[OLD] Luna Mew Light Johto Jo...

By EleftheriaYuyaCielo

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Xx BOOK 2: Sequel to 'Luna Mew Light Kanto Journey' Xx Xх Second FanFiction Story! хX Luna Mew Light is a you... More

Prologue: Before Johto
Character Profile
Chapter 1: Johto Starters and Meeting Casey
Chapter 2: Forest. Cherrygrove and Castallia City!
Chapter 3: Capturing Chikorita! Primo and Violet Gym!
Chapter 4: Meet Cyndaquil and Kurt. Azalea Gym Battle!
Chapter 5: The Pond, Houndour and Pokémon Swap Meet!
Chapter 6: Noctowl, Savage Skarmory and Len Town
Chapter 7: Tyrogues Evolutions, Goldenrod City and Pokéathlon
Chapter 8: Bug Catching Contest! The Dojo and The Wannabe Trainer
Chapter 9: Fishing Contest! Beauty Contest! Grass Pokémon Tournament!
Chapter 10: The Burned Tower History and Ecruteak City Gym!
Chapter 11: Meeting Todd Again and Articuno!
Chapter 12: The Naughty Murkrow Thief! The Dunsparce Swarm! Brock is Sick?!
Chapter 13: A Sumo Competition? Electric Company. A Cunning Smergle and Kecleon?
Chapter 14: The Light House! Shuckle Group and Cianwood Gym!
Chapter 15: Whirl Islands Adventures Start!
Chapter 16: The Water Pokémon Poachers?! The Wild Corsola! The Silver Wing!
Chapter 17: The Whirl Cup Competition Begins!
Chapter 18: Lugia's Arc
Chapter 19: Tomo 10th Birthday! The Aircraft? Back to Olivine Gym!
Chapter 21: The Extreme Pokémon Race! Meet Phanpy! The Loyal Ninetails!
Chapter 22: Johto Champion Lance and The Red Gyarados Rage!
Chapter 23: The Lost Piloswine! Mahogany Gym!
Chapter 24: The Dragon's Den! Blackthorn Gym! Wynaut?
Chapter 25: Larvitar. The Unown? The Pokémon Reserve.
Chapter 26: Meeting Harrison. The Johto League Torch!
Pokémon List Update
Chapter 27: The Silver Confernce Begins!
Chapter 28: The Last Two Final Matches of the Silver Conference!
Chapter 29: Separation and Back to Pallet Town!

Chapter 20: Meeting Ho-Oh and The Three Legendary Beasts Face-to-Face!

5.6K 95 23
By EleftheriaYuyaCielo

Today the gang were back in Ecruteak City; to get to Mahogany Town, they had to pass Ecruteak City first.

The gang had met with the Kimono sisters again and Sakura's Eevee was now an Espeon. She also had captured some new Pokémon, an Azumarill, a Bellossom and a Pichu.

Sakura had decided to set off on her Pokémon journey and her sisters accepted her desire to become a Pokémon journey.

So after meeting up with the Kimono sisters, the gang were now in the Pokémon Centre planning of how to get to Mahogany Town.

Luna had the idea of visiting Morty first, because she had Celebi with her and figured that she should introduce her to Morty.

Misty, Tomo and Brock saw Luna's point because Morty was an expert of Legendary Pokémon and he would probably not forgive Luna if she didn't show Celebi to him.

But they were worried if that inside of her would react suddenly causing her pain, Luna assured them that it was alright.

Suddenly a sound of bells ringing was sounding out through all of Ecruteak City.

"I wonder what is going on?" Misty asked.

"Maybe trouble is happening." Brock said.

Just then a glowing was coming from Luna's neck, Luna realised that the golden locket, with the rainbow wing was glowing and when Luna opened up the locket it was the rainbow wing glowing.

"You don't suppose this means that Ho-Oh is approaching Ecruteak City again do you?" Luna asked the others.

"Well the Rainbow Wing is a feather of Ho-Oh's," Brock said, "so there is a good chance that it is. We should go and see Morty."

The others agreed. Luna's placed the golden locket back into her shirt and then she and the gang left the Pokémon Centre at once.

