[OLD] Luna Mew Light Johto Jo...

By EleftheriaYuyaCielo

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Xx BOOK 2: Sequel to 'Luna Mew Light Kanto Journey' Xx Xх Second FanFiction Story! хX Luna Mew Light is a you... More

Prologue: Before Johto
Character Profile
Chapter 1: Johto Starters and Meeting Casey
Chapter 2: Forest. Cherrygrove and Castallia City!
Chapter 3: Capturing Chikorita! Primo and Violet Gym!
Chapter 4: Meet Cyndaquil and Kurt. Azalea Gym Battle!
Chapter 5: The Pond, Houndour and Pokémon Swap Meet!
Chapter 6: Noctowl, Savage Skarmory and Len Town
Chapter 7: Tyrogues Evolutions, Goldenrod City and Pokéathlon
Chapter 8: Bug Catching Contest! The Dojo and The Wannabe Trainer
Chapter 9: Fishing Contest! Beauty Contest! Grass Pokémon Tournament!
Chapter 11: Meeting Todd Again and Articuno!
Chapter 12: The Naughty Murkrow Thief! The Dunsparce Swarm! Brock is Sick?!
Chapter 13: A Sumo Competition? Electric Company. A Cunning Smergle and Kecleon?
Chapter 14: The Light House! Shuckle Group and Cianwood Gym!
Chapter 15: Whirl Islands Adventures Start!
Chapter 16: The Water Pokémon Poachers?! The Wild Corsola! The Silver Wing!
Chapter 17: The Whirl Cup Competition Begins!
Chapter 18: Lugia's Arc
Chapter 19: Tomo 10th Birthday! The Aircraft? Back to Olivine Gym!
Chapter 20: Meeting Ho-Oh and The Three Legendary Beasts Face-to-Face!
Chapter 21: The Extreme Pokémon Race! Meet Phanpy! The Loyal Ninetails!
Chapter 22: Johto Champion Lance and The Red Gyarados Rage!
Chapter 23: The Lost Piloswine! Mahogany Gym!
Chapter 24: The Dragon's Den! Blackthorn Gym! Wynaut?
Chapter 25: Larvitar. The Unown? The Pokémon Reserve.
Chapter 26: Meeting Harrison. The Johto League Torch!
Pokémon List Update
Chapter 27: The Silver Confernce Begins!
Chapter 28: The Last Two Final Matches of the Silver Conference!
Chapter 29: Separation and Back to Pallet Town!

Chapter 10: The Burned Tower History and Ecruteak City Gym!

6.4K 104 25
By EleftheriaYuyaCielo

After going through many adventures, the gang finally made it to Ecruteak City.

"Finally we are here." Misty sigh, who was tired.

Luna, Tomo and Brock were tired too and they all agreed that it was time for a rest in the Pokémon Centre.

They gave their Pokémon to Nurse Joy and they all took relaxing baths and had a nice nap in the bedrooms of the Pokémon Centre.

After napping for two hours, the gang was refreshed again.

"Phew I needed that rest." Misty sigh.

"I agree with Misty." Zorua said.

"Yeah so do I," Brock said, "especially our Pokémon."

"Speaking of Pokémon, I've been thinking about something," Luna said, "since I got that item metal coat from my new Steelix from the Swap Meet, I've been thinking about evolving my Scyther into a Scizor."

"I call that a good idea," Misty said, "besides your Scyther is very strong, so I think it is time to Scyther to evolve into Scizor." 'Through its already strong enough.' She thought.

"Yeah do it big sister." Tomo said.

Brock then thought that it was time for his Onix to evolve into a Steelix, so he and Luna decided to evolve their Scyther and Onix now.

Luna got his Scyther from Professor Oak and told Scyther about becoming a Scizor, she showed Scyther a picture of Scizor on the Xtransceiver and Scyther became eager to evolve into that.

Brock asked Onix if he wanted to evolve into a Steelix and Onix did.

