A Cruz new life (Riverdale)

By KatsukiDarling19980

12.9K 171 16

Celestia life is about to turn upside down when she transfer to Riverdale high what happens when she gets suc... More

Meet the character
Her aesthetic
Leaving for a new town
New girl in school
Body double
Troubling world
A black heart of riverdale
A delusion of elusion
A Seed of blossom blood in Cooper
Baby shower dismay
The lost weekend
A homecoming to remembered
A secret can bloom deadly
Into a new mystery of a serpent
new danger comes upon Riverdale
The Watcher in the Woods
A serpentess shows her true colors
A new light
Death Road
Free Jailbird
Serpents Welcome
Pickens day
Family is one
Tell of the heart
The Hills have eyes
Game of good and bad
Her Primary Colors
Noose Tightens
Carrie to die for....
A terror of a small town
A town of hell bring down an angel
A suffering family
back from the dead
Summer bummer
A new winged mystery
So above so below
The great Escape
Schoolar advance
Heart Broken Celeste
In Memory Of Andrew
Fast time in Riverdale
Dangerous time for a friend
Frighting situation
Thanksgiving Cruz Styles
In Treatment
Hypnotic Danger
Varsity Blues
How to get away with murder
To Die For!
Let the truth be set free
We are we Mr. Honey !So bring it on!
Don't mess with a cruz child
Killing Mr. Honey
The preppy murder
Back to School
Fire in the sky
Lock and Key
The Pincushion Man
In a lonely day
The night gallery
Goodbye Dear Cousin
Mother's of ours
Welcome to Rivervale
Ghost Stories
Mr. Cypher
The Cruz Woman Pasts
Pandora Box

A welcome back the mafian queen

118 1 0
By KatsukiDarling19980

Seven years go by and an adult Celestia

was a house mafia wife to her now husband Eden Ember.

At home she was making something to eat for their Children that's right children Her twin sons Jake and Jack

and her daughter Vanellope.

Her husband was out dealing some business as the boys played their games on the plasma mega TV while Vanellope read her Mac book on the iPad she took her twins plates to them

"Jake Jack time to eat sweetie."

"Okay." Said Jack

"Thanks mom." Said Jake then she goes over to her daughter setting a plate in front of her

"Cupcake time to eat." She kissed her head Vanellope looks up

"Thank you mama." She smiled then goes to grab their drinks when she gets tap in the butt she jump a little

"Hello beautiful." And sighed turning to see her beloved husband of two years Eden she giggled wrapping her arms around her loving husband bitting his bottom lip he groaned quietly but sexually loving

"Baby keep it up and I'll take you upstairs and take you right now." He growled she laughed softly

"Help me give your children their drinks silly." She laugh he does too they take their drinks to their kids then her phone rings and Xavier her now right hand man

"Ms. Embers phone call for you" she hands her daughter her drink and walks over Xavier hands her phone to her and she see it ......

"Archie.." she picks up once he told her what was going on she hanged up she sighs knowing what she had to do.

Celestia POV

I packed a bag along with my kids and Eden

"Hiram did all that." I told him what's gone down

"I can't believe he turned a simple town to shreds"

"And that'd son of a bitch will see will see what he has coming to when I step my foot back their mostly Jones if I see him Oh I swear his lucky I don't put hit on him."

"Calm down bibi be happy will go see um your cousin the kids would really love to meet him."

"I send him pictures of the twins and Vanellope." I said pouting he laughs then we pack the things in the SUV

"Kids let's go."

"Yeah road trip." Said the twins and Vanellope climbing in Xavier drives and we have a an SUV behind us for protection I had Xavier find us a temporary home in Riverdale. Once we get there we see the sign and it was burned I sighed in disbelief. The next day

I take Vanellope

with me to pop's along with Xavier

"Momma this is the place you and daddy always talked about."

"Yes it it is pumpkin."

"It's old timey."

