Fairy Tail: Tale of The Drago...

Oleh Bolt8091

174K 2.2K 1.1K

A 10-year-old boy left alone roams the land of Fiorre with his companion ....talking and flying cat? But they... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1: A New Family
Chapter 2. Coming home and Lucy
Harem update/Welcome to Fairy Tail!
Not a chapter.
Chapter 3 Return of My Scarlet Tsundere!
Chapter 4 The Dragon Lord's Wrath!
Galuna Island Laydown
Chapter 5 Mom and Dad, Quality time, Vince
Chapter 6 How Dad met my mother. Dragon Lord's RAGE!!!
Chapter 7 War!
Wow just Wow.
Chapter 8 Don't ever harm my MATE!!!
Harem Update!
Just for laughs
Just asking (not a chapter)
Vote over
Markings of Mates(Lemon)
Which one?
Why can't we be friends?
Vote closed
Chapter 10 Lucy The Celestial Dragon Slayer and Unexpected Events!
What if ?
Chapter 11 Justice vs Chaos!
Chapter 12 Vacation!
Chapter 13 Dragon Lordnapped!
Chapter 14 A surprise twist!
Chapter 15 You will not BREAK ME!
Chapters 16 Gotta get to back, back to the present!
New story (not a chapter)
Chapter 17 Dragon Lord Escape!
Heaven's Game Part 2
Heaven's Game Part 3 (finale)
Chapter special: Goodbye Simon
Chapter 19 Home
Chapter 20: Battle of Fairy Tail Part 1
Battle of Fairy Tail Part 2
Battle of Fairy Tail Part 3
Battle of Fairy Tail Part 4
Battle of Fairy Tail Part 5 Finale
Our Dog
I'm Back!

Chapter 18 Heaven's Game Part 1

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Oleh Bolt8091

Erza and the others were running up the stairs to find Drake and keep him from clashing with Wally and Millianna. But unfortunately when Simon tried to contact Wally or Millianna he couldn't, something was interfering with his telepathic with the two of them.

Natsu: Don't worry guys i got his scent! Here i come Drake!

Lucy: Natsu wait!

But it was to late the idiot ran off before Lucy could stop him.

Sometime later Drake managed to get to the upper levels and was about to enter a room. When he did he ended up seeing a cat themed room which he could tell was the cat girl Millianna's room.

Drake: (thinking) Man, this girl really loves cats.

But that wasn't the strangest thing saw the strangest thing was.....


Drake's face:


Natsu: (turns to his left) Huh? Drake that you? Hey man we've been looking everywhere for ya!

Drake: Suuuure, i'm not even gonna ask about the cat head.

Natsu: Oh this? (Points to cat head) Yeah i've wanted to be a cat so i put it on and it got stuck on my head.

Drake: Okay but why though?

Natsu: (angry) JUST GET ME OUT OF THIS!

Drake shook his head and walked over to Natsu and began pulling on the cat head. But then suddenly Drake's eyes widened as he tackles Natsu to the floor dodging a bullet.

Natsu: Ow! What the heck Drake?!

Drake swerve around and saw Wally holding his gun arm out.

Drake: Wally....

Wally: Not bad dodging that dragon boy! But you ain't gonna be so lucky the next time.

Wally began firing multiple rounds at Drake and Natsu, but Drake managed to grab Natsu and roll to cover behind a couch.

Drake: Natsu! Stay here!

Natsu: What?! But i wanna fight too!

Drake: You can't even see you dumbass, let alone fight!

A stray then shoots pass both of them through the couch.

Natsu: Hey what was that?

While Natsu asked that Drake leapt over the couch and smashed the ground breaking a bit of debris off. He lifts it up and uses it to block Wally's bullets as he got closer. Once he was close enough Drake throws the debris at him forcing Wally to stop firing.

Drake: Look Wally we don't have to fight!

Wally: Save ya breath chump!

Suddenly Natsu peaks from behind the couch

Natsu: Hey Drake you gonna help me get this thing off my head, or what?

Wally smirks as he aims his arm gun at Natsu.

Wally: Let me give you a hand pal!