The bell noises were coming from the tin tower, so the gang headed over there.

Morty was at the tin tower and another man was there too.

The man's name was Eusine, and he was a researcher and expert on the three Legendary Beasts: Entei, Raikou and Suicune.

Morty and Eusine had heard the bells ringing and checked out the tin tower, the reason why the bells were ringing was because the special crystal bells on the ninth floor of the tin tower had been stolen.

"We need to find those crystal bells," Morty said, "they are important to the tin tower." Eusine agreed.

Just then the gang turned up.

Morty was happy to see the gang again but notice that Luna's hair had green at the bottom and he was going to ask about it later.

"Hello Luna with your presence here, I think you can help us here." Morty said.

Morty introduced Eusine to the gang and he explained that Luna had seen Ho-Oh twice on her journey.

Eusine couldn't believe Morty's words.

"Lu, show Eusine the gold locket that I gave you." Morty said.

Luna nodded and she took out the gold locket from around her neck and showed her Rainbow Wing to Eusine.

Eusine could not believe his eyes once he saw the wing, "That really is the feather of Ho-Oh." He said.

Morty also explained that Luna also had a Lugia and Luna showed him the silver wing in her silver locket.

Eusine could not believe Luna one bit.

Morty brought the gang to the gym and explained what was going on. "The four crystal bells from the tin tower had been stolen." Morty said. He explained that the normal bells and the crystal bells were from the original tin tower, and they were left unscratched when the tower burned down. "Ever since the bells were placed in the new tin tower, they had never rung once, until today because of the stolen crystal bells."

"Apparently Ho-Oh still watches over humans," Eusine said, "and so do the three Pokémon that Ho-Oh were said to create."

"You mean the three Legendary Beasts Entei, Raikou and Suicune right?" Luna asked.

"You know about the three Legendary Beasts Luna?" Morty asked.

Luna nodded, "Yes, I've read about them many times before," she said, "I also read that Ho-Oh created them from the flames, when the tin tower was burned down."

"That's correct," Eusine said, "and Ho-Oh sent them to watch over humans in his place."

"Excuse me, but Tomo, Misty, Brock and I have met Suicune before." Luna said, "Not once but twice."

"Lu is right," Misty said, "First we met Suicune at the beginning of our Johto region journey and we met Suicune again in the forest next to Arborville."

Brock and Tomo nodded in agreement.

"Wow first Ho-Oh then Suicune, you're lucky Lu." Morty said.

Eusine could not believe that Luna had seen Ho-Oh and Suicune and called her a liar.

Pichu and 'Pikachu' didn't take it lightly they began to glare at him.

Morty seen that face when he called her a liar and when Zorua actually spoke through telepathy to say that he made a mistake.

'Pikachu' was about to say something but Pichu said not to say anything yet.

"I'm afraid I speak the truth," Luna said calmly, "and I have a Pokémon witness with me to prove it."

Luna took off a PokéBall from her waist and sent out Celebi.

Morty and Eusine could not believe their eyes once they saw Celebi.

"It's good to be out of the PokéBall again." Celebi said stretching her arms out. "Luna are you okay because of it?" She knew that whatever was inside she could sense it.

Luna nodded saying it's fine.

Eusine and Morty were speechless once they realised that Celebi could talk in telepathy.

"Wow Luna," Morty said, "you have another Legendary Pokémon."

"Yep," Luna said, "I got Celebi in the same forest, where I met Suicune."

"Luna speaks the truth." Celebi said.

Eusine felt absolutely jealous of Luna seeing Ho-Oh and Suicune and having Lugia and Celebi on his Pokémon team. What he didn't know was that she had a Cresselia and Rayquaza on her as well.

Just then Celebi flew over to the window of the gym.

"What's wrong Celebi?" Luna asked.

"I sense a lot of trouble in the forest around Ecruteak City Luna," Celebi answered, "and all of the wild Pokémon are upset."

"I bet they are upset because of the crystal bells being stolen." Brock said.

"We need to find the crystal bells now." Morty said.

Everyone agreed and left the gym to search for the bells at once.

Once they got out of the gym, they saw the burned tower and nearly everywhere else in Ecruteak City was being covered by string shot by the wild bug Pokémon.