"Hello can I get you anything" a girl asked me I took off my sunglasses

"I'm looking a Serpent name sweetpea I'm his cousin Celeste"

"Oh your Celestia yeah his downstairs."

"Thank you." I said holding my daughter hand we go down stairs were we see him Fangs Toni who was pregnant and the man himself Jughead

"Are you guys actually upset about my novel?"

"You made the Serpents look like fools in it." I said they turned and they see me

"Well look who's here."

"Cous." Sweets smiles I nod then walk over

"You mean the Vipers? The Vipers were the good guys. I didn't use your actual names."

"You think people around here couldn't figure out who, what was that one character's name, "Toothy" was?"

"Yeah, or Pop Eye?"

"Or celia" I said annoyed

"You mocked our Serpent traditions and codes, and now you're asking for our help?"

"Toni, guys."

"Okay, I'll help. I'll give you some advice. Watch your back, Jones. You've made a lot of enemies in this town." We glared at him dangerously then I followed sweets and Fangs

"Mommy is that him?" Vanellope said

"This is her." Said sweets

"Yep sweets meet Vanellope Ruby De La Cruz Embers. Says hi sweety." While sweets and Fangs played with Vanellope smiling we heard

"Toni Topaz." Hiram

"You lost, old man?"

"It's okay, guys. I got this. Look, you can save your breath. If you're here to bribe me or threaten me into giving up the fight to save Riverdale High..."

"How many students do you have?"

"A hundred or so."

"What if I offer them all a scholarship to Stonewall? They'd be getting a world-class education at zero cost."

"Except for the fact that you're on the board at Stonewall Prep, which means on some level, the school must reflect your morals, which I'm not okay with."

"What if I told you that there was an open counselor position with a corner office and a big, fat paycheck?"

"Thanks, but no thanks."

"So we're playing hardball, huh?"

"I guess she is Hiram." I step up to him

"How about you take your sticken offer and shoves it were the sun don't shine and believe me Hiram I'm the queen of making things go my way. So fuck off." I said sternly and he leave

"Damn that's my cousin." Sweets cheered with Fangs Vanellope claps

"Go mama." She cheers at night Eden had order take out while the kids watch TV

"Damn I can't believe Hiram being that damn stingy."

"It's horried." He walks over and hugs me from behind kissing my neck I sigh. The next day

Xavier hands Eden the news paper I was giving the kids there breakfast


"What." I asked Eden while I was putting eggs on Vanellope plate

"Let's just say it's gonna get ugly. "Local school counselor runs seedy bar and snake dances."

"Jesus Christ that man won't will he." I sighed annoyed

Eden POV

At night Archie called me up to help him with some business to take his house back and I went to meet up with him

"Eden man good to see you."

"Yep good to be back." I said shaking sweets hand

"All right, thanks to Reggie Mantle, I have enough intel to sweep and clear the site."

"How many Ghoulies are in your house?"

"I counted a dozen in these zones. We hit 'em hard, we hit 'em fast."

"Nice. It's been too long since the Serpents rumbled with the Ghoulies."

"Calm down, Sweet Pea. I don't want anyone dying today, especially not my boyfriend."

"Hopefully, they've dropped their guard and we can find some narcotics in the house. And like Kev said, no one gets killed. None of us and none of them."

"Wouldn't mind breaking a few bones, though."

"Hell, yeah."

"Yeah." I said

"Three, two, one. Go." We go in and I get at it with some guys but man was it excited hell refreshing once we grab them all

"Jingle Jangle. Just like the old days. They've got a lab set up in the bathroom. Will that be enough to put 'em behind bars, Agent Cooper?"

"Yeah, Kev, that should do it." We smirked the next day Later in the day we got the kids ready for pop's retirement party once their

"What a gift! Thank you, Archie."

"Oh, it's from all of us, Pop. It's a small token to show how much you mean to us, to Riverdale High, to the whole town."

"Yeah! You know, I had to drop out of school to take over running this place after my Pop, the original Pop, passed away. I never got to graduate. This means the world to me."

"Jug's gonna say a few words."

