Stay with me

Oleh iliqblack

257K 7.1K 2.2K

This story is about hope and devotion. About loyalty to yourself and your feelings. About true friendship and... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1 When dreams come true
Chapter 2 - When dreams come true. Omer
Chapter 3 - Bring back life
Chapter 4 Reach the Heart
Chapter 5 - How to bring back happiness
Chapter 6 Give me a chance
Chapter 7 - Let the Past Go to Hell
Chapter 8 - Farewell
Chapter 9 Loneliness
Chapter 10 Confrontation
Chapter 11 - I choose you
Chapter 12 I love
Chapter 13 Theorems and Axioms
Chapter 14 - Why?
Chapter 15 - While I'm breathing!
Chapter 16 - The Road to Happiness
Chapter 17 - Day of Open Hearts
Chapter 18 - Dreams
Chapter 19 - Jackals and Falcons
Chapter 20 - Life goes on
Chapter 21 - Healing
Chapter 22 - You are the Best!
Chapter 23 - Fulfillment of desires
Chapter 24 - A roller coaster
Chapter 25 - Endless love
Chapter 26 - Angels and Demons
Chapter 27 - Prelude to the miracle
Chapter 28 - A Miracle
Chapter 29 Light and Darkness
Chapter 30 - Think About Me
Chapter 31 - Windows
Chapter 32 - Above the clouds
Chapter 33 - Old Secrets, New Hopes
Chapter 34 - Redemption
Chapter 35 Fate
Chapter 36 - Loved ones are always forgiven
Chapter 37 - We will call her Emine
Chapter 38 - Because of you
Chapter 39 - Sapphire's birthday
Chapter 40 - Necklace of fiery opals
Chapter 41 - Paradise Island
Chapter 42 - Happiness in the hands
Chapter 43 - At the edge of the abyss
Chapter 44 - Storm in Paradise
Chapter 45 - Kinship not by blood or cuckoo and Madonna
Chapter 46 - Serpent in paradise
Chapter 47 - You are my breath
Chapter 48 Time for Change
Chapter 49 - You are my medicine
Chapter 50 - Angels on guard
Chapter 51 - Doubt
Chapter 52 - Love and pride
Chapter 53 - Watchful eye
Chapter 54 - We are crazy
Chapter 55 - Big tragedies and small mischief
Chapter 56 - Exposure
Chapter 57 - Trust
Chapter 58 - Treachery
Chapter 59 - I love you, Mom
Chapter 60 Surprises - pleasant and not so
Chapter 61 - Turn upside down
Chapter 62 - Dreams Come True
Chapter 63 - Best Day of Life
Chapter 64 - I will be with you
Chapter 65 - What the coming day tells us
Chapter 66 - Almost a detective story
Chapter 67 - A Miracle is born
Chapter 68 - Emine Diana Iplikci
Chapter 69 - The Gift
Chapter 70 - How happiness begins
Chapter 71 - Prophetic dream
Chapter 72 - A stranger
Chapter 73 - Such different fathers
Chapter 74 - One for all and all for one!
Chapter 75 - And in sorrow and joy
Chapter 76 - Wolf Laws
Chapter 77 - Playing without rules
Chapter 78 - Through hardship to the stars
Chapter 79 - Blood relationship
Chapter 80 - God works in mysterious ways
Chapter 81 - Epilogue
Note from the writer Marina Victoria
84 Taming the stubborn ( Тhe story of Jansu and Niko)
85 Taming the stubborn
87 Taming the stubborn
88 Taming the stubborn
89 Taming the stubborn
90 Taming the stubborn
91 Taming the stubborn
92 Taming the stubborn
93 Taming the stubborn
94 Taming the stubborn
95 Taming the stubborn
96 Taming the stubborn
97 Taming the stubborn
98 Taming the stubborn

86 Taming the stubborn

488 29 16
Oleh iliqblack

The phrase sounded overconfident and elicited an ironic laugh from Tony Remarco. " You overestimate your masculine charisma," he said mockingly.

"Let's bet?" Niko suggested with narrowing his eyes and gestured to the manager, who was keenly watching all the evening to ensure that the guests were satisfied with the reception.

Excitement flashed in Tony's eyes. "For what?" He accepted the challenge.

The manager walked over to the men and stopped, listening to their conversation.

"If you win, I give you 20% of my shares in the Association of Jewelers," said Niko Bianco. "If I win, you give me the same amount of yours."

