By Jenchichooo

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When two people in love promised each other that they will be still together even in their next lives. Will t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 19

676 50 22
By Jenchichooo

Jisoo was on her way to Lisa's house when she noticed a suspicious car that has been following her since she left their house.

Minutes later, she finally arrived at Lisa's house.

She went out to her car and pretended that she doesn't know that she has been followed. She just walked calmly until she reached the door and ring the doorbell.

After a minute, Lisa finally opened the door.

"Hey, Chu! Let's go!" Lisa was about to go out but Jisoo stopped her and pushed her gently inside their house.

"W-what are you doing, Chu? We are not going to Jennie?" Lisa asked after Jisoo closed the door and now dragged Lisa to their living room.

Jisoo let go of Lisa and she sat on the couch.

Jisoo groaned. "My Dad sent someone again to follow me."

"What?! You were being followed?"

"He doesn't trust me anymore. I know he just wanna make sure that I'm really going to your house." Jisoo stood up and looked from the window.

The car was still parked not so far from where Jisoo parked her car.


"Hello Mr. Kim, your daughter has arrived at Ms. Lisa's house."

"Okay. You can go back to the company now."


Jisoo saw the car start to leave then she let out a sigh. She was relieved that whoever was that didn't stay outside.

"See? He was just wanna check if I lied again. Let's just wait for how many minutes then we'll go to Jendeuk...I miss her" Jisoo pouted

Lisa threw a pillow from the couch to Jisoo. "Whipped"

"Yah! That was hurt!" It landed on her face.

Lisa just laughed at her.


Jennie was busy cooking in the kitchen when she heard the doorbell rang.

"Rosie! I think it's Jisoo and Lisa. Can you open the door please"

"Okay!" Rosé replied from the living room

After a while, Jennie saw Jisoo walking towards the kitchen with a bright smile plastered on her face.

When their eyes meet, Jennie smiled at her. "Hi baby"

"Hey, Jendeuk. You're cooking?" Jisoo asked before kissing Jennie's cheek

"Yes. It's almost done. Did you take your breakfast? I cooked kimchi fried rice. It's your favorite"

Jisoo hugged Jennie from behind and placed her chin on Jennie's shoulder.
"You cooked it for me?"


Then Jennie was startled when she felt Jisoo bite her shoulder lightly.

Jisoo giggled and she tightened her hug before nuzzling her nose to Jennie's neck.

"and you are saying that I'm the clingy one?" Jennie let out a soft chuckle

"I just miss you"

Jennie closed the stove then turned around to face Jisoo.

She cupped Jisoo's face and peck her lips. "You just went here to distract me. Where's Lisa and Rosé?"

"You don't miss me?" Jisoo pouted

Jennie gave a peck on Jisoo's lips again.
"I miss you too, baby"

Jisoo smiled and pulled Jennie closer by her waist.
"They are in the living room. Flirting with each other. Well... more like Lisa is flirting with your cousin."

Jennie chuckled. "Call them. Let's eat breakfast. I'll prepare this at the dining table."

"Okay, Jendeuk" Jisoo pecked Jennie's cheek before going to the living room.


"Where're your parents, Jennie?" Lisa asked

"At work. Why?"

"Oh, because Jisoo thought earlier that she will meet your parents already and it made her nervous" Lisa laughed at Jisoo who narrowed her eyes on her

Jennie looked at Jisoo that's beside her.
"Why are you nervous, Chu?"

"I'm not!"

Jennie giggled and placed her hand on Jisoo's lap and squeezed it lightly.
"Don't be nervous, love. They will like you" she smiled

Jisoo blushed, she already used to Jennie calling her 'baby' or 'babe' but calling her 'love' is different, she likes it more.

"Aiishh, ever since you've met each other, you always make my best friend blush" Lisa teased

"You are doing it to my cousin too," Jennie smirked

"Yah! I'm just eating here peacefully" Rosé glared at her cousin

Jennie just laughed at how cute her cousin is.

After teasing each other, they just talked about some random things.


All they did was watch movies and order food for them to eat.

"Jendeuk, I need to leave early," Jisoo said while her head is still resting on Jennie's chest.

They left Rosé and Lisa in the living room and went to Jennie's bedroom just to cuddle.

"Why?" Jennie pouted

"I need to go to the company. My Dad is waiting for me there."

"Hmm. Okay. I'm gonna miss you"

Jisoo chuckled then she pulled away from a little. "I'll call you later when I get home, Jendeuk"

"You better be and sing a song for me until I fall I sleep"

"Sing a song for me too. I wanna hear your voice." She pouted

Jennie giggled pulled Jisoo again and Jisoo nuzzles her nose to Jennie's cheek.

"Okay but give me a kiss first"

Jisoo pulled away and smirked then she leaned in slowly until her lips claimed Jennie's.

Jennie slowly pushes Jisoo to lay on the bed until she's on top of Jisoo.

Jisoo let out a moan when she felt Jennie's tongue on hers.

Jisoo's hand made its way to Jennie's neck and pulled her closer to deepen the kiss.

Jennie pressed herself against Jisoo, then the brunette's lips made it's way to Jisoo's neck and it sent shivers down to her body when she felt Jennie's soft lips on her neck.

"J-Jen -" Jisoo moaned when she felt Jennie suck the sensitive part of her neck.

And for some reason, it made Jennie turn on just by hearing Jisoo moaning her name.

Jennie slowly slip her hand under Jisoo's shirt and went to Jisoo's breast.