"I think sometimes it can be hard to put our faith in this town. But I think Pop created something really special here, created a place for the lost and wayward souls of Riverdale to come to. And I think, that's more than jukebox or vinyl booths. It's... like a lighthouse in the storm. And Pop himself, he's many things. He's a joker. He's a soldier. He's a cook. He's a really good listener. He's also a father. He's a son, and a grandfather. And to many of us and to me personally... it's about the only reason that I made it through. You gave us a home, Pop. Thank you."

"To Pop Tate who never let the lights go dark."

"Pop Tate!" We cheered then I introduced the twins to sweets

"Hey little guys."

"Wow cool he has a snake tattoo on his neck."

Celestia POV

"Wow cool." Then Archie wanted to speak to me so Eden took the kids home as we sneak back to Riverdale High

"So you're really gonna do this, huh? Well... Run the RROTC out of your old high school?"

"If I get a chance to, yeah. It's kinda why I wanted us to sneak in here, the five of us. Hiram's trying to shut this place down. And he's pushing to unincorporate the town, which would wipe Riverdale off the map.

"My father is nothing, if not consistent."

"Oh, I think we can stop him, or at least slow him down."


"We become teachers here." We laugh


"I know it sounds crazy, but it's also a way to keep the school going, which means if Hiram wins the vote, we still have a defendable position, this school. And if we can save it, we can give people at least one more reason to stay in Riverdale. And in time, we can bring this town back to life."

"Archiekins I'm married. I have kids that need me." I said

"Archie... I'm married. I have a life back in New York."

"Yeah, and I have a novel to write."

"Veronica, plenty of people commute to the city. Celeste wouldn't you want to shows the beauty of the place to your kids And Jug, you always said, you do your best writing in a booth at Pop's. And it's not gonna be long... a month or two, just to give Weatherbee enough time to find permanent replacements."

"I'm in. Quantico can wait a couple months, and I need to be here right now for my mom and Polly."

"Thanks, Betty. Jug?"

"I'd have to clear it with my new job. But why not? I'd like to shape some impressionable young minds."

"I'm in, too. I'll make it work with Chad. And considering that what's happening here is all my dad's fault... I need to give back more than anyone. And I didn't really wanna be a sports agent anyway."

"That's awesome, Veronica. Celly?"

"Sure why not."

"So... Bulldogs forever?"

"Bulldogs forever!" The next day

at the meeting

"Before the school board votes on the fate of Riverdale High, Toni Topaz has asked to say a few words."

"Good afternoon! My name is Toni Topaz, and I am a guidance counselor at Riverdale High. The point of a school board is to make sure there's equity, that kids of all ages, from all different backgrounds have equal access to education. Well, with the help of one very generous donor"

"Actually two." I spoke standing up and giving a check off 500,000$ to Toni smirking at Hiram then sitting back down

"I'm happy to announce that Riverdale High will be able to do that as a private school. And unlike other private schools, Riverdale will be tuition-free. And we're bolstering our teaching staff with notable alumnus like Sergeant Archie Andrews, FBI trainee and Yale graduate, Betty Cooper, businesswoman  and Barnard grad, Veronica Gekko, MU graduate Celestia De La Rosa Cruz,  acclaimed author Forsythe Jones III. So spread the news far and wide, that Riverdale and its children, will not be at the mercy of Hiram Lodge's destructive whims. Thank you."

"And now, I'd like to introduce what I hope will be my last motion as Mayor, a proposition to unincorporate the town of Riverdale. All those opposed?" We all raised our hands

"All those in favor?" Snobs won

"Majority wins. The township of Riverdale is hereby dissolved." I rolled my eyes back home my daughter came to me

"I'm sorry mommy." I gave her a sad smile

"It's okay baby you don't have to apologize for anything." She nods they twice looked by the door frame

"Babies come here." They walk over and hugged me

"Mom will uncle sweets lose his home." Jake said worriedly

"No sweetie he wont." I told them softly

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