Mixed Direction

By lotta_james

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Fourth Book in Series. Tragic endings; beautiful starts. Millions of pieces glued to mend their hearts. Only... More

Chapter One: Wait a Lifetime
Chapter Three: I Can't...
Chapter Four: Baby Look What You've Done to Me!
Chapter Five: Break Me
Chapter Six: Memories
Chapter Seven: What's Right
Chapter Eight: Envelopes
Chapter Nine: Misguided
Chapter Ten: Never Prepared
Chapter Eleven: Offered
Chapter Twelve: Afraid Of
Chapter Thirteen: Regret
Chapter Fourteen: Categories
Chapter Fifteen: Tell You
Chapter Sixteen: Lies
Chapter Seventeen: Reactions
Chapter Eighteen: The Day You Were Born
Chapter Nineteen: Growing
Chapter Twenty: Trains
Chapter Twenty- One: Names
Chapter Twenty- Two: Since May
Chapter Twenty- Three: Endlessly Live
Chapter Twenty- Four: Journey of a Lifetime
Chapter Twenty- Five: Escape
Chapter Twenty- Six: Visions & Views
Chapter Twenty- Seven: Silence
Chapter Twenty- Eight: Until You're Broken
Chapter Twenty- Nine: Destroyed
Chapter Thirty: Adreniline
Chapter Thirty- One: Shock Reaction
Chapter Thirty- Two: Shattered Glass
Chapter Thirty- Three: Home
Chapter Thirty- Four: Yellow
Chapter Thirty- Five: Variated Situation (Part One)
Chapter Thirty- Five: Variated Situation (Part Two)
Chapter Thirty- Six: Addiction
Chapter Thirty- Seven: What's in a Name?
Chapter Thirty- Eight: Regret or Risk?
Chapter Thirty- Nine: How to Live a Life
Chapter Forty: Good Night
Chapter Forty- One: Never Ending F**king Black Tunnel
Chapter Forty- Two: Naive
Chapter Forty- Three: Possibilities
Chapter Forty- Four: Until Death Do Tear Us Apart
Chapter Forty- Five: The Loudest Scream
Chapter Forty- Six: What We Fear
Chapter Forty- Seven: Forgotten How to Fight
Chapter Forty- Eight: How Did it Happen?
Chapter Forty- Nine: Remember, Change, Fight, Fall
Merry Christmas/etc.
Chapter Fifty: Live and Let Live
Chapter Fifty-One: What is Going to Come
Chapter Fifty-Two: This Imperfect World

Chapter Two: It's Okay...

3.2K 106 24
By lotta_james

{Louis' POV}

It just doesn't make sense. Why would Eleanor leave? I simply cannot think of anything I could've done wrong? And that is what is frustrating me! I'm sorry, but I need to know. I cannot just let Eleanor get away for some unknown reason. I'm not having it that way. 

I look across at the bed that Perrie is still lying unconscious in. She got taken off life support- thankfully- and now we're waiting for her to wake up from the coma. Debbie arrived this morning and is now out somewhere in the hospital with Anne, Harry's Mum. We're waiting for the police officer to come and tell us what actually happened. 

Liam got her moved into a bigger room so we can all fit. Zayn has just been sitting on the window seat, attending to his daughters and just focusing on being a good father. You can see it in his eyes that he isn't coping well, but he doesn't want it to show. 

The knock on the door brings us all out of our trances as our eyes travel to the door where a male police officer is entering. 

"Good afternoon," he greets us all and we mumble responses back. Harry, Liam, Niall, Jesy, Jade, Leigh, Zayn, Ellie, the twins and myself are the only ones in the room at the moment. Jonnie is floating around somewhere else too- he's pretty torn up to say the least. 

"We have the details on the crash," the officer is holding a sheet of paper. The same bloke talked to Ellie and the other driver- who came out fine, which is annoying- and he also talked to witnesses to collect the information he's about to tell us.

"We've come to a conclusion that along the straight road, Ms Edwards had turned around to re- buckle the child's seat whilst still having one hand upon the wheel," the officer tells us. We know this bit. "The other driver was not paying attention to the road, much like Ms Edwards, and pulled out of the adjoining street far to fast and hit the car Ms Edwards was driving," the officer continues.

"Upon impact, the other driver hit the right hand side of the Range Rover, immediately striking where Ms Edwards was seated. The other driver's car came to an immediate stop whereas the Range Rover skid across the road and ended about twenty metres away," the office sums up the crash. 

"There will be charges applied upon the other driver because the accident is at their fault. Thank you." The policeman smiles, nods his head and then leaves the room again. 

So this crash was the other driver's fault. That's real great you know! Thanks to whoever the other driver is, Perrie is now in a fucking coma. Okay... sorry, I do not know the other driver's story so I should not judge but, seriously? I know Perrie should've been watching too, but - urgh! Everything inside me just wants to fucking explode!

"I've had enough!" I stand up and they all look at me in shock. "I WANT to know why Eleanor left!" I tell them all, a bit of a sharp tone coming out. "If any of you know anything, I suggest you fess up before I go crazy." I instruct them all and I watch Zayn's eyes flick to Perrie. 

