I Wanna Help

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"Is Court still coming over?" Brad walks into the living room handing me my coffee as I feed Sienna "Cause I won't complain if she wants to let us sleep a little."

"She'll be here around 10 but I don't know how long she's going to last.  She's never been alone with a baby this young, she's expecting her to be like a toddler."

"Jen I don't think we should let her watch Sienna then.  Itll be like when I was alone with her and wanted to run away."

"Calm down, we'll go over everything with her.  And I don't think Court is as scared of vomit as you are."

He rolls his eyes leaning down to kiss Sienna as she eats, but she doesn't acknowledge him at all.

"She's still mad at you for flipping out over nothing."

"She'll get over it.  Vomit on your neck is scary."

I put her in her bassinet once she's done eating, hoping she takes a nap so she isn't too bad for Court since she isn't used to this.

As soon as I walk out of the room, she starts screaming like crazy as if someone is hurting her.  I look back to make sure Brad isn't doing anything wrong, but she's perfectly fine.

"Sienna," I sigh picking her up "I know you love me but you have to sleep better.  Mommy can't hold you all the time."

"But aunt Cece can!  Give her here." Court runs in the room obviously having let herself in the house "I wanna hold the little princess.  She misses me."

I happily hand her over, but again she just starts screaming making Brad laugh.

"I knew I couldn't be the only one she doesn't like!"

"Oh shut up.  She loves me.  She just wants her mom."

I try to ignore it for now, making myself some breakfast, but she just gets louder and louder until she sees me walking towards her.  She smirks as she sees me reaching out for her, knowing she won this time.

"Look at that smile.  Little brat knows exactly what she wants and how to get it." Brad looks over as he takes over cooking "She's attached to you."

"She's just still used to me.  And she smells her milk."

"So, how do I get her quiet so I can actually help you guys?"

"Well, I just fed her so give her another 20 minutes and then I'll have you change her.  She loves her diaper changes so that should calm her down, and you can try putting her right in the bassinet for a nap.  We'll just have to hope it works."

"Okay, and then she sleeps like 2 hours, right?"

"Maybe 2.  Probably closer to one.  She'll get up and probably need changed again."

"What the hell is in your milk?"

"That's what I asked!  It's like it's made to just fly through her body!"

"Guys seriously babies are just like that, okay?  But after you change her, she might want to lay on her play mat for a little.  But you cannot leave her alone.  And she can't move good so you have to basically do all the playing while she watches."

"Wow babies are really needy.  They're lucky they're cute."

"They're needy and honestly kinda annoying.  She doesn't understand that we cant always hold her."

"Oh my God Brad you literally held her the whole first day we brought her home.  I had to fight you to feed her."

"Yeah well that was different."

I set Sienna on my lap as I eat one handed while the two of them talk about all the ridiculous baby things they can think of to pass time.

"She threw up on me a few days ago.  I was betrayed by my own child before she can even talk."

"Ewww that's gross.  Was it all over you?"

"My face and neck I almost died Court."

"You're being ridiculous.  Your child spit up a little on you.  It was hardly even vomit and you lived."

I finish my food and hand Sienna to Court to see if she can manage changing her.  Of course she starts screaming the second she isn't in my arms but we ignore it to see if she stops.

"It's quiet... and I'm not holding or feeding her.  Brad it worked!"

"I wanna go check on them," he starts walking towards the living room "I need to know how she did that."

"No! She'll start freaking out again.  Stay here and ask later."

A few minutes later we hear crying and know Court must have put her down, but I stop Court from going for her right away.

"It's not loud crying, she just does that to let you know she doesn't want to be put down.  She'll calm down soon."

"So what happens now?" Court finally walks out to us "I have to stay quiet, right?"

"Preferably.  She sleeps through a lot though. But make sure you're extra quiet the first few minutes."

"And after I play with her for a little what happens?"

"She'll either be tired or hungry.  I have a bottle on the counter that will be good for her.  She probably wont drink the whole thing, and then she'll take another nap."

"Oh, well that isn't bad at all.  I can totally handle this.  Babies aren't that bad I guess."

"Sure, you're getting her on an easy day though."

"Whatever, just go up and sleep.  Aunt Cece has this whole thing handled."

Brad and I go upstairs, listening closely for any signs of Sienna waking, but the thought of sleep takes over us since we're exhausted.

"Do you think they'll be okay?" I ask Brad as I climb into bed "I know we need the sleep but I feel like one of us should be down there helping."

"Oh it's probably a shitshow downstairs already but for once it isn't our problem."

"But it is our child."

"She'll be fine.  She's just going to have an interesting day."

"Uh guys." we look up to see Court in the door holding Sienna "She woke up already."

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