"Oh God," Jisoo let out moaned again when Jennie squeezed it lightly.

Jennie kissed Jisoo again and bite her lower lips to ask for an entrance and Jisoo gladly opened it. They kissed each other while Jennie's hand is still on Jisoo's breast squeezing and it's making Jisoo crazy, it's just felt good.

Jennie could feel the wetness between her legs. Her hands slowly made it's way to Jisoo's stomach until it reaches Jisoo's pants but before she could remove it, Jisoo held her hand.

"Jendeuk..." Jisoo said after pulling away from the kiss.

"What's wrong, Chu?" She cupped the latter's face

"I... I'm not...ready yet. I'm sorry. P-please don't be...mad. I never...I have never done this before. I...I hope y-"

Jennie leans in again for a kiss to stop Jisoo from blabbering. The kiss didn't take long, when Jennie pulled away, she smiled softly at Jisoo. "You're blabbering, baby." she giggled.

She started caressing Jisoo's cheek with her thumb. "You don't need to say sorry. I love you, Chu. I will not force you to do anything that you don't like."

"I like it."

Jennie smiled. "But you are not yet ready. But I'm not mad at you. Don't think like that, okay?"

"Are you sure?" Jisoo pouted

Jennie giggled and gave a peck to Jisoo before laying her back beside Jisoo. She opened her arms and Jisoo snuggled into her. She kissed Jisoo's forehead and held her tighter. "Of course, love."

"Thank you, Jendeuk. But you are really a good kisser and maybe next time...I can't stop myself anymore." Jisoo chuckled

"Don't talk about it anymore, or else I will not hold myself anymore and fuck yo-"

"Jendeuk!" Jisoo pinched Jennie's arm lightly

"Ouch!" then she let out a laugh
"That hurts, chu" she pouted

"You are horny" Jisoo chuckled

"It's your fault" Jennie showered kisses on Jisoo's face

Jisoo giggled, it tickling her. "Jendeuk"

Jennie chuckled and gave a peck on Jisoo's cheek.

"Jendeuk, as much I want to cuddle with you but I think I need to go now. I don't want to be late or else my Dad will scold me again."

"Hmm. 3 more minutes, love."

Jisoo giggled and snuggled more to the brunette. "Okay, Jendeuk."



I just arrived at our company, it's been a while since I came here.

Everyone is greeting me on my way to the elevator, I just smiled at them, I'm not used to it.

When I entered the elevator, I let out a sigh and pressed the button on the floor where my Dad's office is. But before the elevator could close, someone stopped it and quickly entered and stand beside me. I didn't see the person's face but it's a guy. I waited for that person to press the button but the person just stand beside me until the elevator closed and started to move.

I was curious about the person that's beside me so I tried to take a glance without being noticed and I almost let out a gasp when I saw who the person is.

I quickly bow my head and closed my eyes.

He...he is the one in my dream....the guy that was standing behind my Dad...the one that is holding a gun too. What the fuck is he doing here?

I just stayed in my position until the elevator stopped and when I heard the guy's steps walking away, I looked up and opened my eyes. Wait... he's working here? Is he going to my Dad's office too? I quickly went out to the elevator before it will close.

I let out a heavy sigh before continuing to walk towards my Dad's office.

Why am I feeling nervous? Who is that guy?

"Good evening Ms. Kim. Mr. Kim is already waiting for you inside. You can come in." The secretary greeted me and opened the door for me.

"Thank you."

After I entered his office, I looked up and froze when I saw the guy again and there is an old man beside him. They are sitting in front of my Dad's desk.

"Jisoo, take a seat." My Dad said

"Jisoo?" I heard my Dad calling me for the second time

I blinked and quickly walked towards them and I sat across this guy and the old man.

My Dad cleared his throat. "This will be quick so I just decided to talk here rather than in the meeting room."

"It's okay Mr. Kim. So would you mind introducing your daughter to us?" The old man said smiling while looking at my Dad and then at me

What the fuck is happening? I looked at the guy and he's just looking at me and smiling. Why is he smiling at me? I avoided his gaze and just look at my Dad.

"Jisoo...this is Mr. Jung and this is Haein, his son."

Who are they?

They both stood up, and the old man offered his hand first.
"Jisoo, nice to meet you."

I stood up and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you too, Mr. Jung."

"Oh, and this is my son, Haein" Mr. Jung introduced his son to me

I shifted my gaze to him and he smiled at me and he reached my hand to grab and he kissed the back of my hand. He fucking kissed my hand. What the hell?

"Hello, Jisoo. I'm Haein."

I smiled awkwardly at him and slowly pulled away my hand from his hand.
"Hi, I'm Jisoo."

I heard my Dad clear his throat and we all sat down again.

Can my Dad just tell me already why I am here? I just wanna go home and call Jendeuk.

"So...I will get straight to the point. I and Mr. Jung already talked about it and we already agreed to each other. This is about you Haein and Jisoo. This is good for the both of you and the company.".

I furrowed my eyebrows because I still don't understand.

"Haein, my daughter is still studying but she will graduate next year. You can wait, right?"

Mr. Jung clung his arm around his son's shoulder. "Of course, my son could wait."

Haein smiled at me and he looked at my Dad. "Yes, Mr. Kim. I can wait for this lovely lady in front of me." then he winked at me


"It settled then." My Dad smiled at him.

Wow, my Dad doesn't even smile at me.

" Jisoo."

"Yes, Dad?"

"After you graduate and before you can run this will be married to Haein."

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