By Lethal_Bangtan

1.3M 55.4K 19.8K

"I'm not a kitten, Y/n." Jungkook smirks while closing in on me, my back hitting the wall. His hands that ar... More

๐Ÿพ HER
๐Ÿพ HIM
๐Ÿพ HOT
๐Ÿพ MATE(S)
๐Ÿพ SIT
๐Ÿพ CUM
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A/N voting round 2 (VOTING CLOSED)
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A/N voting round 3
A/N voting round 3 winnersโ€ผ๏ธ


9.5K 374 132
By Lethal_Bangtan

i fell asleep on accident at like 8 pm, now it's 7 am and i'm writing this asap after i woke up

edit: it's now 10 am, this took three hours to write so the last chapter will come out later on since my hands need a break!


"He's getting out of his car!" I whisper yell to the others, glancing around but not seeing them as I swing my flashlight around the main room.

I chuckle silently, wondering what the hell they're exactly going to do to prank Jimin. I step behind the wall to my right that's part of the hallway containing the check-up room we had just came out from. I calm myself down, my body a little jittery from being excited to be a part of whatever prank the others are pulling. It doesn't seem like I do much but being a part of this at all is super fun.

I hear the door open and I take a few steps back so that when I walk out into the main room, it looks like I naturally walked down the hallway to get there. I take a deep breath and act normal as I call out to him.

"Jimin, I heard you got us food." I begin walking out to him and see that he's drenched in rain and wiping his shoes off on the inside door mat, all while holding three large pizza boxes, "Here, let me help you with that. It looks like it's still storming hard out there?"

"Ah- thank you! It is raining hard, still." He hands the boxes off to me and kicks his shoes off near the door so he doesn't track water inside, "You can set them in the kitchen, they got a bit cold since I had to drive so slow in the storm." He rubs the back of his neck and I chuckle, feeling that the large bottom pizza box isn't even warm.

"It's totally fine," I turn and walk towards the kitchen, wondering where the others are, "Thank you for even going out in the storm just to get it!" My stomach grumbles on cue like the true actor she is.

He follows me over to the kitchen and I hand off the flashlight to him. He takes it and opens the door, holding it open for me to walk in.

"Can you point the flashlight into the room? I can't see anything." I motion to how he has it pointed towards the floor.

"Oh, right." He chuckles and the door shuts behind him after we both walk in.

Suddenly the flashlight, our only light source, goes out.

"Shit, must be old batteries." Jimin says and I feel my way around the room to the edge of the table so that I can set the boxes down.

As soon as I do so, multiple 'scratch' like sounds come from in front of me and I gasp as multiple flames light up from around the table on the opposite side of me.

"What?!" I gasp out with a shocked expression as everyone - Jungkook, Yoongi, Jin, Namjoon, Hoseok, Taehyung, and even Jimin now - stare at me with mischievous smiles on their faces, all each lowering the matches with flames slowly towards something in front of them on the table in the center.

I look at Jimin in disbelief and confusion, "What is this? What's going on?" I chuckle, confused for the life of me because aren't we pranking Jimin?

My eyes widen as I look back to the table at the spot that they're aiming their matches at. My smile drops in shock and tears immediately fill my eyes, my stomach dropping as well at the unbelievable sight in front of me.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Y/n... happy birthday to you!" All seven of them sing to me with huge smiles on their faces.

I stare at the cake that has two tiers, it containing white icing as the base and red icing roses that decorate it all over and seven candles on top, one for each of them to light. I cover my mouth, not being able to stop the tears streaming down my face.

"You have a family again, Y/n." I hear my brother say as he makes his way to me, hugging me, "You have a family." He whispers once more, holding me close as I immediately sob into his shoulder.

Eighth Grade

"WE'RE NOT CELEBRATING MY BIRTHDAY!" I scream out with tears in my eyes at Jin, "Mommy and daddy just died a week ago! Why would I celebrate when I don't have anyone to celebrate with?!" I sob uncontrollably, harshly shoving Jin away from me as tears run down his own face.

"I'm still here!" He tries to calm me down as I begin to hyperventilate, my hands shaking, but I just push him away again.

He stumbles back, falling onto the floor as his bottom lip quivers.

