•Part vi.•

<fifty three.>

219 5 2
By stories000007

"NOTT, you shouldn't be so loud in the library." Ellie shot.

"Why not? We're the only people here. Besides, arithmancy is boring and this project isn't due for another two weeks. Can't we go anywhere else?" Theo asked and Ellie sighed.

"We can't. I told Fred that I'd be in here with you until five." Ellie explained.

"Does Fred have to know your every move?" Theo asked and Ellie glared at him.

"Shut it Theodore." Ellie shot.

"Wow you're using my name now. I feel honored." Theo smirked.

Ellie just glared at him.

"Look Ellie, I know you still hold that grudge against me from third year. And that you probably hate me. But, are you happy?" Theo asked.

"What do you mean?" Ellie asked.

"Are you happy?" Theo asked.

"With what Theo?" Ellie questioned. She was starting to get annoyed now.

"Ellie, you're hesitating. It's just a simple question." Theo spoke.

"Well the question must not be that simple if I don't know what you mean!" Ellie shot.

Theo just sighed and then leaned towards her as if there were more than just the two of them in the library.

"Are you happy with Fred?" Theo whispered. Ellie just scoffed at him. "You didn't answer the question."

"Would I be dating him if I wasn't?" Ellie queried.

"Possibly. Many people lie to themselves when they're in love." Theo stated.

Ellie just glared at him.

"Since when did you become an expert at things?" Ellie shot.

"Well one day I was bored and I decided to observe people and then I picked up on some things." Theo explained and Ellie rolled her eyes.

"Oh do that again you're making me go crazy." Theo said sarcastically.

"Grow up." Ellie shot, then the library door opened and both Ellie and Theo looked over to see Mace.

Mace looked over at Ellie and smiled. Only at Ellie.

"Hey Milburn! You should take a picture, it'll last longer. Maybe you should ask that one Creevey brother for his camera." Theo teased and Ellie slapped his shoulder.

"Wow Nott, you're so thoughtful." Mace shot, then he looked at Ellie. "Smith."

"Hi." Ellie spoke, then Mace walked over to another part of the library.

"I can guarantee that he did not expect to see us here." Theo smirked.

"Could you say that any louder?" Ellie whispered.

"He's at the other side of the library. I doubt he could hear us if we screamed." Theo explained.

"Whatever. How much have you done?" Ellie asked.

"None." Theo said and Ellie rolled her eyes with a small smile.

"I forgot how entertaining you are." Ellie admitted.

"What can I say? Usually all the girls eat popcorn when they're watching me." Theo smirked.

"Are you sure it's not because they want to shag you?" Ellie queried.

"That could also be an option." Theo said with a smirk.

"Someone's cocky." Mace spoke as he walked over.

"What are you doing here Milburn?" Theo asked.

"I came to get a book. And to talk to Belle." Mace said.

"Who the bloody hell is Belle? Is that the librarian?" Theo asked Ellie.

"Well actually, that's what Mace calls me sometimes." Ellie admitted.

Theo just gave the two a look.

"So what did you need to talk about?" Ellie asked.

"Do you think you could tell Brandon that I'm going to be a little late today? I have detention." Mace exclaimed.

Ellie just pushed her hair at the back of her ear.

"Yeah sure." Ellie said, avoiding his gaze.

"Okay thank you. I'll see you later." Mace smirked and headed towards the librarian's desk to check out his book.

"What was that about?" Theo asked in a whisper.

"Nothing, he just told me to tell my brother something." Ellie whispered back. Then the two looked over and saw that he was heading out the door.

"Well Belle, he likes you." Theo teased.

"No he doesn't! I'm just a messenger." Ellie stated.

"Elenor Genevieve Smith! You're smart so stop lying to yourself. The boy likes you." Theo shot.

"How do you?" Ellie started to ask.

"Daphne told me." Theo said.

"You guys have been talking a lot." Ellie said.

"She's a good friend." Theo explained.

"She is." Ellie agreed.

"Want to go to dinner now?" Theo asked.

"What? It's only five." Ellie protested.

"That clocks broken." Theo exclaimed.

Ellie just rolled her eyes at him.

"Fine. Let's go." Ellie said.

"Don't worry I won't tell Fred." Theo exclaimed.

