Long Will Be Love

Por cheleii

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Isn't it funny how after a long time with the guy you hate the most, you'll eventually fall in love with him... Más

Chapter 1 - How It All Started
Chapter 2 - First Day With Zone
Chapter 3 - Prom Date
Chapter 4 - A New Student and Cheryl's Ex
Chapter 5 - The Start Of The Flashback
Chapter 6 - The Reason To All The Hating
Chapter 7 - Losing A Fake Prince Charming
Chapter 8 - Meaningless Day
Chapter 9 - A Fight
Chapter 10 - Prom Prom Prom
Chapter 11 - The Past Is Not Always Just The Past
Chapter 12 - A Diary
Chapter 13 - I Saw It
Chapter 14 - I'd Given Him A Kiss On The Cheek

Chapter 15 - Birthday Adventure (Part 1)

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Por cheleii

CHAPTER 15 - Birthday Adventure (Part 1)

 Oh, gosh... Why did I just do that? Why did I just kiss him? That's Blake Rutherford we're talking about. Right after I kissed him on the cheeks, I realized his eyes were wide and his mouth was slightly opened. I quickly said a "Bye!" before walking quickly into the class.

Would he think that I was flirting with him? Oh gosh... Why did I just do that? I looked around when I saw that everyone was staring at me breathing like I just ran a marathon. I quickly smiled and walked over to my seat and tried to breathe normally.

Recess went by normally, but just Zone was ignoring me the whole time. Is there something to do with Blake? Who was I kidding... He would never be jealous about how Blake helped me. Zone didn't show up when school ended so I thought he was ignoring me again.

As soon as I reached the front of my door, Kim said she needed to finish one of her home works and wait for Sha to come back before accompanying her to the hospital. I sighed and walked into my door and immediately jumped onto my bed, still rewinding the moment when I saw Zone with that angry expression to when I kissed Blake.

That was when I remembered about the birthday gift Blake and Zone gave me. I took Blake's gift out of my backpack and Zone's gift from the table where I left it. I jumped back onto my bed with the two boxes in my hands. I opened Blake's gift first since I already knew what was inside Zone's.

As soon as I opened it, my eyes immediately widened. It was a necklace. There were three circles that were attached to the chain. The three circles were holding three initials which were 'B&C'. I doubt it meant anything but I really love it.

I went over to my mirror and wore it around my neck. I smiled at the initials. I then took the black box and opened it, revealing the beautiful diary. I took out one of my favourite pen and was about to write when I thought of something. m I name it?

My mind started to fill up itself with weird names for my diary. Turquoise... Turkey... Polka Dot... Polka... Poke... Coke... Cocoa... Chocolate... I want some. Wait, that's it... Chocolate!

Dear Chocolate,

That will officially be your new name :3 How cute :p Okay, so I know you're from New York but hopefully you'll get used to California soon. I believe I'll be keeping you for my whole life. You're too beautiful to let go of :3

Now, you are my second diary, but still... I'm excited to write in you. You'll see all my juicy secrets and all.

Let's just say that today I kissed a jerk named Blake in my school. It was just on the cheeks so, no worries, I guess... He also gave me this necklace for my birthday, that I'm currently wearing.

Hopefully I'll be able to write in you every day, but I don't know... I might be quite busy... Let's just hope, so I guess this is it :\ Byeeeee


Cheryl :)

After I wrote in my diary, I closed it and hid it under my bed. I decided to not write about my asthma situation in case Kim finds it or something. Just when I was going to walk into the kitchen to get myself some food, the door of our room opened. It was Zone. He was holding a bag, but not just any bag... It was a McDonald's bag! He went over to the table and placed the bag on the table before sitting down himself.

Selfish jerk.

I ignored him and tried to stop my tummy from growling seeing him eat the fries slowly. I felt him look at me, but I didn't turn back, but instead walked into the kitchen and got myself a bar of chocolate from the fridge. I walked over to my bed, jumped on it and took out my laptop, totally pretending Zone didn't even came in. I went onto my blog and my Facebook account when I realized Zone started to move towards my direction.

