The Hatters mermaid Jefferson...

Bởi Christmas2580

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Arista never truly saw the appeal in human's, that was befre she was swept up in the curse. Now living as Hal... Xem Thêm

Mini Trident
Mediocre life
Saving the human
Playgroud antics
12 hours
New student
A Great Tragedy
Girls Night Out
A deal with the Devil
day out with Ruby
The loss of the Beauty
A change on the horizon.
True love
The one i hit with my car
I'm not a lap dog
Dreams or memories
Dragon's Den
A new oppertunity from an old face
Delivering to a familar face
Secret meetings
Baby on the way
Lust for power
What just happend
You can't take this back
Mine Shaft
Queens of darkness
Glass slipper

Christmas Spirit

312 14 4
Bởi Christmas2580

A/N: hey guys this chapter is a little treat for you all, I was very much exited for this chapter, and to share it with you guys! This chapter is for all of you out there who have been patiently waiting. So bring out your fans because the temperature is about to go up.

Christmas spirit

"Tis the season to be jolly, Fa la la la la, la la la la (fa la la la la, la la la la) Don we now our gay apparel Fa la la la la, la la la la (fa la la la la, la la la la)Troll the ancient Yuletide carol Fa la la la la, la.."

I sing along with the radio, while rubbing salt and pepper into the turkey.

It was Christmas Day.

I had awoken at the crack of dawn filled with excitement.

For the first time or at-least what I could remember I wasn't going to be alone on Christmas.

Jefferson and I had exchanged numbers and had been trading texts these last few weeks, neither of us had broached the topic of the kiss, but we still traded texts about Christmas.

After much deliberation Jefferson was coming to mine.

All week I had been planning to make this the best Christmas yet.

I had gone all out.

A Pine Christmas tree was in the corner decorated with lights, baubles, ornaments, tinsel and a star.

Colourful Boxes of presents were stacked under the Christmas tree with big bows.

There were two stockings hanging from the fireplace filled with sweets and candy-canes.

I had red and white cinnamon scented candles on nearly every available surface.

I had hung some fairy lights on my curtains and wrapped some around the wooden beams and garlands were placed on the openings to rooms

The coffee table had an assortment of little Christmas reindeer statues and more bowls of peppermint candy's.

Christmas music was playing in the background.

I had even brought some patched and Christmas themed cushion covers and a lovey patched blanket.

I wondered if maybe I had gone a-bit overboard, but I just wanted everything to be perfect.

My entire morning as been filled with stuffing and glazing the turkey, peeling, chopping & seasoning potatoes, boiling Brussels, wrapping bacon around mini sausages, peeling carrots and parsnips, cooking red cabbage, defrosting the pre made cranberry & bread sauce, not to mention the gravy.

Needless to say I was worn out but all to do now was let everything cook.

Thank goodness for granny she had basically written to the ultimate cooking instructions for the turkey.

Looking at the clock I realised I had just enough time to change out of my pyjamas and into my Christmas outfit.

Grabbing the white Cotten tights I run them up my legs, the leaf like pattern stood out on my legs, next came the dress, the dress wasn't anything special in-fact it used to belong to Ruby but it's was the only dress I owned that looked like Christmas. The fabric fell just above my knees in an A-line flair, the only detailing was the small white belt around the waist, the bateau neckline was a nice touch, I paired it off with a white cardigan and some brand new wedged boots.

Quickly I turned on my curlers and gave my hair a few loose curls, it was all I could do before there was knocking at the door.

Looking at myself on last time in the mirror, I go to answer the door.

Dressed in a dark button down and waistcoat along with his usual scarf Jefferson was giving me a full tooth grin.

In his hand was a relatively large box that was wrapped in a stunning gold and sliver wrapping paper and a variety of bows on top.

"Merry Christmas."

Opening my door wide I gesture Jefferson to come in.

As he walks through the door Jefferson hands me the box.

