The Way Back (Champions of th...

By AnnaIdanBerg

909 316 51

Nine years have passed on Earth since Sabrina and Scotty Devon returned from Praxatillus. A surprise visitor... More

Chapter 1: Out of Time
Chapter 1.1
Chapter 1.2
Chapter 1.3
Chapter 2: Lost and Found
Chapter 2.1
Chapter 2.2
Chapter 2.3
Chapter 2.4
Chapter 3: Journey to the Past
Chapter 3.1
Chapter 3.2
Chapter 4.1
Chapter 4.2
Chapter 4.3
Chapter 5: Pygmalion
Chapter 5.1
Chapter 5.2
Chapter 5.3
Chapter 6: Buried Secrets
Chapter 6.1
Chapter 6.2
Chapter 6.3
Chapter 7: Cave of Terrors
Chapter 7.1
Chapter 7.2
Chapter 7.3
Chapter 8: Memories
Chapter 8.1
Chapter 8.2
Chapter 8.3
Chapter 9: Victory's Sacrifice
Chapter 9.1
Chapter 9.2
Chapter 9.3
Chapter 10: Going Home
Chapter 10.1
Chapter 10.2
Chapter 10.3
Chapter 10.4
Chapter 11: Praxatillus
Chapter 11.1
Chapter 11.2
Chapter 11.3
Chapter 12: Promises Redeemed
Chapter 12.1
Chapter 12.2
Chapter 12.3
Chapter 12.4
Chapter 13: A Family Affair
Chapter 13.1
Chapter 13.2
Chapter 13.3
Chapter 14: Heart's Journey
Chapter 14.1
Chapter 14.2
Chapter 14.3
Chapter 14.4
Chapter 14.5
Chapter 14.6
Chapter 14.7
Chapter 15: Going On
Chapter 15.1
Chapter 15.2
Chapter 15.3
Chapter 16: Uncharted Territory
Chapter 16.1
Chapter 16.2
Chapter 16.3
Chapter 16.4
Chapter 16.5
Chapter 17: Storming the Gates
Chapter 17.1
Chapter 17.2
Chapter 17.3
Chapter 18: Memory
Chapter 18.1
Chapter 18.2
Chapter 19: The Choice
Chapter 19.1
Chapter 19.2
Chapter 19.3
Chapter 20: Resolution
Chapter 20.1
Chapter 20.2
Chapter 20.3
Chapter 20.4
Chapter 20.5

Chapter 4: Reunion

11 4 2
By AnnaIdanBerg

Scotty paused at the entrance to the Throne Room. He was surprised at the dilapidation of the wing of the palace they'd crossed; it looked as if it hadn't been used in years. Nearly a century, perhaps. He wondered what the Stanosians had been up to and where their new lab was, and then he hoped devoutly that his sister hadn't found it.

Aurora was aiming the scanner through the doorway. "I register three lifeforms," she told him. "One is not Stanosian."

"Then it's either Mara or Tirqwin," Scotty concluded. "Let's go."

None of the lifeforms was immediately visible as they stepped into the large room with its glass-domed ceiling. There was less dust here; this room was evidently used from time to time. Sunlight streamed down onto the throne, carved from blood-red stone and sitting on an iron dais. Nothing about it had changed since Scotty had seen King Qazhan sitting there all those years ago.

Scotty and Aurora had kept one of the huge support columns between them and the throne, peering cautiously around it. Aurora made a careful survey with the scanner. "The two Stanosians are at the far entrance. The other lifeform is near the throne, on the other side of it, I think."

"We won't be able to get there without the guards seeing us, then," Scotty said. "Let's get over to the throne, keep it between us and them, and keep our heads down. Then we'll stun the guards."

Aurora paused a moment. "All right. Captain, I must tell you, the interference is growing worse. My headache is growing. I do not think it will affect me, but I do not know how it might affect the Queen or Tirqwin."

"So I might have to carry whichever of 'em it is out of here? Well, if that's what it takes, I will," he resolved. "Thanks. Let's go. Keep low."

For once, Scotty noted with surprise, things went according to plan. They crept over to the near side of the throne, aimed their stunners at the guards, and fired simultaneously. The guards slid to the ground with only faint noises of protest. Scotty didn't wait for Aurora to confirm their unconsciousness; he swung himself around the front of the throne. He had to stop short to avoid trampling the slight figure hunched over her knees, her long raven-black hair streaming loose like a veil.

"Mara!" Scotty cried, his heart leaping in joyful recognition. He bent down to take her arms and remembered to key his exterior com. "Mara!"

She shrank away from him, and behind the hair falling across her face he caught a glimpse of wide, terrified violet eyes. Scotty let go of her arm and reached up to remove his helmet. "Mara, it's me, Scotty!"

She stared at him in silent mystification, and his grin faltered. "Hey..." he said. "I know it's been a while, but...oh come on, Mara, you recognize me! You have to! It's me!"

Aurora knelt beside him and took off her own helmet. "Your Majesty?" she said gently.

