A Cruz new life (Riverdale)

By KatsukiDarling19980

12.9K 171 16

Celestia life is about to turn upside down when she transfer to Riverdale high what happens when she gets suc... More

Meet the character
Her aesthetic
Leaving for a new town
New girl in school
Body double
Troubling world
A black heart of riverdale
A delusion of elusion
A Seed of blossom blood in Cooper
Baby shower dismay
The lost weekend
A homecoming to remembered
A secret can bloom deadly
Into a new mystery of a serpent
new danger comes upon Riverdale
The Watcher in the Woods
A serpentess shows her true colors
A new light
Death Road
Free Jailbird
Serpents Welcome
Pickens day
Family is one
Tell of the heart
The Hills have eyes
Game of good and bad
Her Primary Colors
Noose Tightens
Carrie to die for....
A terror of a small town
A town of hell bring down an angel
A suffering family
back from the dead
Summer bummer
A new winged mystery
So above so below
The great Escape
Schoolar advance
Heart Broken Celeste
In Memory Of Andrew
Fast time in Riverdale
Dangerous time for a friend
Frighting situation
Thanksgiving Cruz Styles
In Treatment
Hypnotic Danger
Varsity Blues
How to get away with murder
To Die For!
Let the truth be set free
We are we Mr. Honey !So bring it on!
Don't mess with a cruz child
Killing Mr. Honey
The preppy murder
A welcome back the mafian queen
Back to School
Lock and Key
The Pincushion Man
In a lonely day
The night gallery
Goodbye Dear Cousin
Mother's of ours
Welcome to Rivervale
Ghost Stories
Mr. Cypher
The Cruz Woman Pasts
Pandora Box

Fire in the sky

59 0 0
By KatsukiDarling19980

I was in the living room with Vanellope when jack and Jake came running in

"Mom mom something bad happened."

"Yeah really bad."

"What happened dears?" I closed the book I was reading to Vanellope

"Your friends Mr. Andrews was in a fire."

"What!?" Eden comes in


"Eden what happened?"

"Archie called seems like somebody tried to burn his front and back door step."

"Is Mr. Andrews okay daddy?" Vanellope ran to Eden he picked her up

"Doll their fine Mr. Andrews and his friend are okay."

"Friend?" I asked confused

"Jones is uh living with him."


"What a Jughead?" Asked Jake confused I giggled

"Well I better get ready to help Toni and the Vixens Vanellope wanna come with me."


"Well guys that means your both stuck with your old man."

"Yeah." At the gym

with Toni and the girls they were practicing until Ms. Blossom herself came

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Miss. Winchester herself. You come for another surprise visit, Cheryl?"

"Thank you for taking care of the River Vixens whilst I was self-isolating. But, as Elton John likes to say, "The bitch is back in town" and the squad is my birthright."

"Wrong. The Vixens are mine now, hon. I restarted them, I'm financing them, and we've been doing all the work. So what are you gonna do about that?"

"What every Vixen throughout history has done to settle a dispute... Challenge you to a dance off."

"I'm pregnant."

"Does that mean you forfeit?"

"I'll dance for Toni as her proxy." I said

"You know, I usually have a rule about annihilating old high school bestie but today you seem particularly insufferable."

"Bring it bicth." I told her so I let her go until it's my turn

"Now let's decide this. All those in favor of moi as your HPIC."

"And all those for me?" I said and they cheered too

"A tie. In that case, me and Celeste are willing to share control of the Vixens, if your ego could handle that."

"Agreed... for now. Why are you buffoons just standing there? Take it from the top."

"You were awesome mama." Back home I was helping Vanellope with her room while the boys and Eden played outside

Eden POV

"Okay boys come at me." I was playing soccer with the boys were practicing goals when

"Mr. Embers." Xavier called and I look over and see him and Archie

"Hey Arch Xavier it's okay. Boys go play nicely."

"Yeah dad." And they run off with the ball while I sit on the balcony seats

"Arch please sit down."

"Thanks Eden."

"Sure Xavier a drink please on the rocks Arch want anything?"

"No I'm good."

"Yes sir." And he leaves I look over at the boys

"So what do you need Arch."

"Well I came here to ask you something?"

"Sure go ahead."

"I was thinking if you would want to join the fire crew I'm starting."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm rebuilding the fire station here in Riverdale."

"Dude I'm in I mean it'll be hell to convince Celeste but I'll do at least going to do anything for this place." We shake hands

"Thank you Eden."

"No problem man." At night Celeste had just made dinner while we eat

"So how was everybody day?"



"Daddy aren't you telling mommy?" Jake said I was confused

"Tell me what sweetie?"

"Your friend Mr. Andrews came over."

"Oh Archie was here."

"Oh yeah he just wanted to talk."

"About what?"

"Nothing important just came over for a chat."