"This is for you."

The box isn't heavy but it does have some weight to it.

"Thank you, I got you something as well."

I go to put the box under the tree and grab the purple gift bag.

Walking back to Jefferson I hand him the bag.

"I hope you like it."

Biting my lip, I hold my breath as Jefferson reaches in and pulls out a purple and silver swirled waistcoat and a matching silver scarf.

It took me forever to find something for Jefferson, he's so closed Off.

The softest look graces Jefferson's face, it's the most tender I've ever seen him.

"I hope it's okay, I didn't know what else to get you."

Jefferson holds the scarf as if it's the most delicate piece of material in the world.

"It's perfect."

The sincerity in his voice causes a lump in my throat.

Jefferson with Great care places the waistcoat and scarf back in the bag before moving to bring me into his arms for a hug.

I worry Jefferson can hear the rapid thumping of my heart.

Before I would of like Jefferson steps away and looks around the apartment.

I hope everything's okay.

"I've never really decorated much before, I hope the candles aren't too strong."

"Everything looks great, you really outdid yourself."

His praise perks me up.

Not wanting to seem like a bad host I pick up a plate of cookies Mary Margaret brought over this morning.


Jefferson shakes his head.

"Maybe later."

I gesture to the couch, and table were I've laide out a bottle of wine and two glasses.

"Would you like to play murder Mystery while we wait for dinner to cook."

I have no memories of ever celebrating Christmas, so I really don't know what to do, but speaking with a Mary Margaret she recommended playing a board game together.

A playful smile appears of Jefferson's face.

"Depends what wine it is."

Playful, okay that I can do.

"Well naturally its only the finest Chablis money can buy." I fake a posh accent.

That lifted the curtain of unease.

The two of us venture to the living room and make ourselves comfy on the couch.

Jefferson pours the wine into the glasses and then hands me the glass before making himself comfy on the couch.

By the time lunch rolled around Jefferson and I had forgone personal space.

I was leaning against him with my legs resting in his lap, while he rubbed my thigh.

"I told you it was the cleaner."

"I have never met more incompetent detectives in my life."

"Well you have to give the lawyer some credit, some of those theories were quite inventive."

"but they could of easily avoided them if they had had even a little bit of common sense."

My fingers were playing with the button on his shirt, his finger were combing through my hair.

The half empty wine lay forgotten on the table, along with an empty plate of cookies and sweet wrappers all over the floor.

We were in our own world and only the ping of the timer could separate us.

"Dinners ready, why don't you make yourself comfy at the table."

Instead of taking my advice Jefferson follows me into the kitchen.

"Now what type of gentlemen would let a lady do all the work, give me a task."

Well four hands are better than two.

"Okay, will you heat up the cranberry and bread sauce, and pour the gravely in the gravy boat."

Jefferson gets to work on that while I Start removing the turkey and trimmings from the oven.

The turkey is a nice golden colour and smells divine, not to shabby for a fist time attempt in my opinion.

Jefferson places the sauces on the table and then under my instructions takes the two plates filled with food to the table.

I follow behind him and we both take our seats at the table.

Before we tuck in Jefferson holds up his glass filled with eggnog in a toast.

"Here's to a wonderful and beautiful host and the amazing meal she prepared."

If my cheeks weren't already red they were now, the way his smouldering eyes would rake over me was making the blood rush to my face.


We clink glasses.

Now I'm will admit I'm not the best cook in the world, heck I once burned pasta.

But this Christmas dinner might be a win.

Jefferson seems to have the same opinion.

"This had to be One of the best meals I've ever had."

His praise fills me with joy.

All Those hours of scouring the internet had finally paid off.

"So Jefferson why is it I never see you around town?" Casual enough question.

Jefferson put his fork with turkey on it back on the plate.

His eyebrows raise in amusement.

"Why Miss brown have you been looking for me?"



"Well.... I just like keeping to myself."

