Till next time

By freaksandfranco

9.7K 171 61

Cecily Miller was just a small time Artist in LA until one bus journey changed her life. She meets people she... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26

Part 4

477 11 4
By freaksandfranco

September 19th 11:04pm

My eyes burned as I clicked on my phone to stop the buzzing sound. I tried desperately to make out the message but my eyes were so blurry I could barely focus. I sat up and took my phone to the bathroom and turned on the lights in hope that my eyes would focus. It was a call from James. I hadn't heard from him for 4 days and he never replied to my many messages. I opened the first one.

'Cec I'm sorry I've been so out of touch lately. So much is going on I felt like I needed to spend sometime with my family. We are up in Calabasas. I'd love for you to join. We are at a lake house, I hope you're interested. I'm sorry again. J x'

My first thought was, What has this got to do with me, I mean we have kissed and that's it why does he need to spend time away from me? Maybe he is damaged from previous relationships. My mind continued racing for a while until I noticed the time. Midnight. Shit I had to be up early to go shopping with Amelia! Fuck I ran to my bed and tried to go back to sleep but James was stuck in my mind.

September 20th 7:30am

The faint ringing noise became louder and louder until I awoke from my slumber to be interrupted by a phone call from Amelia.

"Hello?" I groaned

"Hey Cec, sorry it's so early but Jake and I have to go to Atlanta today as his mom has fallen ill so I have to cancel today and whenever else I was going to surprise you with plans."

"Oh crap Mia is Jake ok?"

"It's his step mom so he's not too worried but he just wants to be there for his dad you know?"

"Yeh I do, message me if you need anything. Wait before you go James finally messaged me."

"Ha ha I knew he would. What did he say, phone's broken, forgot to reply?"

"No actually.. he said he needed to spend time with his family as so much has been going on recently. I mean it can't be about me because we've barely been together for 4 days and we've only kissed a couple times. And then he invited me to go to Calabasas for God's sake!"

"This guy really likes playing mind games with you Cec. He has you right where he wants you. Because I know no matter what anyone says inevitably you will go and you'll meet his family, his younger brother is famous too just so you don't fuck that one up as well! And then you'll fuck him and then you'll be calling me saying how much you love him and.."

"Enough Mia! I'm not going... I mean I can't go anyway, I need to finish my bloody art project it's got to be done and put up by next week!"

"Ok well if you're sure this time Cec! Got to go we are going to the airport now! Love you lots, stay strong! Actors are bastards huh!"

"Love you Mia! Send my love to Jake!"

"Will do! Bye."

I threw my phone to the side and gazed out the window on to the street. It was already so bright and people were up and about living their lives. I turned to my phone and held it in the palm of my hand. I kept thinking shall I go? I clicked on James' name and the phone began to ring. It was so early I was already planning to leave a voice mail because there would be no chance he would be..

"Cecily! Hi!"

I froze as I wasn't prepared for him to actually pick up!

"Oh hi! Why are you up so early?"

"I could ask you the same question."

I heard his husky voice bellow down the phone into my ear and I just wanted to be wrapped in his arms once again.

"Did you get my message? about coming to Calabasas with my family and I? I know it is a bit soon but they saw the photo of us and my mom is dying to meet you!"

"Oh so it was an invite from your mom and not you?"

"No no of course it was me that wanted you.."

"Wait.. You said a lot has been going on recently and you needed to spend time with your family. Well if a lot has been going on between us then why do you want me.."


"What do you mean what? We've not spoken for almost 5 days and now you're inviting me to be with your family as if nothing has happened and saying 'a lot is going on' what is going on between us then huh?"

"No Cecily I didn't mean with you. I meant a lot in my career has been going on at the moment that's why I have been so preoccupied. I have had no time to call you because I'm in a lot of shit and needed people who love me around me!"

I stayed quiet at the other end of the phone.. I didn't love James..but I really felt a connection with him, a soul to soul, loving connection to him but I barely knew him.. but it hurt he didn't want me to be there to console him.

"I understand James. I don't think it's a good idea I come."

"What? Why not? Cec please I really miss you! I'll come and get you myself and take you.."

"No James it's not that I don't want to come its that I can't come! My art pieces are meant to be handed in by next week and I haven't even started my sculpting yet. I'm sorry."

"But Cecily you can just.."

"No James. I am a normal girl living a normal life with a normal job. I can't just take time off whenever suits me. I have commitments and deadlines. You wouldn't understand."

I heard him swallow on the other end but there was no reply. And the phone just cut. James hung up on me this time. FUCK HIM! I thought to myself.

I wondered out to my kitchen and grabbed a cup of apple juice and sat on my couch and turned the TV on. I put on TMZ to see what the latest goss was all about. After about 10 minutes there the photo was. James and I with him planting a kiss on my cheek. I froze in my place thinking Jesus Christ why am I on TMZ.. I have put up one picture and seen him about 3 times! Why does the whole world seem to think James and I are in a relationship. The more I listened to the host babble on about her thoughts on our 'relationship' it made me think about James. I wondered if I should call him back but then I thought he didn't have the decency to call me for 4 days so he can piss off. I switched over as I was fed up with hearing about this supposed life we had together. 

September 20th 8:45am

There was a knock at the door. I got up and pulled my short shorts down a bit and pulled the straps back up from my vest. I wondered over to the door not even registering that it could be James. As I pulled back the door I smelt his aftershave before even seeing him. He had a serious look on his face and walked in almost pushing past me.

"Um excuse me? Don't just storm in to my home without any notice and expect me to be ok with that!"

He looked at me and his jaws began to clench and his breathing quickened. I began to feel flushed. I was actually scared of him.

"James what do you want?"

"How have you done this Cecily?"

"Done what?"

"Turned my life upside down. I can't stop thinking about you, all I want to do is touch you and hold you and.."

"You didn't speak to me for 4 days so stop chatting shit and leave."

"I told you why Cecily Jesus Christ!"

He ran his hands through his hair and paced towards me. I walked backwards and felt myself cornered against the door. His face came so close to mine. We were both breathing heavily. I wasn't scared anymore. I raised my arms up and wrapped them round his neck before forcing my lips against his. He pushed hard back against me and our hips grinded together against the wall. He pulled away and began kissed down my neck and small pants escaped my mouth. He stopped and pushed his lips back into mine. I had never been kissed like this before. He stopped and still panting he whispered.

"I'm crazy about you Cecily. I've never met a girl like you who I just need and want I mean. I can't get you out of my head I want to feel you I want to taste you I.."

 I interrupted with another hard kiss before replying,

"I want you so much James."

I grabbed his hand and led him to the bedroom. 

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