"Tell Fred what?" Ellie asked

"Never mind. Let's just go Smith." Theo stated.


"THEO what do you mean?" Daphne asked.

"What I mean is that Mace likes Ellie and Ellie may like him." Theo spoke.

"But Ellie's with Fred." Blaise spoke.

"She may not realize it." Theo said.

"I still don't understand." Blaise admitted.

"Well right now Ellie has a perfect life. She has perfect grades, a perfect boyfriend, perfect friends, and perfect siblings. Well sort of Rosie's a mess in the love department and Brandon is well he's Brandon. But besides that if something may shift in her perfect life she sort of tries to ignore it." Theo explained.

"You're a stalker." Blaise spoke.

"Well I did fancy her for years. And I observe everyone." Theo explained.

"That's true. I'm pretty sure he found out who this one Hufflepuff likes." Daphne advised.

"That's not the point Daph. Is Ellie happy with Fred?" Theo asked.

"Of course she is!" Daphne shot.

"Theo, just mind your own business. This isn't your place to say. Even if you think it's for the better." Blaise spoke.

"Yeah but it's killing me on the inside!" Theo explained.

"You're so weird. You need to get a life." Daphne shot.

"Thank you." Theo spoke sarcastically.

"You're welcome." Daphne said with a smile.

"Daph I have a question." Theo admitted.

"What?" Daphne queried.

"Never mind." Theo said.

"Then what's the point of saying that!" Daphne spoke and she sighed and Theo walked away.

Blaise just looked at Daphne and laughed.

"Oh stop." Daphne shot.

"Do you ever wonder if sometimes Theo has a point?" Blaise queried.

"About what?" Daphne asked.

"Ellie fancying Mace. Just because she's in love with Fred doesn't mean she can't develop a crush." Blaise explained.

"I think you're being ridiculous." Daphne shot.

"Do you? Or are you just in denial because you fancy Mace?" Blaise asked her.

"I don't fancy Mace! I just find him nice to look at." Daphne explained.

"Okay. I think Lavender Brown finds Chase Green nice to look at." Blaise smirked.

"What!" Daphne shot.

"She's been staring at him the entire time." Blaise told her.

Daphne looked over at Chase and sighed. He was by himself playing with his food.

"Well good to know there's someone who would date him." Daphne muttered.

"Are you jealous?" Blaise asked.

"No! I could never be jealous. Especially if it's about Chase Green." Daphne shot.

"Okay." Blaise spoke.

However Blaise could've sworn he saw Daphne glance over every now and then at Chase for the rest of supper.

ELLIE smiled as she looked at Fred.

"You do know that most people tend to like reading." Ellie exclaimed.

"Yeah but it's so boring I only liked one of the books you let me read. The rest are boring." Fred exclaimed.

"Wow thanks Fred." Ellie shot.

"I'm sorry." Fred apologized then looked at her slippers. "I thought you hated those."

"I do. But they're comfortable." Ellie stated.

"So you'd rather look odd and be comfortable? That sounds like something Ron would do." Fred exclaimed.

"Hey! Ron's cool so I'll take that as a compliment." Ellie smiled.

"Oh sweetheart, that definitely isn't a compliment." Fred smirked.

Ellie just rolled her eyes at him.

Then Mace walked in. Ellie gave him a small smile and Mace waved.

"Hey, do you know where your brother is?" Mace asked her.

"He's with Lee, he'll be here in a bit." Ellie assured him.

Mace just nodded and chuckled as he looked at her slippers.

"What's funny?" Fred asked.

"Bunnies." Mace said then walked over to a different couch.

Fred took out his wand and cast a silencing charm and Ellie gave him a look.

"Fred, was that necessary?" Ellie asked.

"Yes. I don't trust him." Fred stated.

Ellie just rolled her eyes.

"Well, do you trust me?" Ellie asked.

"Of course I do." Fred said.

"Then trust me when I tell you that there's nothing to worry about with Mace. He's just someone my brother tutors." Ellie advised.

"I know." Fred said, "I should go, I have to help George with something."

"Bye." Ellie said and then gave him a kiss and Fred kissed back for a split second and pulled away.