Luna and Brock gave their Pokémon metal coats to hold, returned the Pokémon to their PokéBalls, and went to the Pokémon Centre trading machine to trade their Pokémon.

Once they were traded, Luna and Brock released Scyther and Onix from their PokéBalls, and as soon as the Pokémon were out of their PokéBalls they began to glow.

Onix evolved into a Steelix and Scyther evolved into Scizor.

"Scyther is now a Scizor." Brock said.

After the evolution, Brock and Luna traded their Pokémon back.

Brock was happy with Steelix just as Luna was happy with her new Scizor.

"Wow I can't wait to use Scizor in a battle." Luna said excitedly.

Once the trade was over with, the gang had to decide what to do next.

Luna did want to the gym for her next badge, but she wanted to visit the old burned tower first.

"Why do you want to visit that old burnt tower Lu?" Misty asked.

"Well Mist," Luna said, "in the book of Legendary Pokémon of Johto, the old burned tower was home to the Legendary Pokémon Ho-Oh a long time ago."

"You certainly are interested about legendary Pokémon Luna." Brock said.

"Well don't forget Brock I have run into legendary Pokémon a couple of times on my journey," Luna said, "and don't forget I do own four Legendary Pokémon myself."

Tomo, Misty and Brock understood, they remember seeing the legendary Pokémon themselves and they also remembered about Luna having a Lugia and Mewtwo, Cresselia and Rayquaza hatched from an Pokémon egg.

So everyone agreed to go to the burned tower.

The burned tower was located in the far east of Ecruteak City, and it was indeed burned.

"Wow it really is a burnt tower." Misty said looking at the tower.

"Yeah it says that this tower has been like this for 150 years," said Brock, "I'm surprised it's still standing after all this time."

Luna opened the door and the gang all went inside. Inside, the burnt tower was more burnt inside than it was outside.

"We better be careful in here," Brock said, "I mean the wooden planks above us maybe unstable and they might fall down on us."

Luna was in awe at the moment she was fascinated with the old burned tower.

Suddenly a fire occurred in the tower.

"How did this happen?" Misty gasped.

"I don't know," Brock said, "but we need to get out of here fast." He grabbed Tomo to help him.

Luna stared at the fire with Pichu and Zorua, "Hold on a minute," she said and touched the fire, "this fire is an illusion."

Brock touched the fire too, "Luna is right," he said, "this fire isn't real at all."

"Hey, I'm not doing it." Zorua said first, since she's an illusion Pokémon.

"I know there are others in here. Were not alone."

Luna released Altaria and Lucario from their PokéBalls and told them to use foresight. Altaria and Lucario foresight move revealed that a lot of Gastly and Haunter were in the burned tower.

"These Gastly and Haunter probably live here," Brock said, "and they used that fiery illusion to scare us away."

Luna spoke to the Gastly and Haunter. "If we have invaded your home, we are sorry for doing that," she said, "but we only came here to explore the Burned Tower."

The Gastly and Haunter stared at Luna.

Luna sigh and returned Altaria and Lucario to back to their PokéBall to prove to the ghost Pokémon that they were not here to cause trouble.

Just then a man with blonde hair arrived on the scene. "Calm down Gastly and Haunter," he said, "this Pokémon trainer speaks the truth. I can tell."

The Gastly and the Haunter stared at the gang again and then they disappeared.

"Sorry about that," the man said to the gang, "the ghost Pokémon here get nervous when someone enters here."

"Don't worry, I understand what ghost Pokémon are like," Luna said with a smile, "I met ghost Pokémon in the Lavender Tower back in Kanto and I have 5 ghost Pokemon myself, a Gastly, Haunter, 2 Gengar and a Misdreavus."

"I see." The man replied, "Evolution set."

The man introduced himself as Morty, the Ecruteak Gym leader.

The gang introduced themselves.

