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"Hey baby! You must have had daddy up early today," I pick Sienna up from her play pen, walking towards the kitchen "Is he making us breakfast?"

She laughs at me, her adorable toothless smile making it's appearance to brighten my day.

"She's been wide awake since 5:30. I think she wanted to see the sunrise. We sat out on the deck so she could lay on me and look around at everything."

"Aw you had a fun morning?"

I hold her up, smothering her perfect little face in kisses as she tugs on my hair laughing hysterically.

"You have the best little laugh, baby."

She leans into me, wrapping her little arms around my neck as her head rests on my chest peacefully.  I watch every move she makes in amazement, still in awe that she's our baby.

"She already had a full bottle and successfully sneaked a bite of my banana I was trying to eat. I went to eat more of it and it was all gross."

"I gave her some of mine yesterday, I think she liked it."

He sets a plate in front of me at the table, taking Sisi from me so I can eat while they play.

She climbs around all over him as he watches, doing everything he can to make her laugh. He completely ignores everything he would typically do just to make sure she has all his attention as she makes a giant mess of his clothing and food.

"Sisi..." He eventually holds her up once she manages to spill his drink "Daddy loves you but we have to be careful. You're too little for big people cups."

He turns her around to face him, giving her the biggest, messiest hug yet since she's covered in whatever juice he had.

"Brad she's four months old. She has no idea what you're saying."

"Oh yeah so she doesn't understand this, but 'Sienna please stop biting mommy's nipples' she understands?"

"Hey you haven't had your nipples bitten when all you were trying to do was feed her. You can't talk."

"Uhhhh but she was sucking on them yesterday when you laid her on me. That could have really caused issues Jen. What if there's something wrong with my nipple? Its still sore from her."

"Are you really trying to go there? Yours are sore? Mine have had all signs of life sucked out of them..."

"Okay so you might win that but it still didn't feel good. And she doesn't have real teeth yet so she can't bite."

"Just because they haven't fully broken through her gums yet doesn't mean it feels good when she attaches to them."

Sienna looks around at us smirking having no idea what we're talking about, but somehow making the conversation funnier just by the adorable look on her face.

"I was thinking we should take her on a walk today. Maybe take the dogs. We haven't done that a lot yet."

"I know but I always feels bad because we have a blanket or something over her and she can't see. I wish everyone would stop trying to get pictures."

"Maybe if she wasn't so cute like her mama they wouldn't try."

He hands her over once she starts to squeal letting us know she's starving acting like we haven't fed her in weeks.

"Man that kid eats a lot. And she's so little at the same time."

"She gets her love of food from her mama. I taught her well."

I watch as she peacefully eats, not having a single care in the world. Her little hands hold my fingers, keeping me from eating myself, yet somehow making me so much happier than I ever thought I could be while so tired and hungry.

She squirms around in my arms until she manages to get into a more comfortable position, taking full advantage of me loving the quiet I'm finally getting now that she's preoccupied.

"You're so lucky you're cute. Especially when you go from eating to chewing on me... that's really not nice to do to mama."

"Are you really complaining about her again?  Poor baby has no idea what she's doing, Jen."

"She laughs after she bites!"

"Well yeah it is kinda funny."

He starts grabbing some of her random toys, throwing them all in the diaper bag while she continues eating oblivious to the situation.

"So I have her stroller ready and I think I figured out the perfect way to keep the cameras from seeing her, but letting her see out at the same time."

"And what's that?"

I set Sienna on my lap once she's done eating, holding her closely so she doesn't reach my now cold food.  She flails her arms around like crazy trying to reach anything she can get just to show us that even if she is little, she still thinks she can get anything she wants.

"Well we can flip her little seat around so so she can see through that little flap. That way they can't see her good enough to get pictures."

We take her outside once we're ready, getting the dogs situated as well since they go crazy if their baby leaves without them. Brad manages to get her strapped in with minimal screaming and starts pushing her around.

"Well it seems to be working. She's pretty quiet."

"You never should have doubted me."

He pulls my free hand over with his, resting it on the stroller as we continue walking, watching the view as well as Sienna constantly looking around at her surroundings having no idea what's going on. She moves her head side to side looking around but quickly loses interest when she realizes she's trapped.

Her muffled cries quickly turn into full blown screams letting us know how unhappy she is at this terrible situation.

"Shhh baby it's okay. Me and daddy are right here," I reach my hand in to hold hers once she finally starts calming down "Well you look comfortable leaning over like that. I think someone might be a little spoiled."

"Did you really want to listen to her crying?"

"No but I was kinda hoping to have her hot mama closer to me."

"Hot mama? Have you seen me lately?"

"Why do you think I said hot instead of sexy?"

"Wow that was mean, Brad."

"You know I still think you're super hot and sexy. Even if your idea of cute clothing is now a nursing bra and granny panties."

"Hey! They hold everything in. And you even said the bra is easier to get off."

"I love you, I hope you know that."

"I love you too. Even if you're an asshole."

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