"Well I hope his fine." I smiled but I hated to lie my beloved a couple days later I brought the twins with me

"Welcome to day one of Riverdale's volunteer fire academy. Today's your first day of training with a real firefighter from New York City who's gonna help get us into shape. Bernardo Brigsby from Engine 141, the floor is yours."

"Thanks, Archie. So show of hands, how many of you have had prior experience fighting fires?" No one did

"That's okay. We're gonna start with the most important lesson. You must work as a team. No one goes into a burning building alone. A team is only as strong as its weakest link. And in my crew, there are no weak links." And we start

Celeste POV

Me Vanellope and Toni were walking to gym when we entered we see the girls doing laps

"What the hell?" I was confused

"What the hell is this, Cheryl?"

"Vixen's practice, obvi. We need to be doing two days if you want to avoid public embarrassment."

"We're supposed to be coaching together." I said

"But clearly, you went behind our backs and scheduled a practice."

"Well, I knew you'd cause a scene like this, Toni. And Celeste" then one of the girls got hurt


"Vixens, call Nurse Nightingale." I told them

"Cheryl, this ends now."

"Vixens, like Blossoms, are forged in fire."

"Hmm. Wow. That sounds like something your mother would say."

"Careful where thoust treads, Toni. You're on thin ice." I groaned annoyed rolling my eyes

Eden POV

Me and the boys were with the guys chatting

"So then Sarge over here decides to try and feed this stray dog outside the outpost. Now, this dog looked more like a wolf to me."

"Don't believe him, it was a dog."

"How big are we talking?"

"Well, timber wolf size. Anyways, so Sarge pours out this MRE out onto his hand, sticks it through the fence then the dog almost bites his arm off. Show 'em your scars, Arch." We laughed then someone enters

"Afternoon, sir." It was a homeless man

"How can we help you?"

"I thought this place was shut down."

"It was. We reopened it. Now it's going to house a new volunteer fire department. Do you live on Sketch Alley?"

"I do. Name's Earl. We haven't had a fire department in a long time. A lot of buildings burned down because of it."

"Well, things are changing. We're going to make this town better for you, your friends, for everyone."

"Heard that talk before. Hope you can back it up." Man this town gone down hill back home I had just set the boys to sleep. Then next day

"Cadet Burns! When O2 rapidly enters an oxygen-depleted environment causing explosion, what is that phenomenon called?"

"A backdraft, sir!"

"Correct! Your reward is 30 more pushups. Next question..."

"You guys the fire department?"

"Trying to be."

"The pool hall's burning down."

"What, right here on the alley?"

"Let's move!"

"Grab the hose."

"Go, go!"

"We got eyes on a connection, right there. Get the hose hooked up!"

"Arch, you get everyone back." I said the twins back away

"Earl's in there. My friend Earl is still inside."

"Arch, don't even think about it."

"No, Arch."

"Archie, stop!" I go with him to say

The twins POV

"Dad!" They try to go in but the guys grab them

3 person view

Celeste had just gotten a call from the hospital that Eden had ran into the building fire. She goes into the hospital holding her daughter in her arms with Xavier behind her she tearfully asked the doctor where he was and they showed her and when she walks in the room Xavier stays outside she see her twins sleeping on the chairs

"Hey." Eden talked smiling a little

"What hell were you think!" She said tearfully

"Celeste im......."

"And we could have lost you."

"Daddy." Celeste placed Vanellope who hugged him

"Daddy your hurt." Vanellope hugged him crying

"I'm sorry princess."

"You could have died daddy I don't want you to leave me." Eden hugs his little girl and held his beloved hand

"I'm sorry my dear."

"Why didn't you tell me."

"I taught I just keep it secret you know save you the hassle."

"You nut brain being a firefighter really your lucky you survived."

"I know I love you."

"Your lucky I love you too." Then the next day Celeste

and the kids went along with Eden to the fire station

"Hello boys."

"Celeste what are you doing here?"

"She found out so."

"Your lucky nothing happened to you archikinss and to this brute." Then Kevin and Fangs walked in

"So what's up, guys?"

"Gossip around the teacher's lounge is that Weatherbee nixed your RROTC cadets from being volunteer firefighters?"

"Yeah, well, he was pretty pissed I brought them to a burning building."

"Well, we want to sign up like we should have done in the first place."

"I appreciate that, guys, but it's too late. Bernardo's back in New York, there's no one left to train us."

"Maybe I can help on that front."

"Chief Russell."

"Word got around about a crazy heros running into a burning building alone. Got to say it inspired me."

"Okay, Chief, you're the expert. What do we need first?"

"Well, a fire truck might be nice to have." Then they turned around and saw one come in

"You've got to be kidding me. Ronnie, what the hell!"

"What? I wanted to do my civic duty to help you and hurt my father."

"How much do we owe you?"

"Oh, don't worry. We'll be putting out a Firefighters of Riverdale calendar to defray the costs. But in the meantime, I just wanted to help. Anything for you, Archie.."

"Fire truck." Said the twins running over to touch it we laughed

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