Tony Remarco was dumbfounded. "You play for high stakes," he said.

Niko chuckled wryly and said, "I don't see the point in playing small."

The bet was too tempting. Additional shares automatically strengthened Tony Remarco's position in the Association. But there was also a risk of losing his. He looked at Jansu Baisal. She, arm in arm with her cousin, walked across the hall to the exit. The posture of a queen, the independent look, and the gaze of the lioness indicated that this girl was too tough for mere mortals. And Niko Bianco, although he was handsome, was still an ordinary man. Not a God. Tony held out his hand and agreed, "Bet!"

Niko shook it and nodded to the manager. He broke their joined hands.

"Thank you," Niko thanked him and warned, "As you understand, the terms of the bet should remain secret."

The man nodded and replied, "Certainly, gentlemen."

He walked away. Niko, forgetting about him and his interlocutor, looked at the back of the retreating Jansu. Something flickered in the expression in his eyes that Tony Remarco almost backed down. Swallowing, he asked, "How are you going to provide evidence? The conditions are too serious to take your word for it."

"Will a photo suit you?" Niko asked without taking his eyes off the girl.

"Quite," Tony replied, amused. The shares were in his pocket. Jansu Baisal, even if she yields to the pressure of Niko Bianco, would never pose in bed.

After Jansu left, the reception for Niko became completely uninteresting. He found Monica. She was making eyes to an elderly Turkish man in a Louis Vuitton suit for several thousand dollars. After observing her efforts for a couple of minutes, he approached and briefly reported, "We are leaving."

"But the party has just begun ..." Monica tried to object.

"We're leaving," Niko ordered and, turning around, walked towards the exit.

Monica hastily said goodbye to the Turk in the expensive suit - and hurried after him.

"You're so impolite," she chided him as the elevator doors closed behind them.

Niko, swiftly turning around, pressed her with his whole body against the wall and, hypnotizing with a glance, said, "Politeness is not the quality that you value in me, is it?"

Monica felt dizzy. She was ready to forgive him everything: rudeness, indifference, mockery - if only his passion would scorch her further. But Niko pulled back and said indifferently, "Our floor."

He left the elevator without looking back at her. Monica caught up with him and muttered in displeasure, "Why did you take two rooms? Moreover, in such a luxurious hotel. Waste of money."

"I don't like to share a bed with anyone," he reminded her.

It was true. The women remained in his bed only as long as the sex lasted.

"Are you sure?" An inner voice asked sarcastically. "You slept with HER all night until morning and were the happiest person in the world."

Niko only clenched his teeth harder and drove the image of Jansu out of his head. He will not think about her. Will not remember. And he will not dream either. Revenge is the only thing he needs. Having avenged, he will forever get rid of her image in his subconscious and will be able to start living again.

Leaving Monica in front of her room, he headed to his. She was dumbfounded. Not hiding her disappointment, she asked, "Won't you come in?"

"No," Niko said, stopping at his door.


He did not answer. He just gave her a look that made Monica furious.

"Damn it, Niko! How difficult it is with you!" she shouted.

"Nobody forces you to endure these difficulties." He replied coldly.

"But I love you!"

Niko just winced at her confession. Empty, accessible, and materialistic, she had no idea what it meant to love.

"Take my advice," he said. "Do not compose fairy tales and do not invent something for yourself that does not exist. There was, is, and will be only sex between us. But if you continue to put forward your claims, then it will not be there either. Goodnight!"

He went into his room and slammed the door. An enraged Monica followed suit. Inside, she stopped in front of the dressing table. From the mirror, a gorgeous woman with a perfect figure, flawless skin, and a doll-like face looked at her.

"Damn it!" She swore and, adding a couple of non-literary phrases, asked a rhetorical question, "What else are you missing, Niko Bianco?"

Niko pulled off his tuxedo and threw it on a chair, untied the bow tie, unbuttoned his shirt, and sat down on the bed. He looked in front of him and his gaze burned with a dark fire.

"You have matured, Princess Jansu," he said hoarsely, "but still beautiful. And I ... I am no longer a poor signor. Now we are on an equal footing."


Jansu, hugging her knees with both hands, sat on her bed and looked into the darkness. Images of the past evening appeared again and again in front of her eyes.

"You have changed, Niko," she said quietly, "but still handsome. And I ... I am still in love with you."