Misty didn't like seeing all the wild bug Pokémon.

Celebi had a word with a wild Tangela and asked it what was going on, "The Tangela said that they are angry of the thieves, who stole the crystal bells." She said.

"Celebi, do they know where the thieves are?" Luna asked.

Celebi nodded, "Yes, the thieves are hiding in the forest." She replied.

"Then we should go there and retrieve the crystal bells now." Eusine said.

Just then Luna's gold locket started to glow.

"Huh? What's going on?" Luna asked.

The rainbow wing's glow started to point to the Tin Tower.

"I think the Rainbow Wing wants you to head over to the Tin Tower Luna." Morty said.

"I wonder why." Luna said.

"I don't know, but you better go to the Tin Tower and I shall go with you." Morty said.

"Okay," Luna said and turned toward her friends and brother, "will everyone be okay of finding the bells?"

"Leave it to us Luna." Brock said.

Tomo, Misty and Eusine nodded in agreement.

Luna told Celebi to help the others too.

"Mew be careful especially since that is-" Misty said.

"I know Misty you worry too much." Luna said cutting of her sentence.

Then she and Morty headed off to the Tin Tower, while Eusine and the others headed to the forest.

Eusine sent out his Pokémon, an Alakazam to battle.

Tomo sent out Sunkern, Ledian, Growlithe, Charmander, Totodile and Snubbull to battle.

Misty sent out her two Politoeds, Staryu, Croconaw and Corsola to battle.

Brock sent out his Steelix, Graveler, Pineco, Weepinbell and Crobat to battle.

The wild Pokémon started to surround them, but the Pokémon bravely fought back.

"We better find the bells soon, otherwise the Pokémon will get more upset." Eusine said.

"I hate to think who the thieves are, who stole the bells." Tomo said.

"So do I," Brock said, "because of them Ecruteak City is in trouble."

"I can sense the thieves are in the middle of the forest," Celebi said, "but we need to hurry."

The humans and Pokémon went as quick as they could to the forest.

Meanwhile Luna and Morty had made it to the tin tower.

Pichu, Zorua who transform back from Pikachu and Morty's Gengar fought off the wild Pokémon and Luna used Typhlosion to break the webs apart with flamethrower.

Once Luna and Morty stepped inside the tower, Luna's rainbow started to glow brighter.

"I think we better head to the floor where the crystal bells were." Morty said.

Luna agreed but started to feel a bit of pain inside her chest but quickly ignore it. She and Morty ran up the stairs to the ninth floor of the Tin Tower.

"Okay, so what do I do now?" Luna asked.

Morty thought for a second, "I'm guessing that you need to pray to Ho-Oh Luna," he said, "since that it was Ho-Oh's feather that guided us here, I think that's the only solution to this."

Luna understood.

Luna walked to the centre of the ninth floor, knelled down onto the floor and began to pray, while holding the gold locket in her hands. While she prayed, the rainbow wing glowed brighter than ever and Luna began to glow too.

Morty stared in wonder while that was happening.

Luna continued praying and then she started to see Ho-Oh in a vision and Ho-Oh was squawking as if it was communicating with Luna, she listened to Ho-Oh, understanding what it was saying because of her aura abilities.

Then suddenly the vision ended and Luna stopped praying and the rainbow wing stopped glowing.

Morty ran over to Luna. "What happened Luna?" He asked.

Luna smiled, "Ho-Oh contacted me through a vision," she said, "and it spoke to me. It said that it's coming here and so are Entei, Raikou and Suicune, they know that the crystal bells have been stolen." She frown a bit at the last part.

"If that's the case, then we better join the others of getting the bells back now." Morty said.

Luna agreed, and then they left the Tin Tower at once.

Luna placed her gold locket back into her shirt with the silver locket.

At that time, Eusine and the gang were still looking for the thieves, who stole the crystal bells.

"I can sense the thieves," Celebi said, "we are close now."

"Good." Eusine said.

A couple of seconds later, they found the crystal bells and the thieves.

The thieves turned out to be none ever than Team Rocket.

"We should have known that you three would be behind this!" Misty shouted.

