haute monde. || nct jaehyun f...

By anxdyie

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kwon bora is in a partner ship with jung jaehyun. both business and bed. [12/15/2020 - ] More

15 - M
20 - M


278 8 0
By anxdyie

4:13 pm – Moon Corp., Busan, South Korea

Moon Hajoon was surprised when her secretary came in his office that afternoon and informed him about an unexpected visitor. Jung Seojun was waiting for him in one of their conference rooms, helping himself to a bottle of champagne served by one of their interns. Despite their business' partnership for months now, this was the first time Hajoon met the CEO of Jung Enterprise.

"Mr. Jung." Hajoon greeted the man stoically. He approached the man sitting at the center of the room, offering a hand. "It's nice to finally meet you."

Seojun was just as collected and cold as he is. Maybe because all corporate bosses lost their personalities to being a slave to their own companies. Making money by attending galas meetings, making connections all of that until nothing is left but hollow shells.

"Likewise, Mr. Moon. I regret not meeting you any sooner." Seojun accepted the handshake. "Although, I did catch a glimpse of your daughter back in Seoul when she was attending meetings back at Jung Enterprise's main branch.

"You share the same look."

"Well, she is my daughter." Hajoon shrugged, not sure why Bora's being brought up in this. She's been long gone from Moon Corp. and with neither Taeil or Yuta working under his company, he has to fill in the shoes his children left. Ironic how it's all upside down in their family. "May I know what this surprise meeting is all about?"

"Well, as you must know I am expanding our business here in Busan. I believe my son is here as our company's representative." Seojun reminded him.

"Of course." Hajoon recalled Bora mentioning that. "Jaehyun's been doing good work. From what I heard; he's also supervising the construction of your new building."

"I'm happy to hear my eldest son isn't just dilly-dallying and wasting his time away screwing around with your daughter." Seojun's words were harsh but he did not show a sign of anger or displeasure in his expression. "Jaehyun isn't really the type to take his job seriously. Or anything, actually."

Hajoon doesn't know where Seojun's going with this so he remained quiet and let the other man continue. Although, he might have misjudged Jaehyun's personality. If what his father says is true about him, then he's no Lee Minhyung after all.

"Actually, I'm surprised he's lasted long in working for our Busan branch. I was wondering what's making him stay. It couldn't possibly the work or the place.

"Jaehyun's never been the type to get attached easily.

"He's... still immature. He refuses to take any responsibility. Whether it'd be our family business, or his own fiancé. He chose to run away from all of that, denying the inevitable obligation that will eventually be his.

"But to my surprise upon hearing the recent stabbing incident, he actually can put someone else's needs before himself." The way Seojun talked about Jaehyun made Hajoon think the father is surprised his son can be a decent person. Just what was Jung Jaehyun like? He was certainly different when he went to have dinner with his family.

"The question that I've been asking myself for months now: What's keeping my son in Busan? I think this event just answered it, don't you think?"

Hajoon furrowed his eyebrows at the implications. But still, he didn't know Bora's relationship enough to make a conjecture. "My daughter and your son have a strict business relationship as far as I'm concerned." That wasn't the truth but it wasn't a lie either, he supposes.

"Of course." Seojun nodded, taking a walk towards the glass window of the office. He had a nice view of the city, admiring the small buildings below. "I am aware that my son has invested in your daughter's new business. Kwon Co., was it? Yes, very promising start-up. Your daughter is a good business woman, Mr. Moon."

"I guess, but like your son, she has a lot of maturing to do," Hajoon could only comment.

"They do have a lot in common, don't they? Maybe that's why my son trust your daughter with this investment." Seojun hummed. "It's obvious he values her a lot. Even than his own life."

"Where are you going with this?"

"Well, our companies are still in the transition. Not even halfway. As much as possible, I want my son to be the CEO of this branch during that phase but I can't convince him while he's tied up to other matters."

Hajoon's seriously getting impatient. Why can't Jung Seojun just cut to the chase? He has a lot of work to do.

"I want your daughter to be the head of the transitioning phase alongside my son. That way, I'm certain Jaehyun will take up the position of this branch's CEO and I'm assured my company is in good hands with someone from Moon Corp." Were Seojun's terms.

