By maiapv81

10.4K 224 204

Dream and George have been friends for years. What'll happen when all the "jokes" catch up with them? ❥Discl... More

Chapter 1 • Attention
Chapter 2 • Record
Chapter 3 • Mask
Chapter 4 • Eyes
Chapter 5 • Night
Chapter 6 • Struggles
Chapter 7 • Worry
Chapter 8 • Pain
Chapter 9 • Don't
Chapter 10 • Confession
Chapter 11 • Surprises
Chapter 12 • Truth
Chapter 13 • Forest
Chapter 14 • Ashamed
Chapter 15 • Reveal
Chapter 16 • Nightmare
Chapter 17 • Olivia
Chapter 18 • Rain
Chapter 19 • Skater
Chapter 20 • Switch
Chapter 21 • Threat
Chapter 22 • Hope
Chapter 23 • Guilt
Chapter 25 • Care
Chapter 26 • Tape
Chapter 27 • Justice
Chapter 28 • Twice
Chapter 29 • Reunion
Chapter 30 • What-If's
Chapter 31 • Here
Chapter 32 • Ready
Chapter 33 • After
Chapter 34 • Stream
Chapter 35 • Dinner
Chapter 36 • Backseat
Chapter 37 • Friendship
Chapter 38 • Re-Live
Chapter 39 • ILY
Chapter 40 • Protecting
Chapter 41 • Stress
Chapter 42 • Lies
Chapter 43 • Together
Chapter 44 • Close
Chapter 45 • Triggers
Chapter 46 • Broken
Chapter 47 • Defense
Chapter 48 • Anger
Chapter 49 • Photo
Chapter 50 • Scar
Chapter 51• Session
Chapter 52 • Alone
Chapter 53 • Tension
Chapter 54 • Memories
Chapter 55 • Letter
Chapter 56 • POV
Chapter 57 • Secret
Chapter 58 • Closure
Chapter 59 • Okay
Chapter 60 • Cooking
Chapter 61 • Return
Chapter 62 • Courage
Chapter 63 • Forgiveness
Chapter 64 • Powerful
Chapter 65 • Safe
Chapter 66 • Regret
Chapter 67 • Apart
Chapter 68 • Calls
Chapter 69 • Goodbye
Chapter 70 • Heal
Chapter 71 • Rough
Chapter 72 • Distance
Chapter 73 • Demons
Chapter 74 • Quiz
Chapter 75 • Explanation
Chapter 76 • Worthy
Chapter 77 • Why
Chapter 78 • Gone
Chapter 79 • Finale
Sequel (Sorta) :)

Chapter 24 • Hardships

129 3 2
By maiapv81

Includes strong language.

After George recovered at the hospital, I drove us home. Sapnap was sitting on the couch, waiting, when we entered.

"GOGY! You're back!" He ran and hugged him tightly.

"You missed me that much?" He smiled.

Sapnap released him.

"Of course. You're my love." He joked.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes while George giggled. George darted his eyes to the top of Sapnap's head and bursted out laughing.

"I'm actually taller than you—I knew it." He smiled in pride.

Sapnap nodded slowly with a light smile.


"So—now that you're settled George, I'm gonna go out for some business." I lied with a smile.

His smile faded, "Oh...okay. When will you be back?"

"Late. Bye." I smiled then quickly left.

After he left, I sighed and crossed my arms.

"So apparently I was dating a jerk." I raised my eyebrows.


"His boyfriend just got out of the hospital and all he cares about is his business." I scoffed.

Sapnap looked away with a small grin.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing. Let's go play some video games."


While we were playing a shooting game on his ps5, my phone rang. It was my dad. I answered immediately.

"Hey Dad." I held the phone up to my ear.

Sapnap's smile faded as his eyes widened.

"Hey. Sorry I couldn't come like I said I would. Something came up with work."

"Oh...it's okay." I lightly smiled.

I didn't want my parents knowing I lost my memory. They'd freak out and I already had enough stress on my plate.

"I'll let you know when I can get a flight."

"You're fine, no rush."

"Do you not want me there or something?"

"N—no. Of course I want you here."

"Good. I gotta go now. Bye George."

"Bye Dad." I hung up.

"Everything okay...?" He asked me nervously.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't it be?" I squished my eyebrows together.

He clenched his jaw then looked back at the tv.

"No reason..."

I groaned, "Ugh. It's something I missed, isn't it?"

"I..." he sighed, "I don't wanna make you sad George. It's not a good memory so let's just leave it."

