Jamie Quill: The bad boy, the...

By _itshoesef

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*RECENT UPATE* I will be thoroughly editing through all chapters to ensure a better reach for my audience bu... More

Part 1: Chapter 1 | 3 AM Thoughts
Chapter 2 | Team Alentos.
Chapter 3 | Benjamin Gray.
Chapter 4 | Three truths One lie.
Chapter 5 | Marcus Sanchez.
Chapter 6 | Set the record STRAIGHT.
Chapter 7 | Baddest Bitch.
Chapter 8 | Spear of Triam.
Chapter 9 | Aftermath.
Chapter 10 | Brothers.
Chapter 11 | Oscars, Enemies, COD, ETC.
Chapter 12 | Carpool Karaoke.
Chapter 13| Coastal Clean up Pt. 1
Chapter 14 | Coastal Clean up Part 2.
Chapter 15 | Brandon Arthur.
Chapter 16 | Beach Day.
Chapter 17 | Confrontation.
Chapter 18 | Riot.
Chapter 19 | Punishment.
Chapter 20 | The visit.
Chapter 21 | Altercation.
Chapter 22 | Nooky.
Chapter 23 | Day with Brandon.
Chapter 24 | Brutus and Cassius.
Chapter 25 | Suspicious.
Chapter 26 | Fresh Start.
Chapter 27 | Endgame.
Part 2: Chapter 28 | Sophomore Year
Chapter 29 | Kunai & Leo
Chapter 30 | Unexpected Guest.
Chapter 31 | First day of school 2.0
Chapter 32 | Elijah King.
Chapter 33 | Park Encounters Pt 1.
Chapter 34 | Park Encounters Pt 2.
Chapter 35 | Spear of Triam 2.0
Chapter 36 | Panic Attacks.
Chapter 37 | Golden Memories Pt 1.
Chapter 38 | Golden Memories Pt 2.
Chapter 39 | Golden Memories Pt 3.
Chapter 40 | Golden Memories Pt 4.
Chapter 41 | Truth Be Told.
Chapter 42 | The plan.
Chapter 43 | Into the woods.
Chapter 44 | Kunai and Leo Pt 2.
Chapter 45 | Quill takes King.
Part 3: Chapter 46 | Trial of King.
Chapter 47 | Summertime sadness.
Chapter 48 | Gone.
Chapter 49 | Junior year.
Chapter 50 | Flores Dandy.
Chapter 52 | Second Move.
Chapter 53 | Time skip.
Chapter 54 | Session 4.
Chapter 55 | Epilogue.
Thank you.

Chapter 51 | First Move.

18 1 0
By _itshoesef


It's been over a month since Flores and I's little bathroom altercation and so far nothing bad has happened. I mean everyone still loves her because she's like their idol or goddess I dare say.

A little run through on my little friend group. The spear of triam was going stronger than ever. Like always, they've been with me through thick and thin and even when we were on our little break, they still managed to forgive me after everything I had done. As for the two. Dani and Sache. They've outgrown our little friend group and ventured to find other groups and possibly themselves. We were to totally fine with that because it's their moment to go and be bad bitches in this hierarchy of high school.

Benjamin has been coming to school more often every since he came out last year. Quite an amount of lgbtq+ members in our school started to take a liking in him. I know I did. Brandon well, I have no idea what Brandon has been doing these past few months. Since our little talk, we've sorta drifted apart.

As for me. I'm doing okay at the moment. Just little breakdowns here and there. but it's a lot more easier to go through when I have good people around me twenty-four seven. Dr. Lee has proven to be one of the biggest help on my way to recovery. She's been giving me tips and advice, and even throws in a little life story just so I can relate to them and possibly learn from them. She's the greatest.

Speaking of her, I am currently on my way to the center. I asked my mom to drop me because I can't be fucked taking the bus.

"Hey Jim," I greeted the security guard at the door.

"Hey Jamie! How are you!" He asked.

I told him I was good and went to Dr. Lee's room. I knocked on the door and I heard her say 'I'm coming' from the inside. I waited ten seconds before the door finally opened.

"Hey Jamie! Come inside!" She cheered as she ushered me to my seat.

"Hey Dr. Lee! I'm good thank you!"