When Morty heard Luna's name he spoke to Luna. "Are you the Luna Mew Light that has a Lugia?" He asked, "Bugsy from Azalea Town told me about you."

"Yes that is me," Luna replied, "and if you like I'd gladly show you my Lugia."

"I would like to see your Lugia Luna," Morty said, "but not in here, but at my gym."

Just then Luna saw a wooden plaque on the wall.

The wooden plaque had a big picture of a phoenix-like bird.

"Is that Ho-Oh?" Luna asked.

"Yes it is," answered Morty, "the truth is Ho-Oh used to live here in this tower a long time ago before it was burnt."

"What made this tower into a burned tower?" Tomo asked.

"I will tell you." Morty replied.

Morty's story was that a long time ago the burned tower, originally known as the tin tower, was built to promote the understanding between humans and Pokémon. The tin tower also became a special place because Ho-Oh used to make contacts with humans there. Ho-Oh's visits there were sign for peace between humans and Pokémon, but Ho-Oh would only show itself to a chosen few; those that guarded the tower. But one day something horrible happened; a group of invaders invaded the tower, they wanted to gain Ho-Oh's power for evil. A fight broke out and in the process; the tin tower was set up in flames. Ho-Oh fled from the tower and never returned again and nor did it come in contact with humans again.

Luna, Tomo, Misty and Brock were fascinated by Morty's story.

"How come this tower was never rebuilt?" Misty asked.

"Because my ancestors wanted to keep it like this," Morty answered, "that way it would stay a witness forever as man's brutality."

"But if this was the tin tower a long time ago," Luna said, "then what's the tin tower that's near from here?"

The gang saw the tin tower on the way to the burned tower.

"That is actually a copy of the original tin tower," Morty said, "when they built the new tin tower, they hoped that Ho-Oh would return here again. But Ho-Oh has never been seen here again since and nor has anyone seen it since."

"Um, excuse me Morty, but I've seen Ho-oh," Luna said, "I've seen it twice on my Pokémon journey."

Pichu and Zorua nodded their head, because they had seen it too. Though Zorua has seen it once.

"I doubt it Luna." Morty said, "you must have seen a different Pokémon."

Morty didn't believe Luna's words.

Pichu and Zorua was mad not believing their trainers word.

"You did not just call Luna a liar!" Zorua growled.

The ghost gym leader was shocked, "Telepathy and your a Zorua."

"Yes I'm a Zorua and I can use telepathy but since I don't trust much humans expected for some of Luna and her family including friends I rarely use it." Zorua said. "But calling or thinking that Luna a liar cross the line there!"

Luna petted Zorua to calm her down, "Easy there Zorua. You can't just shout out like that."

Zorua huffed and continued to stare at the shock gym leader.

"I speak the truth Morty and I have proof with me." Luna said, "Two to be exact."

Luna lifted up her wrist, and started to search for the picture of Ho-Oh, she found it and showed it to Morty.

"No way." Morty gasped, "How did you get the picture? No one has ever seen or taken a picture of it."

"I'll explain after I show you my other proof." Luna took her backpack of her back, opened it up and brought out a beautiful box and opened it showing a white handkerchief. Inside the handkerchief was a green, white and red feather.

Tomo, Misty, Brock and Morty were amazed by Luna's feather.

"Wow, what a beautiful feather." Misty said.

"Yeah, it's something that I've never seen myself." Brock said.

"It's so awesome." Tomo said.

Morty gazed at the feather. "Luna that's a Rainbow Wing," he said, "it's a feather of Ho-Oh's, and it's really real and not a fake. Luna I want you to tell me how you got this feather."

"Yeah I want to know too." Misty said.

Tomo and Brock wanted to know too.

"Well I got this feather the day after we started our journey in the Johto region." Luna said.

(Flashback Start)

"It was just after we met Casey and before we were in the forest, where I captured Heracross. That day it was raining hard and we had to take shelter at once."

"I remember that day," said Brock, "not only was there rain, but thunder and lightning as well."