"My daughter's no longer with the company. As you know, she and your son have a business together." Hajoon reminded.

"Yes, I need you to do something about that as well. Kwon Co. would also hinder Jaehyun's commitment to Jung Enterprise. So, if you can, I'd like it to be abolished as well." Seojun's requests are getting ridiculous.

"So, you want to use my daughter to lure your son into taking in his inheritance in your empire by destroying this one thing she's been working hard for in months."

"Now, now, who said I want you to destroy it? Asking nicely is one of the options, is it not? She is your daughter, after all."

Easier said than done, Hajoon though. His eye twitched at the thought of having to convince Bora to give up Kwon Co. He can already hear her screaming at him. But...

"What do I get out of it? I don't want to think you're making these requests empty-handed. That's not being a good business man."

"Of course not, Mr. Moon. I do, in fact, have a deal to bring up to you as well." Seojun motioned to the glass conference table, where a folder was placed. "I know your rivalry with Lee Industries, so I'm pretty sure you'd be please to find what's in there."

Hajoon squinted his eyes suspiciously and went to see what Seojun was talking about. As he read the contents of the folder, his eyebrows scrunched. "Stocks of Lee Industries." He realized. "How did you make them sell these to you? Their CEO doesn't even sell to his close friends."

"Let's just say I'm making the most of this stabbing incident. I promised not to press charges to their beloved heir if they agreed to sell me some of them."

Hajoon furrowed his eyebrows in contemplation. "I can discuss it over family dinner," he answered vaguely.

Seojun flashed a smirk over to him. "I'm glad we can come to an agreement, Mr. Moon." He said, pleased.


Hajoon had back-to-back meetings that day but he managed to squeeze in a quick meet-up with his children. He needed to talk to them – all of them. Moon Corp. is at the brink of collapse – what with the recent embezzlement issue with Kang Medical Center and somehow, he's being accused as well – he needed the core team of the company that'll pull it out of the slump.

"So, what's this about Uncle?" Johnny asked just as the four of them were getting comfortable in their own seats.

"Yeah, why the sudden rush Dad? Your secretary pulled me out with my meetings with one of the charity chairpersons." Taeil mumbled under his breath. After he was reinstated as head of the foundation, he immediately went back to helping people.

"I want all of you to work under Moon Corp. Well, except you Johnny." Hajoon spoke ahead just when he saw 3 of them open their mouths.

"I'm sorry, what?" Yuta reacted first. In all his life, this was the first time his father asked him to be involved with the company. Or any other work. His father never nagged him about being a homeboy.

"I want to expand Moon Corp. and introduce smart architecture to our structures. With Jung Enterprise's backing, we can make that happen." Hajoon declared, his own vision clear in his mind. In order for his company to move forward, he's gonna need all hands-on deck. "To do so, we need their family's trust. As you all know, Bora here is in close relations with their one and only heir."

Bora scoffed, not believing her ears. "Oh, so you just want me back just so you can win over Mr. Jung?" she shook her head.

"No, I'm giving you a chance to right your wrongs. Don't think they're just gonna let you all walk free after finding out that the reason he got involved in the first place was because of your scheming," Hajoon reminded.

Bora shut up at that. Her father's right; Jaehyun got involved because of her. They wouldn't even be in this situation if it wasn't—

"Jaehyun's a grown ass man, Dad. He chose to get involved in this," Taeil spoke up. "He didn't deserve what he got but that's no one's fault side from Lee Taeyong's."

"Look, all I want is what's best for this family." You mean the company. "For that to happen, we must win the Jung family's trust. So, they could help expand our empire. I'm trying to safeguard your inheritances."

Johnny let out a deep sigh. There's no winning with his uncle here. So, before he could jibe about his girlfriend, he stepped up. "I'm already on board here since I've been here, like, the beginning," he said. "But hyung, since you're already here and reclaimed your spot as the head of the foundation, you might as well help secure its future, right?"

Taeil's eyebrows furrow, biting his lip in contemplation. It is true that Jung Enterprise helps a lot at the foundation and hospital. He understood while Johnny would be on board with this since it'll help Iseul's business as well.