I still haven't told Dr. Lee about Flores, and I think today will be the day that I do so. She walked over to her desk, grabbed her notepad, and walked over to the little sofas that sat across each other.

"So my darling, what did you do today?"

"Well I had classes today. Lunch was great and yea that's about it," I said bouncing one leg.

"Well then, since I know you and I both are in a good space, how are you?"

"Yea I'm doing great. My breakdowns have decreased, but there is one problem," I said and she looked at me curiously, "When school started back up, rumors of the hottest girl spread that she would be attending baddie academy. That girl happened to be Flores," I revealed.

"How do you feel about that?"

"Well I feel alright with her being there, as if I had any say to that. It's just what she said has been on my mind lately."

"What did she say?"

"I'll finish what Elijah could not," I quoted.

"And has she done anything to provoke you in any way?"

"No but I know she will. I'm just not ready for another scandal. I feel like I won't be able to handle any more pain. This will literally be the death of me," I sobbed.

Dr. Lee reached over and gave me a box of tissues. I took three sheets out and did my business. It took me a good three minutes to calm down.

"Jamie, Can I ask how did you get into all this drama with the people that have done you harm?"

"I fought back and even gave in to most of it," I admitted.

"Well here's a little tip in case Flores tries to do something. Don't pay attention to it no matter what because once she has your attention, she's already won. If you see something, let it go. If she says something, let it flow out one ear to the other. Don't add fuel to the fire you're trying to put out. It will eventually die down. You'll find peace once you've realized that not everything requires actions because in the end, you'll only get a reaction and the process repeats," She counseled.

"I'll try to do that," I said sniffling.

"I know you'll be great. I believe in you and so many others do. Flores will get her karma. As for the mean time, sit back and relax."

We said our goodbyes and I walked out of that center with a new mindset. I was waiting for my mom to come and pick up and I noticed a black Camaro driving in my direction. It was Brandon.

"Get in," he said once he rolled down his window.

"My mom will be here soon."

"Just text her that you'll be catching a ride from me. It's no big deal," Brandon said rolling his eyes.

"Oh for fucks sake," I sent my mom the text and got into his car.

We caught up while he drove me to my house. Turns out that Brandon is actually seeing someone. I was so happy for him when he told me and hearing how he was describing her, she must be a great girl. I hope he's happy with her and I hope I get to meet her one day.

"Well here's your stop." We parked right outside my house.

"Thank you so much Brandon!" I said reaching over yo hug him.

His phone suddenly rang on the dashboard, revealing the contact name; 'Baby'. I got excited and grabbed the phone from the dashboard. I quickly answered the phone and greeted her excitedly.

"Oh my gosh! Hi I'm Jamie, one of Brandon's buddies! It's so nice to finally speak to you!" I said with a big smile.

"Jamie? Give the phone to my fucking boyfriend right now you slut!" Flores yelled through the phone.

My body froze as I heard her voice pierce my eardrums. Brandon was dating Flores, so that means I'll probably be seeing her often. I slowly handed the phone to Brandon.

"Hey babe what's up?" He immediately flinched away from the phone.

"Woah woah hey calm down! I was just dropping him home. He's a close friend of mine!" Brandon argued.

"Why are you acting like this? Do you know Jamie?" His face was scrunched up.

"Oh...uh okay then. Bye love you," He hung up and looked me dead in the eye.

"Get out."

I looked at him in shock. She really just changed his whole perspective of me that fast. I was about to argue but then I remembered the advice Dr. Lee had gave me. I took a deep breath and opened the car door, exiting out of the vehicle.

"Thanks agai-"

I was interrupted by the screeching of his tires. I watched as he sped off from my street and out of my view. If Flores can manipulate Brandon like that, imagine if she manipulated the whole school and possibly my best friends.

I gasped realizing that I was the one who provoked her without even knowing I did. I was literally in the car with her boyfriend, answering his phone, making her think bad of him and me; as if she hasn't been thinking that.

I made the first move and she did too. Drama literally always finds it way back to me. Please if you're thinking that I should've minded my business, you can kiss my ass because he would've picked up the phone regardless and say my name anyways.



**feedback and constructive criticism would be very much appreciated**




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