I groaned but ignored him still. "Why are you eating the bar of chocolate? Have some burger or fries?" Zone asked worriedly.

Wait. I was suppose to have some? Oh... That was... Awkward... Ummm... "Oh, I thought it was all for you." I looked anywhere else but at him.

"Silly pie, it's still your birthday, remember. This is your birthday lunch. There's still a long time until your birthday really ends." Zone smirked.

Oh gosh... What is he up to?


"Go! Go! Tank top, swimsuit or a summer dress or something... I don't know! Sun screen, shorts, skinny jeans, a cap, t-shirt, a pair of socks, sport shoes, a formal dress, some accessories or stuff that girls wear to fancy restaurants, mosquito repellent, your DSLR and wear your slippers first that's it I guess. It's gonna be a long day."

"What why mosquito repellent?" I asked raising my eyebrow. I know we are going to the beach and to a fancy place for dinner but I didn't get why we needed mosquito repellent.

"It's gonna be a surprise." Zone stopped for awhile and thought. He stood there for a few seconds before saying, "I feel like there's something that I forgot to tell you to bring, but whatever..."

I just rolled my eyes at him and went to take a huge bag and a backpack to stuff all the things in. I brought a water bottle in case too. After I was done putting everything into my bag, I saw Zone taking out a telescope into our room.

"What's that for?"


I was about to ask more, but he shushed me. I groaned and took out my slippers. I wore them and shouted "Done!" to Zone even though he's right beside me.

"Don't have to shout, excited pie..." 

"Are you gonna call me pie from now on?"

"That's also a surprise." 


I knew we were going to the beach first so I kept silent on ride to the beach. When we reached there, I got off and took the bag with me just in case. Zone lead the way and he walked over to a bench and sat there. I went over and sat too.

"What now?" I asked him while turning to him.

"We wait till night time arrives!" He shouted.

My mouth fell open. I looked at my watch. 12:26p.m. He's gonna make me wait here?

"You serious?"

"Nah... We're gonna grab a drink here and play some volleyball. Up for it?" He asked me.

I nodded and stood up while I patted my back and made sure no sand was on my shorts. I turned around finding Zone looking at a pretty brunette. I felt a hint of jealousy inside of me but I quickly shrugged it off. Leaving Zone behind, I walked over to a cafe or something, I don't know. 

I entered first and sat down at one of the tables. It was a four seat table, so I put my bag on the seat beside me. A waiter that looked pretty familiar who wasn't wearing any shirt but only a pair of shorts came to my table and gave me a menu. When he was about to go, I called him.

"Excuse me, there's one more friend that's gonna be coming."

He nodded and handed me another menu. I stared at his bare chest and immediately turned back to look at his face when I realized I was staring. As soon as I looked up, he was smirking. 

"I know I'm irresistible." He said, still smirking. 

I heard someone clear his throat and I saw Zone standing there with an eyebrow raised. He sat down opposite me and turned to look at the waiter, saying nothing. 

"We just met and here you are being more cocky than Zone." I said pointing at Zone. He rolled his eyes and went back to the counter. 

Zone shook his head. "Stop flirting with that guy."

"I was not." I answered honestly.

"You were. Admit it already." He said, frowning. 

"How can I admit what I didn't do?" 

"Because you did it!" He started to raise his voice. 

I was shocked but quickly covered it. "Sure, whatever..." I said annoyed. 

I flipped open the menu and accidentally tore a little of the first page. I just pretended I didn't do it and looked through the drinks and decided on what I want.

I stood up and walked towards the counter while saying, "I'm gonna go order." to Zone. He stood up too and walked towards the counter with me. I took out my wallet and held it in my hands. That same extremely familiar waiter smiled when he saw me and asked me what I wanted.

"A mango tango, please." I smiled.

He nodded and turned to look at Zone. "And you?" He asked politely.\

"Fries please."

I took out my money from my wallet and was about to give it to the waiter when Zone pushed me away with his hip and payed for both our food.

"What the..."