"Give back the crystal bells!" Tomo shouted.

"No chance," Jessie said, "we are using these bells to call forth the legendary Ho-Oh."

"That's right," James said, "we have read about the legendary bird and that these crystal bells are related to it. So that's why we stole the bells to gather Ho-Oh."

"Sorry to disappoint you, but that won't work," Eusine said, "Ho-Oh never shows itself to scandals like you three."

"That's right," Celebi said, "Ho-Oh will only show itself to good people, not bad people."

Celebi used psychic to get the bells from Team Rocket and gave them to Eusine.

"That was great work Celebi." Misty praised.

"Thank you." Celebi said.

"Hey give those back!" Meowth shouted.

Suddenly all of the wild Pokémon turned up, Spinarak, Ariados, Caterpie, Weedle, Parasect, Gligar and Tangela were everywhere.

"What's going on here?" Jessie asked nervously.

"The wild Pokémon around here are angry for what you three did." Celebi said.

"That's right," Eusine said, "because you three stole the crystal bells, the peace in Ecruteak City has been ruined."

The Caterpie, Weedle, Spinarak and Ariados tied Team Rocket up with string shot.

"They really are upset." Brock said.

"We should hurry and put the crystal bells back into the tower." Eusine said. But the wild Pokémon surrounded Eusine and the gang and were ready to attack. "We have the crystal bells back, and we are going to return them." He said.

But the wild Pokémon still got ready to fight.

"They won't listen," Celebi said, "their anger is so great, they won't listen to anything we say."

"So, what can we do?" Misty asked.

At that moment Luna and Morty turned up and saw the situation.

"The Pokémon are really angry." Morty said.

Luna tried to talk to the wild Pokémon. "Please don't be angry anymore," she said, "we came here to get the crystal bells back from the thieves and put them back in the tin tower."

"It's the truth," Morty said, "so please let us pass and take the bells back to the tower."

The wild Pokémon refused to listen.

Then suddenly a wild Tangela started to use its vine whip attack.

Tangela was just about to hit Luna and Morty with a vine, but then a roaring noise stopped the Tangela in its tracks and then all the wild Pokémon left.

Then a blue wind surrounded the area and all the webbing disappeared.

Team Rocket was free from their web prison.

"What's going on?" Misty asked.

"I don't know." Luna said confused.

At that moment three big Pokémon showed themselves in front of everyone, it was Entei, Raikou and Suicune.

Everyone gasped once they saw the Legendary Beasts.

"I don't believe it!" Eusine gasped. He had always wanted to see Entei, Raikou and Suicune.

Team Rocket saw this as an opportunity to try and catch them and sent out their Pokémon to fight, but Suicune calmly sent out an aurora beam to send Team Rocket blasting off.

Luna stepped forward to the three beasts, and Entei, Suicune and Raikou stared at her.

Suddenly a screech was heard from the sky.

"What's that sound?" Brock asked.

"That was the cry of Ho-Oh," Morty said, "Ho-Oh is here."

Morty was right, Ho-Oh flew down onto a cliff and the three Legendary Beasts stood under the cliff.

Everyone was really shocked that they were seeing Ho-Oh.

"Ho-Oh is so beautiful." Misty said in awe.

"Wow, what a sight." Brock said.

"This is really cool." Tomo said.

Eusine was too speechless to speak.

"I never thought I'd see the day that I would see the Legendary Ho-Oh with my own eyes." Morty.

Luna started to ran forward to where Ho-Oh and the beasts were and bowed down to Ho-Oh.

Ho-Oh squawked and suddenly a golden light surrounded Luna.

"What's happening to Lu?" Misty asked.

"Ho-Oh is making a bond with Luna." Celebi said, "Ho-Oh has sensed Luna's pure heart and now Luna has become a friend of Ho-Oh's and the Legendary Beasts."

"Really?" Morty asked in shock.

"Yes, Luna has Ho-Oh's trust." 'Pikachu' spoke up next.

Eusine gasped, "You can also use telepathy?"

Zorua rolled her eyes, "Yes I can and I'm not a Pikachu." She transformed back to her fox form.

