Chapter 18 Heaven's Game Part 1

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Erza and the others were running up the stairs to find Drake and keep him from clashing with Wally and Millianna. But unfortunately when Simon tried to contact Wally or Millianna he couldn't, something was interfering with his telepathic with the two of them.

Natsu: Don't worry guys i got his scent! Here i come Drake!

Lucy: Natsu wait!

But it was to late the idiot ran off before Lucy could stop him.

Sometime later Drake managed to get to the upper levels and was about to enter a room. When he did he ended up seeing a cat themed room which he could tell was the cat girl Millianna's room.

Drake: (thinking) Man, this girl really loves cats.

But that wasn't the strangest thing saw the strangest thing was.....

But that wasn't the strangest thing saw the strangest thing was

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Drake's face:

Drake's face:

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Natsu: (turns to his left) Huh? Drake that you? Hey man we've been looking everywhere for ya!

Drake: Suuuure, i'm not even gonna ask about the cat head.

Natsu: Oh this? (Points to cat head) Yeah i've wanted to be a cat so i put it on and it got stuck on my head.

Drake: Okay but why though?

Natsu: (angry) JUST GET ME OUT OF THIS!

Drake shook his head and walked over to Natsu and began pulling on the cat head. But then suddenly Drake's eyes widened as he tackles Natsu to the floor dodging a bullet.

Natsu: Ow! What the heck Drake?!

Drake swerve around and saw Wally holding his gun arm out.

Drake: Wally....

Wally: Not bad dodging that dragon boy! But you ain't gonna be so lucky the next time.

Wally began firing multiple rounds at Drake and Natsu, but Drake managed to grab Natsu and roll to cover behind a couch.

Fairy Tail: Tale of The Dragon Lord (Adopted By Julius123489)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt