By Jenchichooo

32.5K 2.1K 562

When two people in love promised each other that they will be still together even in their next lives. Will t... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 1

1.3K 78 21
By Jenchichooo

"Chu, it's been a week already and you still didn't tell me what happened"

Lisa is in Jisoo's room, she's waiting for Jisoo so they could go to school together.

"Nothing happened" Jisoo replied without looking at her best friend who is sitting on her bed.

"I know you. You're lying. Did nothing happen? You fainted then when you woke up, you were crying then you are looking for someone and now you're telling me that nothing happened?"

"Come on. We will be late"

"It's still early. Come on, Chu. I thought we are best friends?" Lisa pouted

Jisoo let out a sigh "Okay. I'll tell you later"

Lisa grinned "Good"

Jisoo chuckled and shook her head before she went out to her room.


Jennie was sitting on the bed and leaning on the headboard and she's so busy with her phone when she heard a knock.

"Jen? Can I come in?" She heard Rosé outside the door.

"Yeah come in. It's not locked" Jennie replied

When Rosé entered the room, her eyebrows furrowed. "Why are you still on your bed, Jen? We will be late for school?"

Jennie looked up to look at her cousin. "What are you saying? We don't have a class today, Rosie"

Rosé raised her eyebrows "Oh we don't? Really? Then I'll be on my date today"


Rosé was trying to hold her laugh.
"What? Did I say something wrong?"

"Can you repeat what you just said?"

"I'll be on my date today since we don't have a class" Rosé grinned

"Date? Do you have a date? Who is she? Since when? Why you didn't tell me about this Rosie? Huh?"

Rosé burst out laughing. "I'm just kidding Jen. I don't have a date. I don't even have anyone"

Jennie sighed. "You're making fun of me. I thought you're keeping a secret from me already"

"Of course not. I was just kidding."

Jennie went back to her phone.

"Anyway, I came here because your Dad called me because you are not answering your phone."

"Because I'm busy here. Did he tell you why he called?"

"Yes, he said that we need to go to the company now because he wants to inform something important too. But wait... you're busy? But you are just sitting here"

"I'm busy with my phone. I'm searching for someone"

"Someone? The girl that you're talking about every day since last week?"

"Yeah. The love of my life"

Rosé scoffed "your what?"

"You heard me"

Rosé sat on the bed beside Jennie.

"How will you find her Jen? There are millions of people here in this country"

"I don't know. I'm just trying my luck here. Maybe I could see her account on social media"

Rosé sighed "You can do that later. Let's go to your Dad. He's waiting"

Jennie groaned. "Can't he wait?"

"Obviously no. He said that it's important Jen"

Jennie put down her phone. "Fine. Wait for me. I will just change my clothes. I need to look good now and then because you know...we cannot tell maybe I will bump into her again so...I need to look good always" She grinned

Rosé stifled a laugh " you're unbelievable. This girl makes you crazy Jen."

"I know right, I'm going crazy now and it will be worse if I won't be able to find her" Jennie pouted

Rosé shook her head "Move your ass now, Jen. I'll wait for you outside"




Since our next class will still be in 2 hours, I decided to go to the library. I was busy reading something on my notes when I noticed someone sitting across the table where I am sitting. I know it's Lisa, I didn't need to look up to know who was it because Lisa is my only friend. No one likes to be my friend. They are scared and I know why.


"Hi, Lisa. Where have you been?" Jisoo asked as soon as I sit across her. It's kinda funny, no it's not funny, it's kinda sad for me because every time Jisoo noticed that someone approaches her or sit beside her, she already knows that it's me because I'm her only friend, I'm the only one who wants to be friends with her.

It all started because of the rumors that spread here in school.

People here in school were whipped with Kim Jisoo before, men and women tried to get her attention but all of a sudden they were gone, I mean they stopped approaching Jisoo, they stopped courting her, they stopped trying to get her attention.


They said that Jisoo's father talked to them, well not just talk actually. Her father threatened them. I still don't know what kind of threats but the reasons are, for women who like Jisoo, well her Father is homophobic, and for men? Her father said that he's the one who will choose the man that Jisoo will marry in the future.

I still don't know if I would believe the rumors. I admit that her father looks intimidating and he's so strict when it comes to Jisoo, I don't know about her father that much, I don't ask about it and I don't know if he can do that to her daughter. My best friend doesn't do anything wrong, anyway.

Jisoo doesn't want to talk about it, I don't know if she believes it. Maybe not because that's her father. Maybe yes, that's why she didn't confront about it her father and after that, she didn't bother anymore with the other people around her until she got used to it. She just always obey what her father wants for her. But for me, it was too much already but I can't do anything. I'll just be on her side always.

"Lisa? You're zoning out. What are you thinking?" Jisoo asked curiously

I blinked and turned my gaze to my best friend. "Oh! It's nothing."