"Yeah and luckily for us we found shelter at a cabin." Misty said.

"Yes, well anyway after the storm finally ended two hours later, I went to get some more firewood for the fire," Luna said, "Tomo, Misty and Brock stayed in the cabin to stay warm, Pichu and Zorua came with me. We were starting to get wood from a forest, when I saw a very big rainbow in the sky. Pichu, Zorua and I looked at the rainbow so much we nearly forgot about the firewood, so we went back to collecting it. Then suddenly we heard a screech in the sky and looked up. We saw a big red, white and yellow bird Pokémon flying between the clouds. I realized that it was the same Pokémon that Pichu, Infernape, Pikachu and I left Pallet Town when I first started my Pokémon journey. I also recognized it as Ho-Oh because I have a book about all the legendary Pokémon in Johto and having a photo of it. I couldn't believe it myself that I had seen Ho-Oh for a second time. Suddenly, just as Ho-Oh was about to disappear over the clouds, something fluttered down towards me; it was this feather and I've kept it ever since."

"And the picture was the first the day I started my journey the same day I meet Misty." Luna said, "me and my Pokémon almost reach Viridian City when we saw Ho-Oh flying over us for the first time."

(Flashback End)

Tomo, Misty, Brock and Morty were fascinated from what Luna told them.

"Amazing." Tomo said.

"Why didn't you tell us about this that day Lu?" Misty said.

"Well Mist, would you have believed me, Pichu and Zorua if I did tell you?" Luna asked, "After all Ho-Oh is a Pokémon that hasn't been seen for over thousands of years."

Misty thought about Luna's question and reason. "Now that you mention it, I doubt I would really." She confessed.

"I'll accept that." Zorua said. "But it's true."

"I have to say Luna," said Morty, "of all the lucky people I've met in the past, you are the luckiest because you got to see Ho-Oh and you have a Lugia on your hands. But whatever you do, do not show your feather to anyone. Because that feather is proof that Ho-Oh is still around and people would try to go after it for themselves."

"I understand," Luna said, "truth is we have run into bad people, who wanted Legendary Pokémon for their evil ways, ourselves."

"Luna is right about that, we have." Brock said.

"Come to my gym with me all of you," said Morty "I have something for your Rainbow Wing Luna and I would like to see your Lugia."

The Ecruteak Gym looked like a temple and it was made out of wood.

"Why is your gym based on a temple?" Misty asked.

"That's because I use ghost type Pokémon," said Morty, "and I also teach kids here about ghost Pokémon."

Brock thought that it made sense; after all temples were said to be home to spirits and ghosts.

When they got to the battle arena, where the gym battles took place, Luna let out Lugia from his PokéBall.

Arashi began to fly a bit in the gym, he had fully learnt to fly and swim thanks to Luna's flying and water Pokémon and he had grown up a bit.

Morty couldn't believe his eyes once he saw Arashi. "Wow Luna, Busy was telling the truth when he told me that you had a Lugia," he said, "and from the look of it, I can tell that you have taken care of it well."

"Thank you Morty," Luna said, "but he still has some more growing up to do because he's not a fully grown adult yet."

"How did you require Lugia Luna?" Morty asked.

Luna explained about meeting Arashi's parent in the Orange Islands and about Lugia giving his son to her as a gift, after sorting out the disaster that happened in the Orange Islands.

"Wow Luna, you are one amazing Pokémon trainer and a very lucky one too." Morty said.

"You got that right Morty she is." Misty said, "And get this Lugia isn't the only Legendary Pokémon she got."

"W-what?" Morty said, "She has more than one."

Tomo, Brock and Misty nodded.

"Can I see them please."

"Sure I don't mind." Luna said, "Arashi heads up."

Arashi looked back and seeing two more PokéBalls in her hand and flew down and sat next to her.

Luna smiled, "Crescent, Skylark." She called out and out came Cresselia and Rayquaza from their PokéBalls.