Really I couldn't tell? Note the sarcasm.

No one knows anything about you and trust me I've asked.

"Then why would you be so interested in little old me?"

"Your different." He returns to eating.

Is that a good or bad thing?

Please say good thing.

Taking a deep breath I speak.

"My dance class will be preforming in a few weeks at the yearly fundraiser would you like to go, I mean with me?"

Jefferson's full attention is on me.

"You're dance class."

Why did he say it like that?

"Yes I teach part-time at the local dance studio."

A look passed over Jefferson's face so quickly I couldn't make it out.

What ever it was it was quickly replaced by amusement.

"Hallie brown are you asking me I'm a date?"

"I suppose I am."

His smile is all teeth.

"Then I accept."

It's during dessert that I learn something new about myself.

I don't like Christmas pudding.

Typical that's a Christmas statement.

Still I wasn't alone.

Jefferson shared the same sentiments to the Christmas dish.

"Do you want some ice cream?"

Jefferson still trying to get rid of the taste with the eggnog nods.

Going Into the freezer I pull out a pint of raspberry ice cream.

Not bothering with Bowls I pick up two spoons and bring the pint for us to share.

We Finnish our alternative Christmas Dessert with content smiles.

The rest of the day continues with no other incidents, between the two of us we wash up the dishes and put the left over food in the fridge, I give Jefferson a Tupperware container to go, it's not like I'm going to be able to eat all that food.

The remainder of the day would be spent drinking eggnog, playing poker and exchanging stories, however it's what happens that evening that would change my life, even if I didn't quite know it yet.

The sun had long since set yet Jefferson and I were still going.

The music was turned up, we both were laughing (too much eggnog) and just enjoying each others company.

Jefferson's finger poke my sides, I look up at him from my place on the floor.

"You have yet to open my gift." He gestured to the big box.

That's right I hadn't.

Not bothering to get up and walk I crawl over and pull the box from under the three.

Putting the box In front of me I begin to undo the Ribbons.

Jefferson is intently staring at me.

It's almost creepy.

I pull off the lid and look inside.

It's a hat.

A very beautiful hat.

It's a black top hat, but it's decoration that captures my attention.

Intricate hand sticking with threads of silver, blue, teal and green  that resembled the ocean went all the way up the hat, a single line of pearls was wrapped around the base, on the crown there in blue stitching was the outline of a mermaid and along the brim was the words in purple stitching.

Property of the hatters mermaid.

I'm compelled to pull the hat from the box.

"Will you ever make me a hat?"

"My love, I shall make you the most beautiful hat you've ever seen, that way people will know who's heart and love you have."

"And people shall know who I belong to."

The hat drops form my hands and lands on the floor with a thud.

Hands grip my shoulder.

Looking up I come face to face with Jefferson.

"Are you okay?"

Shaking me head I clear my thoughts.

"I'm fine, sorry I don't know what came over me."

Despite his calm facade I can see disappointment swirl in his eyes.

Why would be be disappointed.

Clearing my throat I find my voice.

"Thank you for the gift, it's lovely. Where did you find it."

I finger the fabric between my fingers.

"Doesn't matter, it's the story I like the most."

Placing the hat back in the box I give Jefferson my attention.

"This hat comes with a story."


Now I'm intrigued.

"Tell me."

Jefferson holds eye contact.

"A man was deeply in love with a woman, when they first met the man had lost everything he loved and was slowly being eaten by the grief and madness, however this woman fell into his life and began to piece his broken heart back together, she became the light in his cold and dark world there was nothing he would of denied her, so one day his loved asked him to make her a hat, the man set to work immediately working through the night desperate to Design a hat worthy of his love, however before He could give it to his love she was ripped away from him just like everything else was."

I'm transfixed.

My heart is aching, my breath quickening.

Jefferson held eye contact the entire time, as if he were trying to portray something.

"Even till This day the man waits and hope's that one day he will be reunited with his loved ones."