Drake: Natsu!

Drake was about to rush over and stop Wally but...


Millianna came in and pushes Wally making him miss his shot and confusing Drake.

Wally: (angry) What's the big idea?!

Millianna: You big old meanie. You were trying to hurt the itty, bitty, kitty, widdy!

Drake: (dumbfounded) Kitty widdy?

Drake looks back and sees Natsu standing there. He turns back and looks at her completely stupidfy.

Drake: (confused as hell) Natsu?

Wally: That's not even a real cat, ya crazy broad!


Millianna: (lovestruck) He's just the cutest kitty widdy ever!

Drake: (his face )

Whoa, didn't realize Mili wasn't that bright.

Wally: (to Natsu) A wise guy, huh?! (To Millianna) I'm telling ya doll, this cat is a rat! See?

Wally then breaks himself apart and launched a few pieces of himself at the two. Both of them manage to duck and dodge the projectiles. Natsu then picks up a doll and uses as a shield to block some more projectiles.

Millianna: No! Don't hurt the poor kitty!

Wally: (annoyed with Millianna's shit) For crying out loud doll face, this dirty rat is one of our enemies!

Millianna: Dirty rat? It looks like a cat to me.

Wally: (tick mark on head) It's a guy in a cat costume, you dimwitt!

Drake rushes pass Natsu and started destroying the pieces launched at him and Natsu. While was doing that he looks back to see Natsu's wrist wrapped in a rope. He looks over to see the rope was coming from Millianna. Wally took advantage of this and launched his pieces at Natsu.

Natsu: Cat fire-, Huh?

Natsu noticed that his magic wasn't working but he let his guard down which allowed him to get pelted by Wally's pieces.


Drake ends up doing that as he avoided a piece of rope launched by Millianna. He looks at the two of them and began to speak.

Drake: Millianna, Wally listen, Jellal has been lying to you all these years. He's been lying to you about Erza's betrayal and he's still lying to you to this day.

Wally: Ha! Ya really think we're stupid? We ain't gonna fall for that crap ya mook!

Drake then glances over to Millianna

Drake: Millianna listen to me, Erza didn't betray you Jellal did. I know deep down you know i'm right ever since our talk.

Millianna didn't say anything as Wally was the first to attack he launched five pieces at Drake. Drake managed to duck and dodge them all but then suddenly he was restrained in the same rope that was on Natsu's wrist.

Drake: Damnit!

Natsu unfortunately was restrained as well as Wally put himself back together.

Wally: Hope you're hungry, cause you two mooks are about to eat lead.

Natsu: (panicking) Man this is not good.

???: (Play below at 0:02)

Noy swung in his transformed state and elbowed Wally in the back of the head. Followed by Happy hitting him with a toy.

Drake: Noy! Happy!

Happy: Aye sir!

Noy: (The face he's making)


Drake: (comically angry) Where the hell were you two?!

Happy & Noy: Uhhhhh....


It shows Noy running through the halls looking for Drake. That was until he saw Happy following some cat robot toy.

Noy: Happy!

Happy: Oh hi Noy! You come to play with this cool toy too?

Noy: What the fu-?! No i didn't! I come here to look for our friends you moron! Now forget that stupid toy and let's go!

Happy: (eyes closed) Oh come on! It's really fun!

Noy: (turns away and folds arms) Yeah right! I'd rather be dead than play with that stupid thing!

Robot cat: Meow? Meow?

Noy's eye twitches and a few seconds later both him and Happy are following the toy.

Noy: Okay maybe just a little.


Happy and Noy: Somewhere....

Natsu: Who care where they were! Just get us out of these!

Noy:........Why are you wearing a cat head?

Natsu: JUST GET US OUT! 💢💢💢

Wally: Hey! No one interrupts Wally and lives to tell the tale!

Wally began shooting at the two cats that was until Millianna stopped him.

Millianna: Noooo! I won't let you hurt the kitty widdys!

Wally: Cats ain't no flyers, they ain't no size of a body builder, and thet ain't no stinking gum flappers neither.