Niko arrived at Passionis a little earlier than the appointed time. The secretary behind the semicircular counter checked his name on the boss's meeting schedule and asked him to sit on the sofa in the waiting area.

"Mr. Omer is holding a meeting with the designers," she said. "He'll be free in fifteen minutes."

Niko thanked her and walked to the cozy corner. There was a sofa, a low table, and several pots of luxurious plants. Niko sat down and prepared to wait. Suddenly a large, casually dressed man rushed into the office and yelled in a strained whisper, "Princess Diana!!!"

Workers began to peek out of the offices.

"Admit it, who hid her?" The man hissed. "If you don't confess, I'll fire everyone."

A wave of the low hum of voices swept through the office. The workers exchanged glances, but instead of indignation, cheerful smiles played on their faces.

"A-ah! Nasty!" the man scolded them and ran to the other end of the office.

Niko, contemplating the performance with curiosity, involuntarily smiled. The man was a very colorful character and it was fun to watch him. And then, among the motley foliage of Benjamin's ficus, Niko noticed a pair of black eyes. He looked closely. A small, red-haired girl was hiding among the pots of flowers. Meeting his gaze, she pressed her index finger to her lips, urging the unfamiliar uncle not to give her hiding place. Niko glanced sideways, and then quietly said, "Hi!"

"Hi!" answered the girl. She leaned out a little more from behind the pot, and he could make out her face. The girl was a lovely imp. Plump lips, a button nose, and a sly olive-eyed expression left no doubt about that.

"Are you Diana?" Nico asked her.

"Emine Diana," she confirmed. "But Koray calls me Princess Diana."

"Is Koray the man looking for you?"

"Uh-huh," she said. "I play hide-and-seek with him."

At that moment, Koray rushed at full steam to the other side of the office. His face expressed fear and despair.

"Does he know about it?" asked Niko.

"No," Emine Diana replied innocently, glancing sideways.

Niko couldn't help but burst with laughter. The sly charm of this little girl amused him.

"What is your name?" she asked.

"Niko," he replied.

A small hand emerged from the green foliage.

"Nice to meet you, Niko," the little one said in the tone of a well-mannered girl.

He shook her warm palm and answered in tune with her, "Me too, Emine Diana."

Koray returned and, leaving the whispers, shouted to the entire office, "Diana!!! Come out immediately!"

The little girl funnily curled an eyebrow and whispered, "Aha! Already!"

Omer Iplikci came out of his office. Looking around the waiting room, he sternly asked the man rushing to and fro, "Koray! What happened?"

"Daddy," the girl whispered, listening.

"So that's who you are," Niko guessed. "Daughter of Omer and Defne Iplikci. Junsu's niece. "

"Ay, Omush," swaying from side to side, Koray portrayed complete despair. "Diana is hungry," - at these words, Emine Diana chuckled mockingly. - "I went for cookies and strawberry smoothies. And she vanished. I searched the whole office. There's no sign of her anywhere."

"Emine!" Looking around the office, Omer called his daughter. "Don't scare daddy and Koray. We believe that you hid well. But come out now!"

Emine Diana just chuckled.

"Won't you come out?" Niko asked her quietly.

"Nope," she shook her head. "Let them look for me."

Defne Iplikci appeared in the office. The commotion in Passionis and the anxious faces of her husband with Koray did not escape her eyes. She didn't have to ask what happened. She guessed it in a split second.

"Emine!" She called her daughter sternly.

"Oh!" Emine amusingly widened her eyes and sighed. "Mоm. I must go out. No jokes with her."

She scrambled out of the green thicket, gave Niko a wink, and, with an independent air, walked towards the worried trio. Koray, seeing her, grabbed his heart. Omer bit his lip so as not to laugh, and Defne sternly asked, "Emine, where have you been?"

"I talked to Niko," Emine replied, blinking her eyes innocently.

Only then did the Iplikci notice their guest. He got up from the sofa and walked over to them.

"Sorry, Niccolo," Omer said to him. "We were too alarmed by the loss of our daughter, and did not notice anything around."

"I haven't disappeared anywhere," Emine muttered. "I was just playing hide-and-seek."

Defne sat down in front of her and said sternly, "Honey, if you play hide- and- seek, then those with whom you play should also know about it. Please don't do this anymore."

Emine sighed and promised, "Okay, mommy."

"Here's a clever girl," said Omer, and gently pushed her towards Koray. "Go on, apologize to Koray, and go drink the strawberry smoothie with cookies."

