
By Haydenpumpkinchan

114K 9.9K 5.2K

Min Yoongi is a seasoned detective, working on a complex case. He's cold, stubborn and short tempered, and a... More

September 12th, 10:07 A.M.
September 12th, 10:03 P.M.
September 13th, 1:07 P.M.
September 13th, 3:38 P.M.
September 14th, 8:30 A.M.
September 14th, 11:04 A.M.
September 14th, 12:38 P.M.
September 14th, 4:17 P.M.
September 14th, 6:47 P.M.
September 15th, 9:28 A.M.
September 15th, 12:43 P.M.
September 15th, 2:40 P.M.
September 15th, 4:32 P.M.
September 15th, 7:13 P.M.
September 15th, 9:51 P.M.
September 15th, 10:30 P.M.
September 16th, 10:01 A.M.
September 16th, 10:44 A.M.
September 16th, 2:39 P.M.
September 17th, 8:02 A.M.
September 17th, 9:17 A.M.
September 17th, 11:42 A.M.
September 18th, 12:04 P.M.
September 18th, 1:40 P.M.
September 19th, 9:04 A.M.
September 19th, 11:11 A.M.
September 19th, 2:23 P.M.
September 19th, 4:06 P.M.
September 19th, 9:45 P.M.
September 20th, 1:09 A.M.
September 20th, 3:49 A.M.
September 20th, 4:03 P.M.
September 20th, 6:35 P.M.
September 20th, 8:53 P.M.
September 20th, 10:15 P.M.
September 21st, 7:08 A.M.
September 21st, 7:49 A.M.
September 21st, 8:13 A.M.
September 21st, 9:20 A.M.
September 21st, 4:36 P.M.
September 25th, 2:05 P.M.

September 16th, 4:00 P.M

2.3K 243 105
By Haydenpumpkinchan

Not edited cuz ain't nobody got time fo dat


Yoongi parked at the farthest end of the lot. "Get out. I'm not coming in."

Namjoon did without argument, slamming the door shut behind him.

Yoongi scowled at the treatment of his car, glaring as he watched the boy disappear inside.

It was going to be a while, so he leaned back in his seat, deciding to take a nap while he waited.


Namjoon stepped inside the station, surprised to see it seemed busier than usual with all the people hurrying about and the loud phone call volume.

"Joon!" Jungkook hurried over. "How are you doing?"

"Fine." Namjoon lied with a smile. "You need my statement?"

"Yeah, if you're ready to give it." The intern led him down a hall where it got quieter, opening the door to a room exactly like the one he had been in when Changwoo had first questioned him, only now he was on the other side of the glass.

In the interrogation room were Dohyeun, handcuffed to the table, and Changwoo, sitting in front of him.

"It just started." Jungkook whispered despite the glass being soundproof. "Changwoo wanted to get him on edge first by making him wait. I figured you would want to see it."

Namjoon did want to see it, and he watched with rapt attention as he interrogated the man.

"How long have you been going to Kkoim?"

Dohyeun looked terrified. "S...since I saw...h-him."

"Who's 'him'?"


"And you've been stalking him ever since?"

Dohyeun's eyes got impossibly wider. "Wh-what? No! I-I don't stalk anybody!"

"You were caught on tape being at every single one of his shows, start to finish. You do that for any other dancer?"

Dohyeun shook his head. "N-no...but it's not what it looks like! I don't follow him home or steal his underwear! I swear! I just like watching him dance is all! Today was the first time we even talked!"

"Must of been a hell of a day for you, hm? First your idol talks to you, and then he faints in your arms."

"I swear, I don't know anything about that! I thought he had low blood sugar or something!"

"He knew my name." Namjoon told the cop. "My real name."

Jungkook frowned, quickly exiting the room. He reappeared a moment later in the interrogation room and bent down to whisper something in Changwoo's ear.

The chief nodded and sent him back out.

Namjoon watched as Dohyeun sweated, looking like he was either about to burst into tears or soil his pants.

"How did you find out his real name?" Changwoo asked, and Dohyeun got paler.

"U-um...I...well, I just...I found his social media, and followed...all of them."

Changwoo sighed. This guy was a weirdo when it came to the kid, but he wasn't a killer. He was far too scared to have the confidence to carry out any kind of crime.

"That's enough for right now. But stay in the area." He warned, reaching over to unlock him.

Dohyeun nodded frantically, desperate to get out of there, and Namjoon watched as he was led out.

He wrapped his arms around himself, feeling like eyes were watching him. The real killer.

Jungkook rubbed the boys back. "I'm sorry that didn't give us a lead. We'll keep investigating him though."

Namjoon nodded, tired of all this.

"Want to give your statement?"

He nodded again and followed the cop into another room, sitting down in the chair as Jungkook sat across him.

"I'll ask you some questions and then you write down everything you can remember." Jungkook passed him a notepad and a pen.

Namjoon held the pen tightly, focusing on it as Jungkook rattled off the questions.

"Do you know who planted that water bottle?" No.

"Do you know who would want to drug you?" No.

"Do you think that water bottle was for you?" I don't know.

"Does any detail stand out about what happened?" No.

"What was Yoongi doing there?"