"A Zorua!"

"Yes, now be quite." Zorua scolded.

The gang sweat dropped.

Ho-Oh began to squawk some more.

"What's Ho-Oh saying?" Brock asked.

"Ho-Oh is telling Luna that it Entei, Suicune and Raikou will always help Luna, whenever she needs their help." Celebi said.

"I get it," Morty said, "in the legends, it said that Ho-Oh made friendship bonds with the Chosen Ones and that it was always willing to help them if they needed Ho-Oh's help. So it's obvious that Luna has become Ho-Oh's new chosen one and that's why she received the rainbow wing from Ho-Oh."

"Amazing." Misty said.

Misty, Brock and Tomo couldn't believe that Luna had now become friends with Ho-Oh and the Legendary Beasts.

At that second, Ho-Oh and Luna stopped glowing and then Ho-Oh, Entei, Raikou and Suicune looked at her in worry because they could feel the power of the Jade Orb inside of her.

Luna blinked, she saw there worried face but she shook her head and smiled brightly at them meaning that she is fine with the orb within her, they nodded and left.

"That was incredible." Luna whispered, "But they must be worried now because they could sense the Jade Orb within me." She sigh.

After the disaster was over with, and that the crystal bells had been placed back in the tin tower, it was now time for the gang to leave Ecruteak City.

Morty told Luna that she was surprised about the bond with her and Ho-Oh.

"I'm surprised myself Morty," Luna said, "I mean I know I saw Ho-Oh twice before today, but I never thought that I would ever become Ho-Oh's friend."

"Well don't forget Luna, you have met other legendary Pokémon before," Brock said, "and you do own five Legendary Pokémon yourself."

"That's true." Luna said. "But they were worried." She admitted when she saw their expression.

"Worried?" Morty and Eusine said.

Tomo, Misty and Brock knew why they must've felt the Jade Orb within her.

"Wel-" Luna started but was cut off by Misty.

"We'll tell you but you have to promise us not to tell or say this to anyone else." Misty said in a serious tone, "If you tell anyone else you'll deal with us and her Pokémon got it."

"Misty is right, you know and if you speak one word about this." Zorua glared, "You'll deal with her Pokémon that at all beyond Elite level."

Morty and Eusine nodded not understanding the solution but agreed, they don't want to anger Pokémon's that are all beyond Elite level.

Luna sweat dropped at the warning and threat Zorua declared.

"You see big sister has the Jade Orb that control Rayquaza within her body." Tomo said.

"And before you say anything no Morty it isn't Luna's Skylark it's the Rayquaza that's been here for years now." Brock said.

Morty and Eusine couldn't believe what they heard, they heard that the Jade Orb is an Orb that people could use to control Rayquaza, just like how the Red Orb controls Kyogre and the Blue Orb that controls Groudon. But they through the orbs are suppose to be in the Hoenn region what's a Jade Orb doing here in the Johto Region.

"W-what but how Luna?" Morty asked. "What happen?"


"Well it started after we finished our adventure in the Whirl Islands we were heading back to Olivine City to battle the gym leader Jasmine for my sixth badge, suddenly the ground shook and we fell basically." Luna said simply.

Pichu and Zorua nodded.

"Yeah and the worst part was that the ground was actually a hidden underground cave." Misty continued.

"We feel in, the fall didn't stop there we kept falling till we hit soil ground," Brock said, "we realised that we couldn't get out due to the long fall so we decide to search for a way out."

"That's when we or big sister stumbled upon a wall that was a hidden trap wall," Tomo said next, "She fell through it, then a bright green light emerged from the place, basically the whole place was bright we green light making a Rayquaza image."

Luna nodded, "That's when the Jade Orb relieved itself. Its like someone who found the Jade Orb first hidden it here in Johto so that no bad people would find it and use it for their evil plan." She explained the cave, "We found a note that was in front of the Jade Orb, 'To whoever has found their way to the Jade Orb hoping that you are not a bad guy if you are the world is doom but if you are not than I hope you take the orb and keep it safe and secret away from evil people that are greedy for Legendary Pokémon power.' The note said that." She explained.