"No, tell me."


"Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me!" I went on.

He lightly smiled at me then sighed nervously as the smile faded.

"Okay..." he shut the game off.

"Is it that bad that you had to shut the game off?"

"Yeah..." he mumbled as he frowned.

"Okay...what happened?"

He explained everything that happened with my parents. How my mum faked her death and everything my parents said to me. Saying how I was a waste of a life.

After he finished explaining it to me, I stood still as I clenched my jaw.

The thing is, none of that surprised me. I always knew they were homophobic. I didn't care since I wasn't gay. But after knowing Dream and I were dating, their behavior made sense.

"So...they accept me now?" I asked quietly.

"I think so. That's what Dream said. He told me that you were crying tears of joy that night."

I sighed while clenching my jaw.

"Do you...feel anything for Dream?"

My eyes glared at the carpet.

"No...I don't. We're best friends but that's all he means to me." I said firmly.

He gulped nervously then nodded. Shortly, we heard the front door slam shut. I immediately stood up and walked downstairs to see Dream at the front door. He set his keys down on the hook then smiled at me.

"Hey George."

"Hi...how was your business?"

"Good." He immediately turned and walked into his room, I followed him behind, "How was your day with Sapnap?"

"Good...he um, told me about my parents..."

He shut his eyes as he sighed, "That fucking idiot." He mumbled.

"N—no. It's okay. I pressured him to."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you...I just didn't wanna see you in pain."

I swallowed hard.

"I—it's okay..."

"I also didn't wanna re-live you going off that building..." he mumbled while shaking his head.

My eyes widened as my eyebrows squished together.


He froze then pinched the bridge of his nose, "Fuck."

"Dream, what're you talking about?" I asked nervously.

"N—nothing. I'm tired, I'm gonna go to bed—" he laid down quickly and pulled the covers over himself.

"Tell me." I said firmly with a glare.

"No. Just go to bed, George."

I walked closer to him as I crossed my arms, my anger rising.

"I don't like it that you're keeping shit from me."

"I'm doing it for your own good, okay??"

"No, you're doing it for YOUR own good." I snapped, "Tell me what happened, now."

He shook his head while rolling his eyes.



"You heard me."

I scoffed while shaking my head.

"Some boyfriend you are..." I mumbled, looking away from him.

"What??" He sat up.

"I said some boyfriend you are. You leave me immediately to go do business, ditching me like you did in England and now you won't even tell me a memory that's important." I snapped.

"Maybe because it was the worst fucking moment of my life." He snapped back.

I shook my head.

"Right. Poor Dream. You must have it so hard. It's not like you're the one who got their ass kicked and can't remember his life—"

"This IS hard for me George!" He yelled.

"How so?! Last time I checked, you're perfectly healthy! You have your own life! Meanwhile I forgot a whole month of mine! Clearly the most important one—"

He shook his head as tears formed in his eyes.

"Just go to bed, George..." he mumbled.

I clenched my jaw then climbed in his bed. His eyes widened.

"What're you doing?"

"Going to bed like you told me to." I turned to my side while glaring at the wall.

"Why in my bed?"

"Because I fucking can, shut up." I snapped.

He sighed.

"George...you know how the stories go. The characters wake up in bed cuddling and I doubt you want that."

I clenched my jaw as tears formed in my eyes.

I didn't care tonight. When Dream held me, I felt safer. I needed him to tell me everything was gonna be okay. I felt so uneasy about everything. The fight with my parents, not remembering my life with Dream, knowing I'm the cause of his pain. I needed to be here with him tonight.

"Go to bed, Dream..." I spoke lowly.

He was silent for a minute then gave in. He shut the lamp off. I slid under the covers while still facing my back to him. After a few moments of silence, he spoke.

"It's hard for me to see the love of my life lose his mind..." he said lowly.

I clenched my jaw with a frown as more tears flooded my eyes.

"I know you're struggling...and knowing I can't take that pain away from you, kills me George..."

I swallowed hard as my tears collapsed on the sheet.

"I love you..." he turned his back to me and covered the covers up to his neck.

My lip quivered as I felt so empty inside, so lost. I quickly turned to face him and wrapped my arms around his waist, burying my head in his back. He tensed up for a moment then turned to face me. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder as I buried my head in his chest. He rubbed my arm with a frown.

"Everything will be okay, George." He whispered.

I shut my eyes while frowning.

"Everything won't be okay if I don't remember." I thought.

❥Thanks for reading!
Final word count: 1372

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