"Bye." Fred spoke, and then started to leave. Ellie got up and was about to go to her dorm when Mace looked at her.

"Hey." Mace said.

"Hi." Ellie said.

"What's going on with you two?" Mace queried.

"Nothing. Why?" Ellie asked.

"Look there's no doubt somethings going on." Mace said, then motioned for her to sit next to him.

She sat down next to him but felt like she was too close so she moved a bit.

"Look I know Fred hates me and all. And that you aren't the biggest fan of me but I want you to know that if you're unhappy then you guys should break up." Mace said.

"I'm not doing that Mace!" Ellie shot.

"Look I know that you know that I sort of like you. And if you think that I'm doing this just so I could date you you're wrong. I care about you Belle and I want you to be happy."

Ellie didn't know that. There were rumors but she didn't think they were true. Yet, she still didn't know if she could trust Mace yet. He was too reckless.

"Thank you for your input Mace but I don't want your advice for my relationship." Ellie explained.

"That's understandable." Mace said, then pulled out a bottle from his bag.

"What is that?" Ellie asked.

"Pumpkin juice. I bought it in Hogsmeade. It came in bottles. Do you want some?" Mace asked her.

"No thanks." Ellie said, then she looked over at Mace and he gave her a smile.

She just gave him a small one back and then she took a deep breath.

Then the common room door swung open to reveal a very happy Brandon.

"Hello, my two favorite people. Oh never mind sorry Mace I thought you were Rosie." Brandon smiled and Mace gave him a look.

"Did you have a good time with your boyfriend?" Mace asked and Brandon blushed.

"How did you know?" Brandon asked.

"Oh please anyone with a brain can figure it out." Mace said.

"So almost no one knows?" Brandon queried.

"Yeah." Mace said.

"I think I'm going to go up to my dorm." Ellie said, then looked at the two. "Night."

"Night Ellie." Brandon said.

Mace just gave her a nod and Ellie gave him a small smile.


FRED had just gotten back from hanging out with Ellie when he walked into Gryffindor common room.

George looked over and gave him a wave.

As Fred sat down George smirked.

"So what did you and your girlfriend do this time?" George asked him.

"We just talked." Fred advised with a smile on his face but it slowly faded.

"What's wrong?" George asked.

"I think we're drifting." Fred admitted.

"What do you mean?" George queried.

"Drifting! You know we aren't like it was before the summer holiday. Everything's different." Fred shot.

"Because of You-Know-Who coming back?" George asked.

"Yes because of You-Know-Who coming back Georgie!" Fred shot.

"Well you shouldn't throw everything away because of that." George explained.

"I'm not throwing everything away, George. We're just falling apart slowly. Like her and Jane." Fred stated.

"Hold up! No. Even if you guys did break up you'd still be friends." George exclaimed.

"So are you saying I should break up with Elle?" Fred asked.

"No I'm not! I'm saying that no matter what she'll always be in your life Fred." George explained.

Fred just sighed and ran his fingers through his hair and started to think. He didn't know for how long but he was figuring everything out.

"Freddie?" George asked, with a concerned tone.

"I think I have to break up with Elle." Fred whispered and George looked at him.

"Fred." George said.

"It's for the better. I mean it's clear things haven't been good since the beginning of term. And in two weeks we're leaving for holiday. I'll do it before we leave so she doesn't have to see me." Fred explained.

"You're a coward." George shot.

"I'm doing what's right! Now knock it off George." Fred shot.

Then the common room door swung open to reveal Mace Milburn.

The two looked at him and Mace just looked to see if anyone else was near him.

"What? Brandon let me out early for tutoring. You two are weird." Mace shot.

Then he started to go up the stairs to the dorms and tripped.

"Ow! Bloody hell I think I tripped over a shoe." Mace shot.

"But there's no shoes there." George said.

"So? I tripped over something!" Mace shot and then ran up the stairs.

Fred just ran his fingers through his hair again.

"You're messed up." George spoke.

"Just leave it George. I'm not in the mood." Fred said.

"Well how am I supposed to act around poor Ellie knowing that you're going to break up with her any second?" George shot.

"Just don't say anything! And please let me handle this." Fred pleaded.

"Fine." George mumbled and Fred sighed.