He narrowed his eyes at me challengingly. I let out a sigh of frustration before heading back to our table and realized there was a number written on it and a note that read, 

Hey, I'm the waiter. You probably think I'm familiar, right? If you don't, dang Cheryl you loss your memory! Text me.

I looked at him and he winked at me. I made a disgusted face at him while stuffing the paper into my pocket. How does he know me? I remember seeing him somewhere but I just... I don't know... 

By the time Zone returned to our table, drinks and food were already in his hands. That's why it took him so long.

"You know you could've just let the waiter bring it here, right?" I told him as soon as he sat down while putting my drink in front of me. 

"I didn't want him flirting around the birthday girl that is reserved for me the whole day." He said with a frown on his face while sounding annoyed. I felt myself blush. 

"Oooo... Cheryl blushed. Yay! I'm starting to think one day I'd tell the story of us" He started to sing. I laughed and realized the waiter was frowning. Was he jealous? I mean, whutt?

I tried to smile at him but he ignored me completely. What's up we ignoring people lately? I didn't wanted to flirt with him... But I just think he's someone I met before. Ugh... I don't know…


I was now changed into a ocean blue swimsuit with a pair of shorts and a summer dress over it. When I left the café, I said goodbye to that waiter but nope, he ignored me. I sighed and walked out of the beach’s public toilet, seeing Zone sitting down on the sand looking towards the sea.

“Zoney Zone Zone Zone.” I kept on repeating. I took off my slippers and walked along the beach towards Zone while playing with the sand with my bare feet. As soon as he heard me, he stood up.

“Ready for some volleyball?”

“Sure. With who?” I asked curiously.

“Some strangers… Mostly girls… And guys. But no worries. They are not as hot as me, so you’ll only be staring at me.”  He winked and smirked. Oh gosh…

“Yeah, right.” His smirk immediately dropped into a frown.

“I’m serious. Those guys are not even half as ho-“

He was cut off by a sound of a guy’s voice. “Zone, you coming?” I turned and saw that one person I thought I would never see again.


I immediately looked at Zone and he had a shocked expression on too. “Zone… Why is he here?”

“Wait, just let me settle this.” Zone said with an annoyed voice now.

He walked towards Reece and pulled him further away from me. I let out a huff and sat down watching all the people playing in the water. What touched my heart was a girl was being carried by a guy in the water. The girl was laughing and they guy was too. I hope to find someone like that.

“No… You go back.” I heard Zone saying to Reece. Then Reece let out a “Fine”. He walked towards me and smiled a sheepish smile. Before I could even ask him anything, he started rambling.

“You see, Cheryl… He wasn’t supposed to be here. I told one of my buddies that I wanted to play volleyball with them today and they asked me if Reece could tag along. But then I told them he can’t. But he suddenly showed up and you saw him and I just I don’t know. I asked him why was he here and he said he wanted to play volleyball too. He never thought that you’d be here. He said if he knew, he wouldn’t have come. It’s totally not my fault that he’s here now. I hope you’ll just be able to igno-“

“You’re so funny when you ramble.” I laughed, then continued, “You’re hands moves everywhere and you keep on turning your head everywhere when you ramble. It’s so stupid. Wait, no… It’s… Cute.” I said with a smile.

Zone seemed shocked about me saying that he is cute. “No I’m not. Guys should not be defined as cute. Hot would be alright.” He smirked when he recovered from his shock.

I just rolled my eyes. It’s funny how he rambles so much just because he’s afraid that I would just leave our little birthday ‘adventure’. It’s like he wants everything to go perfectly just because it’s my birthday. It seriously is cute. I laughed in my mind and smiled to myself. Could Zone be that guy? Nah… He probably wouldn’t. He’s Emerald’s, and I learned in a hard way that if something is someone’s, don’t take it away from them because it hurts as twice as much for the other person.

“What’re you thinking about?” Zone asked me.

“Oh, nothing.” I said, lying. When we reached where everyone else were, I saw a few guys with their shirts off sitting on a table while a few girls with bikinis and a pair of shorts on were talking while sitting on the bench right beside the guys. They seemed nice. I thought they were those bitchy girls, but I guess I was wrong.

