By maiapv81

10.4K 224 204

Dream and George have been friends for years. What'll happen when all the "jokes" catch up with them? ❥Discl... More

Chapter 1 • Attention
Chapter 2 • Record
Chapter 3 • Mask
Chapter 4 • Eyes
Chapter 5 • Night
Chapter 6 • Struggles
Chapter 7 • Worry
Chapter 8 • Pain
Chapter 9 • Don't
Chapter 10 • Confession
Chapter 11 • Surprises
Chapter 12 • Truth
Chapter 13 • Forest
Chapter 14 • Ashamed
Chapter 15 • Reveal
Chapter 16 • Nightmare
Chapter 17 • Olivia
Chapter 18 • Rain
Chapter 19 • Skater
Chapter 20 • Switch
Chapter 21 • Threat
Chapter 22 • Hope
Chapter 23 • Guilt
Chapter 24 • Hardships
Chapter 25 • Care
Chapter 26 • Tape
Chapter 27 • Justice
Chapter 28 • Twice
Chapter 29 • Reunion
Chapter 30 • What-If's
Chapter 31 • Here
Chapter 32 • Ready
Chapter 33 • After
Chapter 34 • Stream
Chapter 35 • Dinner
Chapter 36 • Backseat
Chapter 37 • Friendship
Chapter 38 • Re-Live
Chapter 39 • ILY
Chapter 40 • Protecting
Chapter 41 • Stress
Chapter 42 • Lies
Chapter 43 • Together
Chapter 44 • Close
Chapter 45 • Triggers
Chapter 46 • Broken
Chapter 47 • Defense
Chapter 48 • Anger
Chapter 49 • Photo
Chapter 51• Session
Chapter 52 • Alone
Chapter 53 • Tension
Chapter 54 • Memories
Chapter 55 • Letter
Chapter 56 • POV
Chapter 57 • Secret
Chapter 58 • Closure
Chapter 59 • Okay
Chapter 60 • Cooking
Chapter 61 • Return
Chapter 62 • Courage
Chapter 63 • Forgiveness
Chapter 64 • Powerful
Chapter 65 • Safe
Chapter 66 • Regret
Chapter 67 • Apart
Chapter 68 • Calls
Chapter 69 • Goodbye
Chapter 70 • Heal
Chapter 71 • Rough
Chapter 72 • Distance
Chapter 73 • Demons
Chapter 74 • Quiz
Chapter 75 • Explanation
Chapter 76 • Worthy
Chapter 77 • Why
Chapter 78 • Gone
Chapter 79 • Finale
Sequel (Sorta) :)

Chapter 50 • Scar

98 1 0
By maiapv81

Includes strong language.

That day, Dream, Sapnap, Bad and I streamed. We had lots of donations along with new subscribers. We shared many laughs as my mind failed to drift off to bad places.

After the hours of streaming, I spent the rest of my day in Dream's arms. Whether that was in the living room with Sapnap and Bad or in his bedroom, I never left his side.

The sky faded to darkness as the day went by quickly from all the fun. The 4 of us said our good nights. Sapnap and Bad went upstairs to their rooms while Dream and I headed to his.

He climbed in bed and I climbed in after him, returning my head on his chest as I wrapped my arm around his waist. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder as he kissed my head with a smile.

"Did you have a good day today, baby?"

"Yeah, now I'm exhausted." I mumbled into his chest.

He laughed then held me tighter.

"I'm glad you had a good day today...." His voice trailed off, "It'll be a good one tomorrow too..."

I sighed while looking down at the comforter, remembering what tomorrow was.

"I'll be in the room with you the whole time, I promise. And after that, the 4 of us can get ice cream." He rubbed my arm.

I nodded while nuzzling closer to him. My mind trailed off as tears formed in my eyes.

"Can you say it?" I looked up at him with a frown.

His eyebrows raised.

"Are you sure?"

I nodded while keeping our gaze. He took a deep breath as his lips parted.

"Everything will be okay, George..." he said quietly as he gave me a nervous look.

When he said it, I believed it. Just like I used to. I sighed out in relief with a smile as my tears fell down my cheeks.

"I believe you..."

Tears rose in his eyes as he smiled. He kissed my head a bunch of times while I giggled as my head sunk back into the pillows. After a few moments, he split apart from me and held my cheek, kissing my lips. I kissed him back with a smile as he hovered over me.

Shortly, he split us apart slowly. He smiled the first genuine smile I've seen from him in a while.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

He hugged me tightly then I laughed, hugging him back.

"You're going to crush me."

"Pfft—" he sat up.

"Can we stay up?" I sat up next to him.

"I thought you were exhausted?"

"Well yeah but you gave me energy now."

"I don't think that's how it works." His eyebrows squished together as he smiled.

I lightly smiled, "Okay...you caught me."

"Why do you really wanna stay up?"

I looked down at the comforter as he held my hands.

"I just...I saw you smile genuinely for the first time in a while..." My eyes met with his, "Tomorrow morning is gonna suck...I just miss your smile...I wanna see as much as I can of it tonight..."

Tears filled my eyes as I pouted. He held my cheeks which made my tears fall to the comforter. He wiped them away then kissed my forehead. He lightly smiled.

"I miss your smile too..."

I frowned.

"But...just because we don't see them right now, doesn't mean we won't ever see them again..." he lightly smiled, "We'll see them again, George..."

I nodded while swallowing. I shut my eyes while taking a deep breath.

"Thank you..."

"For what?"

My tears came back.

"For..." I stopped myself then smiled, shutting my eyes, "Taking care of me..."

His tears came back too as he smiled back.

"Your welcome for being a good ass boyfriend." He raised an eyebrow.

I huffed out a smile.

"Now, let's sleep so we're both not cranky in the morning."

I nodded then we slipped under the covers again. We formed in the position we were before. Then a thought occurred to me. My smile faded as my jaw clenched.



I swallowed hard as I sat up.

"Can I see it...?" I frowned.

My eyes widened at him as I sighed. I sat up.

The first time I saw the scar, I couldn't help but break down but I didn't want George knowing that. I felt so guilty for putting him through that.

I knew that every time he would see me without a shirt on, it'd be the reminder of what haunts him at night. It'd also be a reminder of how I couldn't protect him.

I swallowed hard while looking at the comforter.

"You don't need to see it, George..."

"I'm gonna see it anyways..." he mumbled.

I clenched my jaw while keeping my gaze.


"Please...?" He spoke quietly.

Tears formed in my eyes as my nose scrunched.

"Are you 100% sure...?" I looked up at him with my blurry vision.

"Please..." he frowned.

I sighed then shut my eyes.


He slowly moved his hands to my waist. I swallowed hard as he started to slowly lift up my shirt. He slid it up all the way to my chest then held the fabric against my chest as his eyes fell to the scar.

I clenched my jaw as my breathing stopped. I glared hard at it. No tears entered my eyes, no anxiety was placed on my chest, all that was there inside me was anger.

I flared my nostrils as I clenched my jaw harder, unable to keep my eyes off of it.

Dream quickly moved my hand and let the fabric fall, covering his stomach up. My eyes didn't move.

"I—it doesn't hurt that much anymore..." he said quietly.

My eyes slowly trailed up his body until I met his eyes.

"It's okay if you wanna—"

I held his cheeks while rubbing on with my thumb. I felt the tears well up in the corners of my eyes.

"Thank you for being strong for me..." I said firmly.

He frowned as he swallowed hard.

"Everything will be okay..." I whispered with a light smile.

His lip quivered as he hugged me tightly. I wrapped my arms under his as I held him back just as tight.

❥Thanks for reading!
Final word count: 1106

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