Chapter 20: Battle of Fairy Tail Part 1

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Drake was currently walking down the path to the park. After the brawl in the guild (which he won) he decided it was nice to smell the Magnolian air. But all that was quickly halted when he heard yelling in the park. Drake makes his way over and he sees Jet and Droy staring down Gajeel with Levy behind both of them hiding behind the tree.

Gajeel: So what's the deal? Why'd you ask me to meet you out here? Make it fast i gotta get to work.

Jet: We got a bone to pick with you.

Droy: After what you did to us, there's no way you're joining our guild!

Drake: So their here to get payback on Gajeel, huh?

Gajeel: C'mon guys, can't you just forgive and forget?

Levy: Maybe he's right, i mean now that he's in the guild he's not gonna do it again.

Jet: We gotta let him know.

Droy: He can't mess with us.

Drake was still watching from the top of the hill. But from his view and his suprise Gajeel smirked. But it wasn't the type of arrogant or cocky smirk, it actually looked like a smirk of understanding.

Drake: Wait don't tell he's gonna-

Just as Drake thought that Jet and Droy began attacking Gajeel.

Jet: You have enough yet?

Droy: What happened to the tough guy act?

Drake: That's enough you two!

His shout cause all of them to turn to his direction. Their eyes (minus Gajeel) widened in surprise as they saw Drake standing there with his hands in his pockets.

Jet and Droy: Drake?!

Drake leaps from atop the hill and lands down between the two and Gajeel. This confused everyone there even Gajeel as Drake stands back up and looks towards them.

Drake: I think you two vented on him enough, don't ya think?

Droy: What?! Drake did you forget what this jerk did?! He destroyed our guild and he attacked us! (Points back) He even attacked Levy!

Drake glances towards Levy and saw her giving him a saddened, concerned face. He closes his eyes and lets out a long sigh and rubs the back of his head.

Drake: No i didn't forget what he did. As a matter of fact i still despise him for what he did to you guys especially Levy....but.

Jet: But what?

Drake: (looks back at Gajeel then turns back to them) He's apart of our guild there's no point on fighting him.

Jet: But he-!

Drake: Come on guys, we're better than this. You're better than this. You're not going to beat a guy up over a petty grudge are ya?

The two of them look down frowning as Drake continues.

Drake: You guys also realized that Gajeel could've dodged your attacks easily, right?

Droy: (shocked) What?! Then why-

Drake: Did he let you two beat the crap out of him? Simple he was doing it to let you both vent get you grudge over and done with. So that we all could move on from this.

Jet and Droy didn't say a word after Drake said that as they kept staring at the ground. Drake looks to Levy and sees her giving him an approving smile. This makes Drake crack a smile on his face.

???: (scoffs) Trying to go easy on new guy Drakey?

The others look towards the new voice and Drake scowled when he saw who it belonged to.

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