Namjoon snapped his head up, looking at the intern cops deep eyes.


"He called me and told me what happened. Told me not to let Changwoo know." Jungkook said. "He's not supposed to be around you, so how did he know what had happened?"

Namjoon sighed. "It's a long story. But I told him he didn't have to listen to what Changwoo said, that he could get close to me."

"Why the hell would you allow that?" Jungkook was confused. "After all he did?"

"Long story." Namjoon pressed his hands over his face, emotionally exhausted.

Jungkook backed off, understanding. "You had a long day. We can talk another time, if you want."

Namjoon nodded, scribbling down his statement. It was short, because he didn't know much.

"Can you check on my friend?" He asked as they finished. "My roommate in college, Kim Seokjin. I haven't contacted him in a few days and he worries about me a lot. I just want to make sure he's okay, since people around me are dropping dead."

"Kim it." Jungkook nodded. "I'll head over there today."

"Thank you." Namjoon was appreciative.

"Of course. And don't worry, we'll catch whoever's doing this." Jungkook gave him a smile.

As he was being led out, Changwoo spotted them and hurried over.

"Namjoon." He smiled, pulling him aside. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I got drugged." Namjoon said honestly.

"Well that makes sense, since our lab found traces of rohypnol in the water."

"How?" Namjoon frowned. "The seal was still intact."

"We found a pin prick hidden behind the wrapper that winds around the bottle." Changwoo explained. "Someone injected it."

Namjoon shivered. "Who would do that? And why?"

"That's what we're working to figure out." Changwoo assured him. "We think whoever drugged the water was saving it to use later, hence why it was in the very last room. It had to be a staff member since the fridge was locked, and you just happened to grab it when you brought Dohyeun back there."

Namjoon nodded, though he still had no idea who of his coworkers would ever do such a thing. All the dancers were terrified of that exact situation happening, and all the security had been trained to keep an eye out for it.

"Namjoon..." Changwoo turned concerned. "If one more instance like this happens...I want to place you under protective custody."

"Protective...custody?" Namjoon blinked.

"You'll stay with a cop at all times." Changwoo nodded. "I can ask Jungkook, I know he would take the job. He's new, but he has a good heart."

"I...I don't mind Jungkook," Namjoon stammered. "But is that really necessary?"

"I believe so. Everything that's happened has centered around you, and I don't think that the person responsible is going to hover on the outside for much longer. When they finally snap and go after you, I want to make sure you're fully protected."

For some reason, Namjoon's mind flashed to Yoongi.

Sure, the detective was an asshole- a cold, distant jerk- but he had always been there when Namjoon needed help.

When he had been ambushed by that man, Yoongi hadn't hesitated to physically intervene. When Namjoon was walking alone at night, Yoongi had been secretly tailing him to make sure no one else was. When Haekyul had gotten handsy, Yoongi had fired without warning. When Namjoon collapsed, Yoongi was there before he was even fully out.

Namjoon knew the detective had a heart deep down.

It was small and guarded, but it was there.

"I understand." He told the chief. "Thank you."

"You take care." Changwoo ruffled his hair. "Let me give you a ride home."

"I have one." Namjoon smiled. "But thank you for everything."

He hurried back out to the parking lot, running to the familiar Impala.

Yoongi was laying down in the reclined seat, one hand tucked under his head, his other laying across his stomach.

Namjoon knocked on the window and the detective sat up abruptly, gun aiming on reflex.

Namjoon smiled at the detective's scowl and climbed inside once the doors unlocked.

"What'd they say?" Yoongi asked as he pulled out of the lot.

"Dohyeun's not our guy." Namjoon summed up.


They drove in silence for a moment, before Namjoon glanced at the detective.

"Why are you still investigating this case?"

"What do you mean, slut?"

"I mean there's no leads, no clues and things just keep escalating and getting weirder. You hate me, and yet you don't kick me out, despite the hopelessness of the case. You could've given up ages ago and sent me packing. You don't have any obligations to me or this case, and you clearly have something personal going on. So why are you still investigating it?"

Yoongi said nothing as they drove, the street lights bathing him in yellow when they passed under them.

"You know what I think?" Namjoon leaned in close to him, a smug look on his face.

"Who cares what a whore thinks?"

"I think you have a good heart, Min Yoongi."

Yoongi scowled, shoving Namjoon back to his own seat. "Shut up."

"I think that despite your hatred for people, you still want to find justice for them, and that's why you haven't given up." Namjoon continued.

"I think you're living in a fairy tale if you believe that." Yoongi snapped.

"I think you don't want me to know about your personal life because you want to protect me." Namjoon put his chin in his hand as he leaned across the divide again. "I think you care for me, deep down."

"You can get out and walk if you're going to keep talking bullshit like that." Yoongi warned.

Namjoon giggled but sat back, keeping silent with a smile on his face for the rest of the ride.


Too tired to eat, Namjoon yawned as he climbed the stairs to go to bed.

"Hey, Namjoon." Yoongi called, not looking at him.

Namjoon paused, surprised he hadn't been insulted. "Yeah?"

Yoongi scratched his neck, looking at the floor.

"Happy late birthday."

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