Trial of the Times

By CourtesyTrefflin

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After Obi-Wan's supposed death, Anakin is devastated. He receives a surprise offer which will hopefully allow... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 - Alone
Chapter 2 - An Offer
Chapter 3 - Making Arrangements
Chapter 4 - Last Words
Chapter 5 - Sith Apprentice
Chapter 6 - The Face of Vader
Chapter 7 - Hardeen
Chapter 8 - Suspicions
Chapter 9 - The Festival of Light
Chapter 10 - Betrayal
Chapter 11 - Power of the Dark Side
Chapter 12 - Moving On
Chapter 13 - Repercussions
Chapter 14 - A New Strategy
Chapter 15 - Kidnapped
Chapter 16 - Confrontation
Chapter 17 - Truths
Chapter 18 - A Missing Master
Chapter 19 - Answers
Chapter 20 - Revelations
Chapter 21 - A Sith's Plans
Chapter 22 - Rising Tensions
Chapter 23 - The Plot Thickens
Chapter 24 - Laying the Trap
Chapter 25 - Infiltration
Chapter 26 - Launching the Attack
Chapter 27 - The Beginning of the End
Chapter 28 - The Council
Chapter 29 - Snips
Chapter 30 - Passing Judgement
Chapter 31 - Aftermath
Chapter 32 - Clones
Chapter 33 - The New Sith Order
Chapter 34 - A Conversation Long Overdue
Chapter 35 - Uncomfortable Realities
Chapter 36 - Requesting Immunity
Chapter 37 - Ahsoka's Vision
Chapter 38 - Rumors
Chapter 39 - Assassin Droids
Chapter 40 - Mandalore
Chapter 41 - Coming Clean
Chapter 42 - Assault
Chapter 43 - Captured
Chapter 44 - The End in Sight
Chapter 45 - Korriban
Chapter 46 - The Lion's Den
Chapter 47 - Duel of the Fates
Chapter 48 - All Things Must End
Chapter 49 - Homeward Bound
Chapter 50 - Back to the Start
Bonus Chapter - Dooku
Bonus Chapter - Sidious
Bonus Chapter - Ahsoka
Bonus Chapter - Obi-Wan
Bonus Chapter - Fox
Bonus Chapter - Padme
Bonus Chapter - Maul
Prologue - Rewritten
Chapter 1 - Dooku - Rewritten
Chapter 2 - The Offer - Rewritten
Chapter 3 - Goodbye - Rewritten
Chapter 4 - The Face of Vader - Rewritten
Chapter 5 - Embracing Reality - Rewritten
Chapter 6 - The Chase - Rewritten
Chapter 7 - Hardeen - Rewritten
Chapter 8 - Betrayal - Rewritten
Chapter 9 - The Festival of Light - Rewritten
Chapter 10 - Aftermath - Rewritten
Chapter 11 - The Subtlety of Change - Rewritten
Chapter 12 - Repercussions - Rewritten
Chapter 13 - Interim - Rewritten
Chapter 14 - Kidnapping - Rewritten
Chapter 15 - Confrontation - Rewritten
Chapter 16 - Truths - Rewritten
Chapter 17 - Resolving Issues - Rewritten
Chapter 18 - Long Overdue - Rewritten
Chapter 19 - Rising Tensions - Rewritten
Chapter 20 - Moving Forwards - Rewritten
Chapter 21 - A Step Ahead - Rewritten
Chapter 22 - Laying the Trap - Rewritten
Chapter 23 - Gamemaster - Rewritten
Chapter 24 - Attack - Rewritten
Chapter 25 - Consequences - Rewritten
Chapter 26 - Verdict - Rewritten
Chapter 27 - Decisions - Rewritten
Chapter 29 - Freedom - Rewritten
Chapter 30 - Planning - Rewritten
Chapter 31 - A Time to Talk - Rewritten
Chapter 32 - A New Reality - Rewritten
Chapter 33 - Training - Rewritten
Chapter 34 - Reflections - Rewritten
Chapter 35 - Upheaval - Rewritten
Chapter 36 - Infiltrators - Rewritten
Chapter 37 - Political Maneuvers - Rewritten
Chapter 38 - Victory and Chaos - Rewritten
Chapter 39 - The End in Sight - Rewritten
Chapter 40 - The Lion's Den - Rewritten
Chapter 41 - Duel of the Fates - Rewritten
Chapter 42 - Coming Undone - Rewritten
Chapter 43 - Homeward Bound - Rewritten
Chapter 44 - Home - Rewritten

Chapter 28 - Scheming - Rewritten

35 2 0
By CourtesyTrefflin

Ahsoka is typing furiously on her wrist comm, exchanging messages with Rex as she appraises him of what just happened – she is this close to storming into the Council chambers and screaming herself hoarse – and dissuades him from bringing the entire 501st Legion to storm the Temple and break Anakin out. It's outrageous and completely unfair! How dare they – how dare they take her master to lock him up like some kind of dangerous criminal for trying to destroy Sidious and end the war.