The first person who realized Zone and I reached was Reece. He tried to avoid eye contact with me. I smiled at that. I wasn’t mad at him or anything… I was just… A little bit awkward around him, I guess.

“Guys, Zone and Cheryl are here.” As soon as Reece said that, the girls immediately turned to look at me.

A pretty brunette smiled at me and told me to join them. I said an “Okay” and told Zone before I walked towards them. A blonde said, “I told you she would be pretty!” when she saw me. I laughed and the others joined in too.

“Hey! I’m Rosabella Annaleigh. Call me Bella.” The pretty brunette said to me.

“Hi.” I said to all of them.

“I’m Candance.” The blonde said, then continued. “That is Michelle.” she said pointing to a girl with black hair that waved at me. “That is Elena.” She said pointing to the last brunette. All of them smiled and waved at me.

“Hmm… I guess, I should have an introduction too. My name is Cheryl Lester, I’m a senior in Rosetorn High, just like Zone, and I love to sing. I’m not that good at volleyball but I guess I can play.” I said.

“It’s okay… Most of us don’t know how to play too. Well, except for Bella.” Candance said.

“Oh… Okay.”

“Come on, girls.” A guys with blonde hair told all of us.

We followed him, and while we were walking to wherever we were going to, Bella and Candance started a conversation with Michelle. I was left alone with Elena. The other guys were talking too.

“Hey, Cheryl. I study in Rosetorn too, by the way.” Elena said smiling.

“Really? Why haven’t I seen you around before?”

“Probably because I’m only a junior.” She said, laughing a little.

I nodded and we both talked a little bit about the teachers in our school while walking along the beach. I was in the middle of telling Elena about how Zone ended up moving into my apartment when Zone called me.

“Hey Cheryl! Come here!” Zone called.

“Elena, wait. Sorry. I’ll go see what he wants.” I smiled and ran towards Zone.

“Yesh?” I asked Zone.

“You know how to play right?” He asked. I nodded at him and he said “Good” before introducing me to the guys. I studied all four of them and they were definitely hot. Like Zone said, Zone was hotter than all of them but he doesn’t need to know.

“Reece, as you know, Connor, James, Drew.” He said pointing to Reece, a black haired guy, the same blonde which told all of us to follow him, and a guy with honey blonde hair. I smiled at all of them.

Zone passed me a volleyball. “Go on. You arrange.”

“Girls versus boys?” I asked them.

“Deal.” All of them said. I put the ball down and took off my summer dress, revealing my bikini and my shorts. I realized all of the guys were staring at my chest. I blushed and immediately took the volleyball and my dress, jogging towards where the volleyball net was already prepared. Halfway jogging, I started walking instead of jogging. Then, an arm slung around my shoulder. I saw James.

“Yes?” I asked James.

“Nothing. You know, it’s kind of wrong to just take off your dress in front of all us guys, you know?”

“I realized that.” I said.

James chuckled. “I think Zone’s falling hard for you.”

“Nah… It’s just because it’s my birthday, he’s doing all this.” I stated.

“Ah… But he must be lucky then… Sleeping in the same room as you every night.” He said, smirking.

“Oh gosh…” I said rolling my eyes.

When we reached the where the net was prepared, I stood on the right side and waited for the others to arrive.

James’ P.O.V

Michelle hit the ball and all of us were staring at it. Instead of hitting it to the opposite direction, she hit it to her left and before all of us knew, the ball hit Cheryl on the head and she fell down. Zone ran to Cheryl almost immediately and bent down at her side.

“You okay, Pie?” He asked Cheryl.

“Sure, I guess.” Cheryl said while laughing.

Zone pulled her up and brought her to the bench to sit her down. Michelle and the other girls also went along and Michelle kept on apologizing. Cheryl said she didn’t mind since it was just an accident. Zone really is lucky. I can really see that Zone likes Cheryl so much. Even though he doesn’t say anything, it’s so obvious.