"Alright, but I'm not returning as your COO, Dad. I want to focus on working on the foundation." Taeil made his conditions clear. He still had his plans with Kun, and if he returned to Moon Corp., it'll mean he's here to stay.

"I understand, Taeil. I trust no one else to handle the foundation." Hajoon was contented about that for now. His eyes landed on Bora, who has yet to give him her answer. "Bora?"

"I have Kwon Co. already, Dad. I can't be working two companies at a time." Bora tried to reason. Although working alongside her father was very tempting, indeed. Plus, the position he offered for her to return... it was much better than head of acquisition.

"Bora, please. I've let you mess around long enough. You think Kwon Co. has the same amount of national and global reach Moon Corp. has? You won't be begging for clients and investors if you're under the family company."

"Gee, what a way to convince me to return, Dad." Bora stopped him before he could piss her more even further.

"Look, why don't you merge Kwon Co. with Moon Corp.? From what I understand, it's a selling app company, and if we could use that platform into expanding the reach of Moon Corp. via online selling of real estate—

"Plus, with the backing of Jung Enterprise technology, we could introduce a new type of selling via VR that can be brought to our clients' doorstop."

Apparently, Moon Hajoon's way of convincing Bora to join their team again was an actual business pitch. Which isn't much of a bad idea now that she's heard it. It got her pondering. She didn't want to miss a huge opportunity for Kwon Co. And, it's not like she's gonna give up her own business just because she's accepting a job from her father again.

"I'll think about it." She left it at that, walking out of the meeting room before her father could dismiss her and her siblings.

"Could you two please talk to her?" Hajoon requested to the eldest Moons. Johnny and Taeil share a look.

"No promises." His eldest son was the next to leave, followed by his cousin.

Yuta was the last one in the room, who gave his father a questioning look. "Okay, I get that you're recruiting Bora and Taeil, but why me?" he had to ask.

Hajoon had a simple answer for him. "I think it's time for you to start working for a living, Yuta. Put that degree to good use, yeah?" With that, he left his second son to contemplate about his nonexistent career.

"For fuck's sake."


5:24 pm – Kang Medical Center, Busan, South Korea

Iseul was in the middle of her rounds when she received a call from Johnny. Since she was assigned at the VIP ward today, and there isn't really a lot of people confined right now, aside from Mr. Jung Jaehyun. So, despite her own rule of not answering personal calls during shifts, she answered Johnny's call.

"Hey, you finished with the meeting already?" she asked.

"Yeah, it's crazy. Uncle's letting hop on a big project with Jung Enterprise. Apparently, he had a talk with Jaehyun's dad before we went there." Johnny brought her up to speed. "Anyways, I won't bore you with work talk. How are things? Did you manage to talk to Daniel yet?"

"Yes – well, I talked to Jihyo, who's there overseeing his confinement. After I settle things here with my new position, I'm flying to Seoul to check on him." Iseul reported. She still can't relax about everything, knowing her little brother's health is still at risk. "I'll probably be bombarded with back-to-back meetings there with Dr. Im."

"Looks like we're gonna be too busy soon." Johnny worried. Just when he and Iseul get to be together with no reservations, their work life is gonna hinder them spending time together.

Iseul doesn't miss the sad tone on his voice and sighed. "I know. I already miss you," she confessed. "I get out around 8pm tonight. Dinner at your house?"

"I'll cook." Johnny quipped immediately. Iseul was probably gonna leave for Seoul on the weekend, which means he has two more days to maximize her time with her. "Spend the night? I'll have the helpers prepare you a wardrobe here."

"Don't I already have my own cabinet there?" Iseul joked with a chuckle. "It has been a while since I spent the night there, huh?" With her mother's disapproval with her relationship with Johnny, they never get to spend time at the Kang Estate. Iseul spent her university days in her own apartment, which gave her more freedom to see Johnny, but when she entered medical school – Her mother wanted to supervise her personal to make sure she wasn't falling behind with her academics. So, she made Iseul move back with her family and had their driver come and fetch her at her campus.

"I miss you in my bed." Johnny sighed longingly. "Tied up or not."

"Johnny!" Iseul flustered at his dirty talk. She was now walking around with her whole face beet red. She earned herself a couple of worried glances but she brushed it off with a polite smile. "You're so shameless."