She senses more than hears Obi-Wan approaching, and she looks up at him, scowling as Anakin's instructions replay in her mind. When the Temple guards were leading him away, he'd reached out to her through their bond, telling her how to find Dooku and instructing her to go to him and inform him about what happened. "Master Obi-Wan, what happened?" she demands, sounding irater than she intended. She's not upset at him, because she's certain he would never have condoned Anakin's arrest, but she's still angry, and she'll do her best not to lash out at him.

He lets out a quiet sigh. "The Council expelled Anakin after learning about his marriage," he explains, "And they also felt that since Anakin all but admitted to wanting to embrace the Dark Side, he was too great a threat to be allowed to leave."

Ahsoka crosses her arms, knowing that her anger and worry are being projected into the Force. "What will we do now? I want to help. What the Council did is wrong. They shouldn't have done that to Anakin."

"I know." Obi-Wan's voice is quiet, and he momentarily looks down at the floor before meeting her eyes. "I don't know what we'll do now, but we need to figure something out. If I could contact Dooku, it would be easier. He might have some ideas."

She brightens slightly. "Anakin told me where Dooku is right after he was arrested. He wants me to tell him what happened," she informs Obi-Wan.

The Jedi Master seems momentarily surprised, though he hides it well. "I don't like the idea of sending you to meet Dooku alone, but if I leave the Temple now, the Council might become suspicious," he admits. "I should check on Anakin. Go meet with Dooku, but I want you to take a few clones with you, and if I don't hear back from you within a few hours, I'll track you down myself. Is that understood?"

Ahsoka nods. "Understood, Master Obi-Wan," she confirms, before turning and hurrying off, sending a message to Rex to update him, telling him to send a few clones to meet up with her in the underworld. They'll go from the meeting spot to where Dooku is waiting. She can understand Obi-Wan's caution because she is wary about contacting Dooku while alone, but Anakin trusts him for some unfathomable reason, and she trusts Anakin.

It's not long before Ahsoka meets Fives and Jesse – Rex is still recovering, and as such, if there's a fight, he won't be much help – and the three of them head towards the Works on speeder bikes. It'll take them some time to get there, being as they're using speeders instead of a shuttle or starship, which will give Ahsoka plenty of time to organize her thoughts. This will be the first time she's ever interacted with Dooku, so she's understandably a bit nervous, but she won't let that deter her, because Anakin needs her – them – and she refuses to fail him.


There isn't much to see in the Works, being as it's a mostly abandoned industrial area, though there are still a few factories here and there which are still in operation. Dooku has never much cared for the area, especially given how much criminal activity occurs here. He very much looks down on criminals. Something went wrong though; he can feel that much. Sidious is long gone from the system – or maybe he's hiding himself entirely in the Force – and while Dooku would like to leave as well so he can contact his allies, he cannot do so until Skywalker and Kenobi have returned.

Something has happened to Skywalker, something which is impeding his return. The Council is likely being overbearing and arrogant, as usual. Dooku stiffens when he feels the approach of another familiar Force presence: Tano. She's not alone though – two clones are with her. Dooku turns away from the viewport in the cockpit, making his way to the main hold.

The young Togruta walks up the lowered ramp, expression guarded, hands twitching towards her lightsabers. How cute that she thinks she might be able to actually fight him if it comes down to it. Oh, he has no doubt that she's good – Skywalker would have trained her well – but she's still young and too inexperienced to pose a threat to him. "What has happened?" Dooku questions, hands clasped behind his back as he looks at her.

Tano's expression flickers with irritation. "The Council had Anakin arrested," she informs him. "He sent me here to tell you."

That is unfortunate, for their sakes, but Dooku could have expected no less from them. They have long been short-sighted, a flaw which is proving itself more and more destructive as the war goes on. And to think that Sidious might be dead if the Jedi weren't so untrustworthy. Dooku would have gladly requested their help if he thought he could trust them. For a moment, he almost wishes that the clones were still at his disposal. Ordering them to march on the Temple would be a perfect distraction – both for undermining Sidious, because he could be blamed, and freeing Skywalker from his imprisonment.