I wonder why did Reece leave Cheryl. She is so amazing. With that body, with that kindness, with that face she gives when she blushes. Oh gosh, if she wasn’t Zone’s, she would be mine already. I turned to look at Reece and he was frowning. I walked over to him and patted him on the back.

“It’s okay… Wanna talk about it?” I asked him. I knew how did they both broke up but I didn’t know why…

We both walked and sat down on the sand, making sure we were far enough. “I guess I was just immature then. I was so stupid. Looking back now, I really wanna smack myself in the face.”

“I can help you smack it if you want.” I said winking.

Reece just stared at me. “Sorry, continue.” I said.

“Rochelle was nothing compared to Cheryl. I only liked Rochelle because of her body. I don’t know, but I really regretted cheating on her. It hurts to know that she is somebody else’s already. Even though they are not official yet, I know they will eventually get together one day.”

I nodded. “It’s okay… I believe you’ll find someone better. Well, I don’t know about better, but I know that you’ll find someone.”

Reece punched me in the arm. “You’re not helping, dude.”

“Well sorry for my lame advices on romance. You know I was never a guy who ever focuses on romance.”

Reece just smiled and we sat there for quite some time just talking about what would possibly happen to Zone and Cheryl.

Cheryl’s P.O.V

“I’m so sorry guys, that I had to make you guys stop playing.” I said to all of them.

“No! It’s my fault.” Michelle said.

“It’s none of your fault… It’s the wind.” Bella winked.

“Smart, Bella.” Reece said, while rolling his eyes.

Thinking now, Reece and Bella could be together. They fitted so well. Opposite attraction, they say.


“Well, bye guys!” I said to all of them. I walked over to Michelle and hugged her. I knew she was shocked because she didn’t react for a few seconds before putting his arms around my back.

“I’m not mad at you, okay… Stop apologizing!” I laughed. She laughed too, and said “Okay” before hugging me again.

I hugged James, Connor, Drew, Bella, Candace, Elena and finally Reece. He too didn’t react but after a few seconds, he hugged me back tightly. I smelled his smell and man it smells good. He hasn’t changed one bit. Not even a bit. I remember telling him that I love the smell of him.

“Don’t avoid eye contact with me, Reece.” I laughed. “I’m over everything. No worries. I was just a bit shocked when I saw you here.” I smiled and let go. He let go too.

“Okay then.” Reece said, not convinced still.

“I like the smell of you, by the way.” I winked.

He chuckled. “I know… You always had.” He smiled. I’m guessing he’s rewinding all the times, just like how I was doing.


“Where to now?” I asked Zone.


I let out a breath and looked out the window. I watched as the trees passed by and the reflection of myself at the car mirror. Today feels so right yet I feel like something is gonna happen soon. I waited until we arrived at where we gonna head to. 

The Zoo.

"Oh gosh... I haven't been here since, forever!"

"Okay, okay... Chill..." Zone said chuckling. 

We got down the car and I took my DSLR with me. I love animals so much that you don't even know how much. I jumped around the car park and squeled. 

"Should never had brought you here." Zone said. 

"Oh, shush... I love the zoo and you don't know how much I do."

"I guess I know now." Zone said letting out a breath. We walked to the entrance and bought two tickets. 


"Wait! No! Don't go yet! The tigers, Zone! The tigers!" I shouted at him.

He stopped walking and turned around. He laughed. "Okay. Chill... I'm gonna take the pictures, you look at map and see where do you wanna go next." 

I looked at the map and saw something that caught my eye. A animal show. 

"Zone! Animal Show! It's starting in 5 minutes!" 

"Really? Let's go then." Zone said, sounding interested. 

We started walking towards the direction of the animal show when there was one minute left. We were halfway there already, so Zone insisted we run to get seats. I didn't reply because I couldn't run since I have asthma. I have my inhaler in my pocket, but I was worried that Zone would see me using it.

"I can't. My leg hurts when I run. Maybe I can jog?" He just nodded and he ran.

When he realized I was far behind, he stopped, jogged to my side, held my hand, and we ran. 

When we finally reached the animal show, I stared at Zone. "What?" He asked.

"Oh, nothing." I said.

