The Marriage Counselor

By notebook_natasha

72.9K 2.2K 472

Things are not always as they seem. Meet Samantha Chambers. She's got it all: the looks, the dreamy husband... More

1. Oh. There you are.
2. Would You Like My Number?
3. I Like You Saying My Name
4. I Didn't Take You For A Little Rule Breaker.
5. I Haven't Done Anything Like This Before
6. If Only You Knew What A Distraction You Can Be
7. You Think I'm Confusing My Feelings For You?
8. Is This Okay?
9. I Promise I'll Explain Everything Later
10. I Dont Want To Be Here Anymore.
12. This Is Aftercare.
13. You're Going to be My Good Girl, Aren't You?
14. One Year.
15. Someone married to the heir of the Chamber's family
16. How Would You Feel About Wearing A Wire?
17. You Win.
18. Do You Think It's Too Soon?
19. I Own You.
20. I'm So Sorry.
21. Tell Me Where You Want To Go.
22. To-Do List.
23. Trip Down Memory Lane.
24. Are We Free?
25. Our Story.
26. What Happens When We Get Back?
27. Before Happily Ever After
28. The Lawyer.
29. Somewhere No One Can Find Us.
30. Danger.

11. You Are A Special One, Aren't You?

2.8K 85 10
By notebook_natasha

He's so caught up in this moment— caught up in serenity of finally having her in his arms again, caught up in the taste of her lips and her vanilla skin— that he barely hears her request at first. Clearly, he's not thinking rationally here because it's taking everything in him not to take her right there in this room, regardless of the fact that there is a party happening right below them in celebration of her husband. He finds the will to pull away from her skin just enough to focus on the end of what she's saying. She wants to leave this place and be alone with him. It's practically music to his ears. He smiles gently as he lowers her back onto the ground, watching her slide down the wall he's pressed her against until she's standing straight again.

"Are you sure?" This whole thing is impulsive, if he's being honest with himself. But he's tired of fighting this. He's tired of always doing the right thing when everyone else in this world seems to get away with their wrongs.

"Are you?" She asks in a teasing voice.

"I've been sure about you, Samantha," He says, sweeping a lock of hair behind her ear. "My only concern is that I'm not doing anything to add additional stress to your life. If you tell me you want me to take you away from here, I won't hesitate. But I'm not sure your absence would go entirely unnoticed. And I don't want to put you in a position where you have to... lie to anyone or do something you're not comfortable with."

"It's a bit too late for that," She mumbles, letting out a sigh. "I know you're right. You're always right. I just... I'm sorry. I'm not thinking about anything else. Part of me wants to go downstairs right now and just ask for the divorce. But..."

"It's not as simple as that." He finishes for her.

She shakes her head. Her nose starts to prickle and she can feel the tears forming in her eyes. "I'm sorry. I know this isn't fair to you. I know that you deserve so much more than I can give you right now. It's just... it's so complicated and I'm scared. I don't want you to think it has anything to do with feelings for him. It's nothing like that—"

"Shh," He whispers, leaning forward to press his lips to her forehead. He stays there for a moment, savoring every second he has here because he's not sure what's going to happen after they leave this room. "I don't think that at all." He says once he pulls away to look in her eyes. "Even if that was the case, and there was still a part of you in love with him, I would understand and accept that. It wouldn't change anything about what I feel for you."


He captures her bottom lip gently between his thumb and index finger, shaking his head. "I'm not done. If you say you don't, then I will accept that as well. It's important that you understand that I have no expectations for you, for this. If you woke up tomorrow and decided you never wanted to see me again, it would absolutely break my heart but I would respect your wishes. I'm... just as confused as you are. I've never done anything like this before. What I do know is what I've told you. There is no doubt in my mind that you're what I want, Samantha. That's all that matters to me right now. I don't care what that looks like. If you decide to stay with him, if you decide to leave, if you choose to... sneak around with me or we only see each other once in a blue moon. I will take whatever I can get."

"You make it sound so easy." Her voice cracks.

"It's not. None of this will be easy. In fact, it will probably get much harder, regardless of what choice you make," He says. "All I can promise you is that I am here and I will be here for as long as you will have me. And we can figure this out together— if you want. I will do whatever I can to protect you, to keep you safe, to make you happy, to help you through this, whatever that looks like."

She sniffles, tilting her head back against the wall and returning her hands to inside his tuxedo jacket. She grips the fabric of his button up underneath, urging his body close to hers again until their mouths meet. It's another kiss that starts off sweet and gentle but within seconds, it becomes that same desperate and urgent kiss from a few moments ago. She doesn't know how long passes before she finally manages to pull herself away from him enough to stop her head from swimming.