Emine walked over to the large man. He - sat down and emotionally, opened his arms. Emine hugged him and said, "Forgive me! I will no longer hide behind flowerpots."

Omer raised an eyebrow and muttered, "I don't like that last part."

Defne burst out laughing and covered her mouth with her hand. And then she portrayed a stern look and said to her daughter, "Sunshine, go with Koray and don't run away anymore."

But before leaving, Emine Diana turned to Niko and, looking up at him, asked, "Are we friends now?"

"Of course, friends," Niko confirmed.

"If friends, then come to my birthday," she invited. "It's in five days. On Saturday. It will be fun. Will you come?"

Niko smiled at her and replied, "I'd love to, little lady."

The last phrases were heard by Jansu, who went up to Passionis after her sister. They became a bolt from the blue for her. Niko at a family gathering! At Emine's birthday party, where her father will be. All three of them, she, her father, and Niko - will come face to face and the past can burst into the present. Jansu didn't want that.

She had just found peace of mind and tried to keep it with all her might. But Emine Diana invited Niko. This little girl was dearer to Jansu than anyone else in the world. She will never allow her favorite pearl to be upset on her birthday. Allah! How confused everything is!

"Jansu!" Emine saw her aunt and jumped at her.

Jansu picked her up in her arms and spoke tenderly, "Hello, my scarlet flower! I missed you!"

"Me too," said the child and added slyly, squinting, "But now we will see each other every day. I was again left without a nanny and my dad and mom will take me to work with them."

Mom and Dad looked at each other and shook their heads in unison. With the birth of their daughter, they only dreamed of a quiet life. But they didn't complain.

Niko's chest ached. He looked at Jansu with the child in her arms and his heart was bleeding. If she hadn't abandoned him on the fifth day after the wedding, they would have now also had such a daughter ... or a son. But it won't be. It will never be.

Omer took his daughter from Jansu and, handing her over to Koray, asked, "Emine, go with Koray. Play a photoshoot. Dad, Mom, and Jansu are having an important meeting right now. Please don't ruin it."

Emine sighed heavily, - but promised, "Okay, Daddy. I won't."

Omer and Defne breathed a sigh of relief. Their daughter, although she was a mischievous girl knew how to keep her word. Emine waved her hand to her new friend and said goodbye to him, "Bye, Niko! Don't forget about my birthday!"

"No way, princess!" Smiling, he promised with an oath.

Jansu felt like crying. Why is he so nice to Emine? Why is it that his smile, addressed to her, melts the ice around her own heart and finds its way into it? She doesn't want to let him back in there! No way!

The meeting dragged on. The idea of ​​Niccolo Salvatore Bianco was too interesting and challenging. And the Iplikci couple loved the challenge. Jansu was silent most of the time and discreetly watched Niko. For the first time, she saw him immersed in work. Long ago, when he was still an employee of her father's company, she was very interested in this aspect of his life, but Niko made it clear to her that work and personal relationships do not have a point of contact. The bride should never, ever interfere in his affairs. Explosive, stubborn, having her own opinion on everything, Jansu, completely unexpectedly for herself, resignedly yielded.

Now the likelihood of the appearance of a point of contact has disappeared by itself. Personal is no more. There is only an unexpectedly appeared joint work. And in this job, Niko was great. His iron logic, brilliant mind, creativity, and ability to convince the interlocutor made an indelible impression on Jansu. It is not surprising that, in just a few years, he managed to revive the family company from the ashes, bring it to the top and get even with huge debts. Niko, unlike his father, had a wolf's grip and was a born businessman.

At one point, their gazes met. It happened so unexpectedly that Jansu was momentarily confused. Niko smiled wryly. Her heart leaped to her throat.

"As I understand it, we have solved the creative and legal issues," Omer said. "There are only financial ones left."

Jansu come to herself and spoke in a businesslike tone, "Mr. Bianco..."

"Niko," the tempter snake corrected her.

"Niko," she agreed. "If you give me the coordinates of your CFO, I will contact him and resolve all issues."

Her words amused him. Jansu read it in his eyes. And then there was an answer that threw her into the abyss of panic.

"I'm in charge of the finances in my company," he said defiantly.

Allah! And now what I can do? Jansu did not want to communicate with him in private, even if it was about work matters. But there was no choice. She slammed the notepad on which she was making notes, stood up, and gestured toward the door.

