The Way Back (Champions of th...

By AnnaIdanBerg

909 316 51

Nine years have passed on Earth since Sabrina and Scotty Devon returned from Praxatillus. A surprise visitor... More

Chapter 1: Out of Time
Chapter 1.1
Chapter 1.2
Chapter 1.3
Chapter 2: Lost and Found
Chapter 2.1
Chapter 2.2
Chapter 2.3
Chapter 2.4
Chapter 3: Journey to the Past
Chapter 3.1
Chapter 3.2
Chapter 4: Reunion
Chapter 4.1
Chapter 4.2
Chapter 4.3
Chapter 5: Pygmalion
Chapter 5.1
Chapter 5.2
Chapter 5.3
Chapter 6: Buried Secrets
Chapter 6.1
Chapter 6.2
Chapter 6.3
Chapter 7: Cave of Terrors
Chapter 7.1
Chapter 7.2
Chapter 7.3
Chapter 8: Memories
Chapter 8.1
Chapter 8.2
Chapter 8.3
Chapter 9: Victory's Sacrifice
Chapter 9.1
Chapter 9.2
Chapter 9.3
Chapter 10: Going Home
Chapter 10.1
Chapter 10.2
Chapter 10.3
Chapter 10.4
Chapter 11: Praxatillus
Chapter 11.1
Chapter 11.2
Chapter 11.3
Chapter 12: Promises Redeemed
Chapter 12.1
Chapter 12.2
Chapter 12.3
Chapter 12.4
Chapter 13: A Family Affair
Chapter 13.1
Chapter 13.2
Chapter 13.3
Chapter 14: Heart's Journey
Chapter 14.1
Chapter 14.2
Chapter 14.3
Chapter 14.4
Chapter 14.5
Chapter 14.6
Chapter 14.7
Chapter 15: Going On
Chapter 15.1
Chapter 15.2
Chapter 15.3
Chapter 16: Uncharted Territory
Chapter 16.1
Chapter 16.2
Chapter 16.3
Chapter 16.4
Chapter 17: Storming the Gates
Chapter 17.1
Chapter 17.2
Chapter 17.3
Chapter 18: Memory
Chapter 18.1
Chapter 18.2
Chapter 19: The Choice
Chapter 19.1
Chapter 19.2
Chapter 19.3
Chapter 20: Resolution
Chapter 20.1
Chapter 20.2
Chapter 20.3
Chapter 20.4
Chapter 20.5

Chapter 16.5

17 3 2
By AnnaIdanBerg

Sabrina got as far as, "Hi, Mara. Ford's come to take me back with him, so—" before Mara cut her off.

"I'll be right there," the Queen promised ominously.

Sabrina glanced around her study, glad that Ford had made his escape. He'd looked much too weary for the discussion that was about to ensue, whereas she felt a strange exhilaration. At last, no more waiting helplessly for word on her brother's condition! She was going to Kaldoun and no one, not even Mara, was going to stop her.

Mara's wary expression as she materialized in front of Sabrina's desk told Sabrina that Mara had anticipated her determination. Well, after fifteen kids she's probably gotten used to these kinds of arguments. I must remember not to let this sink to that level. "Mara, please have a seat. Would you like something to drink?"

Momentarily taken off guard, Mara sat down and shook her head. "Thanks for coming to see me," Sabrina continued calmly. "Now, you're going to tell me I can't go, and I'm going to tell you I'm going no matter what, and then you'll probably trot out some planetary security reasons that we both know are tangential at best, and in the end I'll go anyway. What do you say we skip all that and just part on good terms, with whatever advice you can give me?"

There was a pause as Mara tried to decide whether to be amused or angry. Finally she laid back in the chair, tucking one hand under her cheek as she leaned on the armrest in a very unregal pose. "It's been a while since anyone used my own tactics on me," she said, with a rueful smile.

"Hey, they were my tactics first," Sabrina grinned.

"I suppose they were," Mara agreed, as if just realizing it. "Which explains why I always find you so dreadful to argue with. But, by all means, let us cut to the chase, as Scotty would say. I sympathize entirely with your desire to go."

"My determination to go," Sabrina corrected.