"So where have you been?"

"I just went to the canteen. I was so hungry because you didn't share your snacks earlier" I pouted

She chuckled "I'm sorry Lisa, I was so hungry too. We didn't take our breakfast earlier."

"Just because your Dad was there having his breakfast" I rolled my eyes

"If we sit together earlier with him, he will bombard me with questions and for sure not only me, he will ask you questions too, do you want it?"

I shake my head vigorously.

"See? I don't want it to, that's why I just told him that we are late already so we don't need to take breakfast with him."

"Why is he like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like he's so strict to you, and most of the time it's too much already. Chu, you are graduating already and soon you will be the one who will handle your company, right? Will you still let him control your life?"

"Why are you asking me this all of a sudden, Lisa?"

"I always ask you this Jisoo but you just keep ignoring it"

"This is not the right place to talk about this"

"You're always saying that. Where do you want to talk about it? In the bathroom?"

"Funny. I don't want to talk about it now Lisa."

I want to ask about her mom too but I think it's too personal already. Maybe one day.

"Fine. Now tell me what happened last week?"

"Last week?"

I groaned "here we go again. You know what I'm talking about"

"Later, you can sleepover again. I'll share it with you because honestly, I'm still confused about what happened last week so maybe you can help me understand"

Now it made me more curious about it. What happened to you, Jisoo?



We are now on our way to our company. I'm curious about what is this all about.

"Did my Dad tell you what is this all about Rosie?"
I asked Rosé who is driving. I'm in the passenger seat.

"He just said that it's important" She replied without looking at me.

"OMG! What if he will just inform me that I need to marry the son or daughter of his business partner?!"

"You're exaggerating Jen."

"I'm not. It's possible though"

"Yeah it's possible but you know your Dad, Jen. He's not like that. He will not force you to do the things that you don't like. You're a spoiled brat, remember?"

"Yah! I'm not!"

She just laughed. Well, I admit that it's kinda true. My parents always give me what I want as long as it's not bad for me or it will not harm me.


"Hi Dad"

"Hello Uncle"

Jennie and Rosé greeted as soon as they entered Mr. Kim's office.

"Finally you're here. What took you so long?" Mr. Kim asked

"It's Jennie's fault," Rosé said

"Hey, it's not. It doesn't matter Dad. So what is this all about?"

"Sit first"

Jennie and Rosé sat and were curious about what Mr. Kim will inform them.

"You and Rosé will transfer to another school starting tomorrow."

"WHAT?!" Jennie and Rosé asked in unison

"You heard me"

"But Dad...Why? We are already graduating next year. We don't need to transfer" Jennie whined

"Jennie, this is the best for you and Rosé will be there too so you won't be alone."

"But why do we need to transfer?"

"Remember that I know what you are doing, Jennie. Your reputation in your current school is not good."

"But I'm a good student. Is this about me having one nightstand? It's not a big deal, Dad and I already stopped. Promise I already stop and will never do it again."

Her Dad raised her eyebrows then he looked at Rosé, he's a way of asking if Jennie was telling the truth.

"She's telling the truth uncle. She already stopped because according to her she already found the love of her life"

Jennie smiled slyly.

"What? Who is this Jennie?"

"Dad it's still complicated but doesn't worry I will let you meet her soon"

Her Dad sighed. "Well, I'm glad that you stopped already but you will still transfer to another school."

"But Dad..."

"Since both of you are studying business, you will transfer to a business school. I already talked to the school and there will be no problem with your subjects so don't worry about that."

"Can I do something to change your mind?"

"No, Jennie. Please just listen to me. Don't be stubborn now."

Jennie let out a sigh. "Okay Dad"

Her Dad smiled. "Thank you, baby. It's a good school, you will like it there and Rosé is with you too so you don't have to worry. I will send your schedules later and the address of the school, okay?"

"Okay. Can we go now, Dad?"

"Yes. You can go now. I have a meeting in a few minutes too."

"Okay bye Dad"

"Bye uncle"

"Take care the both of you"


Rosé and Jennie are already on their way back home.

"Rosie, do you want to transfer?"

"I don't mind, Jen. As long as we are still together in the same school" she chuckled

Jennie pouted.

Rosé took a glance at her cousin.

"It's okay Jen."

"Well I can't do anything now and I think it's for the better"

"Right and think about it Jen, what if you can find the love of your life there?"

Jennie's eyes lit up. "OMG, you're right, Rosie!" She smiled widely

Rosé chuckled. "Gosh Jen, what did that girl do to you?"

"I don't know either. But I don't want to expect. I don't want to be disappointed"

"Yeah, that's right. Don't expect too much"

Jennie leaned against the window car and let out a sigh and smiled. "I hope I can find her already"


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