"Then, let's go to my office. Let's not detain Mr. Omer and Mrs. Defne."

"With pleasure," Niko replied.

Ice creeps ran down Jansu's spine. What is she getting herself into again and how to keep a sober mind?

Niko, having said goodbye to the Iplikci spouses, politely held the door for her and followed.

Defne looked at them - and then turned to her husband.

"Omer, don't you think these two are behaving strangely?"

"No, it does not seem," answered Omer, carefully examining the notes made during the meeting. Raising his head, he asked his wife with a smile, "Do you want to be a matchmaker for your sister?"

She shook her head thoughtfully and said, "I remembered ... the name of the ex-husband of Jansu was also Niko"

"As well as a hundred thousand Italians," Omer quipped.

Defne turned her eyes, chewed her lips, and, sighing, agreed.

"You're right. But, anyway, a guy named Niko doesn't fit. Even if he is handsome with the mind of Einstein and the figure of a Greek god."

"Hey!" Omer was indignant. "I'm jealous!"

"Why?" Defne was surprised. "Don't you know that for me your mind, figure, and face are beyond the competition?"

"Indeed?" he, with a sly smile, brought the very face which is beyond the competition, closer to her.

"Yes!" She answered and put her lips up for a kiss.

Jansu did not dare to be alone with Niko in the cramped elevator cabin. To stand nearby, to feel his scent and body warmth ... Oh no! Better to walk up the stairs.

She straightened her shoulders and slightly raised her chin, imperturbable and proud on the outside, but shaking inside, walked in front. Niko, behind a couple of steps, followed. He watched the curl of hair on her neck tremble and felt a sharp tenderness. Knew he shouldn't feel it. He was angry with himself, but could not help it. Feelings had a life of their own. No matter how he tried to take control of them, they did not obey. For damn tenderness, even betrayal was not a reason to disappear forever.

Jansu led him to her office. Her hands itched to leave the door ajar, but that meant chicken out and again fall on Niko's sharp tongue. She was not going to give him a reason for irony and ridicule. Closing the door, she took her place at the table and gestured to him to the chair opposite.

"Have a seat."

But Niko ignored her invitation. He walked around the office, examining with interest its interior and those cute little things that spoke of the owner's personality. A doll was sitting on one of the shelves. It was rather shabby and did not at all fit this office either in style or in purpose. Niko took it in his hands. Jansu, who was watching him warily, could not stand it. Jumping up from the chair, went up to him, took the toy, and returned it to its place.

"This is Emine's doll," she said.

"I guessed it," Niko said, hypnotizing her with a look. "You love her very much, right? Emine?"

"She's my niece. The daughter of an only sister. Of course, I love her very much."

Answering, Jansu walked away from him to the window and stopped, looking at the city. Niko followed like she was a magnet, and he was a piece of iron. Standing so close behind her that she could hear his breathing, he asked, "How did it happen that Defne Iplikci turned out to be your sister?"

"It's a long story," Jansu replied.

He bent down slightly and touched her back with his chest.

"I'm not in a hurry," he said in a voice that sent goosebumps down her arms.

Jansu shuddered, hurriedly walked away from him, and spoke in a business tone.

"I'm in a hurry. I have a lot of work to do, and I would appreciate it if we end our idle conversations and get down to business."

"As you wish," Niko said, and finally sat down in a chair.

Jansu returned to her seat and opened her notebook. For forty minutes they discussed the financial side of future cooperation. Jansu turned out to be an excellent financier. Niko did not expect such professionalism from her and was surprised. The usual opinion of her as a spoiled princess was shaken. When the points of the agreement were negotiated, he still could not resist, - and asked the question that tormented him for the last half hour.

"Why did you come to work at Sapphire, and not in your father's company?"

"Because in the company of my father, I would be my father's daughter. All my victories and defeats would not be taken seriously. And here I am an ordinary worker. As everybody. My screw-ups are just my mistakes. My merits are also only my merits. Here I understood what I was worth.

"You always knew what you were worth," Niko said.

Jansu shook her head and retorted, "Not always. Four years ago, my self-esteem was at zero," Jansu smiled. But her smile tasted bitter like wormwood. "You not only broke my heart, but you also crushed my self-respect."

Her words were more deafening than the blow of a hammer to the head.

"Ме?" He asked, his eyes sparkling with anger. "Did I break your heart? Damn it! Jansu, you left me and filed for divorce!!!"

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