However, it would be a bit excessive. "What has Master Kenobi said about the situation?"

"He actually didn't say anything," Tano admits with a shrug. "I don't think he knew what to do."

Somehow, Dooku isn't surprised. He's since come to realize that Kenobi has... problems when it comes to being loyal to the Council. Still, he's hoping that the love Kenobi so obviously has for Skywalker will win out in the end; whatever happens next will be up to Kenobi. The sooner all of them leave, the better, because Dooku has no illusions as to the treatment that Skywalker will likely endure. It won't be pleasant, and may even border on torture at times, especially for someone who is as troubled as him. Hopefully it won't be enough to completely push him over the edge into the Dark Side.

Skywalker could never be a Sith – at least not the kind Sidious wants. He's too emotional, loves too deeply. It's easy to see why he was so broken over what happened between him and Kenobi. The Council acted foolishly, as usual. It's dangerous – if not harmful – to disrupt a bond like the one those two share, but Dooku is convinced it will heal given time. They're too close and love each other too much to let anything come between them permanently.

And for that reason, he's certain that Kenobi will figure out how to free Skywalker, preferably without the entire Jedi Order giving pursuit. "He is a Council member," Dooku points out. "I am certain he will be allowed to visit Skywalker. Perhaps he can release him tonight, while much of the Temple is asleep." He pauses as Tano nods. "Are any of the clones open to joining us?"

"Yes," she answers without missing a beat. "Everyone in the 501st Legion would be more than willing to help if they can."

Somehow, Dooku isn't surprised. He's long since come to realize that Skywalker's clones are unflinchingly loyal to him. "And they are all willing to, for all intents and purposes, leave the Republic and defect?"

Tano hesitates for a second before nodding again. "I can ask them, but yes, I think they would do it if it would help Anakin."

Dooku smiles slightly. "Then perhaps you should contact them," he suggests. "We wouldn't want them to back out after we've already incorporated them into our plans."

Her uncertainty and suspicion are thinly veiled, but she reigns them in surprisingly well. "My master trusts you," she declares, narrowing her eyes at him in a manner which might actually be threatening if she was fully grown. "I hope you aren't deceiving him."

With those words, she backs down the ramp, unwilling to turn her back on him. Her caution is admirable. Now, with the backing of so many clones, it should be far easier for them to accomplish their end goal. He can only hope.


Anakin stands silently in the center of the tiny prison cell as the ray shield is reactivated and the Temple guard walk out of his line of sight. A part of him is still in shock over the sudden turn of events, except he'd be lying if he said that he hadn't feared such an outcome. But still, he doesn't understand how the Council can completely disregard his actions and many faithful years of service the moment he disobeys them. It's hypocritical and completely unfair.

The cell is meant to dampen a user's connection with the Force, and while Anakin notices that the Force does seem somewhat muted, he can still feel life and everything the way he always has. He exhales shakily, sliding down the wall at his back and sitting on the floor, legs crossed. He clenches his fists, trying to get himself to stop shaking. While he appreciates Obi-Wan standing up for him and trying to help him, there's nothing he can do anymore. The Council has made its decision, and Anakin knows that his former master won't be stupid enough to openly defy them, as well he shouldn't.

Anakin blinks back the tears blurring his eyes, tilting his head back to stare aimlessly up at the ceiling. Never did he expect that the Jedi would declare him to be their prisoner, arresting him for his actions. Perhaps he does deserve it for betraying their teachings, but it's not as though he openly declared himself to be their enemy. That choice was theirs alone.

The thought of the Council hearing and seeing everything that happened in Palpatine's office, especially the way the Sith Master was trying to manipulate him, makes him feel sick and choked with guilt. Despite everything which Dooku – and even Obi-Wan – has said to him, Anakin can't help but fall back into old thought patterns, wondering if he could have stopped it if he was better. Perhaps if he hadn't let himself get so distracted, warring against the caring he's long felt for the Chancellor, he wouldn't have been so thoroughly incapacitated by a Sith holocron of all things.

He's long felt that the Council is especially harsh on him when compared with all of the other Jedi, and their decision just now only confirms it. If he hasn't been so hurt – and angered – by their verdict, he could have convinced them to reconsider, though he doubts it would have worked. They don't respect him in the least. Maybe they have only ever seen him as a tool, as someone to use as they see fit. The whole Hardeen incident was not that long ago after all, and if nothing else, it proved that the Council doesn't trust him.