ELLIE noticed that George kept on nervously glancing over at Ellie. She gave him a smile and he smiled back and quickly looked away.

Then Luna looked over at her.

"Is everything alright Ellie?" Luna asked.

"Yeah everything's fine. It's just George being weird." Ellie stated.

Then Anthony sat down and smiled.

"Guess what." Anthony said.

"What?" Ellie asked.

"You're supposed to guess." Anthony spoke.

"I doubt I could ever guess anything that goes on in your mind." Ellie stated and Anthony rolled his eyes.

"Fine." Anthony said then looked around and leaned into Ellie's ear. "Harry Potter wants to ask you something."

"About what?" Ellie asked.

"I'm not sure." Anthony admitted.

"Where?" Ellie asked.

"Um the bathroom Moaning Myrtle stays in." Anthony told her.

"Now?" Ellie asked and Anthony nodded.

"Okay I guess I'll see you later." Ellie said and Anthony smiled.

Ellie grabbed her bag and started to go to Moaning Myrtles bathroom.

She didn't know why Harry Potter would need to talk to her out of all people.

As she walked in she saw Harry and looked a bit startled.

"Hi." Harry said awkwardly.

"Hi." Ellie replied. "What's up?"

Harry just walked towards Ellie and pushed her away from the door in case someone walked past. Then he took out his wand and cast a silencing charm.

"Harry what's wrong? You're kind of freaking me out." Ellie admitted.

Harry sighed and then ran his fingers in his hair.

"You can't tell anyone I told you this." Harry said.

Ellie just nodded and looked at him.

"Okay." Ellie replied and Harry sighed.

"Fred's planning on breaking up with you." Harry mumbled hoping Ellie couldn't hear.

Ellie's heart dropped.

"How do you know?" Ellie asked.

"I overheard him talking about it to George." Harry stated and Ellie's heart dropped again if that was possible.

"Do they know that you know?" Ellie asked.

"No no one knew I was there. I just, I just though that I should probably tell you. I feel guilty knowing." Harry stated.

Ellie just gave him a smile and Harry looked at her.

"Well thank you for telling me I appreciate it Harry." Ellie said.

"Do you want a hug?" Harry asked.

"Um sure." Ellie replied and then Harry hugged her.

It was awkward but sweet. And as soon as Harry pulled back Ellie felt sick.

"It's okay to cry." Harry advised, but Ellie ignored him.

"Why is he breaking up with me?" Ellie quickly asked.

"He thinks it's for the better." Harry said.

"Okay. Well I think I'm going to go." Ellie advised.

Harry just looked at her and gave her a small smile.

"Ellie." Harry spoke.

"Yeah?" Ellie asked.

"I think Fred's an arse." Harry advised and Ellie smiled.

"Me too." Ellie said, then she started to leave.

Then all of a sudden she started breathing heavily and she felt her throat start to close. And tears were about to run down her face.

No! She wasn't going to cry.

She started to walk really quickly so she could get to her first class but then she bumped into someone.

"Ellie?" A voice asked with concern.

Ellie looked up and saw Anthony.

"Hey Are you okay?" Anthony asked.

"I'm fine." Ellie stated, and then tried to leave but Anthony grabbed her.

"No! You're not fine. What's wrong?" Anthony asked. 

Ellie just looked up at him and then everything fell apart. Tears started to run down her face.

Anthony quickly pulled her into a hug.

"Hey! You're going to be alright. It's fine. Do you want me to get Fred?" Anthony asked.

"No." Ellie mumbled as she leaned into his chest.

"Okay. We have about thirty minutes until class so do you want to freshen up really quickly?" Anthony asked.

"No." Ellie said.

The two just stood there like that for a couple of minutes.

"Elle." Anthony said softly and Ellie looked up because only Fred had ever called her that. "You have to tell me what happened."

"Well Harry Potter just told me that Fred wants to break up with me." Ellie muttered.

Anthony's face went red.

"He wants to do what! Let me go talk to him." Anthony shot but Ellie grabbed his arm.

"It's fine. Just let it go." Ellie said with a sniffle.

"Are you sure?" Anthony asked and Ellie nodded. "Okay well then I guess we could go to class."

Ellie just nodded.

"That sounds great."

That was the first time she had ever lied to Anthony.

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