"All that being said," He starts to speak. "And no pressure but I wanted to offer. I am currently out a receptionist— long story— and realized it's probably about time that I took some time off. Because I can't remember the last time I did. So... I am completely open for the next two weeks. I don't have any concrete plans in place yet. I was hoping to see you tonight and for us to talk. Maybe get an idea on where... we were. Not that I'm implying there's a we or there has to be a we. I just wanted you to know that if you need a place to stay or just get away for a bit, my house is open to you. With or without this time off. And there's plenty of space so... you don't have to worry about us running into each other or me disrupting your time. If that's something you'd be interested in."

His rambling and nervousness makes her smile. It's seldom to see this man stumbling over his words or blushing. He's always the epitome of cool, calm, and collected. He always knows exactly what to say and when to say it.

Without hesitating, she nods. She's not thinking about what she'll tell Cody, who knows, maybe he won't even notice. He's barely home half the time anyways. All she can think about and focus on is the absolute heaven that awaits her if she takes his offer. Alone, just the two of them, away from the outside world. It's everything she wants and more. "I-I'd like that. A lot. But, are you sure? It sounds like you're in as much need of an escape as I am, if not more. I don't want to intrude or take up your time."

"I don't think there's anything else I'd rather do than spend that time with you. Whatever that looks like."

She laughs. "Trust me, there are better things to do with your time. Which just confirms for me that you do in fact need to get out and take a vacation. You need to see the world, Mr. Good."

"Hmm," He smirks, running a hand through his golden curls. His eyes search hers, trailing down to her lips, further down to her chest that's exposed by a plunging neckline, further down the silk fabric that hugs her curves. The way he looks at her makes her skin grow hot and she must be tomato red. He licks his lips before returning her gaze again. "I think I'd rather see more of you."

"If that's the case, maybe we should get out of here then."

The corners of his mouth twitch and he nods. "You don't have to tell me twice." He reaches for one of her hands, bringing the back of it to his lips. "How would you like to proceed, Samantha? I will follow your lead."

"What, you don't think they'll just let us walk out the door together?" She says teasingly, but there's a hint of disappointment underneath. In a perfect world, Henry would toss her over his shoulder and take her to his car, where they would drive off into the sunset together. But this is far from a perfect world. "Why don't you head out first to grab the car? I'll see if I can find Stephen. Tell him I'm sick or something. I'm pretty sure he's the only one who wouldn't give me shit for leaving early."

"I think that's a good idea." He agrees. "Okay. I will go get the car and I'll wait for you outside."

"I'll be right behind you." She says with a smile.

He gives her hand one more kiss before he lets go. Before he opens the door to leave, he adjusts the cuffs of his jacket, smoothing down his buttoned shirt. Once the door has closed behind him and he's gone, she lets out a deep breath, already preparing the spiel she'll give to her father in law. She takes a moment to drown the remaining champagne in her glass. A little liquid courage always helped. She gives it a few minutes before she decides to leave the room. She's almost to the top of the stairs when she hears the familiar voice.

"Sammy girl," Her father in law's voice sounds gruff, perhaps a bit slurred. "We were worried for a moment. Thought we lost you."

She turns to find him sitting on one of the marble benches next to the staircase. And not just next to the staircase but directly across from the room she barely exited. How long has he been sitting there? Did he see Henry leave? No, he couldn't have. Knowing Stephen, if he had caught Henry leaving, he would've immediately engaged with his friend in conversation about the latest stock win or the next time they'd go golfing together. No, there's no way he saw Henry.

"Dad, hi," She makes an effort to refer to him in that affectionate tone. She's catering to that part of him that's always said she's the daughter he always wanted. "I'm glad I found you."

"Well, you must not have been looking hard enough." He says with a slight smile. When he stands, he buttons his blazer back up. As he steps closer to her, she can smell the alcohol radiating off of him. Looks like she's not winning the crown for the family drunk tonight. "Tell me, what is it you have been up to tonight?"

She forces a nervous smile. Her eyes dart downstairs towards the party and its guest before she looks back up to him. "Oh, you know. Just putting out fires. Making sure we don't run out of alcohol."

He chuckles. But it's not a laugh she's heard from him before. There's an edge to it. "Little Sammy girl. You are a special one, aren't you?"

"I-I don't know about that." She stutters.

"No, no, you are. You are simply one of a kind," His hand comes down on one of her shoulders, giving it a light squeeze as he pulls her into his side. "I remember the day Cody brought you home to us. I knew from the second that I saw you, one way or another, we had to make you a part of this family. You just... complete the picture, don't you? I mean, look at this. Look at this party you've put together tonight. Look at all these smiling faces. None of this would've been possible without you."