"Says the person begging me—"

"Shut up!" Despite her protests, Johnny doesn't stop with his dirty talk. Promising her she's gonna show her how shameless he can be later at night. All sweaty and naked and all over her, fucking her good until she's begging him again to— "I'm hanging up."

Johnny's laugh was the last thing she heard before Iseul ended the call. She walked a little faster through the hallways, turning to a corner and accidentally bumping shoulders with someone.

"Chairwoman Kang! There you are. I've been looking all over for you." A woman with tanned skin greeted Iseul.

"Oh, Yuri, right?" Iseul recalled her newly appointed assistant when she was crowned as the hospital's chairwoman. Guess it's time for her to promote Jihyo. "What's up?"

"I was so supposed to brief you about the clinics and centers under Kang Medical Center. The board wants you to take a look at treatment methods. Don't worry, I've compiled all the research papers already, they're in your office."

"Oh – yeah, of course. I'll get to that right away."

"Also, apparently, the hospital's been monitoring this certain patient? The previous chairwoman instructed me to tell her if they're being discharged." Yuri mentioned, catching Iseul's attention.

Monitoring a patient? Iseul's eyebrows creased in confusion. "Who?"

"Suh Youngsun."

Iseul felt her chest sink at the mention of Johnny's father's name. Not only did she worry about his return, but she was also concerned of Johnny's reaction when he finds out.

"I see. Thank you, Yuri. I'll check on them ASAP." With that, Iseul excused herself to retreat back to her office and see what Suh Youngsun's condition is herself.


Iseul arrived at Moon Manor rather distracted. She was reading on Suh Youngsun's file the whole afternoon, rereading his condition over and over again. It gave her certain flashbacks from everything she and Johnny went through in college. How his father was admitted to rehab after suffering from substance abuse and Johnny had to live with his uncle and cousins after that. How he had a hard time dealing with the fact that he's never gonna have a normal family like his friends and classmates. How he's always gonna be known as the son of an addict who caused an accident that resulted with him losing his wife.

Now that he's returning, Iseul was worried about how Johnny's gonna react to it. Especially knowing Johnny had an unhealthy coping mechanism when it comes to his father. Something he got from Youngsun, unfortunately. It's hard to determine whether he'd revert back to old habits.

"Penny for thoughts?" A voice snapped her out of her thoughts. Yuta had whispered right beside her ear, making her jump away from him.

"Yuta! What are you doing..." she rubbed on her ear, scowling at the Moon. "You startled me."

"Sorry, I had to." Yuta snickered at her flushed expression. "So, spill. What's up with the wrinkle on your forehead?"

"Ugh." Iseul massaged the space between her eyebrows, trying to wipe her frown away. If Johnny saw her right now, he'd knew something's wrong. And she didn't want to ruin their date night today. She's gonna have to learn how to hide her expressions in under five minutes. "Johnny's dad's getting discharged soon. I don't know how to tell him."

"Wait – what?" Yuta's eyes almost bulge out of his eyes. His uncle's gonna be back? "No, no no. That's—Do you think Johnny's ready to meet him again?"

"I don't know." Iseul exhaled, turning to her side apprehensively. "You think I should tell him early on?"

"I don't know. Doesn't the facility contact their family?"

"Yeah, well. I might've... Interfered."

Yuta quirked an eyebrow as Iseul twisted her lips to the side. He urged her to elaborate, and Iseul may or may not have changed Suh Youngsun's contact to... "Taeil-hyung??? What—Why—!?"

"I—I don't know! He was the first person that came into mind okay! And, like—when he gets the call, he'll know I did it and will roll with it—" The longer Iseul explained the higher her voice pitched. Yuta had to clamp her lips shut when he saw a tall figure approach them.

"Hey, you're here." Johnny slid behind Iseul, arms slipping around her waist. Already jumpy – Iseul let out a loud screech and jolted away from him. His arms raised from her freak out. "Everything okay?"

"Johnny." Iseul placed a hand on her chest. "Hi. Sorry, um – I was just. I think I had too much caffeine." She laughed awkwardly.

"Oh, well. I prepared something that'll replenish you. C'mon." Johnny beckoned her to come with him outside the mansion, where he prepared their dinner.