Wally continues to trying to attack the pair but Millianna kept stopping him. Meanwhile Noy and Happy were trying to untie the two Dragon slayers but they couldn't.

Noy: Damnit i can't untie this stupid rope!

Natsu: I have an idea!

Drake: (deadpan) Okay that terrifies me.

Natsu: Secret move! (Pouting like voice) Sad kitty face.

Drake and Noy: Are you freaking kidding me?

...............Suddenly the ropes on Natsu and Drake fell off.

Drake, Noy, and Happy: That actually worked?!

Taking advantage of this the two knocked the two of them out. When they were down Drake stood over Wally and Millianna.

Drake: You guys think Erza stabbed you in the back and left you, right?

Wally: The hell are you yapping about?

Drake: But didn't Erza go to save Jellal? And when she did save him, why wasn't she with him when she saved him? And how could Erza destroy the boats when she already left to get Jellal?

Wally: (stuttering) I-I-I-

???: I welcome you to the Tower of Heaven, my name is Jellal. And i am the ruler of this tower. I see the players have been arranged. I'm delighted that you've come all this way to see me. Shall we play a round of Heaven's Game?

Natsu: I don't wanna play your games!

Wally: What'd you mean Jellal?

Jellal: The rules are quite simple, originally i wanted to use Erza as a sacrifice but with the Dragon Lord the resurrection of Lord Zeref will be absolute.

Everyone's eyes widened as Jellal continued, he said he would send out three "knights" to fight on his behalf. If Drake and the others manage to beat them and find a way to get to Jellal they would win. And the stakes were raised even higher as they learnt that the magic council planned in firing the Etherion blast and destroying the tower.

Drake: Those idiots! Hopefully Yajima finds a way to convince them not to fire it.

Noy: And if he can't?

Drake:.......I really don't want to think about it. Look we have to stop Zeref before it's too late!

Wally: But why would he do this? If that blast hits the tower it's curtains for us all.

The four looked back at Wally

Wally: We were just a bunch of dumb kids looking for our own taste of freedom.

Drake walks over to Wally bends down and puts a hand on his shoulder.

Drake: Freedom is something to fight for Wally. And at Fairy Tail we have a lot to fight for friends, family, and freedom.

Drake stands back up and looks at the trio behind him.

Drake: (smirks) What say we bend the rules a bit boys?

All three : Aye!

It shows Happy holding by his back while flying as he used his fire to make them go faster. The same was for Noy and Drake only Noy was transformed bear hugging Drake with his wings out.

Natsu: Let's just skip to the finish line!

As they left Wally looked out the window smiling.

Wally: Heh, Drake Blaze you're a stand up guy. No wonder Erza fell for yas you remind me of that mook Blake Haze.....wait a minute!

Wally looks out the window again and sees Drake's retreating figure.

Wally: Nah! It couldn't be.....could it?

As they were flying through the air all of them were suddenly knocked out of the sky. They crashed landed in a area with a lot of chains and cages.

Drake: Ow! What the hell hit us!?

???: Salamander! Dragon Lord!

Drake turns to see a fully grown Simon for the first time since he came back from the past.

Drake: Simon!

Natsu: Relax man he's on our side.

Drake: He is?

Simon: That's right, i only pretended to be under that maniac's spell. It was the only way i'd be able to stop him.

Drake's eyes widened before closing and letting out a chuckle.

Drake: (chuckles, under breath) Simon you always were the smart one.

???: Hoohoo!

They all heard someone and turned around to see....this guy.

Noy: (play below)

Owl man: I will not tolerate the breaking of rules. Now prepare yourselves to be punished in the name of justice.

Drake: I feel in another universe there's another guy who spits the same crap about justice like you do.

Dragon Ball Universe: Universe 11

Toppo: (looks up) Hmm?

Jiren: (looks at him) What's wrong Toppo?

Toppo: I have the strangest feeling someone's talking about me. And making fun of my ideals of justice.

Back in the Fairy Tail Universe

Owl guy: Fukuro the Knight of True justice has arrived! Hoohoo!

Drake and Noy:

Simon: Dark Moment!

Casted his magic ability and turned the surrounding area completely dark.