Mara made a little throw-away gesture with her free hand. "I can't stop you. Well, I could try, I suppose, but it would achieve nothing but enmity between us, and I see no reason for that. But I am concerned, Sabrina. Not for the reasons you probably think, however. I simply find this sudden turnabout strange. The last message I had from Tirqwin said quite clearly that he did not want you there, and that I was not to allow you to sneak off with any plan of storming Homeworld's gates, as it were."

"Sneak off!" Sabrina echoed indignantly.

"Are you telling me it hasn't occurred to you?"

"Not as any kind of serious plan! Scotty's the one with the penchant for sneaking off, thank you very much."

"Don't take it as an insult, Sabrina. I thought it spoke highly of Tirqwin's assessment of your abilities that he thought such an occurrence was possible. Do you have any idea how difficult it would be for you to 'sneak off' Praxatillus?"

"No, and I don't want to," Sabrina replied. "I don't have to. I have an invitation. Tirqwin must have changed his mind, Mara."

"He rarely does so, unless there is new information. Is there?"

"Not to speak of. They've just finally realized that they'll need me to fill in the blanks in Scotty's memory, that's all."

"Hm," Mara frowned.

"Mara, Tirqwin must have changed his mind. Ford said I'd been sent for. If Tirqwin didn't agree to that, Ford has to be lying, for some obscure reason, or Tirqwin got overruled by Homeworld's scientists, which does not at all discourage me from going."

"Niavar has no reason to lie, even were he prone to that sort of behavior, which I'm thankful to say he's not," Mara sighed. "And it's true that if the scientists want you there, you should go, regardless of Tirqwin's opposition, which, I'm sure you realize, is entirely out of regard for your welfare."

"I know. But he can't spare me everything, Mara."

"Or even anything, it seems," Mara sighed. "Well, go with my blessing, then, Sabrina. I know you will be careful. And give Tirqwin my love."

"Of course. Thank you, Mara. I'll bring Scotty back, just wait and see."

"That reminds me," Mara said as she got out of the chair. "I have been thinking about Scotty. If he cannot be wholly restored, Sabrina, don't despair. Bring him home. I have some experience in disorders of the mind, and even in Scotty's mind in particular. Anything that I or the Crystal can do will be attempted, if he requires our assistance."

"Thank you," Sabrina said again, blinking back tears. She got up and hugged her friend.

"I love him too," Mara reminded her. "He is like my brother."

Sabrina chuckled as they pulled apart. "From what Ford says, he's more like your stepson."

Mara let out a trill of surprised laughter. "I suppose he is! Oh, my. I shall enjoy teasing him about that."

"Well," Sabrina said, "I'm more looking forward to teasing Tirqwin about it!"

Mara laughed again as she disappeared.


Sabrina arranged for the Household Supervisor to send someone to feed and care for Tristan, and also left a message for Marie telling her she was free to come and play with him all she liked. Then she packed two large bags with a range of clothes, all chosen to be part of what her female friends on Earth had referred to as a "take-me-seriously" wardrobe. She couldn't hope to be intimidating with Homeworld, but she didn't want to be looked on as some little ignorant alien mascot, either.

She remembered to leave a message on her comconsole for any incoming callers that she'd had to leave on business and would return their calls when she got back, and then she played with Tristan until Ford came to get her in the transport capsule.


"Yes." Sabrina gave Tristan a final rub on his tummy and got to her feet. "Bye, sweetie," she told the cat. "Be good."

Ford muttered something she decided to ignore and picked up her bags. "Let's go, before somebody at Bathir remembers one more thing that just has to be done before I leave!"

"Did you talk to Mara?"

"Yes, right after she talked to you," he replied, closing the capsule door behind them. A moment later they were stepping out onto the control deck of The Adventure.

"It's a bit of a trip, and we'll have to hold at several checkpoints," Ford said, "so you'd better settle into one of the spare rooms. Do you want the one you had before?"

"That'll be fine. Thanks." She took her bags and headed for the corridor into the living quarters. "Hi, Rudolf."

"Greetings, Lady Sabrina," the android replied, passing her on its way to the control deck.

Just like old times, Sabrina thought as she surveyed the room she'd occupied on the journey from Stanos. Only better, I hope.


She finished the partial unpacking she thought necessary and went back to the control deck, to find they had already left the Praxera system and were well on their way. Rudolf was occupied with one of the auxiliary consoles, and Ford was seated on one of the long-legged chairs at the main console. He didn't seem more than cursorily occupied with the controls, so she walked over and smiled at him from across the console.