"I WANT MOMMY AND DADDY!" My wails echo off the walls of our home that feels beyond empty and cold now that our parents are dead, "They always light my candles! It's not the same anymore... " I choke out, curling in on myself into a ball and landing on the floor, on my side.

"Y/n, get up... " My brother begs me as he crawls over and kneels next to my trembling, sobbing body, "Y/n," His voice cracks and he tries holding back his own cries, "you're breaking my heart." He grips onto me, hugging me as best he can as I'm in this position and he begins sobbing.

I shake my head hard, "No, no, no... I won't celebrate my birthday until I have a family again." I let out another wail as I stare through tears at the family portrait on the wall across from me.

I sob into Jin's shoulder, my fists gripping his dress shirt as he hugs me close, my shoulder wet with his tears and I hear sniffles coming from all of the others as they patiently stay quiet.

"The others already know, okay?" Jin whispers to me and I nod, understanding now that that's what they were talking about in their animal forms right as I walked into the room earlier.

I calm myself down, overwhelmed by this surprise but beyond thankful for it as well. I look up to Jin and he wipes my tears away with a smile on his face.

"Seven years." He swallows hard, "It's been seven years since you last celebrated your birthday." He bites his bottom lip to keep himself together for my, and the others, sake.

"But you have us now. Seven people who love you to make up for the seven years that you were alone on your birthday." Jungkook's trembling voice catches my attention and I look to him as he stands and walks to me, pulling me into a tight hug.

"See?" Jin rests a hand on my shoulder, "You have a family now to celebrate with." He sniffles and I burry my face into Jungkook's chest as he kisses my forehead.

After a moment, I sigh and pull away a bit to look through my tears to the others with a smile, "Thank you." I say in a trembling voice, feeling the love that they all have for me and for the first time in seven years, I'm excited to celebrate my birthday that I just almost forgot about completely.

"Sorry about having to lie about pranking Jimin, we tried our best to cover up what was really going on." Namjoon says and I laugh.

Jungkook chuckles, "We also didn't expect this to happen today, but i'll explain another time."

"It's fine!" I smile to them.

I glance around the table and my eyes land on Yoongi who also has tears on his face and I smile, holding a hand out and motioning for him to come over. He stands and walks to Jungkook and I slowly, Jin taking his cue to walk back to the others and Namjoon embraces him. Yoongi wipes away his tears, not liking that he's crying in front of so many people so I turn him away from the others. Jungkook and I embrace him with just as much care and love that Jungkook and I give to each other and I feel so, so warm.

"Thank you for being a part of this family, Yoongi." I whisper to him and Jungkook and I hold him tight, knowing that Yoongi also needed a family again and we want to make sure he knows he has us now.

Tears threaten to pour from my eyes again as I feel one of Yoongi's fists tighten in my dress shirt and I open my eyes to see that he's holding onto Jungkook's dress shirt just the same.

"We've got you." Jungkook whispers to him, kissing Yoongi's cheek and Yoongi's eyes stay shut as tears drop from his lashes repeatedly, "And you too." Jungkook kisses my forehead as I hold back my own tears.

"And we've got you as well." I stare up at Jungkook, making sure he knows that he also has a family again, "I know it's been a very long time, but, you have a family again as well." I whisper to Jungkook as his ears go back, flat against his head, and tears fall from his eyes again in an instant.

The three of us stay holding each other tightly, crying in one another's embrace for about five more minutes. Once we calm down more, we each kiss each other and go back to the others since everyone else has been waiting patiently for us.

"I apologize," I chuckle as I walk up to Taehyung, Hoseok, and Jimin, "It's very overwhelming- "

I gasp as I get cut off by Hoseok and Taehyung tackling me onto the ground, both of them crying and my heart hurts at the sound of Hoseok's whines and the sight of Taehyung's ears flattened to his head.

"It's okay guys! I'm really, really happy. Just a lot of emotions, that's why I cried." I try to calm them down but they grip onto me for dear life.

"WE LOVE YOU, Y/N!" They both cry out in unison and Hoseok licks my left cheek as Taehyung rubs his face against my right one.

I laugh at the way it tickles and soon enough, Jimin is pulling them off of me.

"Thanks, Jimin. I- "


I stumble back onto my back on the floor again, not even having time to stand before Jimin tackles me in a hug of his own.