Natsu: Oh great! Now i can't even see!

Drake: Simon! What are you doing?!

Simon: Let's get out of here! We don't stand a chance against the owl.

Drake then senses movement far behind him he turns around and thanks to his dragon vision from his father side he sees Fukuro behind Simon. Drake was about to warn Simon but Fukuro had already attacked him sending flying into the wall and crashing down on top of one of the cages. This causes his spell to cancel out and the light to return.

Drake: Simon, are you okay!?

Simon: These guys mean business. They're assassins from the Death Head's Order.

Happy: Assassins have guilds too?!

Noy: Death Head's is probably a dark guild full of killers.

Fukuro: (flys up beside them) Now Salamander, Dragon Lord word is back in our guild you two are responsible for many evil deeds. Especially you Dragon Lord Drake Blaze. It's my duty as a knight of justice to see that you two are punished!

Drake: Shut the hell up! Don't act so high and mighty, someone spouting crap about justice yet is apart of a dark guild that kills people. You have no place to call us evil when we haven't done anything remotely evil.

Natsu: He's right! Magic guilds are supposed to bring like minded people together so they can share their dreams. They're not places for killers like you to team up.

Drake: (his face ⬇⬇⬇)

It makes me sick knowing there are guilds out there who act like they're a guild when there not! It makes me sick knowing there are guilds who take lives for money and not even care! SO DON'T YOU CHASTISE ME ABOUT GOOD AND EVIL WHEN YOU THE ONE WHO KILLS INNOCENT LIVES WHO AREN'T EVEN EVIL!

After Drake said that the owl man activated his thrusters a launches towards the duo. He ends up grabbing both dragon slayers in his hands. Natsu ends up throwing Fukuro into one of the cages as the two landed on top of one of the cages.

The turn to see him launching towards them once more. But before he could tackle either of them Natsu jumps up while Drake ducks. While he was crouching down Drake balls his fist and punches Fukuro in the gut. He then roundhouse kicks the owl man away as he crashes into the wall.

Drake: NATSU!

Natsu comes flying down as Drake cups his hands together. Natsu lands on Drake's hands as he launches Natsu towards at Fukuro. Fukuro was climbing out of the hole he made when he crashed only for his head to be slammed back into the wall courtesy of flying bullet Natsu.

Drake comes flying in crashing into him as well as the two slayers began unleashing flurries of punches on him.

Fukuro managed to grabs Natsu's face and swing him into Drake making them crash into one of the cages. Once they crash Fukuro activated his thrusters to float himself up.

Fukuro: Impressive, you're both stronger than i expected you to be. This job may actually prove to be a real challenge for once.

Drake then sensed a huge magical burst energy from somewhere. He then smirks and realizes that this was Lucy's energy.

Drake: That's my girl.

Somewhere else earlier

It shows Lucy and Juvia looking for Drake and Natsu. Lucy raises her head to the air and began sniffing the air. Her action causes Juvia to glance back at her confused.

Juvia: What are you doing?

Lucy: I'm using my dragon senses to sniff out Drake and Natsu.

Juvia: I thought you were a celestial wizard.

Lucy: I am, it's just (blushes) i manage to gain Drake's powers through this.

Lucy moves the dress a bit revealing the mark on her stomach.

Lucy: It's called the Marking of Mates, with this we gain the abilities of Drake.

Juvia: (eyes widened) That's amazing. But how do you get it in the first place?

Lucy: (blushing) Um, by mating with him.

Juvia: 😐😐😐😐😐😐

Lucy: Don't you judge me, alright?!

Suddenly the two of them then heard a loud guitar solo. Then from one of the holes stepped out some bad KISS looking ripoff guy.

Kiss wannabe: You maids dig my destruction solo? Yeah! I'm an assassin with the Death's Head Order. Pretty rocking name, huh? A death head's like a skull. Get it?

Lucy: (sweatdrops) Thanks for telling us that Captain Obvious.

Juvia: So i take it your one of the three knights Jellal spoke of.

Kiss Wannabe: I'm a wing of Trinity Raven. When they scream Vidaldus Taka, they're talking about me!