She swallows. "I'm not really sure about that. Claire did most of it, if I'm being honest. She knows how to throw a party for the ages, doesn't she?"

"You are right about that. As much as that woman drives me mad, she does know her role and she does it well," He doesn't take his arm from around her shoulders. Instead, he guides her back into the very room she and Henry just exited, closing the door behind them with a simple kick of his foot. "Have I ever told you the story of how Claire and I met?"

She tries to calm her nerves. Don't overreact, she tells herself. He's just drunk. It's Stephen. He's the least scary Chambers to deal with. "No. No. I don't think you have."

He sighs. "Right. Well, that's my mistake. You see, I've shared the story with Cody countless times over the years. All in an effort to help him understand the big picture. To make him see why we must sometimes do things we don't want to do. To show him the responsibility each of us have in this family and the very critical roles each of us play. But I'm afraid I often overestimate the good in people, especially my sons. Time and time again, that boy has shown me how completely helpless he is. And his brother is not any better. I suppose it never dawned on me to appeal to you. You're a sensible, thoughtful young woman. Lord knows where my son might be today had he not stumbled upon you, Sammy girl. Do you want to know the first time I shared this story with him?"

"Actually, Stephen—" She starts to say, trying to step around him for the door but he steps in front of her before she can grab the handle.

"We were having dinner, the four of us. The boys were sharing with us the events of their day. I admit to barely listening at the time. But then Cody told us he had news. Do you want to know what his news was?"

He doesn't wait for her to answer before he continues. "He planned on ending things with you. He said he was bored of you. He wanted something else. Imagine our surprise. Of all my failings and regrets in life, the hardest to face was what my son has turned into. Some spoiled brat who tosses people aside like they're toys. Don't get me wrong, there is a time and a place for it. No one achieves this level of success without stabbing a few people in the back. But what Cody was planning on doing was nothing short of asinine. You think people like us marry because we're in love?" He tsks and shakes his head. "Claire's father practically sold her off to my family, like she was their most prized pig. Picture the two of us. We were just kids. And boy, did I absolutely loathe her. You should've seen her. You think you hate her now. She was absolutely insufferable back then. We spent the first decade or two of our marriage at each other's throats. She'd never admit it but I'm almost certain she put a hit out on me at some point."

For some reason, this last revelation is followed with a bitter laugh, as he folds his arms behind his back, looking around the room. He acts as if the discussion is something as simple as the weather outside.

"...Why are you telling me this, Stephen?"

"Because I don't think you or my son have any idea what's at stake here," He says. "And frankly, I'm not going to let the two of you ruin everything that my family accomplished. The two of you are on the brink of destroying the very foundation of the Chambers legacy. And I simply can't have it."

"I really don't know what you're talking abou—"

"Sammy girl," His voice is hard, his teeth clenched. "I run this city. I see everything— even if you don't think I do. And I happen to know a lot of powerful people. People that are capable of ruining your life and people that are capable of granting your every wish. So I would strongly encourage you to think long and hard about what side of history you'd like to be on when it comes to the Chambers family."

She crosses her arms over her chest, suddenly feeling stone cold sober. She takes a nervous step back, looking around the room, half expecting a group of trained assaines to be circling her. She's not sure what to think. She's always known Stephen as a cutthroat business man. But she's never before seen this side to him, especially when it's directed at her. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were threatening me."

"No, no, no," His voice remains calm. "I don't make threats. But I am a man who fulfills his promises." He smiles and it fails to reach his eyes. "I have the utmost respect for you, dear. I am so proud to call you my daughter. And because I see you as my own blood, I want to make sure that there are no misunderstandings. I certainly want to avoid us making mistakes. Because when one of us messes up, it has a kind of domino effect on the rest of the family and our business. You are, indeed, a Chambers, which means you need to start acting like one."

With every word that comes out of his mouth, she can feel the blood draining from her face. She feels light headed and the room is spinning. What was looking like a perfect night has turned slowly into a nightmare her body refuses to wake up from.

"Now," He steps out of her way, reaching for the door handle. He pauses before he opens the door. "Perhaps it would be in everyone's best interest if we kept everything that was said, seen, or heard tonight between us. I'd hate for anyone to have the wrong idea."

She tries to move her legs but they feel stuck to the floor.

"And don't worry," His voice has returned to normal. Friendly, light, warm. His face is no longer that of every movie villain. His charismatic smile has returned as he opens the door for her. "I trust that you will pass on my message to Dr. Good. But just in case, I'll make sure I schedule a time to see him this next week. It's important that we all be on the same page, right?"

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