Sealed With a Kiss

By To_Kill_A_Bookworm

2M 64.5K 6.1K

Poppy White is nothing more than a simple Brooklyn girl...until the day she inherited 1.15 billion dollars. T... More

Eleven Part I
Eleven Part II
Eighteen Part I
Fall Favorites
Eighteen Part II
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Winter Favorites So Far
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five Part I
Twenty Five Pt. II
Twenty Five Pt. III
Twenty Five Pt. IV
Twenty Six Pt. I
Maid of Dishonor Preview
Twenty Six Pt. II
Twenty Six Pt. III
Twenty Seven
Twenty Nine
Thirty One Pt. I
Thirty One Pt. II
A rant on Wattpad Titles & More
Thirty Two Pt. I
Thirty Two Pt. II
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Note From Me About Ch.33

Twenty Eight

29.8K 1.1K 95
By To_Kill_A_Bookworm

XXVIII: The In-Laws

COLE TOOK MY HAND AND GAVE ME A COMFORTING SQUEEZE. I took a deep breath and stepped out of the car with him. The driveway that led to the massive Richmond estate was made of cobblestone and complete with an angelic fountain in the middle, it was like something out of a movie.

The house, if it can even be called that, was illuminated by dozen of lights. Each room in the incredible four floor house lit up like a lantern and we flies, attracted to our own impending deaths.

"It's going to be okay, Poppy. You're my wife now."

I looked into his honest eyes and couldn't help but smile. "I like the sound of that."

"Yeah, Mrs. Richmond? Maybe later you can show me how much you like---"

The double iron doors parted just then. Cole and I looked away from each other in surprise to find Hannah Hastings standing there with her arms angrily crossed over her chest. On either side of her were two maids looking warily at Hannah. I couldn't help but laugh.

"You!" She screeched and pointed at me. "You two! I hate both of you. How dare you betray me in this way."

Cole rolled his eyes and pulled the young girl in for a hug. "Sorry. You know you're bae."

"Ewh don't call me that." Hannah pushed him away but Cole just laughed. "What are you, a preteen?"

"Poppy, I thought we were friends. Like seriously. How dare you not tell me you were going to elope?"

I blushed, "We didn't tell anyone. We paid someone off the street $200 to be our witness."

"I would have done it for free!" Hannah pouted.

I smiled and hugged her too. "I'm sorry. You know I would have loved everyone there, but it was a last minute thing."

"Fine forgiven." She stepped back and took my hand. "Come. Everyone is sitting there wondering what the big news is."

"So then how did you find out?" Cole asked Hannah as we walked together further into the house.

"Elle told me. Sort of. Well she screamed and fangirled so that bought me enough time to steal her phone and read the message. Same thing."

I laughed and shrugged at Cole. "I guess they'll all find out sooner or later."

"Probably sooner." Cole said eyeing the double doors that led to the parlor. "Ready?"

He looked more nervous than I. But I saw the courage in his eyes when he leaned down and kissed me, ignoring the gagging noise Hannah made.

Cole wrapped his arm protectively around my waist and together we walked through the doors.

I felt the weight of a million eyes falls on us. On his arm around my waist. On my hand clutching his jacket like a life source. On my third finger. On my ring.

Simultaneously, they moved as one. The ladies pried us apart and toon turns hugging me while the older Richmond men congratulated Cole with pats on the back and manly handshakes.

They were gushing over me, complimenting my hair and saying how pretty I was. I was stunned by the way they received us. I could tell from the surprise in their eyes that they didn't know, but they hid it well.

I looked over my shoulder and locked eyes with Cole. He rolled his eyes and sent me a smile. I simply shrugged in response. It was all a bit overwhelming.

It was then that Marc with a C came over and swept me in a big bear hug. I laughed and hugged him back tight. "Oh I knew it! The moment I saw you two I just knew it."

"Hello Marc. Mind putting me down?" He set me on my heel-clad feet and yanked my left hand toward him.

Marc gasped, "I've never seen a more beautiful gem." He looked up and winked, "the ring's not bad either."

I smiled and ducked down when I felt a tug on my skirt. "Hey there Phoebe."

The little girl was decked out in a huge, poofy tea-party dress the color of buttercream frosting. Her long, brown hair was swept up in a bun and a tiara sat on her head. "Hiya Poppy!"

She motioned me forwards and I obliged, "Cole said you're married to him. Are you really my sister now?"

I nodded and her eyes grew big. "I've always wanted a big sister!"

I picked up the little girl and sat her on my hip. "Wanna hear a secret, Phoebe?"

She nodded eagerly, nearly knocking her tiara off. "I've always wanted a little sister too."

Phoebe gave me a big hug and presented me with a jewelry box she kept hidden underneath her dress. "This is for you, sis."

I sat her back down and took the box. "For me?"

She nodded and jumped up and down. "Open it!"

I opened the jewelry box and nearly fainted. It was a stunning locket. It was ornate and beautiful. "It's an heirloom. We hand it to every Buchanon bride."

I looked up and met the eyes of Daniel, Cole's father. "Hello sir."

He laughed and pulled me in for a hug. "None of that. This is our way of showing that you're one of us now."

"Thank you, it's beautiful." Daniel took the locket from me and helped me put it on.

"Welcome to the family, Poppy." My eyes filled with tears.

"Thank you. I can't tell you how thankful I am--"

"Poppy!" I spun around and spotted Elle dragging Max behind her. "Oh my fucking god you're married!"

I laughed and accepted their congratulations. "I'll forgive you for not telling me about the wedding if we do much tomorrow. I need to know everything."

Max rolled his eyes at his fiancée, "Elle, it's up to Poppy what she wants to tell you."

She scoffed, "Yeah like you're not dying to get the whole story from your home boy over there. The ladies can go to lunch while you two golf or whatever it is you do."

Max shook his head and let the argument go. "Anyway, congratulations Poppy. You're going to make that loser a very lucky man."

The pair walked away but before Cole could reach me, Felicity came up to me. "You eloped?"

I blushed, "Yeah I guess I've gone completely mad."

"I'll say." Something in her tone caught my attention.

"What is it?" My brows furrowed in confusion when Felicity avoided eye contact.

"Look, I can't talk about it here. Can I see you soon? Maybe tomorrow?"

"I've got plans with Elle. Felicity, what's wrong?"

Her eyes met mine. She looked haunted almost. Like the baggage of some big secret was weighing down on her. "Nothing. It's nothing important. Check your schedule, call me when you're free."

Cole was a few steps back when Felicity abruptly gave me a kiss on the cheek and hastily left. "Just call me, okay?"

Cole came up beside me and gave me a kiss on my temple. "What's up with her?"

"I-I'm not sure. She was acting kind of weird."

"Hmm. Well I'll talk to her later, make sure she's okay. Come on, you're got to meet Uncle Allen."

My husband towed me away, introducing me to dozens of people (well, now family members).

"Cole!" We both turned to watch a tall, salt and pepper man stride confidently towards us.

"Who's that?" I whispered.


"Cole, son. I can't believe you went off and got married." The man turned to me and offered me his hand. "Thanks for the heads up."

"Charles Prescott. And you must be Poppy." I smiled politely and shook his hand.

"Charles, where's my mother?" Cole looked calm, but there was something about his voice. It was almost...shaky.

Charles's smile suddenly looked strained. "She was feeling a bit under the weather I'm afraid. Go on up and see her son, I'm sure she'd love the opportunity I can keep your bride busy."

Cole sent me an apologetic look before kissing my cheek and going out the door. "You're even more stunning in person, Poppy. Cole sure knows how to pick them."

I blushed. "Thank you sir. I understand you're Felicity's father?"

His gaze darkened, shocking me. "Yes. Do you know her?"

"She's a friend of mine, yes." I watched his expression carefully. After the first slip up, he revealed nothing.

"I'm glad. She needs good friends right now." It was then that I remembered that Charles had cut Felicity off financially. That's probably why she ran off earlier, to hide from her father.

"If you'll excuse me, sir, I'll just run to the ladies room." Charles gave me directions but I wasn't listening.

Cole was acting weird since we arrived. He practically cringed at the mention of his mother. I was only going to check on him, just make sure he's alright. Or at least that's what I told myself as I snuck up the stairs and snooped up and down the hallways.

I froze outside a door in the second floor. I heard Cole's voice mixed with another more feminine one.

"How dare you?" She said. "How dare you disrespect me this way?"

"I-I can explain."

"I don't want your bloody explanations. You married her, Cole. You brought her into my home. You were never supposed to--"

I stepped back and the floorboard gave a creek. Olivia stopped talking and simply glared at her son. "That's all."

"Mother, I-"

"I said leave, Cole." She signed. "I'll deal with you later. But for now, get her off my damn property."

I muffled my gasp and turned to run away as quietly as I could. The last thing I wanted was to be caught eavesdropping on an argument about me.

I made it back into the parlor in record time and downed a glass of champagne. As I was reaching for another, a set of arms wrapped around me.

I jumped and Cole laughed. "Sorry, just me."

I turned in his hold and looked up into his beautiful, icy eyes. "How's your mum?"

He didn't even flinch. His expression stayed the same. "She's not feeling too well. I told her we'd leave soon and get everyone out so she can rest."

My shoulders deflated in disappointment, which Cole misinterpreted. "She really wanted to come down here and talk to you. There was a lot of bad blood from before, but I want it all to change. I have hope it will."

I let Cole pull me in for a kiss on my forehead. I closed my eyes painfully tight and willed myself to remain calm.

Cole had just lied to my face. I just had to trust that it was for a good reason.

A/N: Two updates in one day? Unheard of from Stephany! Well believe it lovies. I just had to get this one out because I want to finish Sealed With a Kiss before June.

What do we think of Cole? Does he really love Poppy or is he just doing it for Mommy Dearest?

Check out the ring. It's Blake Lively's rose pink gold engagement that I'm ABSOLUTELY OBSESSED WITH and I've decided it's the best for Poppy and Cole. After all Cole is the richest male lead in my stories, he can afford to drop a couple mil on Poppy's bling right?

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