The dude (now dubbed Vidaldus) hair began to extend and began to attack the two. Lucy managed to duck and dodge all of them while they went straight through Juvia not even hurting her.

Vidaldus: Whoa, that's one crazy body you got there.

Juvia: It's made entirely of water. Drip, drip, drop. You attacks will have no effect on me whatsoever. Water Lock!

Juvia sends a wave of water at Vidaldus trapping him inside a sphere of water. It seem like victory was in the bag that was until the water started absorbing into his hair.

Juvia: I don't understand! My water lock just disappeared!

Lucy: Where did all that water go?

Vidaldus: Sometimes it's best just to get your locks a good rinse. Shampooing everyday can really dry out your hair.

Juvia: But how were you able to break free from my water lock?

Vidaldus: It was easy, because my rock star hair absorbs liquids, just as long as it ain't oil or alcohol, you know? That stuff'll really mess up your do.

Juvia: (shocked) Water has no effect on him?

Lucy: That's not good. Oh well guess we're just gonna have to settle this the old fashion way.

Vidaldus: (laughs crazily) I like a woman with a fire in her belly! Both of you ladies are hotter than hell.

Vidaldus starts using Eenie, meenie, mynie, moe between Lucy and Juvia. His finger than lands on Juvia as he made his final decision.

Vidaldus: You're it girl! I'm gonna make you my succubus. Rock of Succubus!

Vidaldus began playing his guitar and unleashed a magical force from his guitar. Purple lights extend out and start engulfing Juvia.

Lucy: Juvia!

Juvia: Stay back, he's dangerous! (Screams)

A light engulfs Juvia's body and when the light Juvia had a whole new look and personality.

Succubus Juvia: I'm gonna take you for a ride straight to Hell, blondie. Say your prays if you wanna, but you're still burn in hell tonight! (Laughs evily)

Lucy: (shocked) Juvia, what'd that guy do to you? Snap out of it!

Vidaldus: Don't waste your breath! My succubus spell made this gloomy groupie my slave! I got her like a dog on a chain. Yeah, i thought about making you both my slaves, but that wouldn't be much fun. Cause there's nothing hotter than watching chicks in a catfight. Give some hair pulling, clothes ripping, down and dirty action!

Lucy: (Glares) You're a real sicko!

Vidaldus: Oh yeah? You really know to sweet talk a guy don't you baby? Ha ha!

Succubus Juvia: That little baby is about to get the spanking of her life!

Juvia's body then turns to pure water and turned herself into a whirlpool and swirled Lucy. Luckily Lucy was able to hold her ground while she was being pelted with torrents of water. Suddenly Juvia appears in front of Lucy in her water form.

Succubus Juvia: Now then! We need to work on your image if you really wanna rock. You gotta starts by showing a little more skin. Like this!

Juvia tears the top of Lucy's dress off showing off her now H-cup size breast. Now usually Lucy would scream in panic in freak out but she didn't really care. Guess was an effect from the Dragon side it makes sense since dragons didn't really need to worry about clothes.

But still Lucy use what was left her top to tie her breast in a makeshift bra.

Lucy: Don't let him get to you! You gotta snap out of it Juvia!

Juvia launched herself at Lucy to headbutt her but Lucy managed to duck down on all fours. Lucy tries to kick Juvia in her abdomen while she was done but her foot went through Juvia.

Succubus Juvia: Nice try blondie!

Juvia sends a torrent of water at Lucy that sends her flying back. But she managed to land off a rock and launches towards Juvia. The attack connects with Juvia's face...only to go through again.

Succubus Juvia: Oh come on blondie! If that move didn't work the first time what makes you think it'll work a second time?!

Juvia cackled like made and tried to hit Lucy only for her to back flip away. She skidded to a stop while crotching down.

Lucy: Damnit she's right! This fight isn't getting me anywhere! Physically attacking her won't do a thing if she can turn her whole body into water. Juvia listen! If you really want to join Fairy Tail like you said you did, this isn't the way.

Succubus Juvia: Water Cane!