When Cresselia and Rayquaza saw Luna they immediately flew to her and rubbed her cheeks in affection.

Lugia cried out, Rayquaza saw Lugia and they began to play. Cresselia kept an eye on them both since they are young.

"Incredible." Morty said, "Rayquaza the Hoenn Region Legendary Pokémon and its a Shiny Cresselia the Sinnoh Region Legendary Pokémon." He is completely flabbergasted from the sight of three Legendaries in front of him. "How did she obtain them?"

"Cresselia and Rayquaza are hatched from Pokémon eggs she was given." Brock said. "Cresselia hatched from the egg that Sabrina the Saffron Gym Leader in Kanto and Rayquaza hatched from the egg a worker man who couldn't raise it due to his work."

"Amazing isn't it." Tomo said.

"Yeah it is." Morty looked at Luna who was petting Zorua. "Luna." She looked at him, "Actually I have something in the gym that you should see, follow me."

Luna nodded, "Sure." She returned all her Pokémon back to their PokéBalls.

Morty led the gang to one of the rooms in the Ecruteak Gym, it was a room that held a lot of ornaments and stuff.

Morty took out two beautiful lockets with a silver and gold wing charms on it out from a wooden in the room.

One locket was made out of pure gold with beautifully carvings on it and the other locket was made out of pure silver also with carvings on it [The size of the locket is 3cm width and 4cm length.]

"These two lockets belonged to the original tin tower, before it was burned down," Morty said, "they were also worn by the chosen few that could communicate with Ho-Oh. My ancestors recovered these after the tower burned down."

"Wow, they are so gorgeous." Misty said examining the lockets beauty.

"I take it they both represent Ho-Oh?" Brock said.

"The gold locket does," Morty said, "but the silver locket represents Lugia." The gang gasped at Morty's words. "You see Lugia used to visit the original tin tower too," he explained, "legend has it that Ho-Oh and Lugia were best friends with each other, and of course after the tower burned down, it never returned either. Luna pass me your rainbow wing please."

After Luna passed her Rainbow Wing to Morty, Morty opened up the gold locket, placed the Rainbow Wing inside, closed it again, presented it and the silver locket to Luna.

"Luna I'm going to give you the gold and silver lockets."

Luna was surprised. "Huh? But these two lockets belong to you though." She said.

"But I'm passing them to you now Luna," Misty said, "since you process a feather from Ho-Oh and you have a Lugia, I believe that you should own them now."

Luna didn't know what to say, but she accepted the two lockets, "Morty, you have my word that I will take extra good care of these," She said, "and I promise that they will never get broken and stolen." Luna finished putting the locket around her neck and putting it inside her shirt hiding it.

Morty smiled. "I could never leave these two lockets in better hands other than you Luna." He said.

Evening had appeared at that time and it was getting late.

Brock suggested they get to the Pokémon Centre for bed and the others agreed.

"Before you go," said Morty, "I have a suggestion for our gym match tomorrow Luna."

Luna blinked, "What is it?" She asked.

"I would like to battle your Lugia in the gym match." Morty said.

The gang were surprised by that proposal, but Luna agreed.

"I warn you though Morty," Luna said, "Arashi and I will show no mercy."

"And neither will my Pokémon and I." Morty replied.

Tomorrow would be an interesting day.


Next day Luna was getting her Pokémon checked for her gym battle against Morty.

"Hey Lu have you decided what Pokémon to use apart from Lugia?" Misty asked.

"Yep, I decided to go with Noctowl and Misdreavus." Luna replied.

"I can't wait to see this gym battle." Tomo said.

"You better watch it in the gym battle against Morty Luna," said Brock, "since Morty uses ghost type Pokémon, this battle will turn out to be difficult."

Luna sigh, "You're right Brock," She said, "after all ghost Pokémon are tricky. But there's no need to worry both by Noctowl, Misdreavus and Lugia know psychic types moves, and I have been training them for this. So everything will be all right."