Tears full my eyes.

Who knew a story could get me so emotional.

"You talk as if you knew the man. Did you?"

Jefferson instead of answering quickly changed the subject.

"Why don't you try it on."

Hey it's not my business, reaching into the box I grab the hat before placing it in my head.

A perfect fit.

Standing up I pose.

"So... how do I look?"

I tilt the hat.

A soft smile once again is in Jefferson's face.


The familiar notes of Santa baby fill the room.

I love This song.

Perhaps all the eggnog has clouded my judgment I hold out my hands.

"Come dance with me Jefferson."

Jefferson almost seems hesitant but does come and join me in the middle of my apartment.

I place his left hand in my right and his right hand in my waist while my left hand rests on his shoulder.

"Just to warn you hallie, I'm not a great dancer."

I begin to move us, sewing our hips side to side.

"Just feel the music."

Santa baby, just slip a Sable under the tree for me, Been an awful good girl
Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight

We begin with a simple box step, keeping eye contact with each other, though Jefferson would cast him eyes down.

Santa baby, a '54 convertible too, light blue I'll wait up for you, dear Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight.

Jefferson seems to gain more confidence, Jefferson lifts his left hand to twirl me before bring us back together and swaying our hips.

Laughter bubbles up.

"I told you you just have to feel the music."

"Well it's easier with the right partner."

Think of all the fun I've missed
Think of all the fellas that I haven't kissed. Next year, I could be just as good
If you check off my Christmas list

To my plesent surprise Jefferson spins me out and brings me back in so my back rests against his chest.

We are now joined at the hips as he sways us from side to side.

Laughing out loud I lean back against Jefferson's shoulder.

Santa baby, I want a yacht, and really, that's not a lot, Been an angel all year
Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight

Suddenly my laughter stops when a firm yet warm pair of lips latched onto my neck.

Jefferson nuzzled in at my neck kissing and licking me softly just below the ear.

My eyes close and a small moan escapes my lips.

Suddenly the lips are gone and replaced by a cool breeze that only enhanced the wet patch on my neck.

Swiftly Jefferson spun me back around once more and connects us at the hips, in sinc for the next verse.

Santa honey, one little thing I really need
The deed to a platinum mine Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight.

His left leg slides between mine pulling me closer than I though was possible.

My hands seem to have a mind of their own, they wrap around Jefferson's neck running through his hair.

His hands move from my waist to my backside.

By now we aren't dancing as much as swaying.

Santa cutie, and fill my stocking with a duplex and checksSign your "X" on the line, Santa cutie, and hurry down the chimney tonight

Wrapping my leg around His waist, Jefferson dips me back.

The moment I come back up I'm met with Jefferson's lips on mine.

The music fades.

My whole body sank forward into his arms. His lips moved against mine, exploring my mouth so gently.

I tried to copy his movement, until I didn't have to think about it at all..... it just felt right.

He let out a soft moan at my reaction and cupped his hands behind my head tangling them in my hair, pulling me closer until I couldn't tell where my mouth ended and his began. A familiar liquid sensation swooped throughout my stomach.

The kiss grew more heated, especially when our tounges Were introduced, desperate to keep myself grounded i latched onto the collar of his shirt.

His hands were sliding under my dress.

Before we could go further, Jefferson disconnected our lips.

"Wait... before anything else happens, do you want to, I won't be upset if you don't but-"

I place my fingers on his lips preventing him from speaking.

"I want this."

Jefferson looks at me, taking him my swollen lips and dilated pupils.

"Okay I want to show you something, just might as well get it out in the open, I don't want to shock you."

Where's he going with this?

Taking deep breath Jefferson cautiously begins undoing his scarf.

I expected perhaps an embracing tattoo or something along the lines.

I gasp I'm horror as the jagged line some into to view.

It looks like someone took a knife to his neck.

What happened?

Jefferson was holding his breath.