Don't tell me.... 

"You're kidding me," I sigh and Zayn just shrugs. So, Perrie knows something- and she's such a great help at the moment! NOT. 

"I know," Harry's voice breaks the silence and I turn to look at him. His body is shaking and his green eyes look weak under the circumstances. "But, can I explain somewhere else?" Harry asks. We agree and all head down to the courtyard of the hospital. 

Zayn leaves Ellie with Lillie and Rosie in the pram by themselves about five metres away whilst we gather in a semi- circle around Harry, whom is pacing back and forth, his hand grabbing at his chin as he panics about what to say. 

"Well, um, you see," Harry mumbles, not facing us. "It was a stupid mistake." Harry sighs as he turns to face us, tears swelling in his eyes. What was a stupid mistake? I'm not understanding him here. Should I be understanding?

"Harry," Zayn's voice comes out in a warning tone. "How many times?" Zayn asks through gritted teeth, his feet moving him a couple of steps towards Harry. Harry looks afraid, seriously afraid of Zayn, whereas the rest of us are confused out of our wits. 

"Harry," Zayn snaps at him. 

"Twice. Only twice! It was stupid, Zayn! I'm sorry! We were stupid! I'm still an ass!' Harry splurges out at Zayn and I watch as the more powerful looking lad, Zayn, shakes his head in disappointment. 

"You ass," Zayn shakes his head and then the back of his left hand whacks straight across Harry's face. Oh! Liam jumps forwards as Harry clutches his face in pain, but Jesy stops Liam. "So! You kiss my wife, you fuck Louis? What's next?" Zayn asks Harry and we all go silent, not even breathing is heard. 


"You slept with Eleanor!" I yell at him and Harry looks at me in distress. "You bastard." I mutter and then turn around, storming off. I have had it! No more fucking around!

{Niall's POV}

"You slept with Eleanor!" Louis yells at Harry. Harry looks back at him like a lost sheep, absolutely terrified and beyond scared of Louis. We watch as Louis storms off and then turn back to Harry, who has a red mark forming on his face from where Zayn smacked him- fairly fucking hard!

"Seriously, Harry?" Jade's voice pipes up and Harry snaps his view in Jade's direction, suddenly realising that his wife of only two days is present. Oh you're fucking kidding me, Harry Styles. "Am I not enough? Was I not good to you? What have I ever done wrong? Sure I'm not perfect, but you still had to go and sleep with Eleanor. You're such a naive dickhead! I promise to be faithful my ass!" Jade says to him, her voice filled with sadness and anger.

I then watch as she rushes off, tears starting to roll down her face as Liam chases after her. Zayn looks at Harry once more and then turns, but looks back again. "Pull your shit together, Harry. This cannot continue." Zayn shakes his head and then walks towards his children, scooping up Ellie in one arm and grabbing the pram, walking away too. 

Leigh- Anne walks up to Harry and in a instant her fist is impacting upon his stomach and then her palm slapping his face. "Ass." Leigh mutters and walks off so there's only Jesy, Harry and I out here now. 

"I'll deal with him, you go find someone else." Jesy whispers and I nod my head, leaving Jesy and Harry. 

As I walk into the waiting area, I see Zayn sitting with the twins whilst talking to Leigh- Anne. Ellie jumps up and runs over to me, her broken arm covered in a blue cast flapping around at me as she smiles happily. 

"Uncle Nini," Ellie stops in front of me. "Can you take me to get some clothes. I don't like." Ellie shakes her head at the little hospital gown she's still wearing. I look up at Zayn who has also heard and he nods his head. I nod mine in response and Zayn tosses me car keys. I scoop up Ellie and head out to the car park, looking for the car. 

I soon find Perrie's Volkswagen and strap Ellie into her seat. So, Perrie obviously smashed Zayn's car in the crash... which is quite funny. Gets to keep her car but Zayn's is stuffed. If she wakes up, which she will. Prayed last night to God, will pray again tonight, might even head to church you know, light a candle for her. 

I drive to Zerrie's home and park the car before helping Ellie out and then we head inside. Ellie and I go upstairs and she ventures into her bedroom whilst I go into Zayn and Perrie's to collect some clothes for Zayn and an outfit for Perrie when she leaves the hospital. I also head into the twins' room and collect out some small outfits for them, nappies, another pack of baby wipes and other stuff they need, including their stuffed toys Reo and Zedra, shoving them into the same bag. 

"Ellie! I'm going downstairs!" I call out to her and head back downstairs and into the kitchen where I collect some baby food and other things for Ellie and the twins to eat, keep them healthy. 

{Louis' POV}

I just sit in the corner, my knees brought up to my chest as I hear Niall bashing around in the kitchen. I know it's kind of weird to be hiding away in Zerrie's music room, but I can't go anywhere else because the others are still coming and going from their homes, and I don't want to go back to mine. 

I jump a little as Ellie runs into the room and grabs a book off the floor. As she goes to stand back up Ellie notices me and gives me a confused look. I put my pointer finger on my lips to tell her to stay quiet. Ellie repeats the actions and drops her things, coming and sitting next to me, bringing her knees to her chest too as she copies me. 

