The Purple Backpack ✔️

By LyssahTraicey

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Pierra Ivy has had a crush on Andrew for the past three years. When an accidental spill aligns their paths to... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight

Chapter Seventeen

550 55 1
By LyssahTraicey


"So, do you have any food? I'm starving."Andrew asked looking around the room as he swayed on his feet.

He was clearly very drunk as he couldn't stand without support, his eyes were unfocused and he reeked of cheap booze. Andrew at my door in the middle of the night was not something I had expected or even imagined could happen. It had been two weeks since I last saw him and it had taken a lot of effort but I had managed to avoid him. I had been successful in not attending the Tuesday class, going to class earlier than usual and leaving very late plus using different routes. Looks like the only variable I hadn't covered was him visiting my room. I had bet on the fact that he didn't know the room number, oh how well that had worked out for me.

"Do you have any idea what time it is?"I asked getting pissed at how he had barged into my place without any regard as to how it would make me feel.

"Late?"He replied with a shrug and I threw my hands up in frustration.

He pushed himself off the wall and staggered towards me. He stopped a few centimeters away from my face towering over me. I had the overwhelming urge to move away but the part of me that hadn't stopped thinking about him stayed put. Under the alcohol breath his cologne hit my nostrils and I took a much needed whiff. Why did he affect me so? I had talked myself into forgetting him but my heart refused to listen. The more I fought it, the more I found myself thinking about him.

Andrew reached out and tugged my hand and since I wasn't ready I fell into his arms. He hugged me close to his chest and I was in too much shock to react so I just stood frozen in place my arms trapped between us.

"God I missed you."He breathed against my hair and even if I didn't say the words out loud I admitted to myself that I missed him too.

I allowed the hug to continue for another minute before I reluctantly pushed him off me.

"Why are you here?"I asked feeling conflicted about having him in my personal space.

I wanted him to leave after what went down between us but I also wanted him to stay because I missed him and wished we could talk and fix things.

"Because I couldn't take another second away from you. I know me showing up here drunk doesn't exactly paint me in the best light but I can't stop thinking about you Pierra. I miss you and I want you to give me another chance."He admitted laying it all out there.

My breath hitched at how honest he was and I had no idea what to say to his confession. I was not expecting him to show up at my door and confess his feelings for me. I had wanted that for the longest time possible but now that he had actually said it I didn't know how to react.

"Umh you said you were hungry. I have some spaghetti still left over from supper. Sit down while I heat it up for you."I directed pointing to the seat next to my study table.

Andrew looked at me confused probably wondering why I wasn't responding to his confession. I just needed time to think and collect my thoughts. I wanted him back but I also didn't want to get hurt again.

He sighed sadly but still did as I asked and sat down. I took the few steps to my kitchenette and proceeded to warm him the food left over after I had my supper. Andrew was in my room and he wanted to try and work things out. That thought kept running in my mind the whole five minutes it took me to warm the food.

I served it in a plate making sure to pour him a glass of water too so it could help with the hangover he would definitely get in the morning. Andrew was dozing off on the chair so I gently shook him awake. He grinned up at me and in that moment I wanted to toss everything that had happened between us out the window and jump into his arms. But I didn't have that courage and there was too much unspoken and unresolved issues between us.

"You look so beautiful."He praised staring at my face.

"Thank you. Now eat and make sure to drink the water."I replied pushing my books aside to make space for the food.

"Where are you going?"He asked stopping me in my tracks when I attempted to walk away.

"I was doing my laundry before you came in and I've got to finish it?"I answered and his brows furrowed in shock.

"This late? You'll get sick!"He exclaimed taking my cold hands in his.

He rubbed them before blowing warm air on them. The gesture warmed my heart and that's why I needed to think about the way forward away from him.

"I couldn't sleep and needed something to occupy my mind. Besides I have a washer and a dryer so I wasn't doing any hard work."I explained.

"But still you can get sick."He argued.

"I'll be okay. Eat, drink your water and make yourself at home since you obviously won't be going anywhere tonight. I'll be done soon and we can figure out the sleeping arrangements then."I said pulling my hands from his and walking away to resume my duties.

It wasn't common for a college student to have a washer and dryer but with my work and the amount of clothes I owned, they were my saving grace. I didn't have that many clothes left but I dragged out the work wanting to keep some distance between Andrew and I.

It's not that I didn't want him back, I did, I was just scared of getting hurt again. I had feelings for Andrew and they were deep since they had been there for three years. We had only gone on one date and he had broken me so bad, what would happen when we dated for longer and something happened. It would kill me, literally. I didn't know if I was strong enough to overcome another heartbreak.

