Why can't we be friends?

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To let you all know this is not a chapter this is my opinion.

To all the Goku, Superman, and Saitama fanbases out there so one might be stronger than the other does it matter? They're just three dudes who just try to enjoy their lives they don't have to kill each other for no reason. Wether it's " I want to get as strong as i can and battle the strongest guys in the universe!" Or "I am truth and justice!" Or "Just a hero for fun." They're all badass and awesome and hold special places in our hearts so can't we just get along and enjoy our favorite characters without going at each others throats? I have my opinion about who's the strongest but I'm not going to tell you! Because even though i have an opinion of who the strongest might be i am not going to start a fan war for it. I love all three characters they have their faults but that's what make them human despite having godly like power they make mistakes. So what that, shows that they're are not perfect no one. (I'm looking at YOU ZAMASU you body stealing hypocrite!) I respect everyone's opinion so please be mature about this and respect others and my words.
Btw i do not own any of these pictures these were drawn by brilliant individuals who get the point! All credit goes to their creators. 👍👍👍👍👍


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