Slowly I approached.

I lifted my hands the his throat.

"May i?"

Jefferson looks contemplative but does nod his head.

I run my fingers across the jagged lines, feeling the scarred and rough tissues.

Unshed tears full my eyes.

Who could do something like this?

No wonder Jefferson wears scarfs, but i still don't understand why he felt he needed it show me-


Did he think seeing these scars would change the way I see him?

Oh Jefferson.

I lean forward and place a small kiss on the scar.

Jefferson breath hitched as I do this, I take that as my cue to continue.

I run my lips the length of the scar leaving kisses.

Jefferson hands were in my hair, nails running along my scalp.

After I Finnish my exploration I Look up at Jefferson, a single tear is falling down his face.

His eyes shut as if he were in pain.

Leaning up I press a gentle kiss to each closed eye.

His gaze is all consuming, we hold eye contact.

Finally I lean in once more and reclaim his lips.

It doesn't take long for our passion for each other is renewed.


"Perhaps...we.... should......move to the .......bedroom?" Jefferson says between kisses.

My Lust clouded mind had forgotten we were still in the living room

We make our way across the room, bumping into random furniture in the sparsely decorated space, our focuses wholly on each other and not the general surroundings, we stumble across the room.

Pawing, kissing, and gropingly we angle around end tables and lampshades as we spin haphazardly through open space.

Ending with him, slamming my back heavily into the door.

I can feel his growing arousal as we collide with the hardwood.

Somehow I manage to find the doorknob slowly twisting till I hear the latch give, raising myself off the door just enough to not fall back while it opens.

kicking the door open with minimal effort, causing it to swing wide, illuminating the dark space of my bedroom.

Light floods in from the living room and I switch on the next set of lights, revealing my bed, with teal silk sheets and a fluffy down cover to match.

Jefferson place his hands back on my waist and pulled me in close.

Leaning down to whisper in my ear

"You so beautiful."

Much like when we were dancing Jefferson leaned down and began leaving kisses on my neck, as I wrap my arms around his waist.

Pulling his focus away from my neck I caressed his face with my right hand and kissed his lips softly once.

I rest my forehead on Jefferson's, and traced my left hand tantalizingly slowly down his back, from the neck to the small of his back.

His pupils darken with lust.

I kiss him again, this time with more passion, running my tongue along his lips.

He opens his lips, and our tongues playfully wrestle as the kiss becomes heated, more desperate.

His right hand moves to hold the back of my neck gently, and He pulls our bodies closer.

We pull away and stare into each other's eyes.

He ran his hands from my shoulders down my arms, his thumbs brushing over my clothed breasts slightly.

Bringing my own hands up I begin unbuttoning his shirt slowly marking sure to kiss every area of skin that becomes visible.

Finally I slide the shirt of his shoulders until it falls in a heep on the floor.

Jefferson grasp my hand.

"My turn."

He pushes my cardigan of my shoulders and reaches the zip of my dress.

We continue to hold each others gazes as he pulls the zip down, running the tips of his fingers along my spins as he does so.

Once he's done it, he pulls down the fabric until it falls to the floor, leaving me in my underwear and white tights.

Kneeling down he reaches to the top of my tights and also brings them down exposing my bare legs.

"Lift your foot please?"

I lift each foot individually allowing him to pull the tights off completely.

Now I'm only clad in my underwear, thank goodness it's was a pretty baby blue set that I had picked up for myself on a whim.

A sly smirk is on Jeffersons face as his fingers slide down between my breasts then trace the bottom of my bra to my back and skillfully unhook it.


He slowly moves his hands up my back, then, as He pulls my bra straps over my shoulders and down my arms, He kissed me deeply, our tongues mingling sensually to mimic our own heightened passion.

we move over to the bed.

I lie down, and Watch in anticipation as Jefferson unbuttons his pants and pulls them down his toned legs leaving him bare, his shaft that is framed by a patch of dark hair is slightly bigger than I'm used to, though really more in width than length, still it was quite the impressive sight.