"I love you so much, Y/n. I don't know what I'd do without you." He whispers to me and I soften at the sniffles I hear as well as the tears I feel fall onto my neck.

I just smile through the tears building up in my eyes again and hug him tighter, "I love you too, Jiminie." I give his cheek a little kiss and rub his back softly.

After a few minutes of Jimin whispering to me all of the thing he loves about me and our friendship, we finally stand and he calms himself down as well as Taehyung and Hoseok while I go over to my brother and Namjoon. Namjoon smiles to me with his deep dimples and respectfully asks if he can give me a hug.

"Of course, Namjoon. You're a part of this family as well. All of us are." I hug him tightly, just like I did with the others.

As I pull away, Jin rubs his neck awkwardly, "He kind of really is a part of this family now that uh.. uhm... " He stutters and I smile, having a good idea of what he might say.

"I think Jin has something to tell us, guys." I get the other's attention and everyone quiets down.

I smile to Namjoon and Jin, being able to tell what it is just from the way they look at one another.

"Well," My brother looks to us all, "Namjoon and I are dating and have been for a while now." He looks down with a shy smile and Namjoon grins, pulling an embarrassed Jin into a bear hug.

Or well, wolf hug.

Namjoon's tail wags back and forth, fast, from his happiness and excitement as he holds Jin close. Everyone congratulates them excitedly and we all laugh together, shocked at how much has happened in just this one, very interesting, day.

"Let's eat since it's late out and we uh, still have one more surprise!" Jin cheers out and we sit around the cake.

As we sit, a loud 'vroom' sound startles us and suddenly the lights and air conditioning are back on and running fine.

"No way! Nice timing." I smile, getting up and looking out of the room to the front window to see that it's late out and the storm has finally stopped for the most part.

I smile and sit back down at the table.

"Make a wish!" multiple of them urge me in unison and I think for a moment.

"I wish..." I look around at all of them and back at the candles, "I... don't wish for anything. This moment is more than enough." I blow out the candles and everyone cheers and lets out a few 'awe's'. 

"I was so hungry." Taehyung says as his tail sways happily and Jungkook's, Hoseok's, and Namjoon's does the same as they all dig into their slices of cake.

I sit there eating cake and pizza with Yoongi sitting on my left side and Jungkook on my right and we all make happy conversation for a while.

"What kind is that one?" I pick up the pizza box that was on the very bottom, larger than the other two.

Everyone smiles and looks to one another and I raise a brow, "What?" I question.

"Go ahead, open it." Jin grins and everyone watches me.

I open it slowly and gasp at what's inside, "No... fucking... way..." I pick up the round trip plane ticket and brochure that shows a resort on a beach.

My brother speaks up, "Jungkook had seen me looking at resorts a couple of days ago at night and had asked why so I had told him about what happened with your birthday years ago and how I wanted you to be able to celebrate your birthday once again. So, he helped me pick out this resort trip as a present and uh... I know you hate going alone on vacations so Namjoon, Jimin, and I may have bought plane tickets and all inclusive stays at the resort for all of us!"

The others excitedly talk about the resort now that the secrete is out as I open the brochure to see a water park, beach, fancy bars and restaurants, and much more.

"Really?" I smile in disbelief, "All eight of us are going?" I look around to them all and they all nod excitedly.

I look back into the box and see one last thing - a bikini that has a black and red snake skin print design on it.

"Yeah, picked that out myself." Yoongi smirks.

"With my help." Jungkook buds in and I laugh.

"Okay, both of you picked it out." I hold it up, "I love it, thank you guys!" I grin.

"And I paid for it!" Jin buds in too, all of us laughing.

"How ironic that you" I nudge Yoongi, "are a red and black Viper and Jungkook has a red snake tattoo. Now we can all match." I grin, knowing that was probably what they thought of as well. I take another glance at the ticket to see the date on it and my eyes nearly pop out of my skull, "Holy shit, we leave in four days?!" I gasp and Taehyung and Hoseok cheer out.

"I love beach! Beach, beach, beach!" Taehyung grins as his tail whips back and forth happily while he claps his hands.

only one more chapter left, this feels so bittersweet but it'll be a long one just like how this one was!

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