She created a whip made of water and tried to hit Lucy. Lucy ducked and dodged each strike thrown at her as Vidaldus was cheering in the background and playing guitar.

Lucy: Damnit! How can i hit her?! If Drake was here he could use-.

Lucy's eyes widened in shock

Lucy: That's it!

Succubus Juvia: (smirking evily) You saying your prays over there bimbo? Now that it matters i'm still sending you to Hell!

Lucy looks up and glares at her and stands up.

Lucy: I only have one shot at this! (Smirks) Trust me Juvia, Hell would be paradise than spending the rest of my life as a slut to some rockstar who using his screaming to compensate for his tiny dick!

This ticks Juvia off as her eye twitches and her smile was replaced with a scowl. While Vidaldus sweats nervously from what Lucy said.

Succubus Juvia: You bitch you're dead!

Juvia sends a torrent of water at Lucy just like she wanted. The water hits Lucy as Juvia uses it to try and drown her. But then there was a blue flash with the water and voice.

Lucy: Celestial Dragon: Aquarius Tail!

With the water it shows Lucy swimming through the water at fast speed. She then launched out the water and shocked Juvia and Vidaldus. Lucy now had a beautiful blue and yellow mermaid tail, her hair was in pigtails being held by star shaped barrette and a seashell bra.

Succubus Juvia: What the hell?!

Lucy: Celestial Dragon: Aquarius Whip!

Suddenly Lucy's legs transformed back to regular legs. Water then coated both of Lucy's arms as she landed on the ground and charge towards Juvia. Juvia grits her teeth a launches water balls at her as she charges at her. But Lucy jumps over one of the balls, she slides under one and whips it in half. She jumps back up and does a jump spin over two more. She managed to close the distance between her and Juvia shocking the possessed water mage.

It look like Lucy was prepared to puch Juvia but then she grabs her head and......

The possessed water mage's eyes widened in shock. As her tongue wrestled with hers, Vidaldus jaw drops in shock.

Suddenly Lucy pushes Juvia back making her stumble back still shock from the unexpected kiss. All of the sudden blue markings show over her body. As she opens her eyes and her pupils were blue before turning back to normal.

Succubus Juvia: (wipes her mouth) Don't know what you're about Bimbo, (creates water cane attack) but kissing me up ain't gonna help!

Juvia launches her attack at Lucy but just as it hit her.....it goes through her.

Succubus Juvia: What?!

Lucy: Element unlocked! Celestial Dragon: Water Slayer!

A water symbol then shows behind her

Juvia lets out a enraged growl as she turns into her water form and launches at her.

Succubus Juvia: You copying Bitch!

Lucy took a water form just like Juvia and launched towards her as well the two slammed into one another creating a massive Whirlpool.

Within the two of them were throwing punches and kicks at one another that were actually connecting.

But while they were fighting she started to hear the real Juvia from within. She was telling Lucy how she considered her a friend and how she's grown to love everyone in Fairy Tail. Lucy then fell the warmth of Juvia's tears as she begun to cry thinking she brings nothing but misfortune.

Inner Juvia: But most of all i've come to fallen in love with Drake.

Juvia starts to remember the memories of her first encounter with Drake.

Inner Juvia: Of all the people, he never cared about the rain or that i was the one to bring it.

She remembers Drake catching her when she was about to fall.

Inner Juvia: The kindness he showed is why i fell in love with him. I want to be together with him as myself, but now that i've become this witch. (Crying) He'll never accept me now!

She remembers the love Drake show the love to the girls and to his friends.

Inner Juvia: He was so kind and he felt so warm it made me so happy that someone accepted me!

Both girls turned solid and land on the ground. Their clothes were torn and shredded, and they were both breathing heavily.

Lucy: Someone like you. Someone who's shed tears for their friends will always be welcome in the Fairy Tail Guild. And Drake will love you no matter what, he would do everything he could to bring the real you back!

Juvia's eyes widened at Lucy's speech as tears began to stream down her cheeks.

Succubus Juvia: Lucy.

Lucy: (smiles and points) I know you're a good person! And thanks to you, i have a great idea.