Mara turned the same frightened, unrecognizing gaze on her chief attendant. Aurora gave a little sigh, then seemed to collect herself again. "We are your friends. We're here to help you, take you home," she said, very softly. "My name is Aurora. You've known me since I was born. And this is your cousin Scotty. We're so happy we've found you, and we want to take you home."

"I...don't remember," Mara said, in a small voice.

Scotty turned away for a moment, biting his lip and closing his eyes tight against the memories her voice evoked. Her appearance hadn't changed much since he'd last seen her, on Allyria. But she sounded like the young girl they'd rescued from the Xoentrols—a lifetime ago, it seemed.

"Your memory will return," Aurora soothed. "Will you come with us?"

"I was told to wait," Mara said uncertainly.

"Who told you to wait?" Aurora asked.

"My lady...the Queen," Mara replied. "She does not like to be disobeyed by her servants."

Scotty ground out, "You are not her servant."

"I am her waiting woman. She took me in after my ship crashed. I have no family, no home," Mara said.

"What did they do to her?" Scotty whispered in anguish.

Aurora laid a comforting hand on his arm. "Nothing she cannot overcome, given time, and handled gently. Be patient, Captain."

Scotty swallowed his anger with difficulty, and smiled at Mara. "Hey, Mara, I know you're confused, but it's all right. We kinda grew up together, even if you don't remember. You do have a family, and I'm part of it, and we want you back. I'm sure the Queen will understand. Let's go find her and ask her to release you from service."

"She...she said enemies would come...try to trick me...use me against her," Mara said, shifting a little further from them. "You did something to the guards."

"We only put them to sleep for a moment. We did not know they were your friends," Aurora said. "They will wake and be well."

"How do I know that?" Mara challenged. "I think you are here to kidnap me." Some of the old fire flashed in her eyes.

Scotty grinned. "Yeah, I'd like to see that! C'mon, Mara, nobody kidnaps you, remember? You're the Guardian!"

"The what? You make no sense."

Aurora said, "Captain, she does not remember who she is. Therefore she cannot remember what she can do. I suggest we not force her to recall her powers until she recalls her loyalties."

"Uh, yeah," Scotty agreed. "Well, what do you think?"

Aurora raised an eyebrow. "We haven't time for a lengthy debate. And we cannot prove we are not the Queen's enemies; it is logically impossible to prove a negative. Therefore—"

"Right," Scotty said. He got to his feet and sprang for Mara, catching her in a firm grip and hoisting her over his shoulder. She kicked him soundly, but the armor shielded him, and she was the one who cried out in pain. "Mara, stop that! You'll only hurt yourself!"

"To the capsule," Aurora said, putting her helmet back on. "I've got the map." She stooped to pick up Scotty's helmet and carried it in her other hand, since he couldn't put it on while carrying Mara.

She started toward the doorway where the guards still lay unconscious, and Scotty followed, staggering slightly as Mara's struggles impeded his progress. "Stop that or I'll stun you," he growled at her.

"Help! Help me! I'm being kidnapped!" she shrieked as they passed the guards.

"Bloody hell," Scotty swore in English. He let go of Mara, and she tumbled to the ground. Before she could get up, he drew his stunner and fired, and she crumpled into an unconscious heap.

Aurora sighed. "Perhaps it is better so, but I wish it had not been necessary."

"Is this your first kidnapping?" he asked, grinning wryly up at her as he lifted Mara's limp form.

"Yes." She moved to fit his helmet back on. "I take it you are more accustomed to this procedure."

"Not a bit," he grinned. "Let's go." He shifted Mara's dead weight on his shoulder. "Oof. D'you think she'll ever forgive me?"

Aurora surprised him with a chuckle. "From what I have heard, Captain, she has forgiven you much worse."

"Well, that's true, I guess," Scotty said cheerfully. "And Tirq and Rina didn't see it, so—" He broke off as the tactical interface popped up on the inside of his faceplate. "Somebody's coming."

"We had better get out of this corridor," Aurora agreed. "There is a junction ahead. We can make it if we hurry."

They quickened their pace, but it wasn't long before they could make out a group of figures ahead, blocking their path. Their tactical displays indicated a group behind them, and groups approaching along the intersecting corridor as well.

"I think we're surrounded," Scotty said. "Got any ideas?"

"Shoot our way through," Aurora replied. "On stun, of course."

"Of course. I'll take the rear, you take the lead."

Aurora hesitated. "Do you think they might negotiate?"

"No," Scotty said. "Not unless they've changed a whole lot."

"Well then," Aurora said, "ever forward!"

"I'll call for reinforcements," Scotty said. But before he could switch channels, Aurora doubled over with a cry of pain. "Aurora!"

He looked frantically around, clearing the tactical display for a moment so he could see his surroundings more easily. His gaze fell on Varla, and he had time to think only, That can't be who I think it is—

Then he fell to the ground beside Aurora, Mara sprawling on top of them both to form an inanimate heap.

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