He climbs on the bed to lay next to me.

No words were needed.

My eyes abruptly open as a hand runs up my leg and teasingly pulls my panties up a little.

Jefferson the teasing ran a hand up my body and used it to circle my nipples making them two hard pecks.

Just as I was about to admonish him for teasing me.

He leans down and start to tease one with his tongue, circling it, flicking it, and occasionally taking it into his mouth.

My god.

I moan out loud.

His hand continues to wander down my body, meandering all over, tracing circles and swirls, paying particular attention to my hips.

He brushed a hand over my panties.

"Yes, right there!" I moan into his shoulder.

He slid  a finger under the fabric, and begins teasing my button, gently rubbing in circles.

I connect our lips, swirling our tongues.

Unable to help my self I moan into to his hot mouth.

Spurred on my by reaction Jefferson moves further down, And begins running his finger up and down my slit.

It feels so good, there is a familiar pressure building.

Jefferson inserts a finger slowly moving in and out.

"Your so tight and wet."Jefferson's horse voice whispers against my lips.

To prove his point he slips another finger in and uses his palm to massage my clit as his pace increases.

Oh my...

The pressure is building.

I rock into his hand.

"Keep going."

I'm almost there....

Jefferson abruptly stops.

"No! What are you doi-"

Jefferson rips of my panties, positioning himself over me and holding my gaze.

He leans down and playfully licks my cheek.

Then, He kisses me suddenly, slowly and sensually.

Lowering himself slightly, stroking the head of his hard length through my Folds, from my slit to clit, and then back again.

Never has sex felt so good.

With a gentle push, his cock spreads my lips and slides in, deeper and deeper.

Jefferson starts moving in and out of me, setting a slow steady rhythm.

I pull him to rest on my chest, our hearts beating as one.

Every now and then he pulled out fully and then slowly slide back in all the way.

"Jefferson!" I moan out.

Jefferson the master of angles sat up and pulled me into his lap, holding me against him as i move up and down, riding his hard shaft.

"I'm close." Jefferson pants out kissing and licking my neck.

He moves his hands down my back to hold my waist.

Guiding me with his hands.

His breathing becomes heavier, and So does his kisses.

Kisses filled with a desperation fueled by desire.

Gazing into each other's eyes He leans back and pulls me down with him.

Our bodies slide together, mine on top of his, as Jefferson continue to thrust into me.

I'm not going To last much longer, I can feel my realise on the tip of the knife.

Jefferson reached up to hold my neck, and our lips meet, opening in unison to allow our tongues to connect.

As we kiss He quickens his pace, pleasure building inside me, waiting to be released.

It's coming.

"Jefferson!!" I scream out.

My walls clamp down and my realise rushed through me.

My legs are shaking as I let wave upon wave of pleasure fill me.

Jefferson is quick to follow.

All at once, I feel an explosion building, Jefferson thrusted hard and fast,burying his face in my neck as his load gushes deep inside me.

He met each gush with a thrust.

I collapsed on top of him breathing heavily, a smile spreading across my face.

holding him tighter than before.

We both catch our breaths.

"That was..."

I can't speak any words.

I don't have to.

"I know."

Jefferson who was starting to soften slipped out of me.

(End of 18+)

I roll of of him and lay next to him.

I don't know how much time passed but once our sweaty body's started to cool Jefferson gathered me into his arms and pulled the quilt covers back.

We both get under, with Jefferson wrapping an arm around my waist and brining me to rest against his back as he spooned me.

My eyes began to shut, the activities of this evening had wiped me out.

Jefferson hearing my yawn pressed a kiss to my damp hair.

"It's okay go to sleep."

Is words lulled me into a deep slumber but before I could fully surrender to the tempting darkness Jefferson whispered I'm my ear.

"Merry Christmas my little mermaid."

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