Beaming Love

By brennifer2

50.1K 1K 315

Jennifer and Brad have a unique back story to their relationship. Now that they're married, taking on the wor... More

Our Story Begins On A Beam
Ice Cream
Island Time
Beach days
Good Timing
Still Pregnant...
Baby Girl
You're a dad now
I Wanna Help
Night Out
Being a Dad
Baby's Firsts
She's in Everything
Beach Day
She's One
First Halloween
Family Pictures
Night Swims
Please Sleep
First Snow
I won't taste it!
Little Monster
Things Aren't The Same
Our Time
Go Vote
Happy birthday baby
Little Cutie
Little Turkey
Vogue...Or Sienna's playground
It's Christmas!
You're gonna be okay baby
Late Work Nights
Perfect Dinner
Sienna's Surprise
Time to Celebrate
Family Yoga
Getting Her Ready
It's gonna be alright
Still Her Mama
Take me Back...
Some us time
Not Today
Making The Best of Things
He Can't Do That
I Told You
5 years and counting
Are We Sure
You Let Her
Can't Work Here
Why Does She do This
She's Off to School
Morning bliss
Unnecessary Excitement
Let's talk
Author's Note PT 2

Our Plan

584 13 9
By brennifer2

I walk around the office, carefully reading all the plaques surrounding Brad and I thinking about how I really feel with this process officially starting. It terrified me to no end, the thought of injecting myself with so many medications and hormones just for the tiniest hope of a baby, but brings me so much joy at the same time knowing we could be growing our family soon.

"I just still don't understand how you go pregnant with Sienna so easily, we weren't even trying and it just happened. We weren't even really ready..."

"I guess it's just hormone changes, maybe because I went on birth control... I had never been on that kind before. I should have looked into it more."

"No. You did look into it. You even asked me about it, you did what was needed at the time. We could have never handled another Sienna years ago. I still worry about having to keep up with two of her."

I sit back down once our doctor walks in introducing herself so we can get the conversation started.

Brad reaches his hand over for mine, resting them on my lap as we carefully listen to everything being said.

"... given your current health and age, I think starting out with the injections is the best way to go for now. We can always look into more invasive processes in the future if needed, but many times your body just needs a jump start to prepare for a baby."

"Is there any reason you know of that is causing these struggles? I got pregnant by accident with our daughter. One careless night and this time we've tried for almost a year without anything. Could the birth control I was on have caused it?"

"It's possible, any hormone changes can cause long term impacts to your body, but I always like to tell my patients that it doesn't add up to that right away. Sometimes your body just naturally goes through some changes, sometimes it's stress, sometimes it's your bodies way of asking you to take a minute to breathe. Women put so much stress on their bodies unintentionally and don't realize the impacts. I've seen your ultrasounds and tests, Jennifer. Your body is perfectly healthy and capable of carrying another baby. It just needs a boost."

"And these injections..." Brad looks on just as terrified as I am, "Will they harm her at all? I know everyone reacts differently, but without knowing too much about their long term impacts is this the right decision?"

"From my experience, the biggest reaction women have is hormone changes until their body adjusts. Basically, it could be hard to control emotions, maybe some extra tears or anger at times but it really should not be a major change. And that's why I like to go over this with a support person, because you're often the first to notice any major changes that I need to be alerted to."

"And the smaller reactions?"

"There's the slight chance of blood clots or allergic reac-"

"Woah, woah blood clots? You're saying my wife could die?"

"Not nece-"

"No... Jen you can't do something like that... not something dangerous. We can think of something else."

I try not to laugh, knowing deep down he cares and that's why he's reacting like he is, but seeing the look on his face is hysterical.

"Babe would you rather they put me through a bunch of procedures? I'll be sore for weeks."

"... so how soon after the injections start are we good to have sex?"

"We encourage it as soon as Jennifer feels comfortable. Obviously around ovulation time is still a main priority, but with all the stress of infertility, a great sex life can make a huge difference."

"Well we don't have any problems there."

I roll my eyes, continuing to listen in on everything now that a nurse is in the office as well to help give a demonstration of the injections and what all we will need to do every day.

Brad seems way more interested than I expected, especially since he hates needles, and even does my first injection without any issues so they can watch.

"Any questions for now? You can always reach me here at the office, or talk with a nurse if there's immediate questions."

"No? I have so many, but right now I'm just so relieved to have the process started that I really can't think of them."

We get up to leave, both of us beyond excited, but also terrified of the journey we're about to embark on before we finally get to meet our baby.

"Jen, Brad... you're amazing parents and an amazing couple. I know this process is not easy, but just know how worth it everything is. You want a child enough to go through all these stressful moments, which shows just how strong your love is."