Misty smiled nervously. "Trust you to be confident Lu." She said,

Next day it was time for Luna's fourth gym battle, and he and the others went back to Morty's gym.

Some children were inside the gym as well as Morty.

Morty explained that they were his students and he was teaching them about ghost Pokémon.

"Shall we come back some other time?" Misty asked. She was afraid that they were interrupting his lesson.

"No need to," replied Morty, "I let my students watch my gym battles all the time. That way they can learn a lot more about ghost type Pokémon."

The gang understood.

Morty and Luna got ready for their battle on the gym battle arena and Tomo, Misty and Brock took their place behind Luna to watch. The referee made the announcement and explained the rules about it being a 3 on 3 Pokémon battle.

Now it was time for the gym match to begin. Morty sent out his first Pokemon, a Gastly.

"I'm going to start small first," Luna said, "Misdreavus I choose you." Misdreavus came out of her PokéBall, ready to fight.

"A ghost type Pokémon vs another ghost type Pokémon huh?" Morty said, "I can't wait to see how this will turn out."

"I'll go first, Misdreavus use psybeam." Luna said. Misdreavus shot out two rainbow coloured beams from her eyes towards Gastly, but Gastly quickly dodged it by disappearing. Misdreavus tried again, but Gastly just dodged it easily again.

"That Gastly is really fast," said Brock, "this is going to cause problems for Luna."

Gastly was disappearing and appearing non-stop, confusing Misdreavus.

"Stay calm Misdreavus," Luna said, "Gastly is just trying to put you off from battling." 'It's clear that Morty uses a ghost Pokémon's ability of turning invisible to its advantage,' she thought, 'but then again so can I.' "Misdreavus use screech." Misdreavus screamed loudly in the room and everyone had to hold their ears, even Gastly couldn't stand the noise.

"I'm surprised that screech works against Gastly." Misty said.

"Well normal type damaging moves like quick attack or tackle wouldn't work on ghost type Pokémon," Brock said, "but moves like screech or disable do work surprisingly enough."

"Okay Misdreavus use shadow ball." Luna said. Misdreavus fired a dark purplish ball from her mouth at Gastly, and it hit directly at Gastly. Gastly fell to the gym floor by that attack and fainted, earning Luna the first gym battle win.

"Wow Luna certainly knows how to fight a ghost Pokémon." Misty said.

"Yeah, she have trained Misdreavus well for this gym battle." Brock said.

"Go for it big sister! Tomo cheered.

Morty returned Gastly to its PokéBall and then sent out his next Pokémon, a Haunter.

"Seems to be I'll be battling the full Gastly evolutionary line." Luna said to herself and returned Misdreavus to her PokéBall and sent out Noctowl to battle Haunter. "Just to let you now Morty," she said, "I know full well that ghost type attacks don't work on normal type Pokémon, just as I also know that normal type moves don't work on ghost type pokemon."

Morty smiled. "You're pretty smart Luna," he said, "but I also know that too. Haunter use dark pulse." Haunter placed its arms in front of itself and then fired a beam of black and purple circles from its hands at Noctowl.

Luna knew that dark pulse was a dark type move and that Noctowl would get hurt from that. "Counter it with air slash Noctowl." Luna said. Noctowl raised his wings above his head, created a ball of light blue energy and fired it at the dark pulse. A little bang occurred when the dark pulse and air slash collided with each other, but nothing serious happened; Noctowl and Haunter were still willing to fight. "Okay Noctowl it's time to use psychic." She said. Noctowl's eyebrow tufts turned blue and released a blue light at Haunter. Noctowl's psychic attack was super effective on Haunter, and Haunter fell to the floor defeated, earning Luna her second win.

"Luna wasn't kidding when she said her Noctowl use some psychic moves." Misty said.

"Well don't forget Luna," Brock said, "Luna helps her Pokémon learn new moves as well as help them become stronger. Though most of Luna's Pokémon's are already beyond elite level."

Morty returned Haunter to its PokéBall. "I can tell from this battle that Luna has a strong bond with her Pokémon," he said to himself, "but I'm not beaten yet." He sent out a Gengar to battle.

Luna returned Noctowl to his PokéBall, "Arashi your on." She called out her Lugia into battle.

The children were amazed once they saw Lugia, because they had never seen a real Lugia before. They had only seen pictures of a Lugia in books.

"I have waited to battle your Lugia Luna," Morty said, "and I can't wait to see what it can do." Morty told Gengar to use shadow ball.

"Use dragon pulse Arashi." Luna said. Arashi fired a turquoise ball, from his mouth, at the shadow ball and the two attacks collided with each other,but another dragon pulse was fired and it hit Gengar.

"Wow Lugia has gotten stronger." Misty said.

"It certainly has." Brock said, "And don't forget Misty Lugia as been training a lot with Luna other Pokémon's."

Gengar suddenly turned invisible again.

"Again huh?" Luna said calmly, "use flash Arashi." Arashi's shone brightly and gave off a very bright light.

Gengar showed itself again, trying to shield its eyes from the bright light.

"Using flash was a smart move," Brock commented, "because ghost Pokémon can't stand very bright lights."

"Okay now's our chance," Luna said, "use psychic." Lugia's eyes turned blue and then Lugia fired a light blue beam of energy from his eyes. Gengar got a direct hit from that psychic attack. "Now let's finish it off with zen headbutt." Luna said. The top of Lugia's head turned blue and then Lugia head-butted Gengar hard. Gengar first hit the ceiling and then fell to the gym floor and fainted.

"Gengar is unable to battle," the announcer said, "the winner of this gym battle is Luna,"

Luna ran over to Arashi and stroked his head and giving him a hug. "Well done Arashi, I'm proud of you." She said happily.

Arashi happily nuzzled Luna like crazy after being praised.

Tomo, Misty and Brock walked over to Luna.

"You did it big sister!" Tomo cheered.

"That was excellent." Misty said, "As always."

"You and your Pokémon were great out there," Brock said, "and it's obvious that Lugia is getting stronger."

Morty returned Gengar and walked over to Luna, "Luna you gave me the greatest battle that I ever had," he said, "and I had a great time battling your Lugia. And now the Fog Badge is yours my friend."

The Fog Badge was purple and was in the shape of a wispy ghost.

Luna thanked Morty and happily accepted it.

The children congratulated Luna too.

"Luna I wish you the best of luck on your journey," Morty said, "and if you happen to run into anymore Legendary Pokémon or capture any make sure you tell me about it the next time you come here."

Luna smiled, "I will do Morty." She said.

So the gang left the Ecruteak Gym to continue their journey.

13/09/2015- Edited

1. Okay people Brock's Onix should have evolved into Steelix while the gang were in the Johto region.

2. They should've done some episodes about Ash meeting Ho-oh in the Johto region and about the rainbow wing since the silver wing was shown in the anime. So I made Luna to see and have the Rainbow wing this time. Don't worry Luna will be meeting Ho-oh a third time later.

2. I decided to have Luna get a locket for her rainbow wing because of Luka's locket that held her silver wing. But the locket carvings is the same as the image. I wanted it to be different not just a plain boring silver locket. The reason I made the locket size and wing size small because I didn't want the locket to be too big like the anime version I thought it was plain odd, so made the locket and wing size small.

3. Luna has another locket because she will be getting a silver wing of her own as well later.

4. For those who forget; the story of how Luna gets Lugia in in my Pokémon movies story. And also how Luna captured Mewtwo. [Sorry I haven't really started them yet but I'm planning on starting it soon. Maybe when I finish this story and a done a bit of Hoenn Region chapters. When I have ideas and stories in my head I have to type or write it down or else I'll forget it all. ...>_<...]

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