It takes all of his willpower to remain seated instead of giving in to the panic clawing its way up his throat at the confinement. It's always been hard for Anakin to be trapped in enclosed spaces, especially if he can't leave whenever he chooses. In all the times he was captured by the Separatists, by Dooku, he kept himself together with the constant, quiet reassurances that the Republic and Obi-Wan would be coming for him. Surely, they would never let one of their best generals remain a prisoner.

Anakin is perfectly aware of his power, and he knows that he could rip down the walls keeping him contained, but if he does that, what will the Council do to him? Kill him? Somehow, he doesn't exactly doubt the possibility, and he would much rather not have to kill Jedi if there's a choice. He exhales harshly burying his face in his hands and dragging his fingers up into his hair and tugging. The prosthetic fingers are hard and unyielding against his head, and Anakin forces himself to focus on them, so he hopefully won't spiral into a panic attack.

His heart is pounding too quickly as he shifts, suppressing an instinctive shudder as the feeling of being trapped sinks in, burrowing under his skin in an impossible-to-get-rid-of way. He's on the verge of lashing out, of reaching out with the Force and trying to remove the barrier between himself and freedom. If he does that – no, he doesn't want to think about it anymore. Nothing good will come of it, and – and –

Fear clamps him in a vice as his mind wanders over what could happen to him next. In a best-case scenario, he'll be trapped until – and if – the Council decides to release him. In a worse-case scenario, they'll – they'll execute him. He swallows a whimper, breath coming in short gasps as he tries to distance himself from the possibility, but now that it's taken root, his mind won't let it go. He'll never see Padme again. Or Ahsoka. Or Rex. Or – or Obi-Wan. Or Dooku, and even that realization arouses a surprising amount of regret.

He wants out. He wants to leave, but he can't because the Jedi locked him up. They locked him up like a rabid animal for which they no longer had use. Why? Is that all he is to them? A weapon? A tool? Why can't he ever become more for them? For anyone? He reminds himself distantly that he is more for Padme, for Ahsoka, for Obi-Wan, but – but...

Anakin struggles to bring his thoughts back under control, trying to make himself stop thinking about all of the horrible things which could occur. This isn't the first time he's panicked about stupid, useless things, and he's tried to hide it every time, though he hasn't always succeeded. He hates how weak and useless it makes him feel; even his brain won't function properly, as if he's broken in some fundamental way, a way which no one can ever fix.

He shifts, digging his mechanical fingers into his thigh, the pain helping him reground himself. This time wasn't as bad as some times, but it was bad enough. As his fear and panic begin receding, Anakin forces himself to breathe slowly and rhythmically, ignoring the tears wetting his face as he stares numbly at the durasteel floor in front of him. Whether he likes it or not, he's trapped here for the foreseeable future, so he'll have to become accustomed to it and hope that Sidious doesn't make a reappearance and launch a counterattack while he's locked up uselessly down here. He wouldn't even be surprised if the Council intentionally throws away the "key" to his prison cell, forgetting about him entirely.

Or, a morbid part of his mind thinks, maybe they'll torture him for information, not that there's anything he can really tell them anyways. Drawing up his knees – feeling completely drained – Anakin rests his forehead against his arms, which he crosses over his legs. He has no idea how long it's been since he was put in here, but it's probably been far longer than he realizes, especially considering how much time he's probably lost due to his panic attack.

Minutes – or maybe even hours; he has no sense of time anymore – Anakin feels more than hears Obi-Wan approaching. He lifts his head, eyes glassy and vacant. He only feels as if he's halfway here, and he might sleep if he didn't feel so unsafe. His former master stands outside, a flicker of sadness escaping through his shields. "I came as soon as I could," he says. "I was stopped on the way by Windu, or I would have been here an hour ago."

Obi-Wan glances sideways before resolutely typing a code into the door. The ray shield deactivates, and Anakin feels as if he can breathe properly for the first time as Obi-Wan enters the cell, crouching a few feet from him. "Anakin?" he tries tentatively, suddenly unsure.

Anakin doesn't know what he looks like, but he doubts it's anything good. "Mmm," he mumbles in response, trying to force his body to cooperate.

"Can I touch you?" Obi-Wan asks, sounding almost desperate.

Anakin nods. "An' stop frowning," he mutters, though his attempt at levity falls flat.

Obi-Wan moves closer, reaching out and touching his shoulder. It's grounding, and Anakin lets himself lean into the touch. "I'm sorry," Obi-Wan tells him fervently. "I couldn't stop the Council from deciding to imprison you. We'll figure something out though, I promise. I won't leave you down here."