Vidaldus: What a loa of crap! Let's send this boring prude straight to Hell already. Hit it, baby.

Vidaldus plays his guitar once more making Juvia snap back to her controlled state

Succubus Juvia: (smiles wickedly) Oh i will. My water jigsaw will cut you into little pieces. (Charges) No encore for you!

As Lucy slams her fist into the funnel coming at her. But in her hand was Aquarius's key as Lucy uses Juvia's body to to summon Aquarius.

Lucy: Celestial Dragon: Summon Aquarius!

Aquarius appears and glares at Lucy.

Aquarius: (annoyed) Did you just summon me with some chicks body?!

Lucy: Cut the attitude crap and make a tsunami!

Aquarius: (annoyed sigh) Fine!

Aquarius uses her urn to create a large wave of water. Lucy then uses her Aquarius tail to swim through the water.

Juvia and Vidaldus were washed away of course Vidaldus's hair began to absorb the water. While he was doing that Lucy was swimming through the water towards Juvia.

Lucy: Juvia!

Juvia: Lucy!

The two of them reached for one another and managed to grab each other's hands. Suddenly there was a flash of light when they grabbed each other's hands. This gets the attention of Jellal who realized Lucy and Juvia used a power called Unison Raid.

With their combined power they managed to defeat Vidaldus. The two of them shared a victory hug.

Lucy: We won!

Juvia: And i'm not a groupie anymore!

The put their foreheads together

Lucy: I'm so glad. Thanks for all the of your help.

Juvia: I should be thanking you. This is the first time another girl has ever been nice to me. It's almost to good to be true.

Unfortunately the moment was moment was ruined by a tick off Aquarius.

Aquarius: Listen girly. You'd better watch were you summon me from here here on out!

Lucy: Oh be quiet! (Smugly) Keep that attitude up and i may consider summoning you in a toilet in filthy public bathroom.

Aquarius: (comically angry) You do that and you're good as dead!

Lucy: (smirks) You do that and Drake will fry you and eat you alive.

Aquarius: (frowning).................You smug little bitch. When did you get the guts?

Lucy: If i said it wasn't for the dragon human hybrid boyfriend and the Dragon personality in me, i'd be a liar.

Aquarius: Hmm. (Disappears)

Lucy then purposely fell back in the water.

Lucy: We just took down a member of Trinity Raven. I bet you that creepy Jellal guy never expected that one.

Juvia: Well i didn't do much of anything it was all you Lucy.

Lucy: (looks at Juvia) That's not true, we worked together. You were there to help me when i needed it the most. That's what friends are suppose to do for each other. It meant a lot to me. So from now on, that's how i'd like you to think of me. As a friend that you can count on, if that's okay with you.

This makes Juvia tear up and start crying.

Juvia: Oh just great (falls to knees) As if there's not enough water in here already.

Lucy: (laughs) It's okay, tears of joy are allowed. Man i'm tired, how about we stay here and rest for a bit.

Juvia: (smiling wipes away tear) That's a good idea. I could use a break.

The two sat there in silence for a few seconds before Juvia spoke up.

Juvia: Um, Lucy?

Lucy: Hmm?

Juvia: You've become half dragon slayer right?

Lucy: That's right.

Juvia: And you have the same ability as Drake, right? You know the one that let's you get the element power you ingest.

Lucy: That is also true.

Juvia: Then (blushes) is that why you kissed me earlier?

Lucy sat there in silence before chuckling.

Lucy: Well to be honest i didn't really have to kiss you. I just had to ingest water that was giving off from you. Guess the kissing thing was a force of habit.

Juvia: (shocked) What?!

Lucy: (laughs) Relax Juvia you're fine! To be honest (smirks) Drake loves a little girl on girl action. You should have seen him when i started kissing Erza.

Juvia: Erza as well!?

Lucy: (closes eyes and smiles widely)

Juvia was shocked but then she started laughing along with Lucy as the two shared a heartfelt laugh. They beat their opponent but the Heaven's game was far from over.

Winner: Lucy Heartfilia and Juvia Lockser.

New chapter guys enjoy!

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