Chapter special: Goodbye Simon

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3 Days later

It shows Drake laying on the bed in his and his mate's hotel room. Beside him was Serena who had her hands up and was healing him. Drake has been sleeping for the last three days. It shows Lucy, Erza, and everyone else minus Sho, Wally, and Millianna sitting at a table watching Serena heal Drake.

Veronica: I can believe he was stupid enough to eat that Ether-nano and actually survive.

Lucy: (chuckles) Yeah, that's our Drake he does the stupidest things and survived from dumb luck.

Gray: Hey Serena how's he doing?

Serena: (stops healing looks back) It's remarkable! Despite eating the Ether-nano he doesn't seem to be suffering from any side effects.

Arong: Of course not, he's the son of the Dragon Lord Agvuu after all. And Agvuu is the master of all the elements. So Drake survived because of his dragon half.

Gray: Well at least Drake's chances of surviving are better than Natsu's.

Natsu: (gets in Gray's face) What was that popsicle?!

Gray: (in Natsu's face) You really need me to repeat that?! You're as deaf as you are dumb matchstick!

Suddenly Drake sits up quickly and is comically angry and shouts at the two.


Natsu and Gray scream and held each other.

Happy: (flies over to Drake) Wow! You're awake!

Suddenly Drake falls back over going back to sleep.

Veronica: (comically angry) That idiot woke up just to break up a fight?!

Everyone laughs as Drake continues resting from the battle at The Tower of Heaven. About a whole day later Drake was now fully awake and was on the balcony looking out at over the ocean watching the sunset.

???: Hello Drake.

Drake looks back and sees Juvia

Drake: Hey Juvia what's up?

Juvia: (blushing and fidgeting) Um you don't mind if the sunset with you, do you?

Drake smiles scoots over a tad and pats the stone railing. Juvia smiles ecstatically from this and walks over. She looks out over the ocean with Drake as they watch in silence.

Drake: My mom always took me and Noy to the ocean when we were young. Dad could never come with us because he was to busy keeping the dragons in order. But we would come back and tell him how much fun we had. We would tried to charge through the waves, we would splash mom with splashes of water. While she we splash us with a whole wave she would make with her tail slamming into the water. (Chuckles, smiles turn to sadden frown) God i miss them.

Juvia; Your parents loved you and Noy, you shouldn't give up hope looking for them.

Drake: (nods) Thanks Juvia. So you thinking about joining Fairy Tail?

Juvia looked hesitant to answer him. She was still unsure whether they'll accept her into Fairy Tail or not. That was until she felt Drake put a hand on her shoulder. She looks at him and sees a reassuring smile on his face.

Drake: It maybe rocky in the beginning but that's how it is for everyone. Everyone will accept you Juvia (closes eyes and gives a toothy grin) i know i do!


Drake then looks back out to the sea as Juvia looks back out as well. The two of them just enjoying each other's company.


It shows Drake all bandaged up and digging a hole. He had a solemn look on his face as he was digging. Once he was done he set the shovel to the side next to a gravestone.

He then hears footsteps behind him and looks back to see Erza. She walks up beside him and stared at the grave. Drake wraps an arm around her waist and kissed the top of her head as he held her. A few minutes later Serena and Veronica showed up comforting a sobbing Millianna. Followed by Wally having his arm wrapped around a sobbing Sho. Lucy, Natsu, Happy, Gray,  Noy, and Dex showed up as well all them sporting saddened faces.

Behind them all was Arong carrying the body of Simon. Simon's body was cleaned of any wound that he sustained beforehand. He was now dressed in a proper suit and tie.

Drake raised his hands but winced this makes Lucy and Erza check on him but he just nods to them. He raised his hands as he used his earth dragon slayer magic to create a stone coffin.

Arong sets Simon down gently into it as Drake closes the lid of it. They all gathered around the grave as Drake began to speak.

Drake: I was sent to the past in my short time as a prisoner of Jellal. There i met all of you as kids (looks to Erza and her friends) and it truly breaks my heart that not one but two of our friends are gone. One was corrupted by the darkness of the Dark wizard. And the other.......was taken from us.

Drake inhaled sharply as he continued speaking.

Drake: I may not have known Simon for as long some you have but i know that he had a heart of gold. Just like Jellal before his corruption he was brave, smart, caring, and pure as a boy. But years later he became a strong man being the only one to know the truth behind Jellal's lie. He knew the risk of what happened when you betrayed Jellal, but he didn't care. He was willing to do what it takes to get his friends free and stop Jellal.

Drake paused as he tried to hold back his tears.

Drake: If Simon was still here he would no doubt be a valued member in Fairy Tail if he accepted. We love you Simon and we'll miss you.....(walks to coffin puts a hand on top) Goodbye brother.

With that Arong, Dex, Natsu, and Gray lowered Simon's tomb into the grave. Erza began sobbing as she cried into Drake's chest as he held her tears streamed down his eyes. As he watched Natsu and Dex shovel and filled Simon's grave. And on it the gravestone it read "Simon, a noble friend, leader, and brother to the very end."

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