"Why are you here, Uncle Lou?" Ellie whispers and I just look down at the quizzical look on her face, her bright blue eyes peering back into mine. God she has her mother's eyes! They're like, the exact replicar. 

"I just needed to think," I reply to Ellie and she nods her head, looking straight in front of her now. 

"I think sometimes," Ellie tells me and I chuckle a little. "About drif- renent things," Ellie adds. "Uncle Louis?" She looks up at me and as if she's going to asks a question, I nod for her to continue. "Why isn't Mummy waking up? What's wrong with her? Will she ever wake up?"

I look down into her little blue eyes again and you can see the fear hidden behind a strong girl. "Ellie, Mummy is just hurt and her brain is sleeping," I try to explain a coma to her. "And I'm sure she will wake up-"

"But she might not?" Ellie asks me, butting in. I feel a lump in my throat develop. I never really thought about her not actually waking up. Zayn woke up, but that doesn't mean Perrie will. But she is going to. She has to. 

"No, she'll wake up Ellie, I promise." I tell her and Ellie nods her head. I'm hoping I haven't promised something irrational and stupid right now. 

"Otay," Ellie replies. I find it cute she can't actually say 'oKay'. "Uncle Louis, where's Auntie Eleanor?"

I pause and look down into my lap. I go to speak but nothing comes out. I feel as if the lump in my throat is now blocking my voice box from producing anything. I still don't understand why the fuck Harry would do that? Or Eleanor?! Was I not enough? Was she getting sick of trying for a baby? Is everything that bad? 

 "She's gone away, Ellie." I reply. I cannot tell Ellie that she left, I don't have the heart to tell a toddler something like that.

"Oh," Ellie replies. "Uncle Lou, I know you're angry, and that Uncle Hazza is a butt," Ellie continues and I chuckle a little. Yep, Harry's a butt. "But don't be too mad, he's only trying to be good," Ellie adds and I look down at her as she talks. "And Auntie Eleanor wont be gone for ages. She come back soon." Ellie nods her head apporvingly to her words. 

I place a gentle kiss to her forehead and give her a tight hug. She's so beautiful. I don't know where she gets her information from, but it impacts upon me everytime. Yes, Harry is a butt, but at least he was honest. What he did was shocking and I don't know how long it will take for me to forgive him, but I know I will be able too. 

Same with Eleanor. What she did was also wrong. I feel like an idiot to think she had to sleep with Harry, but then again, I love her too much to let her go. I need Eleanor back, but time will tell the fate of that issue. 

"Uncle Louis," Ellie pipes up and I look into her glassed over eyes. "Saying sorry sometimes takes time," Ellie tells me and I nod my head in agreement. She's got that right. "And Mummy is going to wake up, I can feel it in my tail!"

I chuckle at her cute butt wiggle she's doing to indicate her 'tail'. Oh, she's so beautiful. I'm so lucky to be her Godfather! 

{Jade's POV}

How the fuck could he? I can't fucking trust him! I feel like the whole wedding was a big lie! Why the fuck would Harry do that? And with Eleanor?! Don't get me wrong, I love Eleanor, but seriously? Are they both that low? 

My shaking hand reaches out and grabs Perrie's pale hand. As I clasp my hands around hers, I feel the coldness that is upon her body and the black nail polish on her fingers is chipped, almost showing how fragile she is at this moment. 

"Per," I choke out to her as she lies there, the nose tube providing her oxygen as her body is out cold. "Why? Why has all this happened? Now. How did it all go from everyone being happy to having you in a car accident, Eleanor leaving and Harry being a bastard?" I ask Perrie, my voice nothing more than a whisper. 

"You gotta wake up, Perrie," I sob as tears flow rapidly down my face. "I need my best friend," I cry to her. "The girls need you, the lads need you, Louis needs his sister thing, Harry needs to be slapped, Ellie needs to know you're going to wake up, Lillie and Rosie need their Mummy, Zayn needs you, please Perrie, please just wake up," I cry, not holding back any emotion. 

Nothing in this moment has hurt as much as this. I've broken bones, I've been bullied physically and emotionally and I've watched my Dad leave my Mum, but nothing has hurt more than what my husband has done and seeing my best friend like this. 

"I need you, we all need you." I cry and feel a strong set of arms scoop me up off the seat. I swear to God if it's Harry I will murder him! 

"Shh, Jade, it's okay." I hear his cracked voice and immediately grip him back, holding on tight as he sits down again and rubs my back soothingly. "It's going to be okay. We all need her, we're all hurting, we all want to muder Harry, but trust me, Perrie is strong, Harry has a heart somewhere deep down and Eleanor will be okay, it's all going to be okay in the end." Zayn tells me and I just nod my head against his chest. 

"Just cry Jade, cry. Don't try to act strong, being strong will come soon. It's all okay." Zayn whispers and I look into his brown eyes, filled with his own tears. "It's not the end." 

"When something bad happens you have three choices. You can either let it define you, let it destroy you, or let it strenghten you." - Unknown 

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