Thinking about it, I decided that the best thing to do would be to let Andrew know how I felt. If his words were assuring enough and I trusted what he said then I would give us another chance.

When I walked back into the room I found him sleeping on top of my bed on his side wearing nothing but his boxers. His back muscles were so sexy and I found myself licking my lips involuntarily. He wasn't covered so he was just lying there all out for me to see and enjoy. I admired him for a few minutes and wanted more than anything to run my hands over his hard contours. That would be rape though so I held myself back and respected him.

His clothes and shoes were on the floor at the foot of the bed. I had told him to make himself feel at home and he had done exactly that. There would be no talking until morning.

The food and water were gone so I cleaned the dishes before picking up his clothes and cleaning them too so he would have something clean to wear when he woke up. I did everything around the house that needed doing trying to avoid thinking about where I would sleep. My bed was occupied and I didn't have a sofa or a bean bag. The floor would have to do even if it would kill my back and shoulders.

I grabbed an extra pillow from the bed and blanket from the wardrobe laying them out on the floor. At least I'd invested in a thick rug so it would be better than a cold floor.

"What are you doing?"Andrew groggy voice asked leaning over the bed just as I was pulling the blanket over my cold self.

"Sleeping."I replied grumpily not happy about having to give up my bed.

"On the floor? "

"You're sleeping on the bed if you haven't noticed."I pointed out sarcastically.

"You have a gigantic bed, enough for four."He replied.

"I'm not sharing my bed with you."I countered the idea foreign but not entirely unwelcome.

"Yes you are."He declared in a no nonsense tone.

I looked at him with a blank expression because there's no way I was getting in that bed with him. Andrew narrowed his eyes at me challengingly and when he realized I wouldn't budge he got out of bed. He bent over me, scooped me up so fast and tossed me on the bed. I bounced up on it with a yelp as I had not been expecting him to do that.

"Were you faking being drunk? How are you so strong?"I asked looking at his bulging arms.

They weren't as huge as my brothers but you could clearly see that he worked out.

"No. I'm still pretty drunk, I'm just strong and hate the idea of you sleeping on the floor."He replied getting into bed next to me.

"We can't do this."I declared in a whisper folding my hands over my chest protectively.

"Yes we can, I won't touch you, I give you my word. We'll just sleep."He promised his hand over his chest.

I didn't reply just watched him silently wondering if I was doing the right thing. Andrew turned away from me to lie on his side at the edge of the bed leaving more than enough space for me. I frowned at the distance between us, he didn't have to be so far away from me.

"It's so I don't choke on my own vomit if I do puke."He explained as if reading my mind.

"I'm sorry for barging in on you but I really do want to work things out. Goodnight Ivy."He whispered into the night and his breath evened out a few minutes later meaning he had fallen asleep.

"Goodnight Andrew."I replied lying skeptically under the sheets hoping I was making the right decision.

I was verytired both mentally and physically that it didn't take me long to fall asleep.


The next morning I woke up to find a sleeping Andrew breathing next to me. All the events of the previous night rushed to mind and I rushed to get out of bed but still careful enough not to wake him. I grabbed a change of clothes from the closet before hurried to the bathroom. I emerged half an hour later dressed in a brown long sleeved cropped top and leggings. My hair was wet so I let it air dry too lazy to do anything about it.

Andrew was still asleep when I started on breakfast. I would wake him after I was done so we could talk and figure out a way forward.

"Oh God, where am I?"A sleepy voice groaned from the bed.

I turned around after turning off the heat with the pan of scrambled eggs in hand. I didn't want to spook Andrew so I let him gather his bearings on his own. He sat up on the bed and stretched exposing his delicious torso to me once more. He had a tattoo on his side but he put his arms down too fast so I didn't see what it was.

He turned and his gaze fell on me. His eyes widened in surprise and he rubbed them as if to confirm I was real. When he saw that I was real instead of freaking out like I expected him to he smiled.

"I thought last night was a dream but here you are. Good morning Ivy."He greeted with a shy wave.

"You remember last night?"I asked perplexed.

"Yeah I know most people who would have drunk as heavily as I did would have woken up with memory loss of their drunken acts but I don't. It's both a curse and a blessing and this time it's definitely a blessing."He explained.

"Okay good for you then. Breakfast is almost done so you go take a shower. Your clothes are on the sink. We can talk over breakfast."I informed him.

"You washed my clothes?"He asked looking surprised.

"Yeah but only because I was doing my own load too."I replied not wanting him to think I'd done something special for him or something like that.