I loved the way his fingers intertwined with mine. It's like his hand is meant to be for me. But wait, I shouldn't crushing on this guy. It's not worth it. We found ourselves some seats and realized there's still some time before the show started.

I looked around me and saw an old man sitting alone with a DSLR in his hands. He was wiping sweat off of his face slowly, like he had no strength to do so. His son and the son's wife with their children were sitting on another bench. I sighed. He looked so tired.

I was going to turn back, when a couple of kids ran beside him and pushed him. He was about to fall, but held onto the seat in front of him. I turned to look at his son, but he totally ignored his father. I immediately stood up and went to sit beside the old man. Zone turned to look at me, but I smiled reasurringly before telling him to stay there. 

The old man turned to look at me. I smiled at him and he smiled back. 

"Hi. What's your name?" The old man asked. 

"My name is Cheryl." I smiled again. "How about yours?" I asked him.

"Jeffery." He said. 

"I see you have a DSLR with you. Do you like taking pictures?" 

"Yes, I do. But I have no idea of how to use this. My son told me to hold on to it while he watches the show with his children." 

I stood up once again, and walked over to where the son sat. "Do you even care for your father?" 

"Yes, duh, I do." he said sarcastically.

"Then why did you leave him sitting there all alone? Why are you making him to hold your DSLR for you while you enjoy this freaking animal show? Why can't you just realize that he is sweating and he is tired? Why aren't you concern for him? Even if am not his child, even care about him more than you do. I've always wanted such an awesome father. But you know what I got? A freaking hardworking father who only cares about work. Please appreciate what you have here. There's no use for you to get out of this with some lame excuses because you're obviously hurting him inside! Care more for your dad!" I shouted to him. He looked shocked yet sad. 

"Okay then..." The son said. 

I realized everyone was staring, but I ignored them. I went to sit next to Jeffery again. "Thank you, Cheryl." Jeffery said.

"My pleasure. I believe he'll understand now. Why don't you give me a call when he does this again?" I said. 

He took out his from his pocket and gave it to me. He smiled at me and said, "Sure." His phone wasn't any iPhone but it was at least a good one. I typed in my number and before I could type in my name, Jeffery took it from my hands. He typed in 'Sweet Cheryl' in it. I smiled and hugged him. I asked for his number and he too gave me his.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the show is about to start and do sit still in your seat because animals will be all around. Some animals might just be sitting in front, at the back, or right at the side of you. Do enjoy the show."

I sat still in my seat and turned on my DSLR. I watched as Jeffery tried to do so too. I helped him and taught him the basics of zooming in and focusing. When the show started, Jeffery immediately started taking pictures. I smiled at the sight. Then, I felt something warm drop from my eyes. I rubbed it off and started to enjoy the show. 


"Bye, Jeffery! Do give me a call!" I said. He smiled once again, and said, "Sure thing, sweet Cheryl." 

I waved goodbye and walked towards where Zone was waiting. He had a proud smile on his face. "What?" I asked him. 

"I'm so proud of my little girl." He said, hugging me. It felt like my head was meant to fit right by the crook of his neck. I hugged him back.

"Aw... I love Jeffery. He's such a dear." 

Zone messed up my hair as we walked to the parking lot. I wanted to see more animals, but Zone said that's enough already. We have to go for dinner. When we reached Zone's car, I opened the door and sat down when Zone said, "You got to change into a formal dress." I nodded.

I took my dress as I jogged to the toilet. I started changing into a black asymmetrical dress. I walked back to the car, took my stiletto heels and wore it before getting into the car. I know Zone is staring at me with wide eyes, but I ignored him. When he started to drive, I smirked to myself. Oh how I'm gonna love this. 


A/N : Okay... Actually, this chapter is supposed to be longer, but I decided that if I don't split them into two parts, I'm not gonna upload in quite some time, and it will just bore you to death... So... Here's part 1 of chapter 15! :D Hope you enjoy it, but the interesting stuffs happen in the next chapter so... Yeah :P 

Btw, picture to the right is what Cheryl wore to the dinner :3 



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