"Hehe, okay." Iseul was still acting weird but slithered beside Johnny, eyes widening at Yuta for help. Wish me luck. She smiled up at Johnny a bit too happy and readied herself to talk to her boyfriend. She wished she could get a break from everything.


7:37 pm – Coaster Lane

"Your dad wants you to what?"

"Ridiculous, right? I mean – after all this time, he wants me to pick him, the company over my own. Again. As if I haven't been wasting my life working in Moon Corp." Bora was sure she was ratting Mark's ear off with her complaints about her father and life in general. It's like those good old times where they'd meet up at a bar and drink their sorrows away.

"Hey." Mark placed a hand on Bora's wrist, caressing her hand comfortingly. "You didn't waste your life there. You made a difference, okay?"

"I know. Ugh." Bora took another shot of whatever alcohol she ordered at Jeongyeon's bar. She should be handed a platinum membership at this point. How did she end up here anyway? And how did Mark even find her here when she arrived alone?

"Jeongyeon texted me who was informed by her employees that you're here drinking again," Mark answered. Bora didn't realize she was speaking out loud. Wait – Jeongyeon and Mark kept contact? "I reached out to old friends when I arrived in Korea. I am friends with your friends. Not that you have many."

"Shut up, I have lots of friends."

"Okay, name ten."

"Not that many." Bora reiterated with a pout. Mark appreciated her puckered lips and can't help but stare at them. "I have Jeongyeon, and uh Lisa... Oh, and my childhood friend Chungha! Who's a successful singer now by the way, and also there's you..."

"Me?" Mark was taken aback by that. "Are we friends?"

Bora shot him a meaningful look; eyes filled with emotion. "At some point we were," she said in a small voice. She noticed Mark's gaze lingering on her lips and hers landed on his as well. She leaned in and so did he.

It felt like a lifetime since she last felt Mark's lips on hers. Yes, last time he was just Minhyung but now... he's a totally different person. Even the way he kissed her was different. Long gone the gentle and shy kiss Minhyung gave her. Now, he was more assertive and confident. He even took the lead, biting on her bottom lip before slipping in his tongue to explore her mouth.

Bora moaned against his mouth, lapping her tongue alongside his. She felt lightheaded, losing her breath the longer Mark ate her face. He was now sucking her tongue harshly, his hands cupping her jaw so she could open her mouth wider. It was totally different from how Jaehyun kissed her. Jaehyun was...

Oh my god Jaehyun. Bora pushed Mark away, their kisses ending with a pucker. She stared at her ex wide-eyed.

"What's wrong?" Mark cupped her face worriedly.

"I—" I forgot about Jaehyun. I promised to visit him, shit—Bora had an internal panic as she gathered her belongings and was about to bolt. Mark had stopped her, holding onto her arm with a questioning look.

"Where are you going?"

"Jaehyun, I—I promised I'd visit." Bora found herself guilty of telling Mark that. It felt like she was caught.

"Jaehyun?" Mark furrowed his eyebrows. "You already visited him today, Bora. I think once is enough."


"He has his mother and girlfriend there with him. He'll be fine."

Bora simmered down upon hearing that. Of course. That bitch Chaeyoung—Rose—or whatever porn name she goes by—is probably there sipping a cup of tea with bitch number 2 Mrs. Jung—

Yeah, Jaehyun didn't need Bora to annoy him again.

"You're right." Bora goes back to her seat as Mark brushed his thumb against her cheek.

"Just stay with me, okay? I miss you." Mark planted another heated kiss on her lips. "Should we go back to one of your hotels? I don't wanna pass by one of your brothers tomorrow."

"Hotel De Luna has a nice suite." Bora mentioned, too intoxicated to even argue. Both of them were drunk by now; not a surprise since they were both bad at alcohol. "Let's go?"

"Let's call a cab." Mark kissed her again, pulling her towards the bar's exit. Just like old times. And hey, maybe they can get that back this time.

Author's Note: 

Oh my god it's been more than a month since I updated this... So here's a pretty long chapter :) Hope you guys like this! Tell me what you think!!

once again, thank you for reading and have a nice day/night <3

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