A few hours later

"Do you feel any different so far? Is it weird?" I throw my bag on the sofa then sit down taking in this new adventure we're about to go on.

"No I don't feel anything, I don't think I'm supposed to really feel anything either babe. It's not like a regular shot"

"Alright..." He sits down next to me, taking my hand in his as we stare at our yard calmly "Are you excited? scared?"

"I think...I'm a little everything...but right now I'm mostly excited and very optimistic about this. I can't wait to see what our future will be like"

"Great, cause I'm excited" he leans in, then I soon feel his tender lips against mine as we take in the moment.

"You mean-"

"No, I mean I'm happy...but I won't lie, I'm also excited in an another way...wait so what do we do now? Does it mean now all we have to do is...have sex?"

"Well yeah pretty much, we need loads of sex for the next weeks. That must be what paradise means to you" I smile as I watch his face completely lightning up with the idea.

"Oh you have no idea babe"

"So I think I should get some champagne for us to celebrate this"

"I'll run a nice bubble bath for us so we can relax" He almost jumps the stairs up, way too excited about this, so I get up, and walk to the kitchen to get us some glasses and the champagne .

"Brad! do you think I should take our best bottle or do we leave it for when I actually get pregnant?!"

"Leave it! take another one!"

I take one bottle out with a champagne bowl that I fill with ice. I fill a plate with some snacks and fruits for us to eat, then I join him upstairs.

"Uh babe we have a little problem..."

"What?" I join him in the bathroom only to see the mess in our tub, a mess only one person could have done

"Apparently our daughter had a little shampoo party here so we're running out of bath salt and soap"

"My god...well I might still have some in her bathroom, she wanted a big girl bath yesterday"

"Then we're bathing her bathroom?"

"Sounds good, although our tub would've been best for the events that are about to take place"

I let him take care of everything while I undress, then I join him in the bathroom. "There was only strawberry soap in here Jen"

"Well it's better than nothing"

Writer's POV

Brad gently pulls Jen back as she's sitting between his legs in the warm tub "That tub is really not as great as ours"

"But I kind of like it cause it means I can feel your body closer to mine" He smirks as his hands make their way down to her breasts, gently massaging them as she leans her head further back onto him, slightly moaning.

"Clearly you've been waiting for this..." he leans in, planting a kiss on cheek before she turns her head and kisses him deeply.

"Mhm remember when you asked me if I was feeling anything earlier?"


"I think it makes me hornier for you"

"Is that one of the side effects?"

"I don't know, and I don't care...cause so far I'm loving it" she leans back, this time deepening the kiss as their tongues start to swirl around. She turns around, parting the legs as she sits on him, making sure she's right where he needs her.

"You look amazing" Brad takes a few seconds, to stare at her body that has emerged from the water "I never get over it"

As he says this, she looks down at him already feeling his erection "Obviously the little guy is loving it too uh?" she smirks as she takes him in one hand, gently stroking him as they make out passionately.

"God you're amazing" he manages to say between his breath that has gotten deeper. His hands wonder around her back before slowly going down to her butt, then lower as he starts teasing her as well

"Mhm babe..." She moans in his neck, sending shivers through his body as the excitement grows between the two of them. He slides one then a second finger inside her, making her grip around him tighter.

"Fuck Brad..." He continues, fastening his pace as she's now openly moaning and breathing heavily onto him. He goes on until she climaxes right there on top of him, falling right onto his chest as her lower body is still shaking.

"That was- so-good" She whispers as she's still catching her breath

"Oh but it's about to be so much better" With that he slides himself deep inside her, making her gasp right away as she bites his shoulder.

He pulls her further down on him, before she starts rolling her hips on him. He grips her waist as she goes on, loosing himself in the pleasure she's giving both to both of them.

The more he moans and whispers to her, the more she's excited. Her gesture gets faster and soon enough both of them are moving, him meeting her movements in the process. "Fuck Jen, don't stop babe"

She leans back, as her moans get louder, giving him access to her breasts to which he gives full attention, driving her even crazier as they both closer to climaxing.

"Oh god Brad!" Brad's lips stay attached to her breasts, knowing this is driving her absolutely nuts as she's now almost screaming. They keep going until they can't hold it anymore. He releases inside her as she keeps grinding on him, falling herself into complete ecstasy.

"Oh god...that was-" She pants, staring into his eyes as both their bodies are radiating with love and pleasure

"That was absolutely amazing"

"Should we...go for another round?"

"You bet"

Hope everyone likes it! Thank you so much MSenalide for all your help with this part and the story so far 😊

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