"I know you won't," Anakin replies simply, his mind still working sluggishly. He's almost surprised when Obi-Wan wraps his arms around him in a hug – he can't even remember the last time that his former master initiated one – but he immediately burrows into the embrace, all but clinging to the elder.

"The Council is most worried about you embracing the Dark Side," Obi-Wan tells him at length as he runs his hand up and down Anakin's back. It's calming, and it helps him relax properly.

His response gets trapped in his throat, and Anakin swallows hard. This – it hurts. He doesn't want to say the words, almost as though saying them make them even more real. He doesn't want to acknowledge the depths of his so-called crimes – against the Jedi and against the galaxy. Reluctantly, he drags his gaze up to Obi-Wan's, though it unfortunately forces him to pull back slightly. His former master waiting patiently for him to respond, obviously realizing that he has something to say, though it's not easy for him. His mechanical hand clenches in Obi-Wan's robes, and he reaches out with the Force to ensure that no one and nothing is listening.

"They should be, Master," he tells him, even though each word feels like it's being painfully ripped from him. He shakes his head slightly. "They should be worried because I – the power is..." He trails off, unsure how to formulate his thoughts. "The Dark Side is powerful, as is the Light Side, but if I use them together, then their power is doubled. I don't think there's anything I couldn't do if I really wanted to, and it scares me, because I don't – I don't want to hurt anyone, b-but –" He shudders, burying himself back in Obi-Wan's arms, unwilling to look at him, to see his response to the confession.

This is far from easy. What will he do? Will he want to leave him? Even after everything? And what about Ahsoka? And Padme? Those thoughts make him flinch. He can't lose them, any of them. Ahsoka is his little sister, and Padme is his wife. Losing them wouldn't be as bad as Obi-Wan – true – but it would still hurt him deeply. Obi-Wan is – he is his anchor. He is his father, master, best friend, brother even. Watching any of them walk away would kill him, but it would destroy him entirely to be forced to watch them die while he stands by helplessly. Enough people have suffered from his mistakes already.

"Then focus on how much you don't want to hurt anyone," Obi-Wan calms him. He doesn't move, doesn't give any indication that he wants to pull away and leave Anakin. "That's what matters. I know how selfless you are, how caring. The rest of the Council members don't know you as I do, and they're wrong. You're not dangerous. You certainly can be, but that's true for every trained Force sensitive. You don't need to fear your power, so long as you keep it in check and know how to use it. I'll help you, Anakin, I swear I will."

Anakin can't bring himself to look at Obi-Wan, not when his unwavering faith is misplaced. He's failed him. He's failed everyone, and that fact will always haunt him. Maybe the Council isn't wrong to lock him up, though he knows that not even a prison cell can hold him. Nothing can. "I've failed you though," he whispers, tightening his arms around Obi-Wan.

"No," Obi-Wan protests, "You haven't. I just want you to be alright. That matters more to me than anything else."

The words warm him, and he finds himself blinking away tears. He feels oddly distant and detached still, the sensation of Obi-Wan's body next to his being the only thing keeping him sane and here. "How can it not bother you that – that I don't even regret using the Dark Side? How can you not care that I want to embrace it?" Anakin knows the answer deep inside of him, but he needs the reassurance now more than ever.

"It's not that it doesn't bother me... It's – you're my child." Obi-Wan's voice is barely audible, and he runs his fingers through Anakin's hair in the way he used to when Anakin was still young. "Force, Anakin, I care about you so much, and – and I know that – that it's... not the Jedi way, but I – it's how it is."

A strangled sound escapes Anakin at the confession, and he tightens his grip on Obi-Wan even more, crushing them together. A part of him can't believe that his former master really said that, while another is planning to savor the words for all eternity. It's not an I love you, but it's close. "I love you, too," Anakin mumbles into Obi-Wan's tunic, the words echoing more through their bond than they do through the air.

"I'm not going anywhere," Obi-Wan reassures him, and Anakin heeds the unspoken request, loosening his grip enough to let his former master breathe properly. It's something of a joke between them, actually, because once, when Anakin was probably eleven, Obi-Wan claimed he couldn't breathe because Anakin was hugging him so tightly.

"We can leave tonight, Force-willing," the Jedi Master adds, looping his arms around Anakin again. Though Anakin gets the distinct impression that Obi-Wan might rather he let go right about now, he doesn't, instead savoring the comfort and warmth while he still has it. Anything can change in a heartbeat, and Anakin would much rather hold onto what he now has. That's the way he's always been, and he doesn't think anything will be able to change that.

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