He got out of bed and I pointed towards the direction of the bathroom with a wooden spoon. He looked as if he wanted to tell me something by the way he was fidgeting on his feet. He changed his mind last minute and turned around walking towards the bathroom. My mind immediately went to the gutter imagining him naked in my bathroom. I'd noticed his morning wood when he woke up and he was well endowed down there. I was in so much trouble.

I tried to distract myself by focusing on breakfast but as long as I could hear the shower running my thoughts went crazy. By the time Andrew came out of his shower I was a mess and on the verge of giving in just so he could help me relieve the tension I'd built up imagining him naked.

"Thanks for breakfast."He said picking up his plate and digging in.

I didn't even notice him approach me which meant I had to reel in my thoughts if we were going to have a meaningful conversation.

"You're welcome."I replied.

It was just tea, toast and samosas nothing to brag about.

"No I mean it thank you, for breakfast, not kicking me out last night, feeding me and letting me sleep on your bed. You even washed my clothes."He expounded with a sigh.

I didn't reply to that because I had no idea what to say. To me all that was just basic human kindness. His friend abandoned him drunk on my doorstep so there was no way he could have gotten home in his state. He asked for food and I gave him some because I had the food, why let him sleep hungry out of spite when I had what he needed. As for sleeping on my bed he didn't give me much of a choice but I wasn't complaining.

"I can't believe I was stupid enough to loose you."Andrew said more to himself than me but I managed to hear him.

We were already halfway through breakfast so I decided to address the obvious elephant in the room.

"What do you want from me Andrew?"I asked jumping straight to the point.

His eyes lifted to meet mine and he gave me me a lopsided smile.

"I don't have liquor courage like last night but I know what I want is for you to be mine. I want to call you my girl in front of our friends, family, the university, damn the whole universe if you let me."He declared and hearing him say those words so plainly and truthfully immediately sent me into defense mode.

"I can't."I rejected getting out of my seat but Andrew was fast and got up too.

He approached me, picked me up effortlessly and placed me on the counter top next to the sink. I would get a wet spot since I'd spilled water on it but I was not bothered by that. I only cared about Andrew's and I's close proximity.

"Why not?"He asked and I realized that he had caged me in so I could not escape.

We were also eye to eye so I could not lie to him or he would see right through me.

"Because we barely know each other and you messed up. That's a question for when we've dated for like a month but we only went on one date and have been estranged for two months."I pointed out but it seemed as if Andrew had mentally prepared for the talk as he had an answer to everything I threw at him.

"I'm sorry I messed up, I'll make it up to you and I promise to earn your trust but don't use time as an excuse not to be with me. I liked you way long before I asked you out. If it's time you want then take that but I've already wasted enough not calling you mine."He declared.

I wanted to ask him how long he had liked me. It probably wasn't as long my three year old crush on him but it would have been nice to know he had liked me for a long while. Another thing that scared me was that I would probably always like Andrew more than he liked me and that would come to bite me in the ass one day.

"Andrew?"I whispered not knowing what to say.

"Do you have any feelings for me? Any whatsoever?"He asked looking vulnerable and I decided to be honest with him.


"Then agree to be mine and let me win you over while you are mine."He declared and I realized he was asking for much more than I thought.

"Is there an out to this?"I asked recognizing the determination in his eyes.

"No because I know you want this as much as I do. So Pierra Ivy, will you be my girlfriend and let me win back your trust and show you that I am the right guy for you."He asked and I was shocked.

I had no idea he wanted me to be his girlfriend. I just thought he wanted us to go out again not jump straight into a relationship.

"Why can't you first win me back then ask me to be your girlfriend like any normal guy would?"I asked feeling both happy that he was ready to commit but also scared that we would be moving too fast.

"Because I am not just any normal guy and I've already waited long enough as it it. So what's your answer?"He asked and I realized just how serious he was.

"Can't I have time to think about it?"I asked not wanting to make any rush decisions.

"No you've had two weeks to think so either reject me now so I can move on or say yes and let me treat you right and do good by you."He said and I knew that he was right.

I couldn't keep running and had to make a decision so we could either be happy together or separate and heal so we could both move on.

"I don't want to get hurt again."I expressed softly getting vulnerable too.

"I can't promise not to hurt you because I'm a guy and we're pretty clueless to somethings but I can promise you that I will always be there to make things right when I screw up."He promised and I in that moment I knew what to do.

"And you're willing to date me even knowing who my brother is."I asked wanting to cover all the basis.

"Yes without a doubt."He replied looking more sure than I'd ever seen him look.

"Then yes Andrew I will be your girlfriend."I declared freeing myself to love.

No more words were said as he lowered his lips to mine sealing our new founded relationship.

I was finally Andrew's girlfriend after crushing on him for three years.


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