Chapter 1: A New Family

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???: Okay you ready buddy?

???2: Yeah!

Two figures were hiding in the shadows of a nearby alley. One looked to be a black anthropomorphic kitten (a/n: By the way the wiki says Happy and Carla are 8 i guess? So i'm making Noy at least 16 and right now he's 8) with red tiger like stripes on his face and back and had red eyes and he was wearing black cargo pants.

The other figure was a preteen 10-year-old boy with long spiky hair that reached to the midsection of his back. He had emerald green eyes and was wearing tattered brown pants and he was currently shirtless showing off his athletic build.

Noy: Alright be ready Drake!

Drake: Dude i know i came up with the plan.

Noy: Right sorry.

The boy who is now reveal to be named Drake looked towards their target which was fruit vendor. He was selling delicious juicy apples, grapes, pears, etc and that's what their aiming for.

Drake: Alright operation: Get breakfast is a go!

The cat who was named Noy ran out to nearby cart that a man was pushing until....


???: AHHHHH!

The cart pusher and anybody nearby looked to see what was happening and jumped in shock.

Noy was laying by one of the wheels pretending to be in pain.

Noy: My legs! I can't feel my legs!

Civilian 1: Oh my god is that cat okay!?

Civilian 2: Should get someone to help!?

Cart pusher: Hey little guy i'm so sorry i didn't see you!

Noy: Who said that!? Where are you!? Oh god, I'm blind! I'M BLIND!

More people came to see the commotion including the fruit vendor but while they did that a certain black red hair preteen took this opportunity to get as much fruit as he could. Once he got enough he dashed back right back to the alley and made a bird call giving the signal to Noy.

Noy: (jumps back on his feet) You know i think i'm just fine thanks for making sure i'm healthy!

He made a break to the alley and was gone and in everyone's was one question.

Somewhere else
Drake and Noy were chowing down on the fruit they got enjoying every taste.

Noy: Hey Drake what are we going to do for lunch and dinner?

Drake: (thinks) Well we can try and steal some sandwiches or something and as for dinner we'll take a break from stealing people and hunt for something for a change.

Noy: Yeah i really hate stealing from people unless their jackasses and deserve it.

Drake: Me too furball but we gotta do what we gave to do to survive.

???: Then maybe you should try something different.

Both of them jumped and looked back see a short old man staring right at them.

Drake: Uh hey sir, is there something wrong?

???: Yes, why did you two steal that fruit?

Both of then turned white as ghost.

Fairy Tail: Tale of The Dragon Lord (Adopted By Julius123489)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن