Battle of Fairy Tail Part 4

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Kardia Cathedral

It shows Laxus and Natsu in the midst of battle in the Cathedral but suddenly the runes behind Laxus disappear. That signified that the Thunder Palace was no longer in active. Which only meant that it was destroyed.

Laxus: What?! That's impossible!

Natsu: (Smirks)No its not, it's like gramps said, Drake follows the rules of his heart. Even if that means it destroys him. Now everyone's on their way here to beat some since into ya! (Frowns) And it's thanks to Drake, how do you expect to become our master if you can't get along or inspire the rest of us? If anything Drake deserves to be a our guild's more than you!

Laxus stood in silence his eyes shadowed.

Laxus: .......(growls) RAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!

Laxus released a massive amount of electricity which makes Natsu shield his eyes.

Laxus: I'll take Fairy Tail by force if I have to! Watch me! It's mine!

Natsu: I think it's about time for you to give up the fight! You're not taking over Fairy Tail! Cause just like Drake I'm never gonna let that happen!

Laxus: (sneering) Oh yeah? You don't know who you're messing with. I'm a lot stronger than any of you ever dreamed. Even more powerful than the so called Dragon Lord himself! I could take over the guild by force anytime I want! And neither you or those other losers are strong enough to stop me! Your best bet is to out of my way!

Natsu: (ignites fire on hands) It sounds like you're begging for someone to knock you down a few notches. And since Drake 's not here to do it I guess I'm gonna have to do it!

Natsu: (leaps) Fire Dragon Iron Fist!

Natsu's fist connects with Laxus's face but to his shock it had no effect.

Laxus: Come on! That all you got?!

Laxus raised his hand and blast Natsu back making him crash in to ceiling.

Laxus: You're gonna have to do a whole lot better than that. I've got more power than you in my little finger!

Natsu launches through the the dust shrouded in fire and Laxus launches towards him shrouded in electricity. The two of them clash with Laxus delivering a gut punch to Natsu. He then delivers deadly combos of punches and kicks before finally kicking him to the ground. He then fires some lightning down at Natsu which exploded and sent Natsu flying. When the light clears it shows Natsu lying on the ground. He struggled to get up after that attack.

Natsu: I don't understand He's just so strong!

Laxus: (raises fist) Can you feel the electric energy of the lightning I summoned forth?

Natsu: (tries to move) What the heck?! I can't move a muscle!

Laxus: It will plummet from the heavens, and turns you into ash!

Above them was a huge ball of lightning that Laxus shot towards Natsu.

Laxus: Raging Bolt!

The attack makes contact and explodes when it dissipated it reveals Natsu was nowhere to be seen.

Laxus: (Laughs evily) So who's the most powerful wizard in our guild now?

He asked to no one in particular knowing he destroyed Natsu.

Laxus: (cackling) Guess you can't answer that question since you've been turned to dust!

???: That's no way to treat one of your comrades.

Fairy Tail: Tale of The Dragon Lord (Adopted By Julius123489)Where stories live. Discover now