"We actually didn't know what to do we the orb till Luna pick it up and the Jade Orb actually reacted to her." Zorua said.

"Yeah it was like Rayquaza knew that we were within its place were its orb was hidden." Tomo said.

"The Jade Orb reacted and went within Luna's body. We were surprised that Rayquaza actually did something like that. Luna collapse due to the orb within her and she can feel pain when ever the orb reacts within her body. But after 15 minutes of relaxing she was better and she even found us the way out." Brock frowned remembering his friends pain.

"That's when Rayquaza showed up in front of us and it actually had a sad look on its face," Luna said remembering the sky dragon sad look, "Rayquaza told me that it was sorry for choosing me as its host and it said I didn't deserved the pain but it was the only way for the Jade Orb to keep out of evil villain hands."

Tomo, Misty and Brock nodded remembering when Rayquaza roared softly as it spoke.

"Rayquaza sense my pure heart just like Ho-Oh did. It also said that if I need any help just called it and it shall appear to help immediately."

Rayquaza roared softly and left back into the earths atmosphere.

Luna smiled, "I actually don't mind if it was to protect Pokémon I'm willing to do it even if the pain was the cost."


"Oh wow I'm totally speechless to what to say." Morty said, "I'm also surprised that you can handle the Jade Orb inside of you." The he saw her green part of her hair, "Is it also the reason why your hair has become part green?" He asked.

Luna nodded, "Yes my hair turned green a bit due to the connection I have with the Jade Orb inside me. I was actually totally shocked when I saw it." She said fiddling with the green part of her hair.

"Yeah when Mew woke up we thought she dyed it." Misty said.

"I see," Morty said, "your pretty an amazing girl to handle so much of this."

Luna smiled.

"Does anyone else know this?"

"Yes Professor Oak, Tracey Professor Oak assistant and her mum are the only one who knows this." Brock answered, "Professor Oak promise not to tell anyone including the other Professor of other region. Luna told him that she'll tell them herself if she wants them to know. Her mum was worried at first but Luna convicted her that she as alright and Julia agreed."

Eusine admitted that he was wrong about Luna lying, she can handle so much from the Legendary Pokémon, that he felt like he still had a lot to learn about Legendary Pokémon.

"And so after today's events," Luna said changed the subject, "I have a feeling that I will meet more Legendary Pokémon in the future."

"If you do Lu, please tell me all about your encounters." Morty said.

"I will." Luna promised and thought of a better way to, "Morty I'll give you my Xtransceiver number so you can call me whenever you want too and I can give you a call a better way including sending pictures and videos."

Morty thought it was a great idea, "Okay." He smiled.

Eusine, Misty, Brock and Tomo thought, 'They look like brother and sister.' They smile.

After that amazing event Luna and the others said goodbye to Eusine and Morty and left Ecruteak City for Mahogany Town.

19/09/2015- Edited

Mystery Relieved: It is the Jade Orb
I got the idea from Pokémon SoulSilver NDS game were they have a Jade Orb in it.
I decide to have the Jade Orb appear in Johto not in Hoenn because it was like the Pokémon NDS game and it makes it more interesting.
I though that it would be interesting for the Jade Orb to have a side effect like how Luna's hair has green in it.
To be honest does it make sense. {{(>_<)}}

1. I decided to have Sakura to have a few more Pokémon, since she had become more grown up.

2. I know Jessie broke one of the bells in the anime, but I did say that they weren't that stupid in the story.

3. Sorry for those, who thought that Luna would catch Ho-Oh, but Ho-Oh is the Pokémon who should stay free in the wild, same with the Legendary Beasts. I've read about humans bonding with mythical creatures in stories, so I got the bonding between Luna and Ho-Oh idea from the stories.

Now Morty is not Luna's couple, more like a brother and sister relationship thing.

( ◕‿‿◕ ) - () - ≧◉◡◉≦ - (◔◡◔)

To be honest I was thinking that Riley (Aura Guardian in Training) and Luna would make a nice and cute couple. Yep I'll decide that! Also I'll make Riley around 16 years old when he first meets Luna.

They will meet each other in the Hoenn Region! Don't know when though, in the Pokémon Movie: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew

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