"All set?" he asked.


"Good." He hesitated, frowning a little. "Then there's something else I should tell you, before we get too far out."

Sabrina tried to disguise the sudden icy dread she felt by chuckling, shaking her head and resting one forearm along the top of the console. "Ford, it feels like you say that every time I see you anymore."

"I'm sorry," he said, failing to respond to her light tone entirely. "I don't mean to keep dropping unpleasant surprises on you. It just...keeps happening somehow."

"An unpleasant surprise. Oh boy. Well, lay it on me, Ford," she sighed.

He hesitated again, fussing unnecessarily with the controls. Sabrina felt a sudden spurt of fear and grabbed his hand, stilling it. "If you've lied to me about Scotty, so help me—"

"No! No, Sabrina, not about Scotty. I told you the truth about that."

"Okay. Good. Fine. What part did you lie to me about?"

"I didn't lie...not exactly. I just sort of let you make some mistaken assumptions. And then convey them to Mother."

Sabrina tried to keep her temper under control. "Let me guess: Tirqwin never agreed to my coming?"

"No, he didn't."

"Is that all?" she asked, torn between suspicion and relief.


"God, Ford, just spit it out! What is it? The scientists never wanted me to come?"

"They do want you to come, Sabrina. They were resolved on it. But Father never agreed...and neither did Homeworld's government."

"What?" she gasped. "You mean—"

"I don't have permission to bring you." He glanced up at her for the first time since she'd come in.

Sabrina gaped at him for a moment, stunned. "You don't...have...." Then, suddenly, hysterical laughter bubbled up. "You don't have permission to bring me!"

Ford stared at her, completely taken aback, as she took the few steps to the nearest cushioned bench and collapsed onto it, still laughing. "Sabrina?" he said.

She shook her head and held up a hand, waving weakly at him. "So...I'm to storm Homeworld's gates after all! Oh... Tirqwin was right! I didn't mean it, but he called it exactly! Except you sneaked me off! I wouldn't've known how! Mara was right! Oh, God. It's too much. They're both going to kill me."

"Well," Ford said sourly, "not if you can run fast enough while they're busy killing me."

Sabrina's laughter escalated until she could hardly breathe. Ford didn't speak again until she had stopped laughing and was merely gasping for breath, wiping the tears from her face. "We won't be storming any gates. I have a plan."

Laughter threatened to overcome Sabrina again, but she managed to quell it after catching a glimpse of his disgruntled expression. She didn't trust her voice, so she merely raised a questioning eyebrow.

"I'm going to make it my condition for them examining the ship," he said.

"You already agreed to that," she pointed out, after a deep, steadying breath.

"In principle. And I will let them do an inspection even if they don't agree. But if they meet my terms, I'll give them a guided tour. It'll save them an incredible amount of time and annoyance. I think they'll agree." He waited for her to comment, but continued when she didn't. "Even if they don't, you'll be on Kaldoun, much closer to Scotty. You'll be able to have real-time conversations with Father and get current information."

"True." She looked up at the ceiling for a moment, then got to her feet and walked back over to face Ford over the console. "Thanks."

"Don't thank me yet."

"Thanks for making the attempt, at any rate. For even thinking of it." She paused. "Why did you think of it, Ford?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you're going to get in a huge amount of trouble for this. But I can't see what's in it for you."

He shrugged.

"C'mon, Ford. Spill," she urged. "I want to know."

"I hadn't thought about it."

"Oh, come on!"

"Really," he snapped. "You have to be there, Sabrina; anybody with half a brain could tell that. The scientists all agree; Father's the only holdout, and that's for a silly sentiment about you, not Scotty. The political difficulties are all nonsense. Who cares what happened ninety-two years ago? Everything's changed since then. You have a right to be there. I'm going to make sure you get your chance."

Sabrina looked at him closely, wonderingly. She was convinced he was telling her the truth; there was nothing in it for him. He had simply chosen to do it, to take the trouble, because he felt it was right. She let out a long sigh. "I'd forgotten," she said softly. "I've been mired in politics and corruption and self-interest for so long. I'd forgotten what it's like to be surrounded by people who live the ideal of service, of justice. Of compassion."

"Don't make such a fuss, Sabrina," he said. "It's nothing out of the ordinary."

"That's why I'm so in awe of it," she told him.

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