Beach Day

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After driving almost an hour to find a calm and empty we park at the beach and get everything out. Brad is in charge of holding Sienna while Lisa, Michel and I set everything on the sand


I turn only to see Brad running behind Sienna who's running to the sea laughing and obviously having the best time

"Oh my god Brad" He finally gets her before she can get in the water and walks back to us, she's clapping her hands, absolutely proud of her

"Jen your daughter is crazy, she was literally gonna get in the water if I hadn't gotten her"

"Oh my god Sienna, what are we gonna do with you? Brad maybe you should get everything together I'll watch her" she gladly welcomes my hand as I take her from him with her feet covered with sand

"I was scared for a minute, she has so much energy oh my god" Lisa and i walk to the spot we chose after taking Sienna's toys in the car

"She's unstoppable Lisa...and now that she's walking it's even crazier"

"Maybe you should attach her to you or something so that she doesn't get away every second"

"Like a leash?"

"Yeah a safety leash"

"Haha Lisa adding safety doesn't make it better,"

"Hey you're the one struggling here"

"Hmm I'll think about it"

We manage to get her settle to eat, she's surprisingly very calm, resting on Brad and playing with her beach toys

"So when exactly does she sleep? Cause we've been here for two hours already" Michel asks as he helps her with her castle

"Well it's only the second time we bring her to the beach so I don't really know, but beach apparently tires kids out they said...hopefully she sleeps soon, why are you already tired?"

"No but I thought at this age they sleep tight after eating"

"Oh no not our daughter, unless she's been breastfed she doesn't sleep right away"

"Just be glad she's not offering you her pacifier right now"

"Yeah that's her new thing, offering her pacifier to people when she doesn't want it anymore...kinda gross"

"You guys have a weird cute child"

"Haha right"

Brad and Michel decide to take her in the water so she can play. She absolutely loves the water and is screaming laughing

"Haha she's adorable look at her"

"I know, when she does that she's cute...I love so much it's insane"

"Sometimes I wonder how you do it, she's never tired....which is probably really tiring, but also entertaining"

"It is honestly exhausting, now she's walking so we had to baby proof everything. Now she doesn't want to be hold anymore cause she can walk, unless she's tired or just wants to be annoying....she breaks everything she can reach"

"Sounds fun"

"Haha right, oh now her new thing is to try to catch Norman, the poor dog he's already done with her. She's always trying to tug on his tail or putting it in her mouth"

"Oh wow eww"

"I know...ugh...but on the other hand she's sooo entertaining and funny. I mean she's the funniest little girl, always laughing and doing weird last time we were at home and Norman was barking at the gardener, and she just sat next to him